Wilted Wings (Broken Butterflies Book 2)

About Monarchs

I have tagged 30 Monarchs so far. I will be checking my e-mail for more from you. Wonderful blog — from South Africa! Thanks so much for the detail — love the photos. I am taking part in a moth research in South Africa at the moment and have a chrylisas which is close to eclosing — I hope it will be a moth, but who knows?

Can one tell, Ba Rea? Sorry for the slow response. Moths usually spin cocoons to shelter their pupal form. Butterfly pupae are usually bare chrysalides…. At first planted outside I had many caterpillars but they all became lunch for various predators such as ants, geckos, myna birds, wasps…so I brought the plant inside if I saw a caterpillar at intar 3 stage and finally it survived long enough to make a chrysalis! Here is the video I made http: It was truly such an amazing thing to witness for the first time in my life.

I feel everyone should give this a try! I hope everyone enjoys the video! I found my first monarch caterpillar of the season outside on my milkweed plant. This seems way too soon. Might there be something wrong with him? Cathy it is impossible to know without seeing the caterpillar, and even then it may not be immediately obvious. There may be something wrong but, if the temperatures are low, growth will be slow. I suggest that you keep an eye on the caterpillar and see what happens. This is a terrific resource! The information is clearly stated and the photos show the progressions perfectly.

You are helping generations of Monarch by providing this information so people know what to look for and what to do. My monarch larva started to go into chrysalis and stopped and is just hanging straight. Day 2 still the same as day one. Should I move it out of the cage? I have others that did not do that. If the metamorphosis to chrysalis stops like that the monarch is dead. Also it is important to make sure that you remove any parasites that might have been responsible for the death.

Look for maggots or small dark brown pupa that may have fallen to the bottom of your container. It would be best to completely empty and clean the container. My grandson and I rescued 10 Monarch caterpillars from a milkweed patch I had established next to my butterfly garden. We built a small butterfly house in our sunroom and placed the 10 cats in it. They began their metimorpis. One only began to establish a chrysalis the died. One completed the chrysalis but did not eject the exoskeleton. The rest seem to be morphing satisfactorily. My question is will the one that did not eject the exoskeleton survive and your opinion why this occurred?

Then one one I observed2 maggots that emerged from the dead cat that was still hanging. They came down on a long string like substance that reminded me of thick thread. My guess is a tachinide fly which inject their eggs into the cat quite early in the life cycle. When I brought my plants home there was this fly that kept hanging around. I though it was there for the flowers. Oh well ya live and learn! I had to bring my larvae inside because of the cold.

What can I provide for them to form their crystallis on? They will lay down a mat of silk threads and form a silk button in the middle of it to hang from to change into chrysalides. They will likely go to the top of any container but if there is vegetation live or dry they may choose that as well. People often think their butterfly is missing a set of legs because the front two legs are tiny and tucked into the scales so very hard to see, but I have not seen fused hind legs.

I live in the sububrbs of Buenos aires. There were other three worms just the same siza, but they just disappeared out of my sight. Thank you for sharing such awesome photos and your experience. I am in Adelaide, South Australia and have found your blog so informative. I especially appreciated the photos and diagrams, showing ages and stages. We were given 3 swan plants a year ago and our first butterflies flew off today! I currently have 11 cats on 3 different milkweed plants.

I have my milkweed surrounded by other plants to give the cats options on where they can form their chrysalis. The plant they seem to like best, is my Peace Lily. I live in central Florida on the west coast and the weather has been great. Perfect for all my cats to become beautiful Monarchs!! A very informative site thank you.

I am in Wellington , New Zealand and have for years have grown swan plants. I must do some research on the 4th generation. Two Monarchs eclosed on Friday, another one yesterday and four this morning! I hope my luck stays good and they all grow to be beautiful Monarchs. Have a fantastic day everyone! Would you grant permission to use your 5-instar photo as part of the display? I have been growing milkweed and bringing caterpillars into the house in mesh cages and never knew so many things about them.

I particularly loved learning so much about what is in the chrysalis and what is happening during that time. Thank you for sharing your knowledge ,great pictures and great diagrams. I have a monarch that is either 4th or 5th instar but prob more 4th that suddenly stopped eating. I have potted milkweed with protective mesh covers. I tried putting it in a different milkweed and it moved around very little just to check out this new leaf but then stopped and again is just on a leaf not eating or moving. Other than not eating or moving for three days it does not look sick. What could it be?

