50 SHADES OF RED: Doctor Knows Best (XXX Stories Book 3)

If you're still not convinced about how unhealthy this relationship was, this probably will convince you. To ensure he gets her to do what he wants, he manipulates her with promises of a relationship if she is willing to try his way of lifestyle. So in her mind, his need to control her and beat her is a form of therapy? That's not BDSM either. I have absolutely nothing more to add.

I'm taking my inner goddess elsewhere and grabbing a good book. Honestly this is what I imagined Christian to be like. If you have a facebook account, you should definitely visit this link. Absolutely horrifying, utter trash. A waste of trees, bookshelf space and precious, oh so very fucking precious braincells. Honestly, why is this even published? Every single book store in Sydney is promoting this tripe, claiming it to be some kind of awesome romance novel.

Are you absolutely shitting me? There is nothing romantic at all about this 'book'. In fact, that's what this book sh Garbage. In fact, that's what this book should be called. I know at least every one star reviewer has taken the title and created their own pun with it, but fuck it, I'm jumping on the bandwagon too. Before I decided to read this God help me , I kept seeing it everywhere I went, and the book store where I work was involved in the promotion among other book store chains. All me and my co-workers knew that it was smut, and a hell of a lot of it too. We even turned the book into a drinking game, and it goes as thus: Flip to a random page of the book.

If it's something dirty, take a drink. I do not recommend this game, for one could die from alcohol poisoning within the first round. But if you're feeling adventurous Glad I could be of service to your crazy party ideas. But anyway, let's cut to my opinion of this abomination of literature.

I decided to read it because it sounded like garbage, and I haven't written a review about garbage in too long. I owed something to the people who actually found me worthwhile to follow on Goodreads. So I decided hell, I'll review this. This is literally the worst book I have ever read, and I say that about many books. But this is the worst book for a damn good reason. Let's talk about what I hated about this book. The bottom line is I hated absolutely everything.

And I'm not saying that to be funny, I'm saying that out of all seriousness. I didn't find a single redeeming quality in this book. With the Hush, hush series we at least had the unintentional hilarity and the awesomeness of Marcie. In Twilight we had that chick who wanted to kill Bella and Tyler's van. Fifty shades of Grey has no such redeeming qualities. The characters are bland and merely props to set the stage for fucking weird BDSM-ing, and the plot was lost somewhere in the vagina of the author's wet dream.

Believe me, I feel weird for even typing these words. Not to mention, even though everyone already knows this, this was originally a Twilight fan fiction called 'Master of the universe' or some shitty, stupid title like that. How did such a thing get published? What, Twilight wasn't horrible and abuse-glorifying enough, so we had to kick it up a notch with publishing 'Master of the universe'?

Are you people serious? Why is it that dumber and dumber things are getting published? Quality is almost non-existent. But before I rant on for hours about that, let's talk about the characters. Oh, I mean props. Yeah, props is more appropriate. Because the characters, for all the personality they had may as well have been props. Our first main prop is Ana, aka Bella Swan. The plain, virginal wallflower who thinks lowly of herself whilst everyone around her just seems to freaking worship her. She is also clumsy, reads books, has divorced parents, doesn't get along with her step-father, and is a brain dead moronic twat.

Remind you of anyone? I wonder who you're thinking of. That is a humdinger, isn't it? I'm amazed how many women are not pissed off with her complete lack of sense and self-respect. She lets a man abuse her physically and emotionally, and allows him to satiate his ever-growing need to control her completely, passing it off as some cute obsessive habit.

And even if she has doubts and runs away, she comes running back to him only seconds after. How are people not pissed off about this? Not to mention she has zero personality, zero brain-cells, and zero common sense. Her character serves no purpose other than becoming some abusive asshole's sex toy. And let's not forget our second main prop, Christian Grey, aka Edward Cullen, aka creepy-stalker-sociopathic-megalomaniacal-abusive-horrifying-asshole. The fact that he has fangirls in the real world has pretty much ruined my faith in mankind, and the new generation.

Christian Gray pretty much pushes the limits that Edward Cullen, Patch, Daniel and others have yet to push due to their PG ratings, but fuck does Christian Grey push those fucking limits. He physically abuses Ana, and it somehow gets excused on the account that she was briefly aroused by it. He also decides what she should eat, what she should wear, how she should act, speak, communicate with him, where she can and can't go or what she can and can't do, threatens her constantly even with physical violence, and the list goes on.

I kid you not. He even has this set out as a contract which by the way is repeated at least 5 times in the fucking book. Here's another example of how romantic this mother fucker is: I want you to behave in a particular way, and if you don't, I shall punish you, and you will learn to behave the way I desire. Romantic as freaking Mel Gibson.

