Dog Raw Food Diet: Give Your Dog A Super Shiny Coat Within 60 Days


What does that tell you about excessive drinking and cigarettes?

The truth only comes to light when you actually compare a large group of smokers to a large group of non-smokers. Another myth is that dogs are living longer thanks to their new dry diet.

They are living longer despite their diet better medical practices for one. In fact, unsurprisingly, in terms of longevity alone, it seems that feeding your dog a processed diet actually reduces his time on the planet. In a piece for the Prince Laurent Foundation a Belgian NGO set up in for the advancement of welfare in domestic and wild animals Lippert and Sapy collected information on dogs over a period of five consecutive years.

Their aim was to study what factors mattered most to their longevity. They assessed the affect of sex, breed and size but also housing environment, neutered state, how they were protected from diseases and what food they ate. Their study revealed that animals fed a homemade food based on similar food as the family reached an average age of Almost a three-year difference.

When the two foods were mixed dogs averaged Giving it home made food is a gurantee for better protection, well being and longer life expectancy. In fact the evidence is building that dry food is implicated in a great number of very common maladies affecting dogs today, including:. Questions arise such as how much calcium should I give him?

Homemade Raw Dog Food

How will I know he will get enough protein?! How much calcium did you give the kids?!! None of us eats a complete meal each and every day. Asides our nutritional needs change daily, the aim is not exactly right each meal but more a balanced diet over time. It takes the pressure off. Below is an idea of what the best dog food looks like, where the red numbers denote the proportions each group should comprise in the diet…. Exactly how much of each group is needed are a matter of debate. Proponents of this diet including the author recommend dogs to be fed a diet consisting largely of fresh meat with some bone in it.

These can be bought from dog food suppliers or from the local butcher. Or simply feed meat on the bone such as chicken legs and drumsticks etc. Organ additions include liver, spleen, kidney, eyes, brains, heart. The last part is a small veg addition, largely for fibre but also for some of the phytonutrients therein. Unlike the meat additions, the plant material should be cooked. It allows the dog access to the vitamins and minerals inside. More on how to make raw dog food here. Proponents of this dog diet use no vegetables, believing the dog to be an out and out carnivore.

This diet includes a lot more meat muscle. You can always start off with any raw dog food product until you get a better understanding of what your dog needs nutritionally. Key points to remember when choosing a prepared raw dog food is first, what are the main ingredients? Some use a little veg, others do not. Remember, ground up chicken carcass looks like chicken mince to you. More on how to choose the best raw dog food here.

Now that you understand your dog is a meat eater, you can understand that the best dry dog foods are those based on meat, with a tiny bit of veg.

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I absolutely do not recommend feeding cereal based dry dog foods to dogs or cats. You are wasting your money and their health. Top tips when shopping for dry dog food include:. More on the best dry dog food here. More on mixing dry and fresh dog food here. Others are cash-strapped so they thin out their pre-made raw dog food with some filler of their own. More ways to save money while feeding an excellent quality meal here.

The average figure for an adult dog is 2. We have a handy raw dog food calculator here which will make working out how much they need a cinch! For exactly how much that is you need to check the back of the packet as each food will vary depending on how much cereal or meat they use in their formulation. They have evolved to pick and find things all day. Hence, like us, dogs would like more meals, not just one. All dogs should be fed morning and night, keeps the hunger at bay.

More on how to safely feed bones to dogs here. The benefits of raw feeding are often apparent in most dogs almost immediately. Everything will be better. Much more of your dogs nutritional requirements will be satisfied and within days their coats will start to shine. Your dogs dental hygiene will improve. Their behaviour will improve. Try it for a week, you have literally nothing to lose and they have everything to gain.

The genomic signature of dog domestication reveals adaptation to a starch-rich diet. Managing the impacts of dingoes and other wild dogs. Bureau of Rural Sciences; The dynamics of behaviour development: Essay for the Prince Laurent Foundation Price, Its evolution, behaviour, and interactions with people.

Sillero-Zubiri, C, Hoffmann, M. World Conservation Unit Foxes, Wolves, Jackals and Dogs. First, let us talk about if it is safe. Some are fearful of garlic because it does have a compound found in onion which we know onion is not good to feed your dog. Technically speaking a 60 lb.

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For it to cause any permanent harm to your dog this would have to be done several times over a course of a short period. Dogs with any anemic conditions or that are having a surgical procedure should not be fed garlic. Do not feed your dog garlic if they have an autoimmune disorder.

