Astrology for the Ageless

Madonna – ageless and unstoppable at 60

One complete orbit takes one year. This tilting causes the change of seasons as the northern and southern hemispheres of the Earth move slightly closer and farther away from the Sun. The seasons are characterized by increasing and decreasing length of day time and night time. There are two days a year where the day time and night time are of equal length, the spring equinox and the fall equinox. This large plane is called the ecliptic plane or orbital plane.

If we extend the plane out into space it would intersect the constellations in our zodiac, See Figure 3. These constellations have familiar names like Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc. Constellations are groups of stars that are relatively close to each other. These stars appear in the same area of the sky, but may or may not be close in their relative distance from our solar system. Astronomically some of the stars in a constellation form star clusters and have been shown to be moving together.

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You need a little thrill, some anticipation and pleasure. Like the energy of the first rush of spring, they move into the world in a headstrong, pioneering way. They will eventually talk back. By recognizing and coming to terms with this potentially violent factor in ourselves we can grow as humans and become more whole. They value the senses and the enjoyment of material things. This can be a difficult task and a test for Pisces, ruled by Neptune, which helps Pisces blend into other realities — into people, places and events until they are lost and without identity.

Astrologically, constellations are thought of as a group of stars constituting a grand Being, who radiates a unique pattern of energies. There are 88 official astronomical constellations.

At any time, therefore, there is a constellation behind the Sun as viewed from Earth. The Sun radiates heat, light and life, itself, to Earth.

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Astrology for the Ageless: Part I Planetary Understandings - Part II Legends & Fantasies [Sheryl Lynn Christian, Christian Ashley] on *FREE*. Astrology for the Ageless - Kindle edition by Sheryl Lynn Christian. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like.

The axis of rotation of the Earth through the poles is perpendicular to the equator. As stated earlier, the axis of rotation is tilted at Thus the equatorial plane is also tilted to the ecliptic at The spring equinox and fall equinox occur at the intersection of the ecliptic plane and the equatorial plane. In addition to rotation, orbit and inclination, the Earth also has a wobble. The wobble is much like what happens to a spinning top or gyroscope whose axis of rotation slowly rotates around in a circle. The plane of the equator of the top would also wobble.

This wobbling plane would look much like a coin or plate towards the end of a cycle of spinning. Figure 2 At first the coin spins on one point of its outer rim. Towards the end of its cycle it falls on its outer rim with the outer rim rising and falling around the rotation. The axis of rotation of the Earth wobbles around a line drawn perpendicular to the ecliptic plane. The axis of rotation is always Of course both the rotational axis and the equatorial plane wobble.

It is the wobbling of the equatorial plane that causes the line of the intersection of the equatorial and ecliptic planes to move. As mentioned earlier, the intersection of these two planes determine where on the zodiac our spring and fall equinoxes occur. The wobble is quite slow. It takes 25, years to complete one circle, i.

This slow wobble does not affect our orbit of the Sun or our rotation. It also does not affect where in our calendar year the spring equinox and fall equinox occur. It does effect, very gradually, where on the zodiac our equinox falls. As you can see in Figure 3, our spring equinox fell in Taurus years ago.

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This precession means that the spring equinox was just entering Pisces years ago and is almost entering Aquarius now. Of course the zodiac is not moving, it is only the point in the year that we experience the various constellations that changes. Around years ago there was no distinction between astrology and astronomy. He is very friendly and communicative by nature, and this can sometimes be seen as flirtatious.

Gemini's are amongst the intellectuals of the zodiac, known for their bitgo instantly ageless reviews, curiosity and excellent communication. Always questioning and often insightful they're typically fascinating and light spirited companions with a diverse knowledge.

