The Rash From the Grease Paint and the Smell of the Crowd!

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The Austin Cut also obtained a spread sheet of very limited heavy metal and basic fertilizer element N,P,K test results for Dillo Dirt from image at left. These results show that the Dillo Dirt was tested for hardly any of the many common sludge contaminants. In May , it was discovered that elevated levels of ammonia of around 18 parts per million had been picked up in groundwater monitoring wells around the City of Austin's Hornsy Bend sewage treatment facilities, where Dillo Dirt is created, since , when monitoring began, but that, "[b]ecause there are no drinking water standards for ammonia.

Ammonia can be toxic for fish and wildlife. The National Academy of Science recommends, and many European nations have adopted, a drinking water standard of 0. In , a vendor who had been selling Dillo Dirt, called The Natural Gardener, refused to continue selling it. According to the Austin American-Statesman , "Owner John Dromgoole has said his concerns began when the city's wastewater utility announced plans to pump an herbicide into sewers to kill tree roots that clog the system. The herbicide, Diquat dibromide, eliminates roots, but does not kill trees, and in tests was shown to be inert by the time it reached water treatment plants.

Dromgoole also wondered what else might be in Dillo Dirt that could make it unsuitable for home use. The EPA also requires testing for certain pathogens as "indicator organisms" to "suggest. According to Austin Cut , "Roughly fifty years ago, cities and industries typically dumped this raw sewage wastewater into whatever body of water was convenient. Austin used to dump its 'treated' sewage and industrial waste into the lower Colorado River.

Hornsby Bend began in as a wastewater 'stabilization' pond. This means let the sewage sit in lagoons and hope nature removes the bad things. After 'resting' in the lagoons, the waste was sent down the lower Colorado and into the Gulf. The area feels itchy.

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It might also be flaky and dry. You might even experience hair loss in the infected area. The skin in the area will be gently scraped off and the sample will be collected. Then, the sample will be viewed under a microscope. That will help discerning, which type of fungus is causing the infection. The skin must be kept dry and clean. Fungal creams are best. Creams that contain miconazole , ketoconazole , clotrimazole or oxiconazole are excellent for fungal infections. Only apply the cream on clean skin. You can use it twice in a day. Bandaging the infected area is not recommended.

To prevent the infection from spreading, wash your towels in warm water and use clean towels every time you bathe. Also, clean the bathroom and wear freshly washed clothes. If pets are infected, treat them as well. The infection usually goes away under 4 weeks. The infection may branch out to the nails, groin, scalp and feet. Self-care is effective, but if symptoms persist, then do consult a specialist. Ringworms have certain complications, such as scratching the skin too much causes skin infections and other skin disorders , which may need further treatment.

Fungal infections like Jock itch or tinea Cruris and corporis are becoming very common in Delhi, India.

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Tinea Cruris are caused by fungi or yeast. Commonest cause are the dermatophytes which grow in hot and humid climates. Fungal infections in Delhi, India are more common during the months of monsoon i. The spores are everywhere and can easily start to grow in warm body parts like the body folds and private parts. Families who share towels, have pets at home might caught the fungal infections because the spores shift from one to another. Is fungal infection and eczema are the same?

Fungal infections are caused by fungal spores and is an infection while eczema is a condition of skin when oozing and crusting occurs as a result of excessive scratching. Irritation can occur because of dryness or at time allergies. Eczema is not an infection. The best treatment for fungal infections like Tinea Cruris of Joc Itch consists of oral and topical antifungals. Various oral antifungals used to treat tinea cruris in Delhi, India inculde Fluconazole , terbinafine , itraconazole etc.

Topical treatment options include creams containing luliconazole , ketoconazole , eberconazole , terbinafine , clotrimazole etc.

Dillo Dirt - SourceWatch

Fungal Infections like tinea cruris or jock itch have become so common n Delhi, India because of the rampant use of over the counter creams by people. These creams contain steroids and other drugs which suppress the infection and as soon as the patient stops these creams the fungal infection comes back. Even Dermatologist sfind it difficult to treat such Fungal infections at times.

Now if this count is outnumbered by the other bacteria anaerobes , the balance in the vagina gets disrupted giving rise to bacterial vaginosis. Such kind of vaginitis usually stems from sexual intercourse with multiple sex partners. The condition also makes one vulnerable to various sexually transmitted infections. Spermicidal products, scented detergents, perfumed soaps, douches, vaginal sprays or foreign objects such as tampons that were not taken out or tissue paper might trigger allergic reactions or irritation in the vaginal tissues.

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Pitted keratolysis is a skin condition that affects the soles of your feet. As a result of this disease, the skin on the forefoot or heel turns white with pitted clusters. This is often accompanied by an offensive odor and is worse when the skin is wet. This odor is the main reason patients seek treatment for this skin condition. If left untreated, this can last for many years. People who suffer from excessive sweating and those who wear closed shoes for extended durations have a high risk of suffering from this condition.

Pitted Keratolysis is a bacterial infection where the bacteria multiply in moist conditions and release enzymes that destroy the horny cells of the foot soles. With time, this turns into characteristic crater like pits on the skin. They also produce sulphur compounds simultaneously that lead to the odor.

Treatment for this skin condition can be categorized under medicinal treatments and home remedies.

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  5. The Roar of the Greasepaint … the Smell of the Crowd.

We don't support your browser. Please upgrade your browser or download modern browsers from here! Get Dettol Kit worth Rs. Prescription by Doctor required. It also relieves symptoms such as burning, itching, cracking of the skin and discomfort caused by these infections.

Disruption in its production leads to development of holes in the membrane and leakage of cell component, therefore resulting in the death of the bacteria. Health issues vary person to person. Find Doctors near you Book appointment with top doctors. Chat with Doctor Rs. In such cases, you must seek medical attention immediately. This is not an exhaustive list of side effects. Please inform your doctor if you experience any adverse reaction to the medication. Nausea and vomiting Major Common. Vaginal bleeding Major Less Common.

Skin rash Moderate Common. Redness of skin Moderate Common. Vaginal infection Moderate Common. How long is the duration of effect? The active-period of this medicine inside the body is not clinically established.

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What is the onset of action? The time required for the medicine to produce results is not clinically established. Are there any pregnancy warnings? Till the first trimester of pregnancy, the topical forms of this medicine are relatively safe for consumption. These should, however, only be taken under proper supervision of your doctor.

It is not recommended to take the oral form of this medicine during pregnancy, until absolutely necessary. Is it habit forming?

Dillo Dirt

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Do not stop the usage of any medicine without consulting your doctor. Involuntary urination as soon as the child goes to sleep at night. They gulp cold water but then either vomit it or get nauseated by it and are much worse at night. Impatient, fearful, and sensitive to stimuli. Now if this count is outnumbered by the other bacteria anaerobes , the balance in the vagina gets disrupted giving rise to bacterial vaginosis. It cries very hard.