At the same time, Geremia Mancini and I are working on another book about Molisian stories in America. Only after completing these three projects will we think about an English translation, but if an Italian publisher in the US shows an interest in this hypothesis, we would be happy to be able to offer the book to readers who are of Italian origin but have little knowledge of the beautiful but difficult Italian language.

Abruzzo's migratory history in the United States aligns with the historical flow that brought millions of Italians to the opposite shores of the Atlantic. A story that began after the unification of Italy and ended in the late eighties of the twentieth century. Abruzzo was strongly attracted to the Americas. Almost everyone of them landed at Ellis Island, the first terrible impression with the great American nation.

For some it was the beginning of a new life, for others a bitter disappointment. Most of the Abruzzesi moved to areas rich in mines and iron and steel industries. The presence of mountains and caves in Abruzzo made possible the presence of many mining workers who, once arrived to the United States, went to enrich the mass of miners employed in often crumbling and dangerous installations. It is no coincidence that so many Abruzzesi died in in the disaster of the Monongah mine. After this first phase, the craftsmanship and manufacturing of Abruzzo immigrants began. Many tailors, for example, slowly conquered their American dream by opening tapestries and manufacturing factories.

Your book has many interesting stories. One of these is for example the story of Al Zampa, whom is dedicated the second "Italian" bridge in the United States after the Verrazzano one: He lived until the age of 95 and defined his existence "halfway between hell and paradise". For 45 years Al Zampa worked on the steel ropes of American bridges, a skilled worker in the construction and maintenance of suspended giants on the water, sharing with his brother and two sisters the dignified life of the Italian community of the San Francisco bay.

Alfredo grew up with the typical difficulties of integration, not being able to count on a regional core similar to his own traditions. In an area marked by the great presence of Sicilian and Ligurian communities mostly fishermen transformed into merchants , the young Marsican grew up with the myth of his land, which unfortunately he never saw. In an October day, he fell down from the scaffolding of the famous Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco, a flight of hundreds of meters high, crashing on the underlying rocks, saved by the miraculous action of some security nets.

The young worker survived but broke four vertebrae and became the living example of a miracle among the many fellows involved in the scaffolding of the shipyards. He became a true hero after four years of hard hospitalization at St. Luke Hospital when he decided, against everyone's opinion, to return to work on the bridges of America.

But his leap of faith did not leave the tenacious Italian indifferent. Recalling his incident, Al Zampa gave birth to an association called "Halfway between paradise and hell", engaged in supporting all the battles of his category, in favor of safer work. Another story I was curious about is that of Vincenzo Pelliccione, who was Charlie Chaplin's body double for years. When he arrived in the United States, Vincenzo adapted himself to working in the most diverse fields. With a few dollars he was able to pay a course to learn the English language rudiments and after a few years he moved to Ohio to finally arrive in Hollywood in, a city that was experiencing the first big movie industry boom.

A great admirer of the early movie stars, Vincenzo was fascinated by Charlie Chaplin's comic movements and casually discovered that he knew how to imitate them perfectly. Repeating the gesture in front of the mirror, he also discovered that he resembled the great "Charlot" and worked on this similarity by perfecting the imitation of a character who would "nourish" him professionally.

The actor from Marsica began to propose imitating performances in small cafes and restaurants in Hollywood, and in one of these many evenings he was spotted by Sid Groeman, an American impresario owner of "Groeman's Chinese Theater": Within a few days Vincenzo was brought to Charlie Chaplin's studio. The great actor needed a body double and the Marsican actor was the right person.

Groeman also hired him to go on stage in various American locations and to advertise films which then earned millions. He also was with Rodolfo Valentino in the film "Son of the Sheikh". For ten years, until the day of his death, he collaborated with the artist Enzo Carnebianca for the film productions of Dino De Laurentiis, enrolling his name among the most important special effects specialists. He is among the Italians who made Hollywood great. Among the stories that inspire you, are there any you are particularly attached to? Maybe one about women? The book is made up of stories told by three authors.

Born in Chieti, Turzo and Alfonso Francese arrived to Ellis Island in , traveling unbeknownst to each other, in the same "Verona" ship after Grandma Rosa Vassetta boarded them to reach their father Filippo. They were unlucky children. After a useless attempt of cohabitation and the umpteenth aggression by their stepmother, the two brothers decided to leave their father's home and wandered around the city. At day they would attend school, at night they would hang out together with other desperate people.

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Their father had signed the papers to get them accepted in the Dominican sisters' college and subsequently signed his consent for adoption by parents of different religions than the Catholic one. At each stop they came down from the train to get in line and wait for a new family to choose them. Turzo who had become Mike in the meantime was severely ill and thanks to a doctor's visit he found a family. The doctor signaled the possibility of adopting him to his nephew Hazen Armstrong, a year-old boy who had just married and was starting his career as a horse breeder.