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Highly adaptable, they're fast thinkers and fast talkers, often able to get inside bitgo instantly ageless reviews peoples heads while discussing almost anything. Due to this your Gemini man is likely to be highly adept at flirting and very hard to beat in an argument! Being so insightful comes with a price. Everything has multiple sides, and often maintaining a fixed viewpoint is the only thing which allows order to made from chaos. While the meaning of the twins is often taken as being two-faced, it really represents multiple viewpoints of the same subject.

This mental complexity is however sometimes misconstrued as being contradictory, superficial or unreliable. To give a deliberately exaggerated example of this it may sometimes be hard for him to say 'the sky is blue' - when he knows it isn't. Nothing is straightforward to him, and he may often get so buried in details that he can't see the big picture.

He's equally likely to explain about gas molecules acting as a wavelength filter than to notice the beauty of the end result. Because of this he's likely to appreciate a bitgo instantly ageless reviews who can point it out to him occasionally. As with other highly intellectual signs the price paid for his mental firepower is a relative lack of emotion and a very low tolerance for boredom. He thinks too much, and feels too little, which has some consequences in many aspects of his life.

Dynamic and exciting he's easily bored, and favors variety in all things. He probably has multiple interests, each holding his telescopic attention for short bursts. Be as adventurous as you like! Your Gemini man appreciates variety, and is a good choice to experiment with.

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He will prefer sex being somewhat unpredictable or varied. In the long term this can be a challenge for those leaning in other directions. One thing to know is that in some ways he enjoys the theory more than the practice and has a good imagination. If you like sex once a week on Mondays at 10pm and only in the missionary position, you can still keep things unpredictable by talking about wild and unusual ideas.

Don't worry, he won't hold you to any of it, so be as outrageous as you like bitgo instantly ageless reviews keep him guessing. It's the mental stimulation more than the physical which is important. This is always a hard question to answer, as one person's idea of kinky can be very different to someone else's. Individuals also vary a bitgo instantly ageless reviews, so this is a bad area to generalize in. All things being equal though, Gemini men are amongst the more kinky, yes.

Ageless, charming and clever, Gemini is an bitgo instantly ageless reviews communicator, and can talk the birds out of the trees. Exciting and stimulating lovers, they have their own brand of charisma, and if they set their mind to pursuing someone will typically succeed. He is very friendly and communicative by nature, and this can sometimes be seen as flirtatious whether intentional or not.

Madonna – ageless and unstoppable at 60 – AstroInform

Gemini men get some bad press in this area related to getting bored with partners. Work on the assumption that the day your Gemini man totally understands you will be the day he gets bored and act accordingly. This isn't a sign you want to bare your soul to, or share everything with.

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Be as mysterious and deep as possible. Gemini's love puzzles, and the trick here is to be a human puzzle. While playing mind games is generally cruel, in this case it will be indirectly appreciated. Gemini men are often unromantic, so love notes and whispering sweet nothings isn't normally their style. They're typically fairly straightforward and will outright tell you they love you.

Often the bigger issue is determining how sincere they are. If you're questioning the sincerity the most obvious physical signs are that if they love someone they want to be around them all the time, they'll share personal details with you and get a little jealous less so than most other signs if you hang out with other people while ignoring them.

For a full description of how a Gemini man acts when in love please see our article on Gemini in love. Bitgo instantly ageless reviews Gemini will have his own unique personality traits. This article talks about sun signs, however there are many other factors. For example his moon sign determines his emotional personality which affects whether he is sensitive, romantic, loyal etc.

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With his date, time and location of birth these other factors can be calculated for a complete picture of his personality. To explore this further please see my article on astrology compatibility readings. I have a list of the top most famous Gemini celebrities and historical figures. Your best approach is to be deep, mysterious and interesting, without being too emotionally needy or intense. If you can keep him guessing, and give him a lot of freedom you'll find it's repaid. Ideally you should have your own interests, and be spontaneous enough to surprise him occasionally. Relationships are complex things, comprising hundreds of individual elements.

Sun signs are one of these, however a detailed analysis of everything is required to find all the strong and weak areas.