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And by the way, the women who find this guy romantic need some serious therapy. Harsh I know, but finding this guy romantic is like like excusing the actions of a child-molester because he has nice hair. This is not romantic. I don't know why they decided to plant this book in the general romance section. This goes way beyond the good ol' BDSM theme and just ends up treading into abusive territory. Christian takes these aspects into the relationship where he ends up not only controlling a woman sexually, but also emotionally, and deliberately moulding her into not just a sex partner, but an ideal of what he wants her to be and leaves her no room for her individuality and instead brands it as 'punishable'.

That's not part of the BDSM jig. I'm sorry, but it's not. Why people even call this romantic is beyond me. I already mentioned the abusive aspects of this so called relationship, but other than that it was a relationship built on air. Since neither of the characters had any personality outside their sex drives, they had nothing that they saw in each other.

They couldn't relate to each other, they didn't share any common interests, they didn't do any good for each other, outside the sexy stuff. And at the end they want to pass it off as though the two are actually in love? Give me a break. Watching people get swooped at by magpies is more romantic that this garbage. There was no plot.

Seriously, I could not find it. I searched and searched but alas, my search has left me unrewarded. Let me explain in a quick paragraph how this book goes: Some guy is hot. Girl thinks some guy is hot. Hot some-guy shows up where girl who thinks some-guy is hot works. Hot some-guy asks out girl, takes her virginity. Hot some-guy introduces girl who thinks he's hot, by the way to his BDSM sex dungeon, and the next half of the book is spent pondering whether or not girl who thinks some-guy is hot, in case it wasn't mentioned enough in the book wants to indulge in hot some-guy's fantasies.

Also the hot some-guy takes complete control over girl did I mention she thinks he's hot? Girl gets spanked too hard, breaks up with hot some-guy. That's the whole book. And the whole 'Ohhh Christian has secrets' bullcrap in the blurb? The book is only about how some asshole wants to control some stupid girl. The other characters are barely relevant. They were just more props whose only role was to be interested in the 'relationship' between Ana and Christian.

They didn't seem to be interested in anything else. They could be buttering toast and thinking 'I wonder how hard Christian is fucking Ana right now. The media might be promoting this tripe as the new hero of literature, but this is and always will be just another wart on the ass of literature, along with Twilight and all its' descendants.

You know what they say, you can polish a turd, but it will still be a turd. If any of you fuckers comment at the bottom of this review and say, "You don't understand BDSM" I will hunt you down and make you eat your computer, plus the mouse, plus the keyboard, plus any other internet-connected devices in your home, including but not limited to iPhones, iPods, iPads, Androids, games consoles and ereaders. This book is not an accurate or healthy portrayal of a real BDSM relationship between two consensual and enthusiastic parties. Thus, by defending it as such, Head's up: Thus, by defending it as such, you are doing a disservice to the actual culture of BDSM no kinkshaming.

So don't fuck with me and try to pull that shit. Oh, also, there will be a substantial amount of cussing throughout this review. If you care about the sanctity of your virgin eyes then shut down your computer and go do something else. We are all grown-ass adults and this is the internet. If you're going to come over and here and lecture me about swearing then I'd advise that you PIPE the fuck down and stop being so bloody delicate.

You guessed it, guys: When I was thirteen, I decided I wanted to be an author. For years I'd chattered away about being an architect or a vet or what have you, but who was I kidding? All I ever wanted to do was write. So I sat down, and I did. I'm actually not shitting you. I thought it would be as easy as sitting down and writing some crap on Wordpad alright, calm down, this was the noughties and I wrote a lot of crap: I tried to write a play , and then I tried poetry, and then I wrote short stories, before eventually expanding into novels.

Novels is a stretch. I wrote about a hundred single-spaced pages and to my present-day horror, made my family read it. And they actually did. Remember all those embarrassingly awful school projects you did when you were thirteen? Or even just those embarrassingly awful things you did in general when you were thirteen? I feel the same level of shame when I think of my little preteen self, handing this pile of shit over to my sister and thinking I actually had something.

About a year later, with zero knowledge of how publishing works, I posted it straight into a bunch of indie publisher's slushpiles. A vanity publisher replied to me and told me they didn't want my work, and I did the undoable: I argued with them. As I write this, I'm practically convulsing with embarrassment.

Vanity Publisher, if you're reading this, please forget I ever existed. But if you can't do that, at least give me an alias when you tell all your friends about that dumb kid who sent you the book about pyromania without having done any research. In some ways, having read this book, I finally feel like I identify with that vanity publisher: I read someone's irredeemable shit and hated it, but then they tried to defend it and I got so mad I broke a window with my face.

Peeps, if you think E. James hasn't tried to defend this shit, then you need to get on YouTube and watch some pleading vids from the publisher. I haven't read a book this awful since Revealing Eden but let's not open that can of worms. It was like an acid trip. Am I reading this, I thought? Is this actually a published book? Are people actually parting with money for this slab of steaming garbage? I feel like this book insulted me, really. I feel like it spat in my face, because what reader-respecting author would create a protagonist this redundant and awe-inspiringly dense, expecting an audience to love and respect her?

