UFOS über Wylatowo (German Edition)

#A1. Goals of this web page:

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. January Learn how and when to remove this template message. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Retrieved Mar 14, Retrieved from " https: English-language slang Internet memes. Articles needing additional references from January All articles needing additional references Articles with hAudio microformats. Probably also in present times it remains one amongst the longest suspension bridges in the world - in which carrying structure is held together by rivets.

I travel quite a lot around the world and must admit, that never I saw a bridge that was riveted and simultaneously was a suspension bridge - as the above one is. There is a lot of suspension bridges in the world, but as an iron rule steel ropes are used in all of them for suspension structures. So in fact the above bridge probably represents currently a kind of unique design at the world's scale. Probably the largest out of these was the battle on a nearby "Psie Pole" meaning "Dog's Field" - named so because there was so many dead soldiers that there was not enough local workforce to burry them all, so dogs ate some of bodies.

The cemetery of Russian soldiers: The most meaningful out of these is the cemetery of Russian soldiers. I wonder how many of us remembers about this fact, is aware what and where would be if not the death of these and others similar to them soldiers, and shows a gratefulness to these fighters for our freedom by placing sometimes a symbolic flower on the graves of some of them, or saying a prayer for their intention.

We must remember, that none of these soldiers had a choice neither where and when was born, nor who was to be the leader of his country, nor where and when he comes to die. Each one of us could, and still can, find himself or herself in their position. As this is indicated by UFO research, the furnishing and architecture of almost every old church on Earth were modelled on the shape of equipment and on designs of interiors in UFO vehicles.

Especially well this is visible in old churches, such as e. Only the modern churches build already in present times, for reasons which can be deduced, rapidly lately part from this principle of imitating interiors and equipment from UFO vehicles. In fact every detail of the design and equipment of old churches is modelled on patterns of appearances and equipment from UFO vehicles. Here is a list of most vital components of every old church, the appearance of which imitates the appropriate components of UFO vehicles: Altars from old churches imitated control devices used in steering of UFOs flights.

This panel contains numerous control leavers and indication lamps, which look almost exactly like altars from old churches used to look like in past. No wonder that because of the increase of our knowledge about the interior of UFO vehicles, the so-called UFOnauts-changelings who secretly operate on Earth amongst others in ranks of church leaders, caused that the meaningful and precious old altars were removed discreetly from Earth's churches not long ago.

After all, they provided people with visual links which were too dangerous for evil UFOnauts that for thousands of years secretly occupy our planet. Confessions The word "confession" means a "grave of believer". In some Christian churches there are extraordinary objects located just under main domes of these churches.

They are called "confessions". The most prominent of these exists in the Basilica of St. I personally saw another one in in an old church from Warszawa located somewhere not far from the President's Palace. I did not photographed it then. When in I was again searching for this church, I could not find it there.

If someone is familiar with reports of people abducted to UFOs, then is aware that these "confessions" imitate thoroughly the main propulsor from UFOs type K5. The central object in such confessions is a white or a silver rectangular box, which usually constitutes a coffin for a prominent saint e. Saint Wojciech in the Gniezno cathedral. This box imitates with the shape a central so-called " Oscillatory Chamber " of the first generation - means a propelling device from the UFO's main propulsor.

For details of the design of UFO vehicles of the first generation - see the web page about " magnocrafts ", which are the Earth's versions of UFOs, and thus which have an identical design and location of propulsors as these UFOs do. The use of this rectangular box for a coffin is also not coincidental. The reason is that in UFO vehicles around this central Oscillatory Chamber usually corpses of people are stored, who were accidentally killed by UFOnauts.

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This is because the powerful magnetic field from this propulsor prevents these bodies from rotting and from emitting the smell of decay. For descriptions of just such "cemeteries" from interiors of UFO vehicles see subsection P6. Around this white object coffin of each confession, four "twisted" columns are placed. These columns imitate four twisted magnetic circuits that leave the Oscillatory Chamber from the main magnetic propulsor of a UFO type K5. Finally, above each confession a kind of "baldachin" is spread, with golden sparks.

This baldachin imitates the upper dome of a UFO vehicle, on which the sparks are ignited by the magnetic field generated by this central Oscillatory Chamber of this UFO. Note that "confessions" should be distinguished from "confessionals", the shape of which usually also imitates main propulsors from UFO vehicles of small types, i.

Confessionals usually are build as ornamental miniatures of "confessions" described previously. Old churches always had to have a colonnade in their interior - even in cases when such a colonnade was not needed for strength or design reasons. The reason for the presence of such colonnades was, that they imitated pillars of magnetic field emitted by side propulsors of every UFO vehicle.

Highly symbolic in these churches was also the location of such colonnades on circumferences of old churches. The reason was that side propulsors which emit these pillars of magnetic field which are imitated by such colonnades, are always located in UFO vehicles around the peripherals - for details see the descriptions of design of Magnocrafts.

These chambers are the most important propelling devices of such UFOs. Even today they fascinate enormously every person abducted to a UFO deck. For more details see the caption under "Fig. But the biggest similarity to UFOs is displayed by the general shape of old churches, and by the utilisation of space inside of these churches. And so, the majority of old churches has at least one dome, which imitates the central dome in design of UFOs. Around circumference of old churches always runs a colonnade of some sort, which imitates the ring of columns with side propulsors which hit eyes of every person who enters inside of UFOs.

Even outlines of these columns always imitate pillars of magnetic field which propagate through side propulsors of UFOs. Almost every old church had also towers with bulging tops. These towers imitate cigars composed of UFOs of smaller types which are coupled with side propulsors of UFOs of larger types. More information about the similarities of old churches to UFO vehicles can be found in subsection P6. In a similar manner as this is done by churches of Christianity, UFO vehicles are also imitated by Moslem mosques. Especially well this can be seen in Istanbul, where almost each mosque resembles a flying system coupled from a number of UFO vehicles.