We do not recommend garlic for puppies under 8 weeks. Puppies do not reproduce red blood cells until 8 weeks. Please consult your veterinarian should you have any concerns. We carry many products in or market including the kitchen and bakery. Eating grass is something you see a cow or goat doing, but not your pooch. There is a speculation that dogs eat grass because they feel sick in their stomach and it is a way to make themselves vomit. However, the biggest reason dogs eat grass is due to nutritional necessity. If you see your dog going to town munching on grass it may be a sign they are not getting enough minerals, natural herbs and vegetables in their weekly diet.

Grass isn't bad for your pooch but you may want to find some alternatives to add to their diet like Green Tripe, Zukes Super Green or even Kitty Grass, yep kitty grass which includes barley, oat, and rye, is good for dogs too. Barley grass is from the barley plant. It is the earliest grown sweet grass in the entire world and dates back to BC.

Barley grass has an abundance of magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus along with power antioxidants and amino acids. Some of the nutritional value found in barley grass are:. This process actually destroys enzymes, reduces the vitamin content of the milk and even destroys the beneficial bacteria. This process also contributes to allergies and tooth decay among a slew of other ailments. In John E. Raw milk of any kind is not a complete meal, but a perfect addition to any dry, raw or canned diet. Stop in and ask us about raw milk! Why yes, your dog can certainly have popcorn. But before you sit down and watch a movie and cuddle up to Fido there are a few things you need to keep in mind when feeding your dog this ancient popular snack.

Take into consideration how the popcorn is prepared. You can certainly give your dog yummy popcorn but you must prepare it properly. Air popped popcorn is the best way to go. Stay away from adding salt or flavors. Avoid anything with flavors like caramel, fake powdered cheese or any other imitation seasonings. A natural unsalted popcorn has many nutritional benefits for your dog.

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Dog Raw Food Diet: Give Your Dog A Super Shiny Coat Within 60 Days - Kindle edition by Maya Rose. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC. Raw, or ancestral diets are the original food of dogs in the wild. author of the book “Give Your Dog a Bone”, commercial dog food can quite frequently A shiny coat, sparkling eyes, clean white teeth, and a healthy well-nourished skin are meat for three days before serving it to your dog, and any parasites will be killed.

Popcorn contains vitamin B, thiamine, riboflavin, and protein. Popcorn is high in fiber. Consider adding popcorn to your normal dog treats when rewarding. Your dog will love the crunch of it and enjoy the taste. You can have some too, share the love! Stop in here at the Dining Dog and Friends and pick up your kernels for your at home use or a bag of popped popcorn made right here. Eggshells and natural eggshell membrane is loaded with calcium carbonate amongst many other beneficial things for your pet and you. So why does that matter to your dog? Here at the Dining Dog and Friends we believe the egg and eggshells are the perfect food.

All of the above is contributory to your dogs overall strength, endurance and performance throughout its longevity. Especially for joints, connective tissues, bone strength, healing and more! The important thing you must remember is the utilization of clean water. Meaning reverse osmosis, distilled or spring water when boiling your eggs. Please do not use municipal sourced water as it may contain chlorine and fluoride among other things.

We must remember…an egg is porous which means penetrable. Please allow the egg to cool and let your babies go for an Easter Egg hunt. Your pet may be telling you or presenting signs of parasites such as, bloated belly, lack of appetite, vomiting and sporadic diarrhea. Diatomaceous Earth is a safe natural option for you to combat an infestation of parasites in your dog or cat. DE is fossilized remains of microscopic shells created by aquatic plants called diatoms.

In plain terms, the mechanics behind this is pretty simple. Diatomaceous Earth sharp edges that are microscopic make contact with the parasite and is able to get thru their protective outer shell that will eventually dehydrate the parasite which will cause death. Eggs of the parasite or insect is effected the same way. For those internal parasites you can treat your pet by spreading the powder over their food. This should be done for a week to 10 days and will eliminate most parasites if fed daily. However, to kill the eggs you must feed for an additional days to destroy any new hatched parasites.

This should rid the body completely. DE is neutral tasting. You can easily do this by dusting your dog with Diatomaceous Earth. Also, you can rid your home of fleas by using DE around your home. Don't forget to include their bedding and carpeted areas they frequent. DE kills Bed Bugs. Diatomaceous Earth is very cost effective we hate saying cheap, but it is to rid your pets from those nasty irritant parasites.

