Angels Dont Have Sex (Written Expressions, LLC)

51 Gay Slang Phrases You’ve Never Heard Before

On the make adj. Over the bridge to Pimpleton n. Saturday Night Lesbian n. Autostraddle has a great list of lady-centric queer phrases, some of which were included here. Check out the rest on their site. Madison Moore also has a list explaining all the best gay black slang. What if you could live a life that would make YOU jealous? Open a page to start your day, frame a page that inspires you to keep living, share a page with a friend who needs support, or leave one behind for a complete stranger to brighten their day.

I came across while writing up something new, and I had to stop and read this — and ultimately reblog. Reblogged this on The World Without Us. Reblogged this on Communicatism and commented: This is what I have learned today — how gay people communicated many years ago. Reblogged this on Theo Fenraven and commented: Self-imposed religion has the appearance of wisdom, but it is of no value against the flesh.

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Nevertheless, if your conscience tells you to abstain on the Sabbath, brother, by all means do so. Baker I have read your response. It is my pleasure to have meet you via the internet. Remember husband and wife are "One Flesh". The phrase one flesh activity would by default not be a activity that would include the Lord in and on the "Lords Day". The Bible clearly states that sex is part of the work that we are to do during the six working days in the week. Think about it God gives us six days to have sex, in the confines our work in the marriage union and we are too one flesh centered on the Lords Day to refrain?

By way, that day does not belong to us. It is called the "Lords day" for a reason, it really belongs to him in totality. Another point that I would like to take up that you mention in your last communication. The Bible clearly tells us that the wedding supper is the official wedding supper of the "Lamb of God".

How is this not a holy convocation? He prepares a table for us, He supplies a wedding garment,ant his own expense, and he even confers upon the guest the greatest honor that can be given to those that are born again, even the honor of The King. What kind of gathering is this if not a holy convocation, pray tell? Another thing to be acknowledged in the very first Sabbath celebration on earth, that is never acknowledged.

The Sabbath is not only commemorative but is it also the official Grand opening celebration of God bestowing upon humanity the privilege to commence the dominion of His kingdom business in the earth as it is in heaven. Just because you are not able to see the connection with the other scriptures does not mean that the text do not have any relevance to the topic.

The Lord has set a president on how the Sabbath was created in how the other day were created. This is very explicit in the text in Genesis 1. But remember the Bible says that "WE" as Laodicians are in a condition of continual blindness. So, not seeing would be in order with the Lords rebuke to you as well as me.

I respect Andrew's silence in response to this post, nor do I have any thought of anything like answering on his behalf. Nevertheless, in the interest of clarity, I have a few comments to make in regard to some of the specific statements. How does our marital union on the Sabbath or otherwise bring glory to God?

Just where do you find this clear statement? A minute ago sex was pleasure seeking. Now it's just the opposite, work. Either way, I have to feel that God intends it to be on a far higher plane than that! As converted Christians, we also belong to the Lord in totality. So we should be seeking only to please Him, during the six working days of the week, as well as in our Sabbath observance.

As Jesus pointed out to the Pharisees, following man-made rules is a poor way to try to please Him. The man who said, "I have married a wife; therefore I cannot come," was a character in a parable. If we do not wish to do violence to the intent of the Storyteller, then it seems to me that we must interpret the details of a parable within the context of the story. In this case, the parable or story was about "a certain man who gave a great supper and invited many. I concur with Andrew that there is a distinct lack of rational or logical connection between the Scriptures cited and the purported conclusions.

Thomas, what do think makes intercourse wrong on the sabbath rather than on the other days - is it because it is work or pleasure or self-satisfaction? Take a simple example of eating, is eating on the sabbath day work, pleasure or self satisfaction? Rest and therefore happiness. The sabbath is simply a celebration not a moaning, think of what you can do on a Godly celebration, you can eat well, you can praise, you can go on a nature walk, you can worship, but you can also have intercourse with your partner only, that one activity should not undermine the other.

I think it should not be a problem. Man was not made for the sabbath, the sabbath was made for man. Why don't we all agree that we can do whatever we want on the 6 working days that God had given [to do work] and just plainly set the Sabbath aside for GOD and YOU!!! If you do have intercourse on Sabbath, won't you be drained and tired to do everything else that you are supposed to do In the manifest absence of a plain "thus saith the Lord," I for one could never accept any position on this subject as doctrine.

