The Little Blue Book: The Essential Guide to Thinking and Talking Democratic

Best part is he offers useful verbiage we can start using now when talking to our conservative officemate or neighbor that will allow us to get our point across without shutting down the conversation. Dec 25, Laura rated it liked it Shelves: It posits that there are two strong, and strongly opposing, moral stories in the United States of America based on two strong, and strongly opposing, idealized visions of the family. First, the progressive vision of the family, with parents of equal authority, led by empathy and reason, with positive reinforcement and willingness to question and be questioned.

Second, the conservative view of the family, structured around a strict father who is the nautral leader of the family; who protects his family from evil and punishes his wife and children when they transgress. They suggest we frame the moral world around these views of the family, and that swing voters have morally complex systems that call on both.

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And, they suggest, progressives fail when they try to oppose conservative framing on its own terms; they need to state their own agenda in simple, positive, authentic terms. Wish it had showed its work more. Made me think of Orwell's Politics and the English Language and kinda wish I'd spent the time re-reading that instead. Nov 11, Danielle Allen rated it really liked it. As a writer, I find words fascinating. And I'm really interested in how the way we say things, and how the language that we choose, makes a difference in how our message is received.

This book explores how language and politics are subconsciously interwoven, and I found it incredibly interesting. In the brain, words are defined in terms of these brain mechanisms and not simply in terms of condition in the external world. The link between words As a writer, I find words fascinating. The link between words and the world goes through the brain and uses those largely unconscious mechanisms.

Most political leader and policymakers, perhaps especially progressives and those in the Democratic Party, are not aware of this science. They have been taught, and still believe, that people are at all times consciously aware of what they think and that words are defined directly in terms of the world.

They commonly believe that everyone reasons the same way and that if they just tell people the facts, most people will reason to the right conclusion. But since this is scientifically false, it keeps not happening. Nov 24, David rated it really liked it. Lakoff's concise guide for Democrats, to help them better compete with Republicans in the battle of the sound byte.

Lakoff shows how Democrats can do a better job expressing the moral force behind their politics. Thomas Frank, in Listen, Liberal reminds us that Democrats have done a poor job of implementing policies that embody their moral positions. Dec 02, Bookista rated it liked it. Jun 25, Dan rated it it was amazing Shelves: Every progressive worth their salt MUST read this book as soon as possible. Its vital argument is that to further the beliefs we hold, the ideals of democracy and progress and fairness we cherish, we must reclaim the language to frame policy as moral imperative. It is a skill the conservative coalition has been adept at employing, to their advantage, over the last couple decades With an eye towards the upcoming election, this essential, pithy guide incisively puts current "values" debates in their historical contexts, and gives the left the most effective toolbox to win the hearts, minds and votes of the American electorate.

Read this book--you will be able to articulate why you believe what you do, think as you do, value what you cherish and what priorities you feel are most in need of our limited resources, with more grace and clarity than you ever have before.

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I can't recommend this highly enough. I hope the President's speech writers have read it, and it should be required reading for all the Obama surrogates out on the campaign circuit this crucial year. Oct 19, Bob Anderson rated it liked it.

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“The essential handbook for thinking and talking Democratic—must reading The Little Blue Book and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. Editorial Reviews. Unknown. "This book is a game-changer, one that will enable Democrats to regain their language and to stop mimicking Republican ideas.

Take this book to heart if you want to sound like a twerp when you talk politics. Which is a shame, because many of the Take this book to heart if you want to sound like a twerp when you talk politics.

The Little Blue Book: The Essential Guide to Thinking and Talking Democratic

Make sure to run everything through your personal filter first though. Jun 17, Clifford rated it really liked it Shelves: There's no question that words matter, and this book--like Lakoff's previous one--addresses that point but also expands that notion to look at the idea of framing. How issues are framed is just as important as the words we use to talk about them. For the most part, he says, Democrats have gotten it all wrong and have let Republicans control the debate.

The solution, which will take a long time, is stop using their frames and their language.

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The argument suggests that a lot of people aren't smart There's no question that words matter, and this book--like Lakoff's previous one--addresses that point but also expands that notion to look at the idea of framing. The argument suggests that a lot of people aren't smart enough to see through the Republican spin. Lakoff could be right about that.

This was a brilliant book in which the author differentiated between the moral framework of progressive and conservative politics. It isn't long but has incredibly important points for progressives, especially in the Age of Trump. It was written after the election when the Democrats lost the House and Senate and the tea party "Freedom Caucus" essentially called the shots in Congress repudiating compromise and holding up legislation that didn't meet their exact view.

The subsequent politica This was a brilliant book in which the author differentiated between the moral framework of progressive and conservative politics. The subsequent political dysfunction has multiplied 1,fold since then culminating in the election of Trump while the Republicans tightened their hold on Congress. Lakoff explained the moral basis of both progressive and conservative viewpoints summing up a carefully thought out process as follows: This yields a view of government with a moral mission: Since Reagan political thought has been molded into conservative terms.

The language they use has framed the discourse, and progressives have fallen into the trap. By repeating conservative talking points in an effort to counter the arguments, progressives have kept the conservative moral framework front and center never figuring out how the words they use only underscore the conservative mantra of every man for himself, no responsibility for the needs of others.

