21 Down to Earth Action Steps

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But in recent decades this ancient wisdom has been tested by scientific research. Scientists have found that although our genes and circumstances matter, a huge proportion of the variations in happiness between us come from our choices and activities. So although we may not be able to change our inherited characteristics or the circumstances in which we find ourselves, we still have the power to change how happy we are — by the way we approach our lives. Action for Happiness has identified 10 keys to happier living , based on an extensive review of the latest research about what really helps people flourish.

Caring about others is fundamental to our happiness. It makes us happier and can help to improve our health. Giving also creates stronger connections between people and helps to build a happier society for everyone. So if you want to feel good, do good. Our relationships with other people are the most important thing for our happiness. People with strong relationships are happier, healthier and live longer. Our close relationships with family and friends provide love, meaning, support and increase our feelings of self-worth.

Our broader social networks bring a sense of belonging.

21 Quick Actions You Can Do Today to Simplify Your Life – Slow Your Home

Our body and mind are connected. Being active makes us happier as well as healthier. It instantly improves our mood and can even lift us out of depression.

Action # 2: Practice Gratitude

How to Be Down to Earth. You want to be more down to earth. People who are considered "down to earth" tend to act humble, practical, and. Agenda 21 is a non-binding action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable It is a product of the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and . that local authorities take steps to implement the plan locally, as recommended in said "Sustainable development is not a top-down conspiracy from the U.N.

We can also boost our wellbeing by spending time outdoors, eating healthily, unplugging from technology and getting enough sleep. Have you ever felt there must be more to life? Good news — there is. We just need to stop and take notice. It helps us get in tune with our feelings and stops us dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Learning affects our wellbeing in lots of positive ways. It exposes us to new ideas and helps us stay curious and engaged. It also gives us a sense of accomplishment and helps boost our self-confidence and resilience.

There are many ways to learn new things throughout our lives, not just through formal qualifications. We can share a skill with friends, join a club, learn to sing, play a new sport and so much more. Feeling good about the future is really important for our happiness. We all need goals to motivate us and these have to be challenging enough to excite us, but also achievable. If we try to attempt the impossible, this creates unnecessary stress. Choosing meaningful but realistic goals gives our lives direction and brings a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when we achieve them.

All of us have times of stress, loss, failure or trauma in our lives.

How we respond to these events has a big impact on our wellbeing. Remind yourself that other people's needs and perspectives are just as important as your own. You may be better at certain things than most people, but you may not be so good at other things. Let go of the ego, and keep perspective. Think before you speak.

21 Quick Actions You Can Do Today to Simplify Your Life

Slow down and say exactly what you mean. Catch yourself when you are not being mindful of the people around you. Be straightforward and unpretentious. Try not make assumptions about people or situations, and try not to needlessly hurt anyone with your words.

Explain yourself, when possible, and ask rather than order. Instead of saying, "Take out the trash," say "Do you mind taking out the trash so that I can keep cooking dinner?

Maintain personal hygiene, but seriously consider how much time you spend looking in the mirror. Think about how often you mindlessly check your phone or your Facebook account. Try to spend less energy on your social and physical appearance, and spend more energy on things beyond yourself. Volunteer your time, and go out of your way to help others. Do this until it is second nature. Accept people for who they are. Instead of trying to change them or criticize them: Try to see the silver lining in every situation.

Confront hate in your life.

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I keep searching for inspiration to simplify my life. Try to treat people on the basis of character, not personality. When these types of geographic information are modeled in conjunction with in situ faunal information it becomes possible to assess biodiversity Savitsky and Lacher, Keep the big picture in mind. Being active makes us happier as well as healthier.

If there is someone that you strongly dislike, try to objectively consider why you dislike them. Think about whether they're really doing anything wrong.


Treat everyone as a human being. There is no reason to feel inferior or superior.

  1. .
  2. COP 21 and India's plan on climate change: What does it mean for our food systems and cultures?.
  3. COP 21 and India's plan on climate change: What does it mean for our food systems and cultures?.
  4. Ten easy steps to happier living.

Try to treat people on the basis of character, not personality. Be present and attentive, and don't just wait for your chance to speak. Value someone's right to speak, even if you do not agree with what they're saying. Never turn your back on people or interrupt them while they're talking. Respect people as you would like to be respected. Keep the big picture in mind.

Try to not to get too tangled up in the details. Remind yourself that things will work out one way or another, and that even the worst of situations will eventually pass.

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Don't give up on the important things, but try to recognize the details that are merely distracting you. Lead a simple life. Separate your needs from your wants, and try to focus on the things that are truly important. Consume only what you need, and be mindful of how much waste you produce. Live within your means, whatever that means for you. Buy things for their practical function, not for how they look or how they will make you look. Go through your possessions, and sell or donate the things that you don't use or need.

Stop holding onto things just because they're "yours. Live in accordance with your values.

Connect with the people, the places, and the causes that are important to you. Care about the planet, the future, and the people in your life.

Learn to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle , and think seriously about your impact. Be grateful for what you have. Appreciate how wonderfully lucky you are to be alive, breathing, and growing in this moment.

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Show your gratitude for the people who make your life worth living: Accept your life for what it is. Don't give up on your dreams and aspirations — but do not try to make a fantasy a reality. Cultivate a gratitude practice. Make a habit of thanking people and complimenting people. Every morning, write down five things for which you are grateful. Be patient and thoughtful. Accept the things that you cannot change, and work to thoughtfully change the things that you cannot accept.

Be aware of your surroundings, particularly the way that your behavior affects the way that other people feel.