From the functional point of view they are simply extremely powerful "magnets". These three shapes are kinds of regular chambers which for the horizontal cross-section have one out of the following three figures, namely either 1 a square - for UFO vehicles of the first generation called also magnetic vehicles , or 2 an eight-sided octagonal shape - for UFO vehicles of the second generation called also telekinetic vehicles , or 3 a sixteen-sided shape - for UFO vehicles of the third generation called also time vehicles.

In UFOs these chambers always stands with their central axis maintained vertically. Thus, these three main shapes always appear in the chamber's horizontal cross-section. Thus in old churches most frequently everything becomes a column that has an octagonal cross-section - as an example see the object shown in the photograph from "Fig. Actually, in the majority of churches aged over years, even columns have the eight-sided cross-section - for an example of such octagonal columns in an old church see the photograph on "Fig.

D19" from web page about the town of Milicz. Furthermore, in everything contained in these old churches such an octagonal cross-section is only appearing in the horizontal plane - means exactly in the same plane of cross section, in which Oscillatory Chambers from UFOs are octagonal. If something is not octagonal, then in horizontal cross section it has either a square shape, or a sixteen-sided shape or is round - as round is a rough approximation of sixteen-sided figures. In turn, it is almost impossible to find in old churches anything that would have a triangular, or six-sided cross-section, in spite that such shapes would be incomparably easier to make with tools of old masters, than eight-sided or square cross-sections.

Thus, the extremely shocking attribute of old churches is that in their interiors almost everything imitates the general shapes of Oscillatory Chambers from UFOs. An eight-sided stony font i. The photograph taken in Such eight-sided fonts i. The reason for which Christianity adopted eight-sided shape of Oscillatory Chambers of the second generation for these containers with holy water, is the dense telekinetic field which these chambers generate in UFO vehicles.

Such a telekinetic field is a technical version of the same healing telekinetic field which in a natural manner is generated by human healers during healing sessions. In fact, according to reports of present people abducted to UFOs, UFOnauts sometimes organise a kind of "bathing" in this dense telekinetic field generated by Oscillatory Chambers of their UFO vehicles of the third generation. For people who participate in such "bathing", this field feels almost like a kind of dense "liquid" in which one can even swim.

Such "bathing" in this telekinetic field have the ability to almost instantaneously heal wounds and to cure all health problems in the bathing people. Therefore for old inhabitants of the Earth, this invisible "liquid" i. This most probably was the reason why eight-sided objects similar to outlines of such octagonal Oscillatory Chambers from UFOs were used in churches as containers fonts for holy water. This organisation existed and actively worked already in years to when I joined actively its ranks. It existed also and worked actively after my emigration to New Zealand. This illustration was drawn by a 9-years old boy who witnessed the landing.

Please notice that the actual appearance of this UFO vehicle type K3 the shape of which was verified with the author of the above drawing by showing to him a model of the vehicle of such a shape is shown as illustrations "Fig. C1 b " and "Fig. G20" from web pages about Magnocrafts and about Oscillatory Chambers. On 4 September , around 9: After walking along the floor of this flat which was covered with PVC tails, this UFOnaut left behind 17 stepping marks.

The average distance between subsequent of these marks was around 40 cm. Such a propulsion system is described more exactly on several web pages of totalizm, e. It allows UFOnauts to become invisible for human eyes, and also allows them to fly in the air, to walk along ceilings or on the surface of water, to jump onto roofs of even the highest buildings, and to do everything that in past so-called "devils" were capable of doing. The term "devils" are an old name for evil creatures which for thousands of years secretly occupy the Earth, and which presently are called "UFOnauts" - for details see the web page on " UFOnauts ".

In my later private research of unexplained phenomena many times I encountered similar walking trails left by personal propulsion system of UFOnauts who walked on the ground. The most interesting out of these marks I encountered in in the park from a New Zealand township Timaru. In this park I walked frequently. During one of such walks I noticed a walking trail tens of meters long, straight like a bullet, which contained marks scorched by a UFOnaut in grass in a walking manner. This trail was scorched shortly before my arrival, because in every place where this UFOnaut tramped the grass with his legs, the grass still remained squashed and pressed to the ground.

The grass was high for around 10 cm. In turn magnetic propulsors contained in soles of shoes of this UFOnaut caused magnetic scorching of small areas of compressed grass, giving them a highly characteristic red colour. The colour of this stepping scorching of grass was similar to the colour of grass on the UFO landing site which is shown in photograph from "Fig. In the result, this trail of UFOnaut left in grass of the park in Timaru had the shape of a long chain of small dots mutually placed in a stepping manner, the squashed grass of which was displaying the strongly red colour.

Unfortunately, when I noticed these fresh trail of a UFOnaut in the Timaru park, I had no photo-camera with me, and it was already close to evening. In turn when I arrived a next day with a photo-camera in order to photograph this trail, it turned out that in the meantime the grass on this trail already stood up, while the wind so tumbled the grass with the unique red colour and mixed it with the still green grass, that the trail stopped to be visible and was unsuitable for photographing.

It is also described over there comprehensively. Just after being discovered this footprint had a chalk-white colour, which clearly contrasted with a bluish colour of PVC tail on which it was scorched. The black pattern visible on this photograph was formed from a thin layer of chemicals which originated from the action of highly aggressive ozone at the material of PVC tails. For more information about UFOnauts who occupy our planet see the web site ufo. In turn for description of many further categories of equally permanent evidence of continuous activities of UFOnauts on Earth see the web page evidence.