It was fine up until this point. My other cats are fine. The only thing that I can think of is that this cat had been on a plant where a monarch had eclosed and some of the meconium dripped onto the plant but nowhere near this cat and it was back when it was just a second or third instar.

Should I just leave the skin or try to remove it?

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I would recommend moving your still caterpillar complete with whatever surface it is resting on, to a separate container in case it has some disease, but otherwise just watch it. We all develop and grow at different rates. Unfortunately, it sounds like a serious issue…. They acuallly hatched healthy! The red one turned out to be fine and the one that had fallen had hatched with its uper wings a little smaller, and she is darker, but she hatched fine: First, thank you for this site.

I come here A LOT for information and answers. I found and brought into an enclosed milkweed it is outside but wrapped in toulle , 4 smaller cats that are probably 2nd or 3rd instars. Last night I noticed they had all taken on a strange position and this morning, they are the same and it is worrying me! Are they too cold? Did the new milkweed make them sick? Are you on Facebook? I have been raising milkweed for 3 years now and this year I finally see half a dozen cats on the milkweed. Can you kindly help me learn the monarch way?? Monarch Butterfly Garden Facebook. I was given some caterpillars and chrysalides from a friend.

The 2 larger ones both attempted to hang and started forming their chrysalis but both died in the process. This was very disappointing. Thanks for your help! Hi Elaina, sorry to hear about your monarchs. Dying during pupation is common when caterpillars have ingested an insect growth regular pesticides. My question is I just had 4 Monarch caterpillars go to chrysalis but instead of the skin shedding outside the chrysalis normal the skin is visible inside the chrysalis the very top.

I live in Randolph Ctr. This year a healthy crop of milkweed decided to sprout up in my perennial garden. Over the past few weeks I have had the pleasure of observing many Monarch caterpillars, chrysalises chrysalides, which is the proper plural? I have been trying to track the caterpillars and have been eagerly awaiting the emergence of 4 butterflies from their chrysalises. I have taken many pictures throughout their life cycle.

I have read in several publications that monarchs are usually only in the chrysalis for 10 — 14 days. The oldest chrysalis that I have been tracking has been in the chrysalis stage since August However, I do worry that too many camera flashes had an adverse affect on them. I would appreciate any thoughts you might have. Thank you so much for your time. What is the longest time that it has taken a butterfly to emerge from a chrysalis?

All the information that I have found states about 10 to 14 days. Could they actually still be alive? They are still alive!! Two butterflies emerged today. Hi Tony I have 2 monarch chrysalides that turned dark and can see the wings today. I am preparing for two more healthy releases and have 4 more to go!

I live in Chicago and the days are typically warm and in the 70s but at night it drops down into the fifties and even the upper 40s. If I release my monarch butterflies tomorrow during the warm day will they be able to survive the cold nights? Those night time temps are not a problem. They can survive temps below freezing so I would not worry at this point…good luck! We had a cat that was just shedding its last skin to form into a chrysalis. Our neighbor girl was blowing on it and knocked it to the bottom of the cage and it split the chrysalis as it was still soft.

I left it alone and it has hardened and turned green. It remains split about 1cm wide and 2cm long and I can see something moving inside. So far, we have separated it from the other chyrisalises we have but left it. Is there anything else we should do? Hi Sarah, I would tie waxed dental floss around the cremaster and rehang. All you can do at this point is monitor and hope for the best…. It is crinkled up at the top of the chrysalis under the cremaster. Can I leave it there or should I try to remove it? If it has to be removed, what is the safest way to do it? It appeared to me that they wanted to hang themselves into J from them!

It was really demented looking. It became about half its original size. The hemorrhaging stopped… yippeeeeeeeeee! Since then, when the caterpillars about to go into j at the top of the enclosure start bothering each other, and the chrysalides I separate the pre-Js out by putting them into empty pre washed salad containers. Never tried raising Cats before, but after seeing one get attacked by a wasp, started hunting for eggs mid August. I have 4 pupae; three are hanging from the mesh or top edge of the aquarium I have the in, the fourth attached himself to the side.

