A Speck of Dust 2

It almost definitely was a freak accident. This never ceases to amaze me. I watched a TedTalk recently by some guy, I don't remember the guys name He said that in spite of the unfathomable size of the universe it was unlikely that there was life on other planets.

His bases for this theory was that a planet would have to be a certain distance from it's star and have to have a moon. Something something Goldilocks conditions. I was working and only half listening but I remember thinking how egocentric to think we are the ONLY sentient beings in the entire universe. Wishful thinking if you ask me. And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space, 'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth! It all comes down to gravity.

Less massive objects, such as asteroids, comets, and smaller moons have less gravity, so they may not pull into perfect spheres. I love these "look how obscure our planet is" and I'm always hit by a great feel of excitement where I wonder what happenes at some other habitable planet somewhere right now? And too big for me to grasp. Some resort to religion to answer questions but I believe in science and look forward to future discoveries.

I learned it's difficult to accurately calculate the true or meaningful diameter of a star's atmosphere.

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VY Canis Majoris' atmosphere has a density , times sparser than Earth at sea level. There's no hard shell, so there's no real end to it. It's just an agreed upon region where the density is low enough to be considered regular space. Was I the only one to expect the last frame to be a showing how the entire universe pales compared to the size of yo mamma? I could have swore I've seen a very similar gif with that ending ten years ago.

It's a great big universe and we're all really puny!

speck of dust Partie 1 sur 2

Because the gif says "Just remember", I'll just leave this here. This looks like a great time to re post my favorite morn video! What I find crazy to think about is if there was an Earth-like planet relative to the size of Vy canis Majoris as Earth is relative to the size of our Sun. Like some big fuckin unit of a planet so astronomically large with a diversity of different organisms and land forms and climates essentially powered by one gigantic star. I've seen those a dozen times now.

And I still can't deal with the "existential crisis" comments every time. Can we fit a momma joke at the end of this?

And if they did travel we would be dead before they got here or they will be dead before we visited them. Time and space is the real constraint and not absence of intelligent life. Explain to me how the existence of unfathomable large balls of fire reduce the importance of my existence. In the scale of the universe, your life is nothing but a fraction of a microsecond.

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Everything that you think matters doesn't really, at least not compared to the vastness of the universe. The way I've always seen it, it's not to diminish the value of your own existence but to get you to realize it's okay to take risks because at the end of the day, what is it going to matter? In our little world, shit is big, and it matters. What makes you think the proportion of my size or time to that of the universe makes what I do not matter?

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How are you reaching that conclusion exactly? There is a star out there a bajillion miles wide that I cant affect, well guess what bruh, that gigantic star that's been around for eons cant affect me either. Those balls of fire are the reason why everything exist.

Perhaps your future descendants will have a better understanding and appreciations of them. Look I appreciate them just fine. It's a wonder for sure. But it doesnt mean I am "just a meaningless speck of dust". Meh, we're the only sentient lifeforms in the galaxy, perhaps the universe. Rest of it is nothing compared to what we got going on. Do I know, as a fact, that we are the only sentient life forms in the Milky Way?

Our existence is like a speck of dust : interestingasfuck

Uh yeah, NASA has found no indication of any life on any other planet in our galaxy. Universe is not known but so far, nothing which is why I said "perhaps". We have only hypothesized the existence of life in the past century. Our radio signals have only travelled 70ly. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit an interesting link. Submit an interesting text post. No spam Just don't spam. No gossip or tabloid-esque material Seriously, that's just not cool. If needed, include a source If your post declares something as fact, please cite a source in it, or in the comment section.

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Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. Want to add to the discussion? Millions of miles away you'd see seconds to an hour and a half in the past. It's not fun when it's a lie, nor is it a fact. There's an even more popular theory, that this has already happened. You don't fucking matter!! The ocean is waiting for you. Does anyone remember the old Powers of Ten short? These are the questions we should answer!? Like nothing we do matters. So the planet would have insane liberals too? Like I already knew it but I just felt like I needed my mind confused today!

Oh and look there are even bigger balls of fire. This kind of thing is always likening out existence to "a spec of dust". Unimportance implications are not disclaimed. Connect the dots please. But will she be able to persuade her mother-in-law to help? They say that you're only ever two pay cheques away from destitution, so what happens when one of those pay cheques moves out of the family home to live with a woman called Caroline?

A Speck of Dust tells the story of a newly single parent struggling to navigate a modern world of zero hours contracts, benefits sanctions, online dating and dust. Her journey is one that many people in the UK are taking. Between and , the number of people living in poverty in the UK almost doubled, from 7.

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Between now and an additional 1. A Speck of Dust explores these big questions by focusing on a small story - a single speck of life. See all episodes from 15 Minute Drama. Download these highlights and all our programmes via the iPlayer Radio app.

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