Mike was adopted by Hazen who for the rest of his life thought he had adopted an eight-year-old boy while Turzo was actually nearly fifteen , which allowed him to attend a Catholic school. Mike became a good accountant, Al became an engineer and worked in the railways.

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She became orphan of her mother at six and later also of her father, who was killed by his second wife for trivial reasons related to their relationship. Among the walls of the college, Virgilia was passionate about literature and found comfort in poetry. After graduating, the girl took refuge in studying and refined her sensitivity. The murder of King Umberto II by the anarchist Bresci entered her life as a devastating deflagration. At that criminal gesture, Virgilia D'Andrea tied her personal social redemption against all rules and impositions.

In those years Virgilia discovered the poetry of Ada Negri and, through her rhymes, the real motive that had pushed Bresci to his extreme act: The discovery of social justice literally changed the perspective of things for a girl forced into the narrow walls of an institute.

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After studying so much at the University, Virgilia began teaching for some years in Abruzzo but a few weeks after the announcement of Italy entering the First World War, she definitively left the native land and entered the active military by participating in anti-interventionist agitations. In a few weeks she became an anarchist militant. In , during a clandestine meeting of the Unione Sindacale Italiana Italian Trade Unions called for the reaffirmation of the non-belligerent position of Italy, Virgilia met and fell in love with Armando Borghi. A strong supporter of the individualist act and of revolutionary violence, Virgilia became the publisher of the small newspaper "La Veglia", and went allaround the United States giving lectures and conferences in hovels, public parks, and other outdoor venues.

The worsening of her health turned the year into the crucial moment of her life. In she died, mourned by so many people: Virgilia D'Andrea was a writer, a poet, an editorialist and a propagandist of the anarchist cause. Can you give us some details about Abruzzo's presence in the United States today? Today, most of the Abruzzesi are concentrated around the two areas of Philadelphia and Boston.

Please sign in or create an account. Skip to content Neuroscience. Your institution must subscribe to JoVE's Neuroscience section to access this content. Fill out the form below to receive a free trial or learn more about access: Odore di preparazione e consegna Soluzioni diluite odori in olio minerale in volume per ottenere il livello desiderato di concentrazione. Memorizzare una miscela di 20 ml di olio minerale e l'odorizzante in una bottiglia di vetro 60 ml. Inserire due aghi siringa in un tappo di gomma calibro 19 , una dal basso e l'altra dalla parte superiore, per fornire un ingresso e una linea di uscita.

Sigillare la bottiglia di vetro con il tappo di gomma e collegare un progettato carbone attivo filtro in aspirazione Figura 1A. Il filtro a carbone viene realizzata utilizzando due 6 ml siringhe. Riempite ciascuno dei pezzi restanti con cotone e carbone attivo prima di collegarli insieme usando una guaina termoretraibile. Vapori dal flacone odore vengono indirizzate verso la linea di uscita del flusso d'aria sul tubo Figura 1B.

Preparazione Antenna Locust per la registrazione Sensillum Singola Selezionare un giovane-adulto locusta di ambo i sessi con completamente messo le ali, ma prima della fase di accoppiamento da una colonia affollato.

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Allo sciogliersi della memoria. Poesie (Italian) Paperback – Paperback; Publisher: Congedo Editore (); Language: Italian; ISBN Published by Congedo, Italy () Allo sciogliersi della memoria. Poesie.: D Elia Le ombre affrettano la sera Libro di poesie di Antonio DElia Italian Edition.

Per contenere la locusta, prima amputare le gambe. Sigillare i siti di amputazione con tessuto adesivo Vetbond, 3M. Sicuro tha locusta ad una camera progettato con un piccolo pezzo di nastro isolante avvolto intorno al suo torace Figura 2A. Sotto un microscopio di dissezione, una scanalatura poco profonda nella piattaforma cera Figura 2A per il posizionamento dell'antenna. Utilizzare cera batik per riparare il sito di incisione e tenere il filo di terra in posizione Figura 2A.

Registrazione Sensillum unico per il monitoraggio di odori evocati risposte da neuroni recettori olfattivi ORNs Posizionare l'antenna locusta stabilizzato allo stereomicroscopio Leica MC su un tavolo di isolamento di vibrazione TMC Figura 3A. Inserire delicatamente l'elettrodo nella base di un sensillum Figura 3B. Amplificare il segnale Locust Procedura dissezione per lobo antennale e Recordings corpo funghi Seguire la restrainiprocedure ng come descritto nella sezione 2.