It's as if someone took an ice-cream scoop and relieved Ana of her brain. I have no words. I have no words to explain this protagonist. I have more to say about the love interest, who's like a more threatening Charles Manson but with only one brainwashed follower Ana. This guy goes to the hardware store and buys like chains and lime and shit and Ana doesn't think this is weird? What the fucking fuck? And of course there's the whole "inner goddess" shit and Ana thinking that it's sexy to wear a chunky knit sweater and be strapped into a vehicle, and then using the word "vagina" during a sex scene.

Yeah, excuse me while I tame my boner! I felt so uncomfortable reading this book. Now, let's be honest here: Of course I read porn. Anyone over sixteen who says they've never looked at or read porn is talking out of their ass. But this book made me feel uncomfortable, and here's the kicker: I read it alone. I was reading it alone in my living room, and I felt uncomfortable inside my own head. What the fuck does that tell you?

I don't want to start yammering on about the way this book is written. It's written like horrendous fanfiction. There are spelling and punctuation errors, stupid turns of phrase, random asides, stilted dialogue, awful physical descriptions, weird pacing, and I don't know, like a thousand instances of brand dropping and band-naming which gives the book this bizarre cheap and dated quality that really takes away from what little redeeming features it might have had.

What are the redeeming features? The blurb sounds interesting.

more on this story

But what is it about this book that's captured the attention of so many millions of people across the world? The absurdly stupid protagonist?

The pushy, obsessive, totally unrealistic love interest? The relationship in which only one party is actually interested in BDSM, and the other is incredibly resistant to it, but is forced into it? The awful cover art? The cheap, thin binding? A story so convoluted, so ridiculous, so totally immature it could only ever have been born from Twilight? There is nothing enjoyable about this book.

This book is garbage. There are no two ways about it: And I'm not sorry for saying so. This is my fucking opinion, and I'm damn well going to voice it. This book can kiss my ass. Kathleen This review is hilarious. I had a good laugh. I will look forward to more from you. Much appreciated Nov 27, Aug 30, Baba rated it did not like it Shelves: And at this moment you're a part of them.

  1. Erotica: better reads than Fifty Shades of Grey | Books | The Guardian.
  2. Fifty Shades Freed () - Rotten Tomatoes.
  3. Fifty Shades of Grey?
  4. Similar authors to follow.
  5. The Erotic Flash Backs (Erotic Romance);
  6. Sports in war?

FSoShit is garbage and if I had read a paperback I would have burned the fucking offending thing. It's a total mystery to me 0 stars. It's a total mystery to me why this book ever saw the light of day because, let's face it, the writing is incredibly juvenile. Also, the slimy whacko didn't deserve to be called hero. Christian is a highly manipulative, abusive and stalker-ish asshole. His whispers didn't endear him to me either.

He came off as a total creep. I honestly don't understand what Ana saw in him, yet on the other hand, I didn't get it why Christian would stalk that bland and vapid wallflower. In any event, these two deserved each other and Ana obviously enjoyed Grey's blunt and crude approach. The whole contract business was pretty much mind-boggling. Christian, the rich Superman sarcasm , deflowered our wallflower in a way that's not even worthy of losing any words over that pathetic fuck.

So, you did guess right. I neither found the sex to be hot nor erotic. Thus, I'd better buy him a ticket to the next Mars expedition stat. That would ensure that Mr. Grey would not return to our cozy place called Mother Earth. FSoG lacked depth and emotion big time. Except of disgust and anger I felt nothing towards these pathetic main protagonists and their fucked up trip bored me to tears.

The winking smileys irritated the hell outta me and all that inner goddess shit made me almost blow a fuse. Would you give me a break already? I've read a variety of erotica books and I do enjoy great smexin' that comes with some kind of depth and great characterization. What's seriously bugging me as well is the fact that the general public thinks that FSoShit provides almost every woman's erotic fantasy. I don't criticize readers who loved this book but I'm criticizing the media coverage.

I don't appreciate it when these people claim to know that's what a general majority of women love to read and want in real life or in the bedroom for that matter. FSoG is bad erotica. It's bad BDSM too. Never ever could this story empower me in my sexuality. I can do it all by myself with my very healthy hand, and I can gladly say that my boyfriend is empowering me just fine and is taking care of my needs.

Thank you very much. BTW, my boyfriend is not an abusive and manipulative stalker. Oh, yes, now it dawns on me…my boyfriend is real. Bottom line, the barely there plot and the characters were overly shallow, underdeveloped, immature and boring. The amateurish writing killed any desire to read anything else by this author in the future. And last but not least, my inner goddess was so fucking relieved when she had to quit eventually. It was a very tedious and crappy experience and I wish I had never bought this book, let alone attempted to go through this rubbish.

