The Lilean Chronicles: Book Four ~ Avalanche Effect

science fiction novelist, perpetual daydreamer & eccentric

The Lilean Chronicles: Book Four ~ Avalanche Effect (Volume 4) [Merita King] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. An empty cradle, a broken. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Merita King has loved the science fiction and fantasy genre in both books and movies since she was a young child. She has.

My dreams are big, and I believe that everyone should aim impossibly high. I believe in destiny and pre-destination, reincarnation and alternate dimensions, human life being the result of alien experimentation, and bacon as a remedy for all ills.

The Lilean Chronicles: Book Four ~ Avalanche Effect

I love to laugh but a joke must be clever as well as funny to make my lips quiver. Billy Connolly and George Carlin are my comedic heroes; you can keep your custard pies and banana skins. Writing has proved to be the making of me in many ways. It has forced me to upgrade my vocabulary and knowledge, and it allows my naturally observant nature to be of positive benefit. Finally, as the Autumn years of my life begin, I now have a way to get my voice heard and my inner self flying to the stars where she has always wanted to be.

The Lilean Chronicles: Book Four ~ Avalanche Effect

I invent worlds, terraform them to my own design, and populate them with people of my own imagining. I cannot change the world I live in, and I cannot leave it for somewhere more comfortable, so I invent my own spend as much time in them as I can.

You are welcome to visit my universe. Take a chance and catch a flight today, you may just find you never want to return. Filtering Exclude erotica Include mainstream erotica Include all erotica. About Publish Join Sign In. Readers Benefits of registering Where are my ebooks?

The Lilean Chronicles: Book Four ~ Avalanche Effect by Merita King on Apple Books

Describe your issue Have a question not already answered in the links at left or on our main FAQ page? I have a code of conduct and I pride myself on doing my job efficiently and within the law. I used to work for the law enforcement agency and I like to think of myself as a good guy. Just what are you wanting me to help you with? If you were there it might lure him out and seeing as he hates you so much, the sight of you might encourage him to make a mistake that allows me to recapture him more easily.

Vincent was suddenly reminded of his conversation with Syra the previous night and he wasted no time in turning Sinclair down flat. It would be really helpful in recapturing Wesley if you were there. Good day to you, good day Mrs Domenico and bye bye little fella. Farra scrubbed the bathroom cubicle then helped Vincent down in the cargo hold and they soon got the place tidied up and scrubbed.

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By the time they went back to the cockpit, they were exhausted. Arrange refuelling at those co-ordinates would ya? Have you ever used one of these? Dracunya Prime is largely populated by mining communities digging for the rich deposits of Lemuliam and Tricyclium ore. Lemuliam ore is a precious metal that is used not only for decorative purposes but also for spaceship engines. It has properties that make it ideal for lining the various delicate parts of the engine structure that would suffer wear and damage from abrasion by other parts.

Tricyclium ore is valuable as one of the raw materials used in the production of air purification systems and is always in constant demand.

The Lilean Chronicles Series

Dracunya is a beautiful but deadly world and as Sam brought the ship into land at one of the biggest mining communities on the planet, they readied themselves. The ship is safe here and will be refuelled in a couple of hours but my contact is four miles away in the mine. That means we have to make it there on foot. Three pairs of eyes are safer than one if you get targeted by those big guys out there.

They leapt out and closed the hatch behind them and raced for the relative cover of a rock face to their left. Vincent took the lead and Farra brought up the rear with Sam between them. Suddenly they heard a shriek from high above and they all looked up in time to see it.

The huge blue green dragon soared gracefully across the sky, then suddenly dropped its nose and plummeted towards them like a rocket. Vincent brought up the seven leaguer and blew its head from its body while it was still more than a mile above them.

Slowly and carefully, the three made their way towards the mine. A few scruffy children played and domesticated birds pecked at the barren floor, searching for precious insects with which to supplement the meagre diet afforded them by their kind but poverty stricken owners.

Print Edition

As soon as they entered the kids stopped playing and ran off shouting to their parents who came rushing out to look at these new strangers. Three men appeared and approached them, crude weapons held in front of them defensively, suspicion written all over their faces. They spoke to Trymon, obviously questioning him as they nodded towards the three strangers. He hoped he was being truthful for he realised that their survival was at this moment, dependant upon this young stranger.

Trymon suddenly gestured towards Sam as he spoke with the men and they approached slowly and looked him up and down.


The tallest of the three spoke and he replied, nodding.