Chinese recognise a kind of secret knowledge, which they called "Feng Shui". This knowledge contains a selection of principles that define conditions necessary to be fulfilled in order for someone, or something, accomplished a success in life and was protected from catastrophes. For example, this Feng Shui states, that every building or settlement should have two symbols which determine the polarity of it. Very frequently one of these two symbols is a frog for Chinese, while another symbol is some kind of their god.

As it turns out, medieval cities and castles in Poland were constructed also according to the same principle. For example, in the Malbork castle, on the main entrance gate from the bridge on the Nogat river means on the so-called "Water Gate" - see "Fig. D11" , exactly on the main axis of the castle, until today a sculpture of a frog stands up, which is almost identical to frogs used by Chinese "Feng Shui" - see also the photograph from "Fig. In turn on the other end of the same central axis of the Malbork castle, in past a huge figure of Virgin Many was standing.

About this sculpture I wrote a story on the web page concerning the curiosities of the town Malbork - available through "Menu 1". This sculpture and figure defined the polarity of the Malbork castle, means also the polarity of the expansion of Malbork which was directed towards east. These symbols seems to continue their action until today. Please notice, that frogs have a special symbolism in Chinese "Feng Schui", as a symbol of influence and prosperity. Thus sculptures of frogs are frequently one amongst two symbols which designate the polarity of a given settlement or institution.

Independently from what offer almost all Polish cities, i. Furthermore, it lies on the crossing of an entire range of vital trails and highways, has a good external and internal communication, is easy for sightseeing, lies on a flat land preferred by tourist, is close to practically every interesting area in south-west Poland, and is still reasonably safe. The only thing which still requires polishing, is the availability of inexpensive and simultaneously comfortable, one or two bed hotel rooms, situated conveniently in the centre of city.

These churches originate from practically every period and architectural style of recent years. They offer a perfect insight into furnishing of interiors in subsequent epochs. This is a purpose build rotunda, designed in such a manner that it is able to host a gigantic, because of dimensions m x 15 m, panoramic painting of Polish painters named Jan Styka i Wojciech Kossak.

This extraordinary painting is so designed, that it has a form of a ring that surrounds people who look at it from all sides. Therefore parts of the battle can be viewed on it in all directions, i. Such a painting is unique on the world's scale and in fact it is worth to be seen. Unfortunately, each time when I was in Poland, and when I tried to see it, it turned out that the limit of visitors for a given day was already exhausted and thus there is no ticked for myself. In the result I saw myself only parts of this famous painting published in various places, but never managed to see the entire original painting.

It was a day when students took keys to the city. After all, in spite that this festival was organised by students, the spreading and vitality of it caused that it involved into fun practically all people living in this city. From the information which reached me in New Zealand it appears that it was withdrawn only in Probably the most famous out of these is the International Festival "Vratislavia Cantans" devoted to music and arts in it was organised on 10th to 19 September.

Meaning, all these festivals are for connoisseurs, none for normal people. It was just on these stairs that in May a tragic accident took place. Under the weight of youth that was climbing then these stairs, the stairs collapsed, killing and injuring a number of people.

Every event can be interpreted either from "a posteriori" approach used by the "atheistic orthodox science" to date, or from "a priori" approach used by the newly born "totaliztic science": Every event or object can be interpreted from two different approaches, or different "points of view". Philosophers call these approaches 1 " a priori " means " from the cause to effects ", and 2 " a posteriori " means " from the effect to a cause ". For the use of "a priori" approach it has NO courage. After all, this would require to acknowledge that there is a superior " cause " for all events and objects, means that God does exist.

Fortunately, in was developed an extraordinary scientific theory called the Concept of Dipolar Gravity , from which emerged also the most moral and progressive as for present deviated ages the so-called philosophy of totalizm. In turn that theory and philosophy created scientific and philosophical foundations for a completely new kind of science called the "totaliztic science".

In turn the newly emerging "totaliztic science" researches the surrounding reality from the most general " a priori " approach, namely from the approach " from God to the reality which surrounds us ". The newly emerging "totaliztic science" interprets everything from our surroundings on a completely different manner than this is done by the old "atheistic orthodox science".

In this way it supplies to us the "so-far missing second half of truth" - as this missing "second half of truth" is defined in item A2. This is because cataclysms look just like a convergence of various "coincidental and random factors", which equally well can repeat themselves already tomorrow, or never repeat again. But if the same cataclysms we examine from a different "a priori" approach i. In other words, everything that people can get to know, displays a direct link to "morality". What exactly is this "morality", it is explained wider in item A1 from the web page named totalizm.

Therefore, after they are considered from that "a priori" approach, all cataclysms turn out to be either "warnings" that someone's "morality" develops in the direction which God does NOT approve , or turn out to be events with the aid of which God corrects morality in a given area - as this is explained in item B5 from the web page named seismograph.

In both these cases, it is very beneficial for people affected by a given cataclysm, to learn its significance, role, and the message that God tries to pass to people via it. After all, if one learns the significance, role, and the message of a given cataclysm, then one can do something to defend himself or herself from further such cataclysms and from their undesirable consequences.

After all, God with the iron consequence implements the rule, that if a given cataclysm, or an ill-fate, does NOT change the "morality" of the persons that it affected, then God sends another cataclysm or ill-fate of a much greater power. So here are steps through which it is worth to go in person, to arrive to principles of defence against such cataclysms: The illustration of links between the "morality" and practically everything that surrounds us.

In order to realise, how every event and every object illustrates these links also, how these links are illustrated by all events and all objects described on this web page , I am "challenging here the reader", to find such links in every matter described on this web page. The revealing that so-called "group morality" of the inhabitants living in subsequent cities and regions, decides about everything that affects these cities and regions, including cataclysms that hit them.