I was in dire need of bleaching my brain. Christopher Hitchens said… Everybody does have a book in them, but in most cases that's where it should stay. As a side note But here I am in the mind of the innocent waiting to be devoured by the big bad wolf. The perfect sex toy set out to conquer an innocent girl. His dominance is too much for me to handle and his attitude tends to be annoying and slimy. Anastasia is an immature insecure desperate idiot who wants to become the whore of Babylon.

She just wants to listen to her inner goddess wtf?! Now to pick on one of my biggest problems regarding this book: WTF may I ask? Signing paperwork in order to have sex with him? Is he a natural hazard or what? All women want to please him? They are for your benefit and for my pleasure. If you follow these rules to my satisfaction, I shall reward you. I doubt you would.

So this means that the reason why you love the book is mainly Christian Grey being hot and an uber alpha? But who am I to judge. So take a chill pill and GTFO. Oct 28, P. Lupton rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Those of you who have had the privilege of reading Fifty Shades of Grey will appreciate the context in which this review was written. E L James captures perfectly her fears, confusions, insecurities, and internal conflicts as she deals with falling in first love with a man who epitomizes the meaning of dominant.

The heroine Anastasia Steele is a study in contradictions: I PA Lupton warrant that upon reading said copy a multitude of emotions will inevitably ensue. I further warrant that disappointment will not be one of the aforementioned emotions. Please ensure that you have Kleenex prepared when you read this novel as build up of emotions will unavoidably lead to the inadvertent shedding of tears. Make certain to schedule ample time for reading as once you begin you will be unable to put your book down. If obligations force you to cease reading prior to completion, for long periods of time, it will inevitably lead to impatience and frustration.

Cold liquids, ice, cool cloths, or any cooling equipment such as central air or electric fans should be close at hand. Reading the romantic i. No purpose, no plot, meandering for meandering's sake. I didn't finish it because, quite frankly, the 'heroine' got on my last fucking nerve. The writing style is atrocious and I can't fathom how or why so many people love this tiny slice of interweb fan fiction garbage. View all 66 comments.

Erotica: better reads than Fifty Shades of Grey

A day to bask in the amazing power of books to inform, amuse, educate, and alter our views and viewpoints. Mar 22, Colleen Hoover rated it it was amazing. I read this book back before E. James even wrote it. I don't brag about a lot of things, but my review skills are one of the few things I will brag about. James read my review on this book and she loved it SO much, she decided to go ahead and write the book.

Here is a word-for-word copy of our email exchange from that day. I'm already finished writi I read this book back before E. I'm already finished writing chapter twelve. I just wanted to say thank you. Without your review, I would never have found the inspiration for this book.

I'm great at this reviewing thing, right? I might put that in my book if you don't mind! If you do, don't give me credit for it. I don't like attention. I get SO much already. Someday when you finish this book, you'll know what it's like. James became a sensational author. If you're a reviewer, make sure you pre-review books before they are written. Procrastination is for losers.

View all 41 comments. Okay… I realized by people's comments that I never said exactly what I thought about this book. Well, I loved it. I've now read it four times. Christian Grey ranks right up there with Travis Maddox in my book boyfriend world. This series is addicting. When I need a good read this is my "go to" series. I didn't know what to think about this because I wasn't sure how I felt about BDSM… but this is sooooo much more than that.

View all 65 comments. May 17, karen rated it liked it Shelves: ALL the twilightisms are there: Jan 03, Emily May rated it it was ok Shelves: I have finally made a decision about Fifty Shades of Grey. I know, I know, my review of this isn't really needed, everybody's talking about this book, everybody's got the general gist of what it's about. But I've spent quite a long time thinking about this novel, the characters, and the relationship portrayed.

I've been thinking about all the reasons people hate this so much and love it so much. I need to confess - for those who missed it - that I originally reviewed this first book immediately I have finally made a decision about Fifty Shades of Grey. I need to confess - for those who missed it - that I originally reviewed this first book immediately after finishing it and before I started and finished the other two books in the trilogy.

I gave it three stars, I expressed all that Fifty Shades of Grey had made me feel: I have since then felt like I have much more to add. The reason I personally think that opinions differ so greatly on these novels is not because people have different sexual tastes. For some, yeah, this will come into play. However, I think the main reason is that this book and the characters send out a confusing mix of messages. Was it BDSM erotica? Or the tale of a man's childhood abuse and how this impacted on his sex life later on? Were Christian Grey's sexual tastes supposed to be erotic or wrong?

