Bible and Cinema: Fifty Key Films (Routledge Key Guides)

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Edited by Mary Evans , Carolyn Williams. This invaluable volume provides an overview of 37 terms, theories and concepts frequently used in gender studies which those studying the subject can find difficult to grasp. Each entry provides a critical definition of the concept, examining the background to the idea, its usage and the major…. Edited by Adele Reinhartz. Movies which have drawn inspiration from the Bible, either directly or indirectly, have been extremely popular since the earliest days of cinema. Fifty Key Films introduces a wide range of those movies, which are among the most important, critically-acclaimed and highest-grossing….

By Michael Hammond , Jerry Wellington. This invaluable resource provides a comprehensive overview of the many methods and methodologies of social research. Each entry provides a critical definition and examines the value and difficulties of a particular method or methodology of concept across different fields of social research. Edited by Peter Robinson. The Key Concepts offers a comprehensive collection of the most frequently used and studied concepts in the subject of tourism.

Routledge Key Guides

Within the text key terms, concepts, typologies and frameworks are examined in the context of the broader social sciences, blending together theory and practice to…. Edited by Diana Newall , Grant Pooke. Fifty Key Texts in Art History is an anthology of critical commentaries selected from the classical period to the late modern.

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Arranged chronologically, the book explores the lives, works and ideas of key writers across a truly interdisciplinary range, from sociologists to… Paperback — Routledge Routledge Key Guides. If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? Representing a wide range of dance genres, each entry locates the individual in the context of modern dance theatre and explores their impact. Paperback Language of text: Diverse groups within the science fiction community are represented, from novelists and film makers to comic book and television writers. Matthew David Greene,

It explores some of the central and emerging themes, issues and debates within Art History as an increasingly expansive and globalised discipline. Fifty Key Thinkers on Religion is an accessible guide to the most important and widely studied theorists on religion of the last years. Arranged chronologically, the book explores the lives, works and ideas of key writers across a truly interdisciplinary range, from sociologists to….

What was the first language, and where did it come from? Do all languages have properties in common? What is the relationship of language to thought? Fifty Key Thinkers on Language and Linguistics explores how fifty of the most influential figures in the field have asked and have responded to…. This fourth edition of Communication, Cultural and Media Studies: The Key Concepts is an indispensible guide to the most important terms in the field. Fifty Key Works of History and Historiography introduces some of the most important works ever written by those who have sought to understand, capture, query and interpret the past.

The works covered include texts from ancient times to the present day and from different cultural traditions ensuring…. Edited by Martha Bremser , Lorna Sanders. A unique and authoritative guide to the lives and work of prominent living contemporary choreographers. Representing a wide range of dance genres, each entry locates the individual in the context of modern dance theatre and explores their impact.

Jerome Bel Richard Alston…. I know of no other resource like it.

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This book provides the very best…. Edited by Robert J. Gordon , Harriet Lyons , Andrew Lyons. Fifty Key Anthropologists surveys the life and work of some of the most influential figures in anthropology. The entries, written by an international range of expert contributors, represent the diversity of thought within the subject, incorporating both classic theorists and more recent….

By Graeme Chesters , Ian Welsh. The Key Concepts provides an insightful, contemporary introduction to some of the frequently encountered terms and groups that are central to the study of collective action and social and political activism. Following an A-Z format, the entries defined and discussed are drawn from…. By Chris Rowley , Keith Jackson.

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A concise, jargon-free guide that covers the main practices and theories that constitute human resource management HRM. The entries, defined and discussed by a range of international contributors, are drawn from following areas: Employee resourcing The management of employee rewards…. Edited by Yvonne Tasker. Revised throughout and with twelve…. Bartrop , Steven L. This unique volume critically discusses the works of fifty of the most influential scholars involved in the study of the Holocaust and genocide.

Fifty Key Thinkers in Criminology brings the history of criminological thought alive through a collection of fascinating life stories. The book covers a range of historical and contemporary thinkers from around the world, offering a stimulating combination of biographical fact with historical and…. The Key Concepts is a comprehensive guide to the terminology commonly used in the music business today.


It embraces definitions from a number of relevant fields, including: Fifty Key Figures in Science Fiction is a collection of engaging essays on some of the most significant figures who have shaped and defined the genre. Diverse groups within the science fiction community are represented, from novelists and film makers to comic book and television writers.

109 Series Titles

By Richard John Huggett. The Key Concepts is a thought-provoking and up-to-date introduction to the central ideas and debates within the field. It provides extended definitions of terms that are fundamental to physical geography and its many branches, covering topics such as: The Key Concepts is a comprehensive guide to one of the most widely-studied and influential philosophers of the nineteenth century. Exploring the complex issues that surround special educational needs SEN both in and out of the classroom, this reader-friendly text considers the impacts that these issues have upon the child, the parent, the teacher, and the school as a whole.