The reader can also understand for example how the "group morality" of Japanese people influenced the recent explosion of nuclear reactors in Japan - as this is explained, amongst others, in items M1 to M1. The learning how should be interpreted "warnings" from God about a not-too-distant arrival of the "urging cataclysm". In item B5 of the web page named seismograph. This is because only such a cataclysm has a power to "correct the morality of that intellect", and additionally to also serve later to other intellects as a "moral lesson for the future".

But because God carries out everything in a highly "fair" and just manner, when already intends to send a killer "urging cataclysm" to a given city or region, He firstly "warns" its inhabitants and visually demonstrates to them with the so-called "warning cataclysm", that such a killer cataclysm is brewing and that it soon is to hit - if, of course, inhabitants of that city or region in the meantime do NOT document clearly, that they changed drastically the philosophy that they practice.

For example, before the destructive earthquake described in item C6 of the web page named seismograph. In addition to this, many years earlier New Zealand received a model of the "device for warning against impending earthquakes", and also received from God a "present" in form of my expertise that informed how this device can be build - which facts are explained comprehensively in item I1 on the web page named seismograph. In other words, to everyone who is to be ruined or killed by an approaching cataclysm, a long time in advance is given by God a chance to learn what is brewing for him or her.

Furthermore, God also gives to him or her a chance to effectively defend against that cataclysm, and gives to him or her the required information "how" this defence can be accomplished. Only that the learning of this information, as well as the carrying out the self-defence, God "does NOT force onto anyone", but leaves these to the so-called "free will" of a given future victim of the approaching cataclysm. The realising, how to distinguish cities and regions which are protected from cataclysms by e. Such cities or regions can easily be recognised, because all cataclysms may almost "slip" onto them, but they always "omit" them or "skip" through them - as this is documented in item I3 from the web page named day The majority of large cities in Poland are protected from cataclysms because they are inhabited by these at least "10 righteous".

After all, relatively recent in short time spans it was hit by two "cataclysmic floods" and by a tornado described in item H3 of the web page named tornado. All of these carried all attributes of "warnings". In turn, just such "warnings" carry in themselves several messages simultaneously. For example, they state that "a cataclysm is coming soon", and also that "your city or region is NOT protected from cataclysms". Furthermore, their major message is the command "there is about the time that you change your habits, ways, and philosophy, because if you do NOT embrace such a change, then these alterations will be imposed on you through a cataclysm".

In turn, such an "urging cataclysm" can flatten to the ground even a half of city, and take life of a lot of people. Of course, the biblical example on how to convince God that such a change of philosophy actually did take place already, is slightly out of date and I am ready to bet that in present times there is NO such a city on the Earth which would be ready to repeat it even under the threat of an "annihilating cataclysm". Out of the entire range of other existing manners, probably an almost similarly easy one would be if "the city funds a stipend to an active totalizt", as described in item C5.

After all, if one analyses cataclysms from "a priori" scientific approach, then it turns out that even when a given large "group intellect" is treated to some destructive cataclysm, still various amongst its "composite intellects" are "saved" from experiencing the consequences of such a cataclysm - of course if on everyday bases they practice a sufficiently "totaliztic" philosophy i. The most clearly such "saving of 'composite intellects' from fury of cataclysms" is visible on religious objects e.

After all, for that purpose it suffices to demonstrate to God that on everyday basis they pedantically practice the highly moral philosophy of totalizm - as this is explained in more details, amongst others, in item B6 of the web page seismograph. For example, in case of individual people it suffices to start practicing the so-called formal totalizm - means the "formal version" of the philosophy of totalizm.

In turn group intellects must demonstrate that they also embraced this philosophy - e.

This is because similar ignoring already took place in the case of the city of Christchurch from New Zealand - to which also a significant time in advance before the "urging cataclysm" I explained with the use of item C5. But Christchurch have chosen to ignore my advices, while in slightly more than a month of time afterwards it was almost completely destroyed. But in the result of these in-build imperfections people love to commit to other people various harms, cheating, exploitation, injustice, tortures, etc.

So in order to have also an effective mechanism that "teaches" people to behave themselves, God created a kind of algorithm or program, which in the Eastern religions is called "karma". This "karma" causes, that "all feelings that someone induced in others through doing bad of good deeds to them, after some time are also induced in this someone".

Karma works in equally automatic and unavoidable manner on all intellects, i. Thus, if any city, e. IN case of "group intellects", one amongst manners on which the returns of such "bad karma" can be carried out, is to bring a destructive cataclysm on that intellect, which in turn induces pain, suffering, tormenting, injustice, etc. In turn these cases, and many more similar to these - which I am not able to describe here because of the lack of access to data on them, should realise to everyone that about the time to begin take notice of the moral significance of our actions.

In turn, when this time will come, inhabitants of that city and also outside witnesses of its fate at least will know well for what they get the hit, and will be able to draw correct conclusions from own experiences.

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This "purge" boiled down to a highly unjust and hurting removal from the university around 40 exceptional students. In spite that the removal of these students contributed later to origins of the "Solidarity" movement, and to the change of ideology of the entire Poland, victims of that removal never were rehabilitated, while the injustice and harm committed on them was never repaired.

The UFOnaut captured on the above photograph crosses the street between the photographer and a taxi visible on the right side. Almost the only fragment of the UFOnaut which was captured on this photo relatively clearly, are his shoes of the "adidas" type. The height and size of UFOnauts captured on photographs: Small devils, gnomes, witches, dwarfs, and imps still arrive to Earth, only that most of the time they remain invisible to humans: Therefore in old times such miniature UFOnauts could be seen relatively frequent.