Let me tell those of you who haven't read this: This book appears to be an erotic BDSM romance at face value. But Ana makes it clear early on that she doesn't want that kind of relationship, that Christian is "fifty shades of fucked up", that the way he behaves isn't right, but is actually the result of an abusive upbringing. Ana later contradicts her early decision and gets all pouty when Christian won't play kinky with her Some people seem to see Christian as the big bad man who abuses a weak young woman.

This is not the case. There is nothing, I repeat nothing , that happens between the two of them that Ana doesn't give consent to. Sure, she may whine about it afterwards, or use the excuse that she doesn't want to lose him, but she makes the choices, she holds the power. Here's what I think is the ultimate problem with Fifty Shades of Grey: Ms James' terrible writing. It's nothing new, she even admitted it herself, but that is why we all can't figure out what it is about this book that makes it some parts entertaining, some parts annoying as fuck.

Because I'm trying to categorise this so I can begin to understand it, so that I can form my opinion and write my review accordingly. But we cannot understand what doesn't make sense. And James' characterisation does not make any sense at all. She writes Ana as a naive student at the mercy of Christian's abusive past, then she writes Ana as a sexual manipulator who actually likes BDSM. Is Christian sexy or a victim? She contradicts herself, she changes her mind without logical reason. This is why it is pointless analysing the relationship between Ana and Christian.

One minute it's sexy, the next minute it's fucked up. One minute it's BDSM, the next minute it's abuse. How do you accurately review a book that changes its mind every two minutes? Any more than a small amount of kinky doesn't really interest me, but it doesn't bother me either if it is between consenting adults. However, there are two things I can say about this matter in Fifty Shades of Grey: I can't say that I'm experienced in visiting those kind of clubs down the dark allies of Soho, but I've done not a small amount of reading on the psychological aspect of BDSM relationships.

I have a keen interest in feminism and I have often wondered if something like this is nothing but a hindrance to the progress of women and equality. I would conclude from my reading that it is not. Firstly, BDSM relationships are about give and take. It isn't about abuse, it isn't about selfishly taking what you want, and because these relationships involve relinquishing control to another person, there is a deep amount of trust required.

Also, it is important to note that the power of the dom is an illusion, the sub holds all the power, they say how far it goes, when it stops, what is too much. The key thing is that both of them get something out of it. Which is why the relationship in Fifty Shades of Grey can only be called BDSM when Ana does an abrupt u-turn on her opinions and decides she wants a bit of spankiness. The parts where she reluctantly allows him to get his way - that is not BDSM. I think there is nothing wrong with BDSM erotica.

I think there is nothing wrong with doms, subs, sex slaves, whatever Ms James has created one mess of a book, whether you'll look at her mess and see something entertaining or horrific, well that's kinda just like looking at this picture and asking whether you see a rabbit or a duck. View all 78 comments. I only bought this on Kindle because I was curious to see whether a professional edit made it any better than the original fanfic which I abandoned once I realized the plot wasn't original enough for me to suffer through the cut-rate writing.

Most distracting is the schizophrenic voice of the main chara I only bought this on Kindle because I was curious to see whether a professional edit made it any better than the original fanfic which I abandoned once I realized the plot wasn't original enough for me to suffer through the cut-rate writing. Most distracting is the schizophrenic voice of the main character, Ana. In one paragraph, Ana's words sound like those of a quasi-literate teenager; in the next paragraph she uses uber-literate words like "gamine".

Are we supposed to believe that she's naive or sophisticated? Add in culture confusion: Ana is supposed to be American, but the author who is from the U. Her roommate isn't "sick" like American people are, she's "ill"; Ana doesn't "grab her bag" before going out the door, she "gathers her satchel". Ana's voice fails to consistently ring true for an American girl. Yet, the worst literary crime is the outright misuse of language.

Says Ana at one point: Even if the author didn't know this, the editor should have caught it. The problems don't end there. From cliches without a lick of irony or humor, Ana is described as putting the "pedal to the metal" as she drives , to awkward sentences, to nonsensical metaphors, this work is amateurish. There's nothing wrong with being an amateur, but there IS something wrong with charging people money for something that hasn't been professionally edited. If this author wants to be taken seriously, she should take the time to learn about writing craft and align herself with an editing house that will turn her writing into serious work.

View all 29 comments. Aug 08, Juliana Philippa rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Post Script on May 8, This book has exploded since I first read it and it seems to be one that is either loved or hated. I'm actually very thankful that I read it before any of my GR friends or anyone I knew, because I feel like if I read it now, after hearing all the hype, it would probably disappoint.

People have very strong reactions to Fifty Shades and just to put in my two cents: Was this book a great piece of literatu Post Script on May 8, This book has exploded since I first read it and it seems to be one that is either loved or hated. Was this book a great piece of literature?