So, if you like, why not discuss the matter, making suggestions pro and con, and then leave it up to individual conscience? If God hasn't seen fit to make a rule for everyone to follow, regarding this matter, then who are we to try to make one for each other, as if to spy out the freedom that we have in Christ? Let the Holy Spirit guide each couple as He may see fit. Given that Friday night is also a part of the Sabbath hours, it would seem like getting a good night's rest would tend to address the problem with being drained at church.

Sadly, there seem to be lots of people who are drained at church or too drained to go to church , and it's not even because of marital intimacy Thank you for the commentary on this topic. However, this illustrates the over emphasis on compliance in spiritual development as contrasted with an emphasis on spiritual development based on a personal relationship with Christ. It would be dysfunctional to enter a marriage by first becoming an expert in the rules and obligations of being a spouse, and then afterward deciding to get to know and love the person who will actually become your spouse.

Similarly, if ones personal relationship with Christ is sufficiently developed, and they enjoy a Christ centered marriage, this question would be answered via prayer.

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It is one that I have always silently questioned and today it has been answered. As Christians , the bible is a guideline for our daily lives. The comments given against sabbath intermacy is doing nothing but making God into a wicked slave master who sets butter before the cat demanding that the cat pass the night without touching it The God we are serving is a loving God.

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I'm not sure how you've made the connection that Adam and Eve in the garden were experiencing a type of Sabbath. Some of those individuals were long-established stars of film and television; others would find considerable fame and recognition many years after appearing in the program. Lovemaking may trigger old hurts, fear of abandonment, or trauma. ABC executives brought in David Ogden Stiers as Scott Woodville, who would act as the chief backup to the Angels and Bosley's superior; he would also be depicted as the organizer of the plan, in similar fashion to Jim Phelps in Mission: Just where do you find this clear statement? The concept was essentially a sex reversal of Charlie's Angels , and starred Barbara Stanwyck as Antonia "Toni" Blake, a wealthy widow and friend of Charlie's who ran a detective agency. The transition from Fawcett to Cheryl Ladd in the second season proved to be popular with viewers.

He did not make a commandment "Thou shalt not have sex on the Sabbath Day". If He did, we will know for sure that we are committing sin by having sex on the Sabbath. Marital intimacy is one of the many blessings we should thank God for on His Sabbath day. It should be apparent, by now, that I have nothing to urge, either way, in regard to whether or not any particular married couple should choose to engage in physical union during the holy hours of the Sabbath.

I am, however, alarmed at the thought of Christians uncritically accepting ideas that really lack any Scriptural foundation. So far, no one has gone into much detail in response to that first somewhat lengthy posting by Louis Thomas. Of course, none of us knows everything. But, I have a few minutes, so, with your leave and God's grace perhaps I could attempt to share a few thoughts in regard to some specific points. Based on the lack of support offered for this broad statement, I have to say that it's simply not true!

The only Scriptural instance cited, that includes an explicit command to this effect, is prior to God's appearance on Mount Sinai to speak His law to the people -- hardly just another holy convocation! If man or beast so much as touched the mountain, he was to be stoned. The time prior to a holy convocation and the time devoted to the Sabbath are clearly two different things. If that's the real issue, I think that Andrew has already raised some rather serious unanswered questions about it.

Are all women supposed to be absent from church once a month, because of their "customary impurity? What are we supposed to do about the animal sacrifices connected with the laws of impurity and cleansing? It seems obvious to me that we should take reasonable steps to ensure proper hygiene, and then let the ceremonial law stay nailed to the cross where it belongs. The Jerusalem council of the apostles in Acts 15 was not convened for nothing! Does the Bible say that? I've read the Laodicean message in Revelation 3 many times, and cannot recall ever having read anything to that effect.

We're self-satisfied and indifferent to God's far-reaching claims on our lives, as well as to the needs of a lost and dying world. Surely, in the blindness of our apostasy, compromise is bound to sneak in. However, I believe we need to let God's word and God's law correct us on that, not human opinion.

It's clear enough to me that the man in the parable COULD have come to the supper, and his wife would have been welcome. He was just being selfish and rude. How often do people really tell the truth when they are making flimsy excuses? It seems Jesus, who told the story, knows human nature very well. This statement seems to imply or at least suggest that procreation is the only legitimate purpose of physical relations in marriage.