I was worried that he might not have been able to pupate from that location, but he managed. Do you recommend leaving him as is, or should I consider reattaching him to hang straight down from the mesh? Hi Bob, you could try removing either the caterpillar or chrysalis and rehanging with the attached silk…. Hi David, there are mesh enclosure alternatives on the supply list…we will have cages back in stock sometime in October:.

I have 3 chrysalises in two cages, which formed 2 days ago. The two in the other cage with no leaves are still. I removed most of the milkweed because they had a lot of poop on them. Hi Melodie, monarch chrysalides only move before they are full hardened but swallowtails chrysalides can move at any time.

I always remove the milkweed after the caterpillars are done feeding, but you could also discard after the butterflies emerge…good luck! I have 15 cacoons. One of the caterpillars was smaller but still turned into cacoon today. I am watching it and I think I see something brown. Should I remove it from the cage? Half of the cacoons I taped on a stick. But it is in my living room they are not in cage so I was wondering can a fly do something to them?

The flies parasitize the caterpillars, so more likely to be a disease issue unless your brought in caterpillars from outside. Then, it could be either…. Sad to hear all the incidents of the spraying for mosquitoes. Any ability to spray the MW with water and wash off the mosquito spray? Hello Tony, A friend and I raise caterpillars to monarchs and have had successful years and learn more and more as we go. We cannot figure out why. I know they have many predators, but never…. Here are some ideas where to look:. Where to Find a Monarch Chrysalis Outdoors.

My husband and I are raising 80 monarch caterpillars. One of ours just shed its skin and turned into a chrysalis. However, The silk button did not attach. The skin is attached where the button should be attached. It is leaking a pale green liquid and seems to be deflating. There are two black lines on the chrysalis and we are guessing he is dieing although he is still moving. Should we remove him and put him in the freezer? The woman from monarch watch who is my mentor wants any maggots or flies that might be around. Not sure how to handle this.

Hate losing any of them. Sorry to hear this, but congrats on raising 80 monarchs. Tony, my last of only 3 is trying to get out if his chrysalis and is having trouble. Hi Hollie, you can try to carefully remove the butterfly by cutting away the chrysalis, but this usually indicates heavy OE infection. If you successfully remove him, make sure he hangs right away to see if his wings can expand and dry properly.

Our Monarch Caterpillar started his final shed into Chrysalis today…. He got to a point of about a Lima Bean size of green and then seemed stuck! Can we help him? Is it too late? Hi Tina, if the caterpillar stops mid-pupation, the monarch has died. Four are green and one is black…hoping for an emergence today! We still have one caterpillar who has yet to pupate; he stopped eating more than a week ago and simply makes slow circuits of the container, seemingly avoiding the fresh milkweed at the bottom but no closer to his J-shape.

How much longer can he go on? I hope you are able to figure out the issue that is affecting your monarchs:. Monarch Diseases, Parasites, and Prevention. We have a monarch caterpillar that went into the j position last night. How long does it take for him to form a crystallis from there? Hi Sarah, they can take awhile…like 24 hours.

I just wanted to join in on the discussion… it seems there are a lot of issues this year with monarch rearing. No questions, just comments to add to the discussion here. I reference this page often. Then I helped some cats that were in a community garden and running out of milkweed on a plant already overrun with aphids. I have checked my plants every single day since they came up. I have seen no eggs and no adult monarchs. I only found instar 3 cats. The first one I found was even younger, in instar 1 he was leaping off a leaf, attached to silk, fleeing the granddaddy longlegs and ants that were after him.

So a total of 7 this year for me. Nothing since the last one. But this year just seems like a dud. I agree — I think the widespread mosquito spraying for Zika is to blame, and it is heartbreaking to watch the effects within my butterfly community. I have 4 in chrysalises. When it was touched, he immediately fell. An hour later, the green started to drip from him. An even larger pity because you could already make out his eyes, antennas, and wings.

The last one was very lethargic yesterday. I figured he was taking his 24 hour feeding protest before moving to the top of the cage. But overnight, he moved to the top, became a J, and pupated. My family member got home and said he had fallen as well, with some of his skin attached to the top… another hour before I can see what she means.

