Psychic or Psycho How to Tell the Difference

A psycho does what they say.

Some psychics are psycho, and some psychos are psychic, LOL!!! A psychic is the one who can see paranormal things, things which a normal person whoes senses are not that acute cannot see. These thing include the death of a loved one or some fetish.

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You may not have met them yet. That, or it was a friend of your great uncle or something how coincidental.

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Why would they have to be more specific if he was the real deal? So, talking to dead people I can even remotely believe is plausible: But predicting the future? If people could really predict the future, they would be kidnapped and caged by the CIA.

Nobody can accurately predict the future aside from some highly coincidental guesses, no matter how much money you give them. In between working for his host-family, he writes Style articles and some Breaking News headlines for News Cult as a Contributing Writer.

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He graduated in from Winchester University in England with a degree in Creative Writing, and also enjoys writing short stories and poetry. In addition, he dabbles in photography and editing, while also an avid runner and swimmer! Easy Instruments for Musicians Starting Out.

Home Opinion Psychic or Psycho? By Matthew Tomlin Last updated Oct 22,