Were these characters ones whom you could write grad school theses about? But you know what? I loved the romance, I loved the chemistry, and I enjoyed myself tremendously while reading it - it had me grinning ridiculously for hours. That's what I wanted from this book, and that's what I got, so for me, that was enough. Post Post Script on October 9, I greatly appreciate all those who have defended my review in the comments section - especially those who completely disagreed with my opinion of the book.

For those making hateful comments: Post Post Post Script on January 13, Almost comments on this review, but none for awhile, so not sure why I'm coming back to it now. I started reading the most recent comments though and my own review, and frankly I wanted to delete some of it, but figured that was ridiculous at this point.

I wouldn't write this same review were I to read it now, but that was what I thought that morning at the time right after I read it, so it is what it is. Finally watched the movie recently, which is probably what brought me round to this, and for the record: I wrote what I wrote; I was in my early 20s; I liked it. I still feel somewhat under the spell of this book. It was honestly an amazing read - and one which I meant to just skim a few sample pages of, but ended up buying and then staying up the entire night to finish.

I wasn't even sure I wanted to write a review, because it seemed too difficult to put into words everything that moved me about this story and to try to do it justice. This ended up feeling like one of the best and most authentic romances I have read. In some ways, I feel conflicted like Anastasia when I say that: Anastasia, Christian, and their relationship are all so honestly and openly written and shown to us that there is no other way for me to feel.

Even though its counterintuitive, I can't help but feel that their relationship is one of the most beautiful, complex, and emotional ones I've read in the romance genre. It's one of those books that makes me want to go back to the last few star books I read and knock down their ratings half a star, because when put on the same scale they don't compare. I had a ridiculously foolish grin on my face throughout the entire thing, both because I was on one of those this-romance-is-unbelievably-fantastic highs and the book had some surprisingly good humor.

Thankfully, that never happened, and it remained an amazing read right up until the very end. I don't think that I have read one that is so beautifully and seemingly authentic. I write seemingly because I have no personal experience, so no idea, but to me it read that way. It was not done as a space apart in the book where the writer could insert random hot sex scenes.

Instead, it's woven throughout, showing us how it impacts and affects both characters. Ana and Christian remain Ana and Christian in those scenes, in the sense that it doesn't feel like out-of-character gratuitous sex scenes are at every random turn just to satisfy some quota. I'm not even sure I want to categorize this book as erotica, because that seems so limiting. There was hot - intense - chemistry, don't get me wrong, and I definitely had some turn-the-AC-up moments.

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Not over-the-top for effect, but not understated because the author wants to be able to put lots of sex scenes. She's a virgin, has no experience with men, and didn't know anything about BDSM, so of course she's going to be questioning this and unsure of whether it's "right" or it's "wrong" or if she even feels comfortable doing it. She also is very attracted - and eventually in love - with Christian and wants to be in a relationship with him. Ana feels a connection to him that she has never felt with any other person and she wants him in her life; he makes her happy.

Her attempts to balance these two forces is wonderfully depicted and I could easily imagine myself reacting in those exact same ways, thinking those exact same things, and feeling those exact same conflicts. Ana is strong - she's somewhat shy and quiet, but like all real people, you cannot fit her into only one category: Ana examines her motivations and feelings when she's confused or unsure - not only about what she should do, but about what she wants to do and what Christian wants from her.

The story is told in first-person, which is sometimes iffy for me, but it worked well here; Ana's tone as narrator is smart, self-aware, and immensely likable. He's intense and dark and I know some people still see him as mysterious and the dark force in all this, but I actually found him to be so accessible. There are still things we need to know about his history, obviously - I have some guesses, but don't know anything for sure. Nonetheless, he also felt like the most authentic BDSM dom I could ever read because he's not just that - he's a man who has that part of himself incorporated into his life, personality, and mannerisms, so that it's integral to his character, even when we see him around other characters who don't know about this part of his life.

Christian is possessive, a little stalkerish, domineering no duh , authoritarian, elusive, mercurial - all of those things and more. He is also one of the most tender, tortured, and sensitive heroes I've ever read. His despair and his need for Ana is his life are like living, breathing things and they jump off the page. He also has a deep understanding about himself and his desires, though he discovers and faces new things through Ana's questions and confrontations.

He needs to dominate and control his partner, but he also needs Ana, so he is willing to compromise and not only tries to give her that "more," but ends up wanting it himself as well. It was one of the things that convinced me to buy the book after reading the sample - it was so intense. Their connection throughout feels so strong and despite the fact that they're coming from such different places, you can see the constant back and forth of them trying to fit together, trying to understand what the other wants, what they themselves want, etc.

I had such a ridiculous grin on my face for most the entire book. It was complex, difficult, lovely, distressing, uplifting, intense, hopeful. Reading this book feels like an intimate act, because Ana and Christian are truly laid bare for us; yes, there are still things about his past we don't know, but who they are, their essentials, are revealed to us. Their relationship is so honest, and I mean this in two ways: Within the book, I so, SO loved that they both try to be open with one another about their feelings and their doubts, that we see them trying to work through this relationship and feel each other out, figure out what this is between them.

