Lotus of the Heart: Reshaping the Human and Collective Soul


Sex differences occur not only with medications, but they occur across diseases, too. And women who have never smoked are three times more likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer than men who have never smoked.

Yet the survival rate for women with lung cancer is better than the survival rate for men with lung cancer. Sex differences such as these occur across many other medications and diseases, too. These differences are critical to know if we are going to get better at diagnosing and treating diseases.

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We need to start paying attention to this in order to improve medical care for both men and women. Kahill says the entire medical system is male-dominated and women have experienced many negative side effects as a result.

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High to Low Avg. The Handbook for Catholic Moms: Read more Read less. Watson closed her speech with the following words: Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. View full product details.

Stahl reports that 8 out of the 10 prescription drugs that have been withdrawn from the drug market from to have been pulled because they posed greater health risks for women than researchers realized. Masculine rulers usurped feminine power in the societies they conquered, and they absorbed and distorted the feminine into their own beliefs.

Soul The Human Heart

Over time, goddesses became saints and were reinvented as nuns. The Christian trinity, which had previously been represented by Maiden, Mother, and Crone, each symbolizing a stage in the female life cycle, was replaced by a male deity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Today's corporations, religious institutions, political organizations and educational systems were designed hundreds of years ago around this masculine structure.

"Cosmic Heart Opening Meditation" For Universal Soul Awakening

They operate as hierarchies with a male leader at the top, just like the Christian trinity. These traditional structures value a logical, textual, competitive, and analytical perspective.

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This approach is considered to be strong and necessary for survival. Today, for the most part, men continue to run the world. A recent report by the Conference Board of Canada says that men are currently more than twice as likely to hold a senior executive position than women. Watson believes that when men are free of these stereotypes, things will change for women as a natural consequence. Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive and strong.

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Watson believes that in order to end gender inequality, everyone needs to be involved. She hopes to galvanize as many men and boys as possible to become advocates for change.

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I stand with you, I believe in gender equality. Both men and women should feel free to be strong.

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Other male celebrities are supporting the cause, too. And Iceland recently announced a UN conference on women and gender equality to which only men will be invited. Watson closed her speech with the following words: If not now, when?