Chasing Rainbows. Finding the End of Your Rainbow Is Not Always Simple.

Chasing Rainbows - Finding the End of Your Rainbow Is Not Always Simple. (Electronic book text)

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But ask ourselves, are the low-income and those in need abandoned and forgotten? I have gained a fair bit through learning together with the foreign students. Therefore, it is a must to plan ahead. Therefore the primary sponsor and carer must be the children. But as a country we too must grow. English Choose a language for shopping.

I believe that the ruling party would have known that the moment the 6. But why did they still hold an open debate over the Population White Paper? Why do they have it publicly available to scrutiny? Because this is responsible governance. Because every one of us has a stake in the country we want to live in. I do predict naysayers saying, I have yet to see any rainbow because we are still embroiled in storm, but ask yourself, when you compare your living conditions, your education and your competencies, do you have it better than many in our neighbouring countries?

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It does not last the whole day after the rain. Our future is like a bubble and beautiful as it is, it will burst easily. Our 21st century is one filled with unknown, our future is in volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, and do we want our dreams to burst? The little red dot has stood tall for the past 50 years since independence even with all odds stacked against us.

This is not a game and this is not because of sheer luck. Think through, think critically. For your convenience, my agenda is to clarify and to only offer my personal perspectives on complaints I read online. In read both the MSM and internet blogs everyday.

While generally supportive of PAP, I am not averse to voting against them when I felt that they erred badly as I did in and a couple of earlier elections. But what the PAP haters have been saying online is way over the top. No doubt there is room for PAP to improve, but it is by far the best political party to lead Singapore for the foreseeable future and they do not deserve; they think of both global and municipal issues.


The vitriol hurled at them by the opposition parties and their supporters, the latter of whom many not all hardly read enough to know how global issues can very quickly and adversely change the fortunes of Singapore. All the opposition parties, including WP which cause me to lose a lot of respect for them in the past several months and more so in the nine days, just keep harping on the negatives, stirring up the emotions of PAP haters to such a high pitch that they got so drunk with venom and would vote for any opposition party, with some even saying they would vote for animals too so long as it is not PAP.

With due respect, I think Mr Low Thia Khiang and Ms Sylvia Lim while leaders of the WP and who are good and fierce spokesperson for their party are by no means capable of governing the country. Of course, PAP cannot remain in power forever but any handover of governing power of Singapore to another party must be done gradually over a few elections with the opposition building up their own house first and not overnight.

It is so disconcerting to me that people simply refuse to give credit when it is due but just attack, attack and attack. Simply because as a baby boomer, I have seen the tremendous transformation of Singapore over the last 50 years. So my comment might be a little skewed.

But please judge it on its merits. Four political parties were invited but only 3 sent accepted the invitation.

Chasing Rainbows: Finding the End of Your Rainbow Is Not Always Simple. | Souq - UAE

And WP was to be the one and only to decline the invitation. Why did it decline to participate? Has WP gotten too arrogant? Was it because they were busy with the hustings? Was it because they want to avoid answering questions? Do they have anything to hide?


Indeed WP has become more arrogant. Remember that scene where Pritam Singh said: Was WP so busy with the hustings and could not find time to participate in the debate? You mean these people are not busy? Unless WP comes clean and explains everything without holding back, conjectures of wrongdoings on the part of the WP will continue to linger.

Thank you for sharing such a well-written and even-tempered article. The comments that followed were equally balanced. Yes I too who am not on any social media group was shocked to see the language afforded to politics. Many fellow citizens feel Singaporeans are tame and afraid of change. Good grief, the nation building decades had odds stacked up on us as mentioned. Many countries in fact are still facing those odds.

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Ask the family on the street, anywhere, they would want a roof, a job, education for their kids and a safe country. Running a country is damn hard, coming from nothing, and thankless. To think this red dot actually excelled in it — made everyone, not just masses, homeowners, and put us on the international arena. Our children are already inheriting a head start.

And this is the baseline. I went to a kindergarten deep in the heartlands and the principal was well spoken and driven. The campus was well equipped, well staffed and noisy. If any, the national debt inheritance is recreational. The generations to come must treasure and build on these strengths. This red dot is an entirely built environment. Democracy has not worked for so many nations, why do we assume it will work for Asia? All nations have dreams, only a few are brave in being tough, in order to enable implementation.

Engaging in populist policies is the road to downfall. We win some, we lose some. We need aggregation, not framentation. It was disappointing the good guys forgot to listen. More than often the good is unknown if uncommunicated. And to ensure a more diverse debate, its possible to be a non-constituent MP. As for the elderly, a topic most close to my heart, my stand is that this is an incredibly difficult career to field and to staff.

Your letters: Chasing Rainbows

The subject basically deteriorates. Therefore the primary sponsor and carer must be the children. And then allocate the limited resources to the real disadvantaged. But as a country we too must grow. Should we move towards a multiparty parliament, more than ever we must stand united. Last evening with a PSI of more than I thought us Singas would surely feel united going to polls with our masks on! Gradually, I gave up on seeing the rainbow. Now she hopes that those who read her fiction will find as much pleasure in her tales as she has in writing them.

This book is an easy read - keeps your attention from start to finish - Set in Cornwall England during and after the war, the story chronicles the life of a child who was dispached from London during the bombing. Great book to give your Mum or Grandmum for a present. Brilliant novel - could not put it down. Very enjoyable read of a light saga.

Totally drawn into the era and the drama. Keeps you hanging in there until the last chapter! Strong characters and very well written. Waiting for a sequel!

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