Teaching Is...Moments That Inspire and Motivate Teachers to Make a Difference

Happy Teachers, Better Students: Three Ways to Motivate Your Teachers and Your Engage Students

Because well-rounded and engaged students are proof of a job well done.

3 Ways to Increase Teacher Motivation

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They have strict lesson plans that allow little wiggle room for innovation and spontaneity. Furthermore, teachers are held to higher and higher standards while retaining little autonomy over curricula.

The teachers who inspired us, and even changed the trajectories of our lives

Luckily, there are numerous things you can do to address teacher motivation. At the end of the day, happy teachers produce better-performing students. High achieving students lead to grateful, supportive parents. Teachers drive student learning. Which is why solutions to increase teacher motivation must include a degree of autonomy. By factoring in the expertise of your staff, you are incorporating valuable insight into the decision-making process.

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Most importantly, reports demonstrate that when teachers feel more control over their work, they perform better and achieve positive student outcomes. First, ask your teachers what they need. Many teachers today want to incorporate technology into their classrooms. Tools like tablets and SMART boards provide interactive and unique learning experiences that can be tailored to student needs.

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Plus, they make lesson plans engaging and fun. Studies show that the more students have a good time while learning the better they are at retaining information. Technology aside, no teacher motivation strategy is complete without letting instructors make some decisions over lesson plans. Most curricula are scripted and require little more than implementation.

Do any of your teachers use games to reinforce lectures? For a fun way to reinforce textbook learning, have your teachers use Catchbox to quiz students. There is a myriad of ways to use our throwable mic, from a vocabulary game to a debate competition; teachers can toss the mic to students and gauge how well they know the material. Teachers are lifelong learners.

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Which means they are constantly trying to grow and flourish. A key way to fuel teacher motivation is to provide opportunities to collaborate. Next time your school is facing a crucial decision, why not let teachers get together to think up some solutions? Letting staff members work together is great for two reasons: If you have several new teachers on staff, try implementing a mentoring program.

Newer, inexperienced teachers will benefit from opportunities to shadow and learn from more experienced teachers.

Issues like classroom management, curriculum concerns, and scheduling are easier to address and solve in a friendly one-on-one environment. Mentoring programs are useful to acclimate new teachers, but how do you motivate veteran teachers? John Medina has defined 12 Brain Rules, backed by research, that help us understand how kids or anybody learns best.

Who understands the power of connection. And insists that they can become the best that they can possibly be. Is this job tough? But it is not impossible. We can do this. We were born to make a difference.

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And a whole lot more Pep Talks from Kid President. If you are up for a feature length film, TeacherHub. This last one is not a video.