I've never read anything like that in the Bible. It seems to me to be a merely human opinion, and a prudish one at that. Physical intimacy in marriage, when pursued in the unselfish spirit of Christ, properly expresses the sacred union that marriage was intended to protect, and even tends to solidify it to the glory of God. That the experience also happens to be highly enjoyable is God's "fault," I guess. This means that the world was created to serve God's purposes of love and benevolence.

Please do not misinterpret the words of Holy Writ in order to bring God down to our own selfish level! I'm sorry, but read that post as carefully as I may, I can find no substance whatsoever to the claim that God has forbidden marital relations during the holy hours of the Sabbath. May God save us from being led astray by human opinions, subtle distortions, and false claims i. Again, if you and your spouse see fit to abstain during the Sabbath hours, you are certainly at liberty to do so. But please do not attempt to place a yoke of bondage on your fellow believers, by making up your own man-made rules and then pretending to have found Scriptural support for them.

Is this not what the Pharisees did? And did Jesus ever commend them for it? The solution for the Laodicean condition is to buy the gold, tried in the fire faith that works by fervent love , the white raiment of Christ's righteousness not the filthy rags of our own "righteousness" , and to anoint our eyes with eye salve the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. I think we have enough to do in pursuing religion in God's clearly revealed way, without pushing our own carnal agenda.

I have seen so many times when religious teachers tell their audience having sex on the Sabbath is sin and justifying it by quoting Isaiah Several times this persuasive comment had me almost convinced maybe It is wrong after all.. It was not until i read this statement in its proper setting did I come to realize how often scriptures are used in a way that was not intended, for many times the original meaning is lost sight of and hidden from the eyes of the majority.

Even when it clearly seen the debate goes on and on and on for sexual intimacy is something we born with but is used inappropriately at times so we're not sure just what is the right and wrong actions at times.. Sometimes others get downright stubborn and obstinate and refuse to allow themselves to learn about just what is and is not good common sense in spirit filled lives.

DO not; I repeat DO NOT use sexual intimacy as a weapon to get even with your mate over something you do not like either what they might of said or done that u dislike. YOU are just stirring up the waters of strife and you are creating more harm them good and your relationship may never be healed if u continue, IN THE Judgment phase then do u want to be held accountable for your inappropriate ways?

I want to thank R. G for taking his time to read the earlier comment and put this issue in clarity. Friends I believe marriage is holy, It was instituted by God himself in Genesis and the act of sexual intimacy was then given in marriage by God. In all fairness I believe that sexual intimacy is therefore a holy act as long as it is in marriage.

The sabbath is also holy Exodus If then the sabbath is holy and marriage is holy what makes sexual intimacy unholy when it is an act born out of holiness being done on a holy day? Friends if we forbid sexual intimacy are we then saying we cannot tell our loved ones how much we love them on the Sabbath Day, for i believe sexual intimacy is an expression of love.

I however also agree that for the sake of the weaker brethren we should not force this topic on others. I find this belief puzzling to say the least.

I have heard others thoughts on intercouse and the Sabbath and feel that many have missed the true purpose of the Sabbath. During creation week, God not only created the animals, flowers, etc but He also created marriage and the Sabbath. These two entities are both sacred and are simply a reflection of God's love for humankind. After God created the marital relationship, God instructed Adam and Eve to be "fruitful and mutiply. For every perfect thing God has created, there is a counterfeit.

Society's perception of sex is extremely perverse. Instead of an act of love and altruism, sex occurs as a result of selfish desires and lust. This perversion has even influenced many Christian's view of sex as something taboo.

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Suzanna and the Angels (A Once in a Lifetime Fiction Story) by My Life as Prince Charming (Written Expressions, LLC) by Angels Don't Have Sex by. Sexual energy can offer us this, a satisfaction you can never get from your intellect alone. self is part of being present, along with being analytical or being kind or listening to the angels sing. . Early on we learn that the words “vagina” and “penis” embarrass people. .. Later, be sure to write these down and act on them.

If we as Christians truly understood God's desire for us to have an intimate relationship with Him and how marriage is to represent this intimacy, our own perceptions would change. Instead of sex being viewed as something secular, it would be a celebration of God's creative power on His Sabbath Day!

I and my wife have enjoyed this discussion. We have learnt a lot on this discussion. I will propose a bible study on this topic in our church. But now, what is the conclusion on this issue. Kelvin it is good to see that like so many, you are not as dismissive in spirit as some have expressed on this subject, that I have studied and continue to mine.