One of the 4 chrysalises that have been hanging for a few days now also looks like it has a hole in it — almost like something bore into him, but nothing did. Oh… the first cat I found, instar 1. He made it to instar 2 and then just stopped eating, rolled over, turned black. He was no larger than a partial fingernail clipping. I had no issues like this last year! Hoping at least 4 of mine make it to adulthood. I have photos on my Instagram as well, should anyone be interested: The Caterpillar seemed so active and healthy, and a few days after pupating it looks like this:.

Hi Kit, maybe tachinid flies? OE is typically more spotted.

I would separate and monitor…good luck! Your information has been ever so helpful in my families effort to help the Monarchs! So far we have released 4 healthy, strong butterflies. We will be releasing 5 more tomorrow and have 16 more chrysalids. Our success rate this year has been fantastic as we have been rigorous about washing food and cleaning out the cage daily. We have only lost two cats- one after emerging from his eg and the other made his J but failed to make his chrysalis. The bubble was gone the next day but his wing looks a little crimped where the bubble was and he is having trouble flying.

We have tried to release him twice and he always lands on the grass after trying to fly and my kids are terrified to leave him outside. Do you think his wing could get better? Or do we have a pet? Hi Yvonne, congrats on all your success this season. You can try feeding your grounded buytterfly fruit,gatorade, or honey water to see if that makes a difference before the next release.

Otherwise, you could keep him as a pet…he will probably live for a few weeks, but less if he is sick. They seem to enjoy them. Hi Elizabeth, caterpillars often feast on immature tropical milkweed pods, swamp pods, and even common milkweed. Let them eat…good luck! But this last round has me stumped. I had about 16 seemingly healthy cats go into their chrysalises. The first 2 emerged normally and I released them.

I had to go out of town and left the remaining chrysalises with a friend. The third emerged normally and my friend released it. The next 9ish have all turned black my friend keeps updating me but there are obviously problems. The first 3 oozed black and smelled, and she removed them. At least one chrysalis had white-looking wing areas, and another had a white abdomen area. Thankfully, another one darkened and then emerged normally yesterday. The remaining 4 or so were later to chrysalis and are still green.

Some background—I have several milkweed plants that I believe are pesticide-free. I had to cut them all back to stalks earlier this summer after a nasty aphid infestation took over when we were out of town. So everything these cats ate was new growth. I found most of them as first instars, a couple second, and one fourth instar kept him segregated because he had a funny black diagonal line. I used a cardboard shipping box as their chrysalis site, tipped on its side to provide overhang, which they seem to gravitate toward naturally.

They spaced themselves out about an inch apart. The bathroom is probably degrees at any given time, and the shower provides some humidity. The bathroom also gets a lot of natural, indirect light. The area where she keeps them is a little darker, her house is a little cooler between degrees , and she covers the box at night to keep them safe from her house cat and AC drafts.

We are both sad and perplexed at the disastrous outcome of a cool process that she and I and our kids all enjoy. There has been mosquito spraying in my area recently, so I thought maybe that could be why the early ones made it and the later ones are dying. OE and temperature change are other guesses, but we have no idea, and it could be something else entirely. Any insight or suggestions would be helpful! Hi Christy, sorry to hear you are having issues. Monarch Diseases and Prevention. One of my monarch chrysalises turned black three days ago and looked normal I have everything documented on Instagram.

Into the afternoon of day 1 it did start to crack open, but nothing else: I read about waiting 3 days before calling it. So when there was still nothing by the middle of the afternoon of day 3 and the edges of the crack were started to look dry and flakey I assumed the butterfly was dead inside and decided to pull the shell off so I could study how the butterfly is folded up inside: I left the body on my desk and a few hours later I discovered it moving, wiggling around!: And now I am overcome with guilt!

Would this butterfly have had a chance if I had just been a bit more patient? You did nothing wrong by trying to help it out on day 3. The butterfly should have hatched within 24 hours after the chrysalis started to darken. If it was stuck inside, there was an issue like heavy OE infection. OE is a common problem in your region. This has been a mixed year for raising monarchs. Lost four monarchs from the first—two eclosed deformed, possibly with OE, one refused to eat, and one acted like it had been poisoned—but my entire second wave got sick. I have a few milkweed patches to draw from and absolutely not treated with pesticides.