In fact even in times of my childhood I remember two cases when sightings of such miniature UFOnauts took place not far from my family home for details see the web page which describes the village Wszewilki where I was born. Because of the ugly for people appearance of these creatures, they were called then: However, in present times UFOnauts must be concerned with the possibility that people may learn about their existence and then throw out these cosmic blood-suckers from the back of humanity.

Therefore today all UFOnauts who do NOT look identical to people, received a strict order to appear on Earth exclusively in the state of a complete invisibility to human sight. Unfortunately for them, this "state of telekinetic flickering" which they use to hide from the sight of people, still allows that our fast photo-cameras capture sometimes their outlines. If by a chance they are photographed in this state, then usually the surface of their body and clothing is covered with a thin layer of the so-called "extraction glow" more about this "extraction glow" can be learned from subsection H6.

Here is an example of just such a photograph of a miniature UFOnaut wearing a cosmic suit, the surface of which is covered with this white, ghostly, "extraction glow": A dwarf-sized UFOnaut invisible to human sight but captured on a photograph. The above black-white photograph shows an UFOnaut that is invisible to human eyes, which was photographed when he hovered motionlessly in the midair in the state of "telekinetic flickering".

This photograph originally supposed to show a girl with flowers this girl is named Elizabeth Templon. It was her who was then photographed. But when the photograph was developed, it turned out that it shows also a previously invisible UFOnaut wearing a space suit and a hermetic helmet. This UFOnaut is excellently visible on the photograph as it hovers half of its height above the ground level near the head of the girl.

Please notice the white colour of the suit, which results from the unique "supernatural" glow, that always accompanies the invisible to human sight state of the "telekinetic flickering", and which is enhanced by the black-white photograph. The photograph was taken on Sunday, 24 May , by the father of Elisabeth a fireman by occupation , around 5 miles from their home in Carsle, USA, on the banks of river Solway Firth. The photographing person reported, that at the time of taking this photograph, a strange "electrified" atmosphere was prevailing, and also that local cows were behaving very strangely, although apart from family of the girl, there was no-one around.

It is worth to highlight here, that various animals, including cats, dogs, sheep, cows, and deer, have so designed eyes, that they are able to see UFOnauts in the state of "telekinetic flickering", even if these UFOnauts remain invisible to human eyes. There is NO even a slightest doubt, that this photograph is authentic. It is worth to notice that the above photograph of an UFOnaut that hides behind the back of a little girl, is also discussed from a different angle on the web page 26th day , and on the web page on curiosities of the Malbork castle of Teutonic Knights from the northern Poland.

The height of UFOnauts depends on the gravity of their native planet. Miniature UFOnauts by folklore usually called "gnomes" originate from a planet that is around 20 times larger than Earth: UFOnauts who occupy Earth do not belong to a single race. In fact they represent an entire confederation of parasitic civilizations, which rob humanity from its biological resources. Only that UFOnauts who typically mix with the crowd on Earth, usually are of a size and appearance similar to these in people. But other UFOnauts have different sizes. Many out of them also look slightly different from people i.

According to so-called "gravity equations" explained in subsection JE9. Therefore the continuous action of a powerful gravity force during the latest stage of their evolution caused that their height fell down to only a small percent of the height of humans from Earth.

Of course, their miniature height still does not change the fact that they are also cosmic relatives of humans, who similarly like humanity also originate from the planet "Terra" in the Vega star system. Here is a photograph of one of such miniature UFOnauts: A miniature UFOnaut captured at the moment of time when he runs across a road just behind a horse on the left side of the photograph. These are just such miniature UFOnauts that provide the "grain of truth" to all folklore stories about "leprechauns", "gnomes", "imps", "gremlins", "fairies", and all sorts of other miniature "supernatural" creatures.

The photographer wanted simply take a picture of "Carabineros" i. It was posted to me for preparing an interpretation of it, by a reader that signed the email as "Melody" Email: In December this photograph was posted on web pages with addresses www. An interesting detail of this miniature UFOnaut is that he has a widened waist, and that during the run he moves his legs.

This in turn means that he uses a special "magnetic personal propulsion system" with protective cushions around his waist and with main propulsors in epaulettes instead of soles from shoes. The cushions around the waist in this propulsion system protect hands of the user from being damaged by a powerful magnetic field emitted from the eight-segment belt. In turn the location of main propulsors in epaulettes instead of soles of shoes allows the normal use of legs. Detailed descriptions of this "magnetic personal propulsion system" with protective cushions around the waist, which is used by the miniature race of UFOnauts, is presented on the web page explain.

It was broadcasted on channel TV3, on Monday, 24 January , at It was entitled the "Misteri Nusantara". As it appeared from the program of this series, it has its own web page with the address misterinusantara. It reported descriptions of numerous eye witnesses who in Malaysia saw UFOnauts identical to the above creature. In Malaysia these creatures are called " toyol ". In the TV program all eye witnesses who with their own eyes saw the "toyol", described and drawn them in identical manner, although none of them knew about descriptions and drawings of other ones.

And so, the Malaysian "toyol" were drawn and described as very small humanoids, only around 25 cm high, with the figure significantly thickened in the waist. One boy, whom such a "toyol" troubled quite regularly, compared the size of it to size of a 1-litre empty plastic bottle from "coca-cola". Their head was shown as more prolonged on the top in proportion to human heads, and widened in the forehead part. Their ears were sharply pointed at the upper end, like ears of a dog.

The skin of their face was described as dark-green. Their eyes were light-red and quite protruding. In turn teeth grew irregularly with spaces between them and were sharp like teeth of a cat. All observers of these creatures agreed also in describing intentions and abilities of these Malaysian "toyol". For example, all of them stated that these creatures have evil intentions towards people.