I know I have presented scriptures that are not typical to this genre of discussion. In spite of that fact, hardly any of the participants have use even one text in presenting a Biblical responds. This is so typical of the Laodicean condition. This is what make us blind to old and new truths. I would love to know how the discussion goes at the fellowship that you are a part of.

Maybe I can learn more about this topic and the "Our" condition as Laodiceans. Have a blessed Sabbath celebration! Kelvin, since Louis feels that some have been dismissive in spirit, I am glad to have taken the time to respond in detail to all of his suggestions. Perhaps I should have been more thorough in citing my Scriptural references. Nevertheless, in defense of others who have posted comments here, I think it is rather Louis who is being dismissive, when he denigrates the comments of others by saying they are typical of the Laodicean condition.

I feel it is better not to quote the Scriptures than to twist their true intent. Here is in part the discussion following Gal 5: And I testify again to every man who becomes circumcised that he is a debtor to keep the whole law. You have become estranged from Christ, you who attempt to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. For we through the Spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith Gal 5: Tyler, of course you're correct about the original context.

Tyler, you may be surprised to learn that I suggested this verse as a conclusion, in full awareness of its immediate context. Are you aware of its larger context? In this context, circumcision was a commitment to observe both the ceremonial law and the man-made rules invented by the Pharisees. Hence Paul's words about being "a debtor to keep the whole law. Furthermore, if one is not attempting to be justified by law, I have to question why he or she would be pushing these kinds of restrictions in the absence of a plain "thus saith the Lord.

Inge, you are right there many times when texts have more than one meaning. And yes the writers of the Bible quite often quote out of context, but is that how we should use scripture to prove a point? If it is then truly scripture is made of clay and we can bend it any way we want. What does concern me is how we use scripture. And to second guess Inge, yes I probably misuse resources every bit as much as everyone else so I need to keep an eye on how I use texts as well. Tyler, I believe Inge wasn't talking about taking verses out of context in the way that you describe.

I am convinced that she correctly saw the spiritual application of Galatians 5: The rest seem to have stemmed from a low -- and unscriptural -- view of human sexuality.

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Are these not the very practices that Paul was condemning, in Galatians 5 and elsewhere? Context is definitely one aspect of using scriptural references, but Bible writers often focused on themes and principles, rather than just context, when quoting scripture. We've definitely focused on context in recent years, but that's not the only way to use the Scriptures. The key point is that we can never twist a passage to say something that is not in harmony with the overriding themes of the Bible.

Taking Acts 10 as a discourse on food, for example, will get you into all sorts of problems. He takes a physical activity and applies it to a very different spiritual one. When using the Scriptures on some issue, and when evaluating someone else's use of the Scriptures, we need to rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance, to ensure that the principles and themes of God's Word remain consistent in our usage of His Word. Sex was given by God to humans on earth in the context of a holy union.

It is the physical expression of an intellectual and emotional reality of oneness. It is sacred set aside for special use. If you are born again and therefore walking after the spirit and not the flesh, there is no condemnation for you. If the marriage bed and your born again self are undefiled, then it continues to be so on the day of rest. If you can't fathom praising His Holy Name in the middle of a marital orgasm then you are simply still buying into the hijacked paradigm that satan's counterfeit of sex has imposed forcibly on this sweet gift given by Yahweh.

It's even sweeter on the Sabbath!

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Pleasure and "your own pleasure" are not the same for the born again Believer. Saints should share the pleasures of God. Marital sex done in the spirit of other-centered love and oneness pleases Him even more than the climax pleases the partakers. Do not make the Sabbath a burden. To many times people loss joy in the Sabbath worrying about what is right or wrong. Such as In the Biblical times like only walking so many feet on the Sabbath etc. God made the Sabbath for physical rest, and to grow our relationship with Him and also time for us to devote to other relationships.

I have never once questioned this issue and still do not. Enjoy the Sabbath for God's intended purpose. He will lead you into all truth. Thanks for putting the focus where it belongs, Julie. And thanks to the others that did the same. The Sabbath is meant to enhance our relationship with God. The Jews obscured that by all the rules they made, and we are in danger of doing the same. Thanks, Kurt, for your comment on the sacred nature of sex. Most of the world has forgotten that God invented sex -- not only for procreation but also as part of the marriage relationship which is intended to be an emotional, mental, spiritual and physical union of love between a husband and wife.

Sex that is not relationship-centered as so much sex in the world is not is not the same as the gift of sex that God gave, and no Christian should engage in selfish sex on any day, let alone the Sabbath. If we are to keep the Sabbath day holy at all, we must be holy people all week long. If we have sex Friday night, then the next evening is Saturday night.