It wasn't porn-like or gratuitous or kinky for kink's sake - it was built off of who these two people are and how they connect with and need one another. No evil guy or superfluous subplot - the obstacles are within themselves and their relationship and that is more than enough; anything else would have ruined the book and taken away from their story. Subtle but sizzling chemistry and sexual tension. I think the buildup should definitely have been extended, because it did feel pretty out of the blue to me.

As little a thing as it is, the fact that the end says "End of Part One" and this isn't viewed as Book 1 and the next as Book 2, really made a difference to me. Gives more of a sense of continuity and makes this feel like an intermission. All together, there will be three books. For those interested but unsure, Google has a relatively long sample section you can read to get a sense of whether you'll like the book or not: Feb 11, Sasha Alsberg rated it it was ok. I feel like there is a deeper meaning behind Fifty Shades of Grey then just BDSM and sex but the huge downfall of this book was the writing.

Fifty Shades Freed

I can see both sides of the fifty shades argument. There are points in the book where I can see abuse but there are also points where there is none. I just hate the fact that if people enjoy this book they are labeled as "pro-rape advocates" or "pro-abuse". Stop trying to belittle others, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You may not agree I feel like there is a deeper meaning behind Fifty Shades of Grey then just BDSM and sex but the huge downfall of this book was the writing. You may not agree but don't hate, we are all readers here!

View all 33 comments. Apr 04, Inge rated it did not like it Shelves: This book has put me off sex for ever and ever. I know I said I was never going to touch this with a ten-foot pole, but then this happened: Basically, my co-blogger dared me to read the books after a joke about the author, or I was never allowed to diss the books again. This piece of shit, this sorry excuse for a book is without a doubt the worst piece of literature fanfiction I have ever read.

I have never suffered so much in my life. This book has absolutely no redeeming qualities. I seriously cannot wrap my head around the fact that this is a bestseller. That women all over the world adore this book, and adore Christian Grey. The man is an abusive stalker and the fact that women are fantasising about this fuckwit sets our society back about years. Thanks for that, wankers.

Reasons why you should run away from Christian Grey and possibly shoot and castrate him Oh boy, where do I start? How is that possible?

Fifty Shades of Grey - Wikipedia

Stalker , my subconscious whispers at me through the cloud of tequila that's still floating in my brain, but somehow, because it's him, I don't mind. Go home, thank you for playing. But the list goes on. Worst of all, Anastasia would happily wag her tail and roll over for him. When Kate and Ana move house to Seattle, he again knows where she lives without her telling him.

This guy is fucking insane. Just the mere mention of another guy gets him angry. The BDSM contract is the perfect example of this: So he buys her 14,dollar-worth old books, a Macbook, a Blackberry, and a fucking car. What the fuck is wrong with you?! And he has rape tendencies: He wants her to be his possession. Even more alarm bells: To which he replies: Ana never cries, until she meets Christian.

Suddenly, she cries all the time. I would find you. I can track your cell phone — remember? He is suffocating me. He wants to hurt me… how do I deal with this? This is beyond fucked up. On to the writing. Every single word was overused. At least use proper terms. The fact that she keeps running back to Christian also signifies that she has an IQ of a garden gnome. There was also the constant need to remind us that Christian Grey is good-looking.

Seriously, every time she saw him there was mention of how hot he was, and every time she thought of him, as well. Then there are the inaccuracies. Anastasia has to be some kind of Superwoman. No hangover after drinking tequila for the first time. She has no pain whatsoever. On top of that, she's instantly exceptional at everything. Must be great, to be a natural. At one point, she gasps and swallows at the same time. I tried to do it. My tongue swirls around the end. I find nothing sexy about testing my gag reflex repeatedly.

Things I learned from Fifty Shades of Grey: That way, you never have to make any decisions again! Not even if he slams into you! Apr 19, Manny marked it as not-to-read Shelves: Expressing it in layman's language, what we have here is basically that this bad book is similar to another bad book, which in turn closely resembles a third bad book. The implications are literally mind-blowing and we're still trying to understand them. James was briefly hospitalized after a pile of gold coins collapsed, partially burying her for several minutes. She suffered "minor contusions and abrasions" but was able to return home to her money-cave following a medical examination.

Let me start by saying It is my favorite kind of story.

Liam Payne, Rita Ora - For You (Fifty Shades Freed) (Official Music Video)

You know what I mean Well, that was me while reading this book, I couldn't concentrate to get anything done: There are a lot of reviews on this book, and obviously the majority love it, so I am simply going to explain some of the reasons that this story grabbed Let me start by saying There are a lot of reviews on this book, and obviously the majority love it, so I am simply going to explain some of the reasons that this story grabbed hold of my heart and wouldn't let go. First, I am a total sucker for the tortured hero and you would be hard pressed to find a hero more tortured that our own beloved Christian Grey.