All eye witnesses also highlighted the habit of these creatures to hide from people, and their ability to disappear from the view. Namely, each person who saw them stated that at the moment when these creatures realized that they are seen by a human, they immediately started to become transparent and quickly fade out from the view completely. In total these Malaysian "toyol" looked exactly as the miniature UFOnaut captured on the above photograph. They also looked exactly like these Polish "krasnoludki" which my sceptical brother observed in the garden of my parents - as it is described on a separate web page on the village Wszewilki listed in "Menu 4" and "Menu 2".

It is worth to notice, that the above photographs of a miniature UFOnaut is presented as well, although from a different point of view, on the web page 26th day , and is also discussed on the web page explain. It is interesting, that practically every nation from our planet, including into this number also nations which for hundreds of years were insulated from the rest of the world - such as e.

Maoris from New Zealand, have their folklore stories about miniature supernatural creatures that displayed attributes of present gnome-sized UFOnauts such as the UFOnaut documented on the previous photograph "Fig. Of course, every nation calls these creatures with a different name.

For example in English they are called "dwarfs", or "imps", or "gremlings", or "pixies" or "duce", etc.

In turn in the Polish language they are called "krasnoludki", or "chochliki", or "licha". Click on this photograph to enlarge it. The above photograph was taken in the South Korea. The animation that it presents is in the botanic garden called the Hantaek Botanical Garden , next to the entrance to the pavilion which shows the tropical vegetation from Australia.

It imitates the scene from a popular in Australia story about the "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" i. On the photograph the foreground shows the "witch" in Polish "Baba Jaga" , while on background we can see some amongst 7 gnomes. Although this fable originates from beyond Korea, anatomic features of supernatural creatures from the above scene were designed by Korean artists on the basis about these creatures present also in the Korean folklore.

On the above photograph our attention should capture the number of fingers and toes in these evil creatures. Most clearly this number can be noticed in the "witch" i. As I explained this more comprehensively on the separate web page about the church of St. Photographs reveal that UFOnauts park their vehicles in undergrounds and in caves: During a flight dwarf-sized UFOnauts seem to spin: In order to move at short distances, for example to fly from their UFO vehicle to our flat, or vice versa, UFOnauts use an interesting form of propulsion system.

This propulsion system is called "personal magnetic propulsion system". The personal propulsion system of UFOnauts is so designed, that all devices that are included into it, are assembled into garments of UFOnauts i. In this way UFOnauts are able to fly in the air, without the use of any large flying apparatus that would be obvious and clearly visible to humans.

So for people they look as if their bodies have the capability to fly in the air. No wonder that old time people used to say, that "devils", "witches", and "demons" means all creatures which in old times were equivalents to present UFOnauts could fly in the air. Here are two photographs, both taken in the same area of corridor in the Malbork Castle from the northern Poland. One of them show just such a miniature UFOnaut that flies in the air. The left one supposed to just be a photograph of a female tourist who looked at these corridors. But by a coincident this photograph captured also a fast moving and slightly spinning UFOnaut which was flying "head downward" through bricks and the ceiling and then through this particular corridor of the Malbork Castle.

A colourful UFOnaut, which descends fast downward to the area under this corridor, is visible relatively well on this photograph. When the photographer who took this photo realized that some colourful creature flashed out in front of him when he took the first photo, just in case he repeated the shot. Therefore the right photograph shows almost the same area, taken a while later. The UFOnaut is already gone i. In the upper photo a photograph of a dwarf-sized UFOnaut is shown. He descends "head downward", in a spinning flight towards the underground of the Malbork castle in northern Poland.

This photograph is wroth to view after turning it upside-down. Then it shows relatively well the back of head, hand, and an entire figure of a miniature UFOnaut with shortly-cut, black hair. On the lower photo, another photograph is shown that was taken a while later in the same corridor of the Malbork castle. The UFOnaut was already gone. The above photograph is also discussed on the web page on curiosities of the Malbork castle. Probably we all have heard about controversial "crop circles" detected firstly in England, then in many other areas of the world, including the Polish village Wylatowo.

These most famous forms of UFO landing sites induce in many people a burning question, namely "why UFOs land so frequently in these particular places", while avoid landing e. What is so different about crop fields of England, or Polish Wylatowo, that attracts so many UFO vehicles which land in there, while the same UFO vehicles refuse to land in other places, e.

I personally for a long time disseminate the hypothesis, that the difference lies underground of these places. According to my hypothesis, in the native rock under crop fields of England, as well as in the native rock under crop fields of the Polish village Wylatowo, huge subterranean empty caves are located. UFOnauts park their UFO vehicles in these caves in order to hide them from the sight of people when they spread over the surrounding land to carry out their evil deeds on locals. In turn during submerging underground to these caves, the working propulsion system of UFO vehicles lies down crops forming these extraordinary "crop circles".

Until recently this above my hypothesis had no evidential backup. Fortunately, recently I obtained two photographs which seem to strongly confirm with photographic evidence just this particular hypothesis. Below i show these two photographs as "Fig. All started when on 5 May I obtained the photograph which is shown below as "Fig. The author of this photograph was unable to explain the reason why this particular image was the only image on the entire film that come out as it come out. Photographs that he took after it were normal without any additional effects - what one can clearly see from the photo "Fig.

G2c" that was on the next frame from the same roll of film. He took these photographs with an analogue camera Canon on the film Fuji in an automatic mode of camera operation. It supposed to show an interior of a garage of a farmer. In this garage a tractor stood clearly visible on the photograph "Fig. G2c" , which was used for cutting one of these "crop circles". During this cutting the tractor "break down" in spite that only around 2 weeks earlier the engine of it was fully renovated.