Fully cross-referenced and including suggestions…. Edited by John White , Sabine Haenni. Fifty Key American Films explores and contextualises some of the most important films ever made in the United States. With case studies from the early years of cinema to the present day, this comprehensive Key Guide provides accessible analyses from a range of theoretical perspectives.

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  • Adele Reinhartz, PhD FRSC?
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By Martin Griffiths , Steven C. Now in its second edition, Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations has been thoroughly updated with several new entries and a new preface to reflect the latest developments. There are new sections on Constructivism, International Political Theory, and English School, as well as a range of new….

The Key Concepts is a comprehensive overview of concepts central to a solid understanding of Psychology and includes the latest recommendations from the British Psychology Society BPS. The focus is on practical uses of Psychology in settings such as nursing, education and human….

The Key Concepts is an authoritative and comprehensive study guide and reference resource that will take you through all the concepts, approaches, issues and institutions central to the study of crime in contemporary society. Topics covered in this easy to use A-Z guide include: Lees , Roger Willoughby Written by educational specialists and including over fifty interdisciplinary entries, this essential compendium offers accessible, detailed definitions of the core concepts typically explored on undergraduate Education Studies courses.

Its interactive design clarifies topics at an introductory,… Paperback — Routledge Routledge Key Guides. Cooper Key Thinkers on the Environment is a unique guide to environmental thinking through the ages. Cooper, themselves distinguished authors on environmental matters, have assembled a team of expert contributors to summarize and analyse the thinking of diverse and… Paperback — Routledge Routledge Key Guides. Providing accessible coverage of a comprehensive range of genres, movements, theories and production terms, this is a must-have guide to a fascinating area of study and arguably the greatest art form of modern… Paperback — Routledge Routledge Key Guides.

Exploring broad and recurring themes which are applicable in both eastern and western religions, cross-cultural examples are provided for each term to… Paperback — Routledge Routledge Key Guides. The Key Concepts 4th Edition By Roy Shuker Now in an updated fourth edition, this popular A-Z student handbook provides a comprehensive survey of key ideas and concepts in popular music culture. With new and expanded entries on genres and subgenres, the text comprehensively examines the social and cultural aspects of popular music, taking… Paperback — Routledge Routledge Key Guides.

Marso The feminist thinkers in this collection are the designated "fifty-one key feminist thinkers," historical and contemporary, and also the authors of the entries.

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Bible and Cinema: Fifty Key Films (Routledge Key Guides) [Adele Reinhartz] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Movies which have drawn. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Adele Reinhartz is Professor in the Department of Classics and Religious Studies at the University of Ottawa. She has.

The Key Concepts introduces over widely-used terms, categories and ideas drawing upon well-established approaches like new historicism, postmodernism, psychoanalysis, Marxism, and narratology as well as many new critical theories of the last twenty years such as Actor-Network… Paperback — Routledge Routledge Key Guides.

As well as explaining core, established principles,… Paperback — Routledge Routledge Key Guides. Fifty Hollywood Directors 1st Edition Edited by Suzanne Leonard , Yvonne Tasker Fifty Hollywood Directors introduces the most important, iconic and influential filmmakers who worked in Hollywood between the end of the silent period and the birth of the blockbuster. By exploring the historical, cultural and technological contexts in which each director was working, this book… Paperback — Routledge Routledge Key Guides.

Deeney Fifty Modern and Contemporary and Dramatists is a critical introduction to the work of some of the most important and influential playwrights from the s to the present day. The figures chosen are among the most widely studied by students of drama, theatre and literature and include such… Paperback — Routledge Routledge Key Guides. The entries offer comprehensive coverage of the long history of historiography ranging from ancient China, Greece and Rome, through the Middle Ages to the contemporary… Paperback — Routledge Routledge Key Guides. Fifty Major Economists 3rd Edition By Steven Pressman An introduction to the life, work and ideas of the people who have shaped the economic landscape from the sixteenth century to the present day.

Cheryl Exum begins with this down-to-Earth remark: These informative references are invaluable, although not all entries include such clues.

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At the end, we find a precious tool that is uncommon: For example, half of the fifty selected key films mention the book of Genesis, three mention Leviticus, and three refer to Numbers p. However, the editor warns that only feature films If you would like to authenticate using a different subscribed institution that supports Shibboleth authentication or have your own login and password to Project MUSE, click 'Authenticate'.

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Bible and cinema: fifty key films

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