
Immediately take your heart rate for a second count and multiply that number by six. Jot that number down.

See What Happens To Your Body If You Run 5 minutes Everyday

Do this three more times. Then find the average number from your list. This is your true max heart rate. Cardiovascular exercises are broken into zones 1 through 5, all resulting in different benefits. Use the chart above as a reference to help you figure out your interval paces.

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If your max heart rate is , and you want to train at a moderate pace to increase your aerobic fitness and endurance, then you want your heart rate to be at 70 to 80 percent of its max. You need to multiply by 70 percent and 80 percent to find your zone. Or, between 22 and 25 times for a second count.

Now that you have your numbers and targets, track them! Get a heart-rate monitor or manually track your heart rate at the peak of your exercise to ensure you are getting your blood pumping. Get the support, motivation and guidance you need to move a mile a day. Track Your Progress Write down how many miles you run every day and at what pace.

Facts on Running a Mile Every Day

Notice the strength you gain each day. Always check with your health care professional before you begin any aggressive, new exercise routine. Make sure to devote some time to stretch before and after you run. Here are five stretches to help you stay safe as you move a mile a day.

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Watch this video tutorial for the stretches. Hip Flexor Stand tall, step your left leg about 1 to 2 feet in front of your right, and bend at the knee. This should pull on your right hip flexor the front, top side of your right leg.

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To get a better stretch, bend the left knee a little deeper without your knee going over your ankle and push your pelvis forward. Hold this stretch for at least 20 seconds and repeat on other side. Quadriceps Stand with your feet together, kick your right leg back, and catch it with your right hand. Align your knees and push your pelvis forward to get the best stretch.

Hold this stretch for at least 20 seconds and repeat on the other side. Hamstrings Stand with your feet together. Step your left foot forward about 1 to 2 feet. With a flat back, lean your torso over your left leg, keeping your hips aligned. Continue to lower your chest towards your leg and knee to get the best stretch. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Calves Stand facing a wall, about 1 foot away. Step your right foot forward so that your toe is 2 to 3 inches on the wall.

30-Day Challenge: Move a Mile a Day

Keep a strong torso and straight legs, lean into the wall, and push down on your toe. Hold for at least 20 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

All you have to do is move your body forward for at least 1 mile, every day, for 30 days. You can run, jog, walk, crawl, bike or swim. Just break out of your normal routine and move a mile a day. The primary goal is to create better habits.

Real success comes from real change, and that requires a re-patterning of your lifestyle. Lacing up every day will help you learn how to make time for fitness.

For newbies, this is a great place for you to start a new fitness routine and create healthy habits. For veterans, this is a great test to either increase distance or build speed. How to Start Running. Before you hit the pavement, you need to know your base pace. At the beginning of your day challenge, track how long it takes you to run your first mile.

Day Challenge: Move a Mile a Day | ACTIVE

Jot that time down. There's your base time. You don't have to sprint a mile a day, but you should keep track of your pace and improvements throughout the month. More Fitness And Running Articles. Look for this banner for recommended activities. Join Active or Sign In. Learn More Customer Login. List your event Need to give your event a boost? Howes is a nutrition expert, fitness advocate, avid runner, published author and active blogger.

30-Day Challenge: Move a Mile a Day

There are days when working out seems more like a chore. Instead of going through the motions, why not switch up your routine and make it more interesting ?. Seven months after starting the Daily Mile, children who had been of moderate to vigorous exercise every day – yet only a fifth of children.

Backed with a formal education and over a decade of professional experience consulting in the weight loss industry, she has an arsenal of tools, tips and tricks that she loves to share.