The garage itself stood by the slope of a hill that was the highest in the whole this area. In the farmer family living on this farm were witnessing a nearby flight and then landing of a UFO vehicle with classical inverted saucer shape. The place of this former UFO landing is distant by only around meters from the garage. Until today May the vegetation on this UFO landing site does not want to regrow. In turn in in two different areas near this particular farm, crop and grass circles have appeared again. After receiving the photograph "Fig.

G2b", I was immediately stricken by deformations of shapes that were recorded on it. Just such deformations are usually characteristic for the presence of a powerful "magnetic lens" of a complex structure within the range of view of the photo-camera. In turn such complex "magnetic lens" most frequently is generated by personal propulsion systems of a group of UFOnauts. Furthermore, on this photograph strikes also the presence of a powerful "extraction glow" which is emitted only in cases when someone completes a telekinetic motion i.

To summarise, the analysis of this photograph suggests that it managed to capture a whole group fleet of UFOnauts flying heads downwards. At the moment of taking this photograph, the UFOnauts were descending into underground caves that most probably are located not far from this garage - for more exact interpretations see descriptions under "Fig. In turn the capturing of this group of UFOnauts on the film when they descend to undergrounds of this garage, provides the first evidence in support of my hypothesis explained in the first part of this item, and stating that "crop circles are simply marks left in crops by UFO vehicles that remain invisible to human sight when they descent to underground caves in order to be parked in these caves far from the sight of people".

If any reader has an additional question about photographs "Fig. G2a, G2b, and G2c: Here are three meaningful photographs. They represent the first photographic evidence that reveals "what is going on" in crops of England, Wylatowo, and other places on Earth where "crop circles" are formed repetitively. In order to see better each of the above photographs, it is recommended to click on it firstly to enlarge it. The photograph from "Fig. G2a" the upper one. It shows a group of UFOnauts which remained invisible to human sight, but which were captured on a black-white photograph.

These UFOnauts remain invisible to human eyes, because their personal propulsion system works in an invisible to people state named the "state of telekinetic flickering". However, their presence in a given place is revealed by a very subtle glow emitted during the state of telekinetic flickering, which is called the "extraction glow". This white extraction glow can be captured on sensitive films by photo-cameras.

The main reason why I am showing this photograph here is that it demonstrates how the complex structure of magnetic field force lines generated by personal propulsion systems of the entire group of UFOnauts bends light, thus distorting shapes captured on the film. This is because a very similar distortions of shapes caused by the bending of light by a group of UFOnauts flying by, is clearly visible on the next photograph marked "Fig. G2b" the middle one.

Gerhard Gröschel

This photograph is an unique evidence which illustrates two effects induced by the telekinetic personal propulsion of a whole group of UFOnauts which fly "heads downward" to undergrounds of this farm garage. The first of these effects is the distortion of shapes caused by the action of "magnetic lenses" formed by complex configuration of magnetic fields generated by personal propulsion systems of these UFOnauts.

The second effect is the emission of powerful "extraction glow". This "extraction glow" actually reveals shapes of UFOnauts who emitted it. Only that these UFOnauts were diving with their heads directed downward. Thus in order to see them on this photograph, one needs to rotate the photograph by degrees. More information about the "extraction glow" and "magnetic lens" is provided in subsections L2 and F G2c" the lower one. It shows the same farm garage and the same group of people as these from "Fig.

G2b", only that it was taken a while later perhaps around one or two minutes later. As it shows, the UFOnauts which caused effects recorded on "Fig. G2b", on this next photograph "Fig. G2c" are already gone. However, it is worth to notice here, that since the route of UFOnauts to UFO vehicles parked deeply underground passes through this garage, or through the vicinity of it, then photographs similar to the one shown on this web page may be accidentally taken over there much more frequently than in other areas of Poland. All these adventurous threads are contained in an unusual tradition - the beginning of which was revealed to me in times of my high-school, while many years later which I published under the name of Wincenty's story.

Wincenty is the Polish spelling of the Christian name "Vincent". Wincenty told me his story when I still were too young and too inexperienced to be able to distinguish the crucial from the unimportant, and to know the role of the passage of time as the greatest waster of human knowledge. After all, only as an experienced scientist I developed my current habit, that if in my life I come across "something" extremely important for many people such as seeing the "burning bush" described in item J3 from the web page named petone.

This is because now I know that if I do NOT do it immediately, the passage of time will cause irreversible wasting of the essential knowledge contained in this "something". Thus, when Wincenty died, his knowledge on this subject has perished. Later I gradually confirmed the truth of almost every key element in Wincenty's story. The almost only key element, which still remains as an unproven mystery until this day, is the location of the "rock" with hidden "gates" to undergrounds, and the secret of manual opening of the locking mechanism of these "gates".

As a proof that the element of his story about a rock and the gate hidden in it, is also true, can serve the following 2: However, we do not know the answer to the questions: We also do not know whether it was this special service that has destroyed the known entrances to these tunnels? However, regardless what would be the answer to these questions it is still worth looking for the entrance to these tunnels. After all, if special service destroyed the entrance to these tunnels then it may mean that there is still something enough valuable in the tunnels, that it was worth protecting it against access of unauthorized people.

In turn, if the special service has NOT managed to enter these tunnels, then it may mean that the goods and treasures accumulated in tunnels for centuries can still be in there. Only that, as I believe, the power that stands behind the transfer of this knowledge to me clearly wishes that the implementation of the goals with which these tunnels are symbolically connected, has been done with NOT my own hands. Because since its publication, the truth of the information provided in this story has been confirmed by a lot of additional items of evidence, I will report here the key elements of this evidence.

However, before I list them in items below, firstly to spare the reader's laborious search I am to repeat the whole Wincenty's story. As this was usually the case in winters of Poland in s, this evening an electric blackout happened again. So we were sitting by the fire from the wood burner, listening to cracks of the flames and observing flashes of lights moving on ceiling and on walls.