What is going on?! One only made it halfway, one made it almost completely but was still deformed and eventually deflated, and the third seems to be okay for now. This has been absolutely horrible to watch, especially because nothing really seems to be working and the cats just lie there before dying and turning dark. Hi Kitt, if it happened right when you switched out the milkweed is it possible there was mosquito spraying in your area? So far, it seems to be working. Help… This is my first year trying to help the caterpillars.

I currently have One of which is halfway formed but came off its attachment while I was cleaning its cage. From what I read, I need to wait til it is completely formed and then try and hang it? One other is really having difficulty. I am a mess about this one. I can see him breathing and move his head ever so slightly.

If it does, you can try rehanging the chrysalis after it hardens in hours. Do they rest between moulting? Hi Dianne, congrats on your 4 chrysalises! It was a torrential downpour when we got home, so kept the plant inside with a mesh liner on top. The next morning the caterpillar had started making its chrysalis on the plant.

We have chrysalises all over the house and plants outside, but typically they are in the shade. Is it too late to help this little guy along? How long does it take to make the chrysalis? My monarch emerged while I was gone for about half an hour. I came home to find it on its side on the bottom of the butterfly habitat. The left wings are not extended and it seems to have a difficult time with balance.

It walked on my hand for awhile without trying to straighten its left wings. I put it outside in the sun. Is there something else I should do? Hi Phyllis, if it fell there may be a disease issue like heavy OE infection. You could also keep it as a pet and feed it gatorade or honey water:. Feeding and Releasing butterflies. A Monarch butterfly emerged from the chrysalis about 8: Once it came out of the chrysalis, I put it outside in next to my house and window box full of zinnias. It was able to hang. When I got home about 5: I startled it and it flew across the street but never more than a foot off the ground.

I got it and put it in an enclosure on top of the flowers with an opening so it could get out if it wants. Can it take an extended time for a new butterfly to get the strength to fly? The wings look OK but seem like they may not be flapping correctly. Hi Jill, if the butterfly was out in the sun it should have been in great shape for flying. This is a follow-up after my original question to you asking if there could be an extended delay before a Monarch could fly correctly since the one I had could only fly close to the ground. I brought the butterfly in for the night and took it back out in the morning again.

I put it out in the enclosure and draped a piece of zinnia from my window box into it along with some cut butterfly bush flowers in a vase. The butterfly started to take nectar from the flowers and I left it there with the top of the enclosure open. When I came home later that day, the butterfly was gone. Thanks again for your help! I received my CSA with what looked like a monarch caterpillar on my parsley. It was munching away, so I put it in a mesh cage with the parsley. I was wondering if this is normal? Is this maybe due to region NJ or another type of butterfly?

Hi Jennifer, congratulations on finding an eastern black swallowtail. You will have to keep it over winter. How to Overwinter Swallowtails. Where can I send a pic to show? Hi BG, if there is a thread hanging from the chrysalis and there is discoloration, your monarch could be parasitized by tachinid flies. I expected it to pupate by this morning. My others have not moved since last night either vi keep fresh milkweed on the cage Any thoughts please.

I believe it is dead. Had same problem last year. Sterilize, clean, feed etc. I wonder what might be the problem. If they are dying during pupation this could be a sign of pesticide exposure. They can also die before pupating if they have tachinid fly parasites. If this were the case maggots or pupae would emerge from the caterpillar. Hi I was wondering if you know what triggers a monarch to pupate. I always thought it was age. I raise monarchs, and breed them so end up with a lot of caterpillars of the same age. They always pupate and emerge in sync.

However, my daughter saw a post online saying monarchs would eat pumpkin in the last instar, and is now doing a science fair project on the topic. To my surprise the pumpkin fed caterpillars are delayed by at least two days and counting. So do they have a drive to eat to a certain body mass before pupating? My son just accidentally knocked down our chrysalis and the black piece is still hanging without it should we still try and rehang them?

Will they survive with out the black part? Hi Michelle, I would lie them down on a paper towel. If you have a mesh cage, place them by the wall so they can climb the wall to hang when they emerge. My chrysalis has been black for two days. Is that too long to be a normal butterfly? This is my first year raising them and usually after 24 hours they are a butterfly. I am wondering if it is dead. PS…they usually start getting dark the afternoon before they emerge so less than 24 hours. I was worried about trying to move it but now realize I should have while it was still wet. Chances it will develop normal?

