Weimaraner Tails

Weimaraner Breed Information

This is inevitable in the field but can also happen in the backyard. For these reasons the sporting breeds have a long tradition of tail docking. There is a move to ban tail-docking for cosmetic reasons. Some want to ban tail docking altogether. For now the Weimaraner breed standard in America and much of the world requires a docked tail with one exception.

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With the introduction of English and German Pointers into Hungary around , Vizsla bloodlines were lost. Go with a low-sensitivity dog. Do dewclaws have to be removed? Both of ours are rescues and came with docked tails. By the mid- to late s, Weimaraners were the 12th most popular breed registered by the AKC.

That exception is on the Long Hair Weimaraner. This can happen easier than a person thinks. All Long Hair Weimaraners should have a full length tail. The tail has a plumb which can vary in density and thickness. Blue Long Hair Weimaraner with full length tail Undocked tails are gaining popularity.

With England and other European countries limitings docked tails in varying degrees it appears the move is towards non-docked tails is on the rise. For now most limitations are in the show ring or the non-working and non-sporting dogs. Regardless there are some countries who have banned tail docking and ear cropping across the board.

We believe one of these countries is Holland. Normally American eventually follows suit but it remains to be seen what will happen and when.


Since the world is smaller people want more choices. To dock or not to dock is a personal choice for the time being. Pet owners and hunters can select which look they want. There are, however, very few undocked Weims available from quality Weim breeders. We suspect over time this will also change.

News and information for our OwyheeStar Weimlovers…..

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General Appearance

The Weimaraner is a large dog that was originally bred for hunting in the early 19th century. Tail docking is illegal in several countries, where the breed is shown with an entire tail. The British Kennel Club breed standard describes a tail . Wellie's tail is undocked by design. Occasionally we get requests for undocked tails. We do have a special OwyheeStar policy regarding.

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About OwyheeStar We are Professional Weimaraner breeders--with forty years experience at raising puppies. For many years, we have focused exclusively on the Weimaraner!


If you are considering the Weimaraner, or live with one, we welcome you to sign up to our blog. We sincerely hope you will find the information, the stories, and varied posts insightful as well as entertaining.

The male Weimaraner is between 25 to 27 inches tall and weigh between 55 to 70 pounds. Females range from 23 to 25 inches tall with an average weight of 50 to 65 pounds. The head of the Weimaraner should be moderately long with a moderate stop and slight median line which extends over the forehead.

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The length from the tip of the nose to stop is approximately equal to the distance from stop to occipital bone. The Weimaraner has a kind, intelligent expression. The nose of the Weimaraner is gray in color.

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The eyes of the Weimaraner are a light shade of amber, gray or blue-gray. They should be set far enough apart to give a look of intelligence. When the dog is excited the eyes may appear almost black. The Weimaraner has long ears that are set high on the head and slightly folded. The Weimaraner's teeth are strong and even.

Why do breeders cut the tail? : weimaraner

The jaw is well-developed jaw meeting in a scissors bite with the upper teeth fitting slightly over the lower teeth. The neck of the Weimaraner is moderately long and clean cut. The body of the Weimaraner should be strong and moderate in length with a slight slope from the withers. The chest should be deep and well developed with well laid back shoulders, well sprung ribs and a brisket that extends to the elbows. There stomach should be firm with moderate tuck-up. The front legs of the Weimaraner are straight and strong. The elbow should be approximately halfway up the leg with the distance from it to the ground being approximately equal to the distance from it to the top of the shoulders.

The hindquarters of the Weimaraner are muscular with well-angulated stifles and straight hocks. The Weimaraner should have a smooth and effortless gait. When seen from the rear, the front and rear feet should appear parallel. The topline should remain strong and level throughout the gait. The feet of the Weimaraner are firm and compact with well arched webbed toes, thick pads, and short gray or amber nails. The dewclaws should be removed. The tail of the Weimaraner should be docked so that it will be approximately 6 inches in length when the dog is fully grown.

It should be carried such that it expresses confidence. The coat of the Weimaraner can come in any shade of gray from mouse to silver gray. The ears and head are usually lighter than the rest of the body. There may be a small white marking on the chest. The coat of the Weimaraner is short, smooth and sleek.

About OwyheeStar

The average life expectancy of the Weimaraner is about 10 to 12 years. The Weimaraner is very loyal and brave with a strong prey instinct. They can be reserved with strangers and protective of their territory.