Wincenty ignited his pipe, sat comfortably, and looked at me long with some strange attention, hesitation, and a puzzling expression on his face. I felt that he thinks intensely about something and that perhaps I am going to hear one more of his extraordinary stories. After some time he started: However, in the morning I was surprised that instead of usual preparations for a market, my father only packed a kerosene lamp, matches, and food. My curiosity grew even more, when we went on foot, instead as usually - in a horse wagon.

But I did not say a word, because I knew that my father will tell me at a right time whatever I should know. When we left the boundaries of our village, my father who was leading in silence, called me with a sign of his hand to walk next to him. This secret we pass from father to son since the oldest times.

We keep it in family for the "black hour". Apart from me, about this secret knows one person per several families spread over other villages. This secret is a hidden underground passage. So watch now the path, as I am going to show it to you only once. You must remember it for the rest of your life. My father stopped again and pointed to me a small rock at around one-third of height of this mountain. When we climbed to the rock, I was surprised that no entrance is visible. My father lined on a corner of it with his shoulder-blades and started to push.

I stood surprised, because from a close distance the rock looked too large for a single person being able to push it. I jumped to it and pushed - the rock jerked and after an initial resistance started to move surprisingly lightly.

An opening was exposed sufficiently large to ride a horse wagon through it. My father ignited the kerosene lamp then pushed the rock on the previous place. It shut completely the entrance opening. Then my father started to walk along a straight tunnel that started from this rock and led quite steeply downwards.

I was chocked with the surprise, because something like this I never saw in my whole life before. The tunnel was huge and it would easily accommodate not only a horse wagon, but even an entire train. It led straight like a bullet. The cross-section of it was circular, but slightly flattened from the top. The surface of it was slightly wavy, like etched with the edge of a huge drill. Walls and floor were shiny, like poured with glass. Although it rapidly descended down, it was surprisingly dry. No trace of water leaking from walls or flowing along the floor.

I also noticed that our shoes walking on this glassy floor did not produce any sharp sound which one would expect during walking on rock; the sound of steps was silenced like the floor of this tunnel was covered with some sort of lining. After quite a long march, the tunnel joined a huge chamber shaped like a barrel standing slightly slanted. The walls of this chamber were glossy like walls of the tunnel by which we arrived.

But they were not waved. In turn the floor and ceiling were formed in some strange spiral pattern looking like a solidified whirl on water. Outlets of several tunnels converged in this chamber. Some of them had circular cross-section, other - triangular. My father placed the lamp on the floor and sit for a moment to rest. In turn I started to look around of this chamber. Under walls far from tunnels the floor was covered with various objects, chests, barrels, and various weapon. I saw parts of knight armours, various axes, clubs, swords, bayonets, and also ancient firearms. My attention was attracted to an unusually beautiful shotgun, with very long and richly incrusted barrel, and a white butt.

I took this shotgun to my hands and started to look at it, but my father yelled at me "do not touch - we do not have oil to preserve it again". So I sat next to father. He started to explain. You can walk through them wherever you wish, of course if you know how to move in them. This tunnel from left leads to Germany, then to England, and further to America, where it joins the tunnel from the right side. In turn the tunnel to the right leads to Russia, then to Caucus, and China, further to Japan, and finally to America. To America you can also walk through remaining tunnels, which run under poles of Earth.

Each one of these tunnels every now and again has branching chambers similar to the one in which we are just now, where it joins with tunnels leading in different directions. In this labyrinth it is easily to get lost. Therefore our ancestors used signs, which informed which tunnel is to be chosen. Come now I show you how these signs look like". We approached one of these tunnels and then I noticed at the entrance to it several primitive drawings made with some black paint or dried blood. My father show me one drawing after other and explained their meaning.

One of them indicated the dragon lair under the king's castle in Wawel from former Polish capital Cracow. When he was explaining these drawings to me, unexpectedly a sound of far rambling, hissing, and squeak started to be heard. It resembled me an arriving steam train, which changes rails on slip points, and breaks. My father stopped talking and said "the rest I will explain to you in the return way, now we must leave fast". We started to climb hastily along the arrival tunnel, chased by the increasingly loud rambling and metallic squeak. My father visibly was worrying and frequently looked behind.

When we run to the rock at the entrance, the hissing and squeak was so loud as if the train was breaking just behind our back. After we left outside, and shut the rock behind us, my father fell exhausted. After quite a long rest he started to explain to me. These creatures use such tunnels for travelling from one side of the world to other sides.

They use fiery flying machines for this purpose. If such a machine hits us, we would get cooked from the heat it creates. Fortunately in the tunnel voice goes far, so there is enough time to get out of way of these machines when one hears them. Besides, these creatures live in other parts of the world and in our areas they fly very rarely. So our ancestors used their tunnels to hide from invaders and to march fast to other areas.

He also ordered that - when the right time comes - I show the entrance to this tunnel to someone trusted, so that the secret knowledge of ancestors is not lost. I knew that this is the end of story. Wincenty's story contains a lot of extremely important information, the truth of which I slowly and gradually confirmed during the course of my life.

Below in points I will now list the results of my subsequent inventions, research and findings, all of which confirm the truth of whatever Wincenty told me. Some time after inventing the construction and operation of my Magnocraft, I was also surprised to discover that Magnocraft-like starships have been operating on Earth for millennia. Nowadays, they are popularly called "UFO vehicles".

UFO SIGHTING in Germany!

One of the technical capabilities of my Magnocrafts and UFOs is, that the plasma vortex, which if needed they are capable of producing around their shell, very quickly and effectively is able to evaporate long and glassy tunnels, with exactly the same features that the Wincenty's story revealed to us - while the illustrations of which are shown in "Fig.