Hi Julie, when I had one fall it was a caterpillar about to pupate I left it on a paper towel until it formed the chrysalis and dried. It was a little misshapen on the bottom, but the butterfly came out perfect…good luck! First time for me. I have released it and it quickly flew up into a maple tree. The other one has been stuck in its chrysalis… It started emerging yesterday like at 2pm, very active, struggling for 20 to 30 minutes, then rest, then try again, rest, etc.

Almost looked like a dancing pepper outstretched antennas were legs and 2 feet were hands moving all over the place. Later, I noticed his one antenna kinked up. Hi Christina, they emerge quickly within a couple minutes. If the butterfly is still stuck in the chrysalis it will probably be badly deformed if you do get it out.

It may have OE parasites and be diseased. If the butterfly seems weak, I would euthanize. Your other option would be keeping it as a pet and feeding it gatorade or honey water:. Feeding Adult Butterflies Info. Sorry for the long post. My wife and I are building a house on 8 acres of hayfield in Northeastern CT.

Country diary: in the wink of a butterfly's wings

We have a lot of milkweed in the fields. About 3 or more weeks ago we went out and counted the monarch caterpillars in the milkweed. We stopped counting once we hit fifty. Some plants had multiple caterpillars on them. So now this past week we went out to see how many chrysalis we could find. Unfortunately we could only spot three total.

11 Monarch Diseases, Parasites, and Caterpillar Killers 🐛☠️

And there were only a handful of caterpillars left on the milkweed. Any ideas where all the caterpillars went? Did something eat them? Anything we can do next season to prevent this kind of loss? I think next year we will bring some indoors and then release them outside. Is it true they will keep coming back to where they were released?

Hi Stiggs, if the descendants of monarchs return to their overwintering grounds, it would seem like a good possibility that monarch descendants could return to the same milkweed patches on their northern journey. Monarch Diseases and Caterpillar Killers. At first everything seemed to be great but when they started forming into crysalis there was this one cat that started disturbing them and even trying to at least to me it looked like that eat one that was nearly done transforming.

So I tried to be as fast as possible to separate them but it looks like it got a piece from the poor thing. So the current situation is that it hangs for the third day now and moves sometimes a little but it has this huge crack on one side where it looks just black now — kinda like there is no protection anymore. Anything I can do? Hi Sabrina, at this point all you can do is monitor.

It was supposed to hatch a few hours earlier. The corners of its wings were the only things out of the chrysalis. I had pried it out of its chrysalis, and it refused to hang from the top of the cage. Is this a disease, and is there a way to save it? Hi Julia, if a butterfly is stuck in its chrysalis and too weak to hang from the cage it probably has OE and should be euthanized.

Today is day 11 and the wings were starting to be visible yesterday afternoon. This morning both chrysalises were nice and dark, but the orange wings, etc. How late is too late for the to emerge for me to release them today? It will be dark by 8: Hi Judy, butterflies typically emerge in the morning hours if they are in natural light. Thank you so much for this site.

Approximately 2 weeks ago we found and brought in 8 cats and 1 egg.

The egg turned out to be empty. The caterpillar formed a chrysalis on a low lying leaf and knocked himself off while shedding. The other cat seems to be doing well — he should be turning into a chrysalis in the very near future. My question is why did I lose so many caterpillars this year!? Most of them would just stop moving and turn dark. Is this some kind of parasite? The butterfly emerged from the chrysalis today. As suspected, her wings did not form correctly probably from falling off while trying to shed skin.

What do I do with her now? Hi Courtney, sorry to hear this. You could either keep her as a pet, but if she is weak I would euthanize. Feeding adult butterflies and safe release info. The characters are The second book in the Broken Butterflies series, this is the first one I have had the pleasure of reading.

The characters are interesting and the female characters especially are strong and tough. With plenty of passion thrown into the mix, it is a great read. Fast paced, this book takes little to no time to devour in one day. Lots of action kept me glued to the pages.