That said, the fact that he is a gazillionaire at age 27 is nothing to shake a stick at! Christian's intensity and focus is what really captured me in all this, I keep having to remind myself how old he is. When he said he had never had to explain it before and knew he wasn't explaining well just melted my heart.

There is such a vulnerable, sweet boy underneath that gorgeous domineering man! Obviously you can tell I am completely smitten with Christian, but let me tell you a little bit about why I completely love Ana too. Don't do this, Master, don't do that. But now isn't the time to talk. She bent over him and knew that if the Doctor didn't want this, he would possess the necessary strength to push her away. She kissed his mouth, worked her way towards his cheek and down to his neck while he started undoing the buttons of her Victorian jacket as if in trance.

Like she had foreseen, there were barely any words spoken in the next few minutes. As soon as her jacket had reached the floor, he undid her white blouse and she removed his white shirt. He gently tore her blouse out of the skirt and continued unbuttoning. Her blouse fell down onto the laminate floor, followed by her skirt. She now pushed her whole body against The Doctor's and smiled as she felt resistance in his trousers.

But instead of opening his trousers like The Doctor expected, she just tightly grabbed his balls. He moaned louder, but answered: His hands glided over her hip, her pelvis and back upwards. They orbited around her bra, first gently, then stronger so that her own bra squeezed her breasts. Then his hands glided over her citrus-smelling skin and her back. Slowly he tried opening her bra. No human could cope with what we're doing right now," The Doctor said and gasped for air when Missy nearly crushed his testicles.

But are you sure you didn't rust during the past thousand years? Or did the Heaven-program of the Nethersphere serve another purpose than just the storage of brain patterns of the dead? Now, both of them just had their underpants on and looked each other into the eyes, breathing deeply. He smiled and cautiously inserted his penis. He slowly moved his pelvis forwards and backwards, his hands glided over her naked skin.

His movements became faster and faster, their breath louder and their heads came closer to kiss quickly when they didn't have to gasp for breath. His hands grabbed her breasts, her hands helped his pelvis to move forwards and backwards and their heads were so close that their red and glowing cheeks touched and their moaning motivated each other to continue faster and deeper. They kept their eyes closed and when their pulse couldn't increase anymore, they enjoyed this moment of inner tranquility which they both hadn't experienced for such a long time. Their breath became a status quo and his forwards and backwards, in- and out-movements became slower until he stayed penetrated and didn't move anymore.

Her breasts and his chest raised and lowered, their four hearts pounded wildly and pumped the blood through their dual vein system. No one wanted to give up this moment, or to destroy it. Finally, he pulled his penis out of her vagina and kissed her on the lips. His hands fondled her reddish cheek and she just tried to catch breath. Nobody dared to say a word and they just looked at each other for a while.

His old classmate, his fellow student at the academy and eventually his archenemy. Could she really be his lover, or did Missy play with him again? Whatever, he liked the game and definitely wanted to play it to its end. A few corners later, the Doctor opened an old wooden door and led her into a small room with a lot of piles of books on the floor. The only ceiling lamp illuminated the sleeping room of the doctor.

A king-size bed, a wardrobe and a desk were the only furniture. Notes, folders, books, souvenirs of different planets and cultures, dark picture frames were lying and hanging everywhere. That's my way of having them around me," The Doctor explained and moved Missy towards the bed. When Missy turned around, the Doctor already sat on his bed. He held a screwdriver in his hands which looked exactly like the one he always carried around.

This incarnation was much more mature than the previous one. She didn't feel any regret to not having met this eyebrow-less incarnation of him. This Doctor in front of her measured up much better to her expectations. She lay down on the comfortable bed and noticed that the ceiling looked like a starry sky, with shooting stars crossing from time to time. Her breath became faster when the Doctor pulled the screwdriver out and pushed it back in again.

The summing was to be heard and the screwdriver erected as she orgasmed. Her hands clung to the duvet and the Doctor began stimulating her hardened nipples with his hand. After a while he lay down next to her and pushed the screwdriver deep into her mouth so that she could lick it. He also licked it and put it down on the bedside table. The future is not important.

What counts is the here and now," Missy said and cuddled with him. He kissed her hair and put his hands around her. Perhaps she was right. Perhaps his Mistress was indeed right this time. No, I never read Fifty Shades of Grey except for very few excerpts. I didn't even watch the movie. If I used some words wrongly translation errors or grammar mistakes , don't hesitate to tell me so that I can fix it unless it's a fixed point in time And no, I have nothing against Matt Smith's eyebrow-less incarnation ; It's just that the character of Missy matches perfectly to Peter Capaldi's Doctor.