Laskoff gives concrete examples of what progressives can say to make points in discussions with conservatives from the economy to health care to education etc. I plan to re-read these talking points until I can feel comfortable using them in discussions with those with whom I disagree rather than just getting angry or completely withdrawing from the conversation.

The Little Blue Book

I strongly recommend all progressives read this book, especially those who are running for office in ! Dec 02, Mary rated it really liked it Shelves: I have always appreciated George Lakoff's works as a linguist. This book holds strong suggestions of interacting with opposing viewpoints by understanding the frames of the argument. While that frame makes it easier for his arguments to find a target in explaining the behavior of the most active cultural warriors on the Right, that frame seems to black and white for the nuanc I have always appreciated George Lakoff's works as a linguist.

While that frame makes it easier for his arguments to find a target in explaining the behavior of the most active cultural warriors on the Right, that frame seems to black and white for the nuances of lives I see around me as I live in the South - those who would call themselves compassionate and involved in their communities to help others, yet hoping for decreased taxes and smaller government.

Nevertheless, readers from both sides would benefit from his explanation for how the other frames their ideas and what the conflicts between the two frames are. And how to talk about those conflicts. Aug 31, Robert rated it liked it Shelves: This book - not so much. It was in desperate need of an editor. There are some extremely helpful - and hopeful - things in the book - and the author really wants us to understand that language is politics and there are some ways of saying things that are better than others. I'll keep it around to use as a refresher from time to time.

Dec 06, Shant rated it it was ok Shelves: I was halfway through "Don't Think of An Elephant! Why I chose to pick this book up, I'm not sure. A lot of it feels like a recap of that book. New way of thinking and speaking as a Progressive. We Progressives have a difficult time with framing our political beliefs. This little book is excellent for providing a much better framework for discussion.

Conservatives might better understand our points of view, also. Good read for anyone interested in politics. Jan 07, Tracey rated it really liked it. A must read considering today's political climate. Jun 02, Peter rated it it was amazing Shelves: Sep 22, Scott Holstad rated it it was ok.

I finished this book and I'm not really satisfied with it, although I can't quite place my finger on why. I had really looked forward to receiving this book, assuming it would teach Democrats how to go toe to toe with conservatives in rhetoric, debates, etc. To a very minor degree, the second half of this book provides some terms and examples one could use, but that's not really the gist of the book.

It's subtitle is "The Essential Guide to Thinking and Talking Democratic" and I guess it might b I finished this book and I'm not really satisfied with it, although I can't quite place my finger on why. It's subtitle is "The Essential Guide to Thinking and Talking Democratic" and I guess it might be partially accurate, but it left me feeling pretty empty and hopeless.

I think most of the terms suggested here to replace commonly used terms in public discourse border on ridiculous and won't ever come into play.


I bought this book because I wanted to learn some Democratic phrases that might counter act the Republican Spin. There are two problems with this idea. Yet Democrats have too often failed to use language linking their moral values with their policies. Photograph by Eleonora Palmieri. An short, quick read with excellent advice for how to talk about politic--advice Democrats seem to have been ignoring for years while Republicans win the battle of rhetoric. Return to Book Page.

First, though, conservatives like to accuse Democrats of being "liberal elites," which makes me wonder why Republicans want to be known as stupid dumb asses. Anyway, the first half of this book did nothing to make me think that the stereotype did not hold true for the book. It's a scientific, linguistic explanation of morals, moral contexts, using "basic-level" words, neural logic and "cascades," a "network of neurons that links many brain circuits I bet Joe Six Pack would be if he picked this book up.

This book is designed FOR liberal elites and feeds right into the stereotype so many of we Democrats fight to overcome.

The Little Blue Book: The Essential Guide to Thinking and Talking Democratic by George Lakoff

The bulk of the book is taken up by Democratic ideas, such as those surrounding corporations, food regulation, public education, nature, and more, and it basically provides tiny chapters for each like two to four pages and gives alternative terms for words commonly used in political circles that the authors think have been hijacked by conservatives.

This is where my big problem is. Revelatory, passionate, and deeply practical, The Little Blue Bookwill forever alter the way Democrats and progressives think and talk about politics. Reviews "Blending insight and rigor, Lakoff and Wehling have produced a Rosetta Stone that translates progressive ideas into fundamental human values that will resonate with Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs. In this election year, The Little Blue Book is a must-read.

But if you want to reach people you don't agree with, read this book! Our leaders , Obama included, must stop falling in to right wing traps and repeating their language and frames.

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Our vision is far better than the right wing. Use this book, and earn from Lakoff and Wehling how we can best communicate for a future we all deserve and need. The Little Blue Book tells us how to say what we need to say to bring about the policy changes Americans need. George Soros Republicans offer values. Values often win, even when the policies are more popular.

Its about time Democrats learned how talk and think in terms of the underlying values that make them Democrats -- values that are more widely shared by Americans than the values Republicans espouse. Heres the essential handbook for thinking and talking Democratic must reading not only for every Democrat but for every responsible citizen.

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Reich, Chancellors Professor of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley, and author of Beyond Outrage The Little Blue Book gives progressives not just invaluable tools but, more importantly, an infusion of the hope desperately needed to fix our broken politics. By mapping the political brain, Lakoff and Wehling have shown Democrats the surest way to find their spines. Don't Think of an Elephant!

George Lakoff: How to Win Over Swing Voters

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