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Posizionare la locusta in una custom-designed camera come mostrato in Figura 4A e B. Per perfusione soluzione salina durante e dopo la procedura di dissezione, costruire una tazza di cera intorno alla testa locusta. La tazza cera dovrebbe iniziare appena sopra le parti di bocca, e si estendono oltre gli occhi composti che comprendono la regione tra due antenne come mostrato nella figura 4C. Per consentire le antenne di passare attraverso la coppa cera, creare piccoli tunnel su entrambi i lati con plastica polietilene tubo 5 mm di lunghezza, ID 0,86 millimetri.

Questo passaggio garantisce che le antenne sono tenuti in posizione anche dopo il circostantecuticola viene rimosso. Tenere la coppa cera riempito con soluzione salina 9 da questo punto in poi. Iniziare rimuovendo una regione centrale rettangolare tra due antenne lato maggiore del rettangolo allineato con l'asse antero-posteriore. Successivamente, rimuovere le cuticole in regioni vicine senza disturbare gli occhi composti e cuticole alla base dell'antenna Figura 4D.

Utilizzando una pinza sottile, rimuovere delicatamente sacche d'aria e gli organismi di grasso che circondano il cervello. Al termine di questa fase, il cervello locusta deve essere chiaramente visto Figura 4D.

Si noti che le regioni del cervello che elaborano le informazioni olfattive con luce pigmentazione gialla si trovano tra due antenne. In locuste l'intestino passa sotto il cervello e lungo la lunghezza del corpo. Per evitare che il movimento dell'intestino dal potenzialmente destabilizzare la preparazione, tirare delicatamente il foregut e tagliare con le forbici sottili.

Fai una piccola incisione nell'addome appenasopra il retto e rimuovere l'intestino tirando il hindgut con una pinza grossolani. Per evitare una perdita di soluzione salina, legare l'addome immediatamente anteriore al sito di incisione con fili di sutura. Utilizzare una piccola piattaforma costituito da un filo sottile rivestito con un sottile strato di cera per elevare il cervello e stabilizzarla durante elettrofisiologia 11 come mostrato in figura 4D.

Generoso D'Agnese (Co-author of "Abruzzo Stars & Stripes")

Utilizzo di super-sottili pinze molto delicatamente pizzicare e tirare la guaina e il successivo strappo aperto oltre le posizioni di registrazione AL e MB, mostrato in figura 4E, F. Multi-unit registrazioni dal lobo antennale eil fungo del corpo Mettere la preparazione locusta Figura 5A allo stereomicroscopio sospeso ad una giraffa posto su un tavolo isolamento dalle vibrazioni. Utilizzare un filo di argento chlorided immerso nella soluzione salina tazza cera come l'elettrodo di massa.

Prima di ciascun esperimento, gli elettrodi elettroplaccatura con oro per ottenere impedenze nell'intervallo k. Utilizzare il circuito mostrato in Figura 7 per elettrodeposizione. Posizionare l'elettrodo vicino alla superficie del lobo antennale e inserirla delicatamente il tessuto utilizzando un micromanipolatore manuale WPI, MR Figura 5D.

Per le registrazioni KC, utilizzare una misura tetrodo intrecciato fili figura 5C, passo-passo procedura di fabbricazione presentato nella sezione 6. Placcare questi elettrodi come discusso nel passo 5,3. Attendere almeno 15 minuti dopo l'individuazione della posizione di registrazione per consentire la stabilizzazione degli elettrodi.

Acquisire tutti i segnali extracellulari a 15 KHz, filtro tra 0, KHz, e amplificare Se otto elettrodi sono desiderata, quindi avvolgere il filo intorno ad un pezzo cm lungo di cartone 4 volte. Mentre involucro, assicurarsi che ci sia poco gioco, ma in modo che il filo non sia teso. Maneggiare con cura il filo come si rompe facilmente.

Mazzetto insieme i fili in alto del cartone e usare un pezzo di nastro Tape Time, TRP per tenerli insieme. Rimuovere i trefoli e di gruppo i fili alla fine taglio e con un altro pezzo di nastro. Durante l'avvolgimento, il cavo deve avere po 'di cavo, ma non essere teso. Fondere l'isolamento con una pistola termica Weller C per attaccare i singoli fili insieme e formano un unico filo. Quindi rilasciare il filo dal basso e lasciarlo riposare. Delicatamente separare gli 8 fili alla fine una fiammatand saldare ogni filo separatamente in una presa a 8 pin IC.

Coat parte superiore della presa IC con resina epossidica per tenere i fili e capillare di vetro in posizione. Infine, tagliare la punta del filo ad un angolo di 45 gradi con forbici carburo di circa 0,5 cm dalla punta del capillare. Preparazione di una antenna locusta per registrazioni sensillum singoli. B Un metodo per stabilizzare un'antenna utilizzando una piattaforma cera viene mostrato.