That means we will miss Sabbath worship? Carlton, have you read the entire discussion so far? Are you also prepared to offer animal sacrifices for ceremonial cleansing, where the law requires them? Actually Carlton, while I applaud your desire to be obedient to what God says, what God wants more is your understanding and reasoning Isaiah 1: He wants us to know Him John If Moses just "obeyed " when God offered to kill off Israel and restart with him he would have missed the opportunity to reason with God which resulted in Moses actually thinking more like God see Numbers So it's NOT "God said it.

It's "Did God say it? How should I understand it? How should I apply it? How should I share it? Everything should be filtered through it's original context and even more so through the context of God's character. Faith is not blind mindless obedience. It is the hypostasis of things hoped for the understanding of what your hope is based on. Divine intimacy is, therefore, most important! God has taken this away, nailed it to the cross, and we are free; otherwise not only would sexual intercoure be unclean, but even our women would need to stay away from church once or sometimes twice per month.

I have always taught that sabbath is the best day make love to your spouse. When we rest from all of our worries we can focus on loving God and loving each other. As for the logistics of when to do it, well that all depends I have children! However the one caveat to this is that both husband and wife must be in agreement. If one feels guilty because of a personal conviction, then the other must show their love by respecting that conviction. To do otherwise is selfish, and that is not love, thats just sex.

Thank you for the eye openning message. I thought since marriage is one of the sanctified three which is the Sabbath, Tithe and Marriage , I thought it was ok making love on the Sabbath. Here a little, there a little. I read ALL the comments. Which ones were nailed to the cross and which ones were not? Which was not in the 10 commandment? Another example is in Exodus Each year, from generation to generation, you must celebrate it as a special festival to the Lord.

This is a law for all time. Was this law nailed to the cross: This is a permanent law for you , and it must be observed from generation to generation, wherever you live. Another example is Leviticus I am the Lord. This instruction we will agree is binding, but with Numbers Since the water of purification has not been sprinkled on them, they remain defiled.

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Are these Godly instructions no longer binding? The activities were made to sanctify us. We have the other six days to our own pleasures and work. I don't think this idea will work, Carlton, as our sanctification is a part of Jesus' role. If we don't realize this, it seems to me that we have already fallen from grace into a wrong a kind of "righteousness by works. It also seems to me that common sense plays a role. So, we can immediately rule out anything that involved animal sacrifices. This would include all of the yearly feasts and sabbath days. And, as Andrew has pointed out, it would also include the laws concerning ceremonial purity or impurity -- although I personally could see some common sense in abstinence during menses, as well as other reasonable measures for hygiene.

No one has been able to find an explicit requirement anywhere! As for the laws of clean and unclean foods, these rules clearly predated the existence of the Jewish people. To me, common sense says they still apply, although vegetarianism is better yet. By contrast, the weekly Sabbath is wholly commemorative, has existed from creation, and was written in stone.

As for loving one's neighbour as oneself, this is a summary of the last six commandments. Shall I go on? The scribes and Pharisees wanted to have a rule or a law for every little thing, and I think we need to ask ourselves why. So God has told us why. I am so sorry that I didn't see this and point it out sooner!

Almost all the symbols in the Bible are pointing to some truth in heaven or the after-life on earth. The symbol of cleansing before a worship service should in general be applied to our current worship practice. They are there for our learning. They were put in the Bible for a greater purpose than just the specific event. If we look at the bigger picture, we would understand more of the Bible principles. Almost all the symbols in the Bible are presented down to our levels, but when looked at in a bigger picture, we can what God is conveying to us. In principle, God wants our exclusive attention; anything that would take away that attention span away from Him is to be avoided.

Sex on the Sabbath is one of those attention stealers. Do you ever consider why athletes before performing or soldiers going into war must abstain from sex? It is the same concept. Of course, followers of Christ should "abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul -- not just on Sabbath, but on every day. It pains me to consider that some would consider the gift of marital union as indulging in "fleshly lusts. However, I believe that it is important for couples to develop a higher view of marriage and conjugal relations. Paul foresaw that there would be men who would "forbid marriage" 1 Timothy 4: The Seventh-day Adventist church, along with all other Protestant churches, rejected this view of sex and the consequent teaching of the holiness of celibacy.

Instead, we understand that sexual union is a sacred gift from our Creator, given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, along with the Sabbath.