Stop in and get your Diatomaceous Earth as this should be a staple in every animal loving home. Excessive heat and humidity Respiratory problems Some poisonous compounds can cause heat stroke or heat exhaustion Excessive exercise Underlying health issues can also contribute, like obesity, heart disease to name just a few. Annabella Estrada July 17, Comment.

Kate Elfatah June 12, Comment. Althea Seeds June 4, Comment. Tri-colored organic popping corn. This will help assure circulatory health and supports optimal function of the heart muscle. This is a fat-soluble supplement, meaning taken with a meal enhanced with fish oils is a power punch to guarantee absorption. Here are a few tips to get your pet on the right track: This diet can work wonders for a dog with yeast issues. You can also change to a partially raw diet by slightly cooking the food.

Maya Rose (Author of The Prince)

You will need to add soft steamed vegetables and avoid carbs. Choose a commercial homemade diet. Try a dehydrated formula for your dog. This diet is like the raw diet, but much easier and less time consuming. You just add hot filtered water. It never hurts to add your own protein. Made with the finest ingredients with your pets nutritional needs in mind.

We can create special diets specifically for your pet. This is recommended even if your dog does not have yeast problems. The high amounts of lauric acid in the oil are what make it an amazing supplement for fighting off bacteria and other fungi.

Is it Safe to Feed Dogs Raw Eggs?

Digestive enzymes are critical to healing those infections. Probiotics are healthy bacteria and help digestion and are great for tummy issues. Give your dog a teaspoon per ten lbs. Yes they can eat it! This is a real fungi bummer. Animal Essentials Detox Blend: This is a combination of herbs suspended in glycerine that will help your animal detox. Althea Seeds December 14, Worthy Dog Coats It's getting cold outside.

Althea Seeds November 22, Althea Seeds November 11, Take into consideration the weather. It may be fall and a bit cooler in some parts of the country but it can get very hot quickly under those costumes. When trying on a costume for your pet make sure that your fur baby has plenty of room to move around and they can walk freely with nothing getting in the way.

Pinching can be a problem with some costumes. Make sure there is nothing pinching or grabbing your pet's fur or skin.

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Be aware of any hanging or loose fabric, strings or objects. This can not only get in the way of your pet walking, sitting or laying down but also can be a choking hazard. Make sure your pet enjoys wearing the costume. If you have to force your pet to wear it and they are absolutely miserable it may not be a good fit fo them. Althea Seeds September 20, Did you know pumpkin is good for both diarrhea and constipation?

Pumpkin is loaded with fiber and beta-carotene. Dogs will convert this into Vitamin A in the body.

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Just like us, pets need to stay regular and pumpkin is a great source of fiber to help them do that. The same fiber can help your kitty with those pesky furballs. The fiber takes those furballs that are stuck in your pooches digestive system and gets them into that litter box. Feeding your cat a little pumpkin daily can help prevent those nasty furballs. Get rid of the worms and parasites. There is an amino acid in pumpkin seeds that is a natural dewormer. Grind up pumpkin seeds into a powder and give this in a treat. Sprinkling over your pet's food may affect the actual dosage, so be careful when doing this.

Pumpkin can assist with obesity and weight loss in your pet. We know obesity is dangerous and affects millions of pets. Fiber-loaded pumpkin will make your pet feel fuller when feeding them a little less kibble. Shiny coat and hydrated skin. Pumpkin seeds are loaded with antioxidants and fatty acids that will help keep your pets coat and skin hydrated. You can toast the seeds see below for preparation. Pumpkin supports the urinary tract. The oils that are in flesh and seeds of pumpkin support your pet's urinary tract.

A great way to prevent or assist with stones or bladder infections. These are very painful conditions for pets and pumpkin is a great way to prevent and assist in healing. Pumpkin is a great nutritional addition to you pets dietary regiment. Not only fiber, but loaded with vitamin A, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc. Due to it being loaded with antioxidants it may prevent some cancers along with keeping your pet healthy.

A teaspoon or two a day is plenty. Althea Seeds September 6, So how much is ok? Recommended amounts of fresh garlic for your pooch: Helps boost the immune system in your dog. Great food to for dogs fighting cancer or to help prevent cancer. Their liver will be happy with garlic. The compounds found in garlic can enhance liver function by getting rid of the toxins in the body that then are not absorbed by the liver.

Just like garlic fights off Dracula, it can fight off those pesky fleas and ticks. Garlic has a compound that that can prevent the forming of clots in your dog's vascular system.