Wing Development

Wilted Wings (Broken Butterflies) (Volume 2) [M.R. Ferguson] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com * FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Power, greed, and envy fill Damon and. Shadow pens "Wilted Wings" the steamy hot sequel to "Broken Butterflies" filled with angels, demons, plenty of romance and a touch of sexual innuendos, along .

Definitely for a mature audience, but if you enjoy romance and paranormal fiction, this is one you need to add, along with Broken Butterflies, to your Summer reading list. I was given a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. May 25, Amber rated it it was amazing Shelves: Shadow Stephens did not disappoint with Wilted Wings. This book is full of action , romance and so much more.

Damon and Ilisha are living that storybook live raising sweet baby Brooklyn. When demons begin appearing out of the woodwork and seriously all hell begins to break loose. A war is breaking out. Damon is kidnapped and taken from Ilisha more than one time in this book. Her struggles to be sure and bring him home are and the obvious love they share is quite the romance.

Causes of Wrinkling

The Wow Wow Wow! The wickedness they face is action packed and their support team of angels are quite awesome. An amazing cast of characters all adding a bit of depth and something more to the story. Thank you Shadow Stephens. If you love angels, paranormal or action packed stories this will be a read for you. I received a complimentary copy of Wilted Wings for reviewing purposes. All opinions shared are my own.

Jul 05, Crystal rated it it was amazing. What an incredible sequel to Broken Butterflies! With everything that has happened between Bram, Ilisha and Damon, Wilted Wings definitely did not disappoint! Damon is arrested for the death of his father and hybrids are invading the kingdoms. Not to mention humans are being possessed by demons. So it is up to Ilisha to rescue her husband and she must once again put her trust in Bram. But will he lead her into a trap or will he restore her faith in him? Shadow once again has sucked me into this f What an incredible sequel to Broken Butterflies!

Shadow once again has sucked me into this fantastical world she has created and left me wanting more. With the addition of characters both good and bad, the story has a life of it's own and all seems okay for now. Jul 11, Niki rated it it was amazing. This is the second book in the Broke Butterflies series, I loved the first, and this was a good follow up!! When Damon is kidnapped to stand trail, Ilisha fights against so many things politics hybrids, demons. Will she be on time and safe heaven and Earth and wi This is the second book in the Broke Butterflies series, I loved the first, and this was a good follow up!!

Will she be on time and safe heaven and Earth and will she have her husband again?? Sorry you have to read that outcome yourself. I highly recommend it and hope Shadow will write more! I received a copy of this book for a honest review. Jun 20, Susan rated it it was amazing Shelves: Shadow pens "Wilted Wings" the steamy hot sequel to "Broken Butterflies" filled with angels, demons, plenty of romance and a touch of sexual innuendos, along with enough twists and turns that your not really sure who to trust.

I do suggest reading the first book "Broken Butterflies" first so your not missing any important parts. I can't wait for the next installment This review is based on a co Shadow pens "Wilted Wings" the steamy hot sequel to "Broken Butterflies" filled with angels, demons, plenty of romance and a touch of sexual innuendos, along with enough twists and turns that your not really sure who to trust. This review is based on a complimentary copy from the author which was provided for an honest review.

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Sep 12, Liberum Latine rated it liked it. Picked this up as a freebie. I like the writing and the style, but can't get into it. I'm pretty sure it would make a lot more sense if I'd read the first book. The premise seems original enough but the book needs a bit more back-story at the begining to bring the uninitiated up to speed. Madonna rated it it was amazing Jun 20, Karen Matthews garofalo rated it it was amazing Jul 25, Anna Kocur rated it it was ok Dec 18, Billie rated it it was amazing May 24, Jacqueline Bagwell rated it really liked it Jan 13, Cheryl Heinsohn rated it liked it May 23, Syndell Layton rated it really liked it Aug 06, Devon rated it it was amazing Jun 30, Shauna Phillips rated it it was amazing Jan 06, Birte marked it as to-read May 24, Alexandra marked it as to-read May 26, BookishDreamer marked it as to-read Jun 05, Jacinda Buchmann marked it as to-read Jun 18, Eimear marked it as to-read Jun 20, Cassandra marked it as to-read Jun 20, Pierina Salas added it Jun 20, Cheryl marked it as to-read Jul 01,