La abolición (Spanish Edition)

V Festival Cinemística “2018 La Abolición del Tiempo”

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You can get further information in our Cookies Policy. A full month of screenings, discussions and meetings aimed at showing the most innovative, risky and committed auteur cinema, often invisible and rejected in other festivals and screens. To date, 71 films from 23 countries have been selected. Since , our festival has been growing internationally as an event specialized exclusively in poetic, philosophical, spiritual, anthropological, avant-garde and transcendental cinema.

Diccionario Inglés-Español

This year the chosen topic is Time, " The Abolition of Time". In fact, in our digital 21st century, chronological time is still as close and day-to-day element as it is controversial and mysterious for existence, science and art.

CUP-Capgirem y Barcelona reprobar a Felipe VI y la abolición de la Monarquía

The duration of phenomena is an essential key to life and to the cinematograph that reflects it: It is about "Sculpting in time" as the Russian master Andrei Tarkovsky said, to whom we will pay homage. We will also pay tribute to Ingmar Bergman for his centenary, and to Peter Watkings for his social commitment and critical discourse about "duration in cinema".

"abole" in English

We show those films made only for the "love of art", without economic discrimination, gender, countries, cultures, ethnicities or religions. The selection of films is extremely rigorous and all the films presented are viewed with great respect. There is no intervention or censorship by institutions, distributors or sponsors. The films are always shown in the original version subtitled in Spanish, in public spaces, without profit motive, and with discussions opened to the intervention of the spectators.

Translation of «abolición» into 25 languages

The directors and artists who come to present their films are welcomed with great hospitality, establishing an atmosphere of companionship, respect and closeness far removed from the "star system" usual in many other festivals. The idea is that between all of us, authors and spectators, we assume a critical commitment to the decisive influence of audiovisual media in our time.

Beauty, experimentation and transgressor feelings, without psychological or geographical frontiers: Let's recover together the critical dimension and the spirituality dimension in the seventh art: We show the "other cinema", often discarded by the consumerist mass media. Poetic and spiritual cinema, aimed above all at people and their sensibility, where each spectator has the freedom to recreate his or her own gaze, in complicity with the authors of the film.

abole - English translation - Spanish-English dictionary

Continuing with the main headquarters in the city of Granada, in this V edition we also share our program internationally with Rabat, Marseille, and Iquitos. The benefit of projection is reciprocal for authors and spectators, as the films are shown in different cities of different countries.

Synonyms and antonyms of abolición in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms

We work all year round. Screenings during the festival and meetings with authors, spectators and discussions, take place for about a month, from November 8 to December 5, But the activities will also extend throughout the following year, with monthly screenings in different places in Spain. We fight against audiovisual pollution.

We have created a festival committed to the environmental sustainability against audiovisual pollution everywhere. With the old ecological slogan: Revaluation of anthropological cinema. In the digital era it seems necessary to reflect on the current ways of life, contrasted with the ancestral ones. The awards of the festival are of strong symbology: We look for that idealized meeting point between both poles.

We all are Festival. Our festival does not have an audience: People who praise difference, and committed to the humanist and transversal dimension of thought, the sustainability of the planet, the recovery of collective screenings in cinema currently in danger of extinction , and the fight against audiovisual pollution.

Manuel describes himself as "til-filmmaker", in the sense of impermanence: Having directed and founded other festivals in Spain and abroad, Manuel assumes since the renewed commitment towards a minority cinema, nowadays almost invisible due to the lack of distribution, which he also makes.

About this project

LA ABOLICION (Spanish Edition) [Robert Badinter] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. El libro presenta el proceso de la Abolición en. La abolición del hombre (Spanish Edition) [C. S. Lewis] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. En este libro, C.S. Lewis reflexiona sobre la.

In terms of agricultural policy, for example, abolishing all market support and protection would remove about two-thirds of EU farmers from the land. The EU, together with the new administration in the USA, can remove customs barriers for agricultural products and the textile industry.

Synonyms Synonyms Spanish for "abolir": Spanish abrogar anular cancelar casar derogar detener liquidar rescindir revocar suprimir suspender. Context sentences Context sentences for "abole" in English These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate.

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