Migration in Germany - Violent crimes committed by young men of foreign orignis

German study links increased crime rate to migrant arrivals

I suspect that this is a major cause of immigrant crime.

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I lived in Saudi Arabia from the mid-seventies to the late nineties. During that time, large numbers of young men moved from their villages to cities where economic opportunity was thought to be greater. Drug use and break-ins soared, at least in the Eastern Province, despite draconian penalties. Saudis of my age were appalled and found it hard to imagine that young men could go so far off the rails. Officially Saudi Arabia has a murder rate of 0. Having lived in Saudi Arabia, do you believe that number?

Does that sound plausible to you? This is a little off topic but I need some help. Can someone give me a copy of this paper or at least summarize it for me? This blog covers Russia and immigration so I figure somebody has access to this paper. Sci-Hub is your friend. Environment tend to be aditional or reductive, i mean, this reinforce or relax certain behavioral dispositions. A combo of long term circumstances that favor this situation.

The specificity of the demographics may explain some of the disproportionately high violent crime rates. Immigration should be allowed only if it benefits the native population. If there are no jobs for immigrants, then they should not come in the first place. Those people happen to be those who would have made the fewest problems in Germany, especially compared to Arabs and Subsaharan Africans. I know…though even that is opposed by the Greens and the asylum lobby.

And many people still seem to be all in favour for it, those stupid bourgeois do-gooders with their terminal niceness, making common cause with the professional anti-racists and the antifa crowd. The tightrope of discretion. Complexities of religious reproduction. Having trouble finding for some reason. Someone earlier had a brilliant suggestion for how the hdb sphere could actually work to counter the migration. The PUAs should concentrate their effort on developing a methodology for picking up Muslim chicks and blog about it. That way going to Europe will be associated with dishonor for the clan because the woman could run wild.

It will deter some families from migrating. The recent finding that 1 in 4 Western women in college are victims of sexual assault by Western men ominously mirrors the fact that 1 in 4 Western women will be victims of domestic violence at some point in their lives. These grim stats have led people in the West to realize that one of the great miseries plaguing much of the so-called Western world, and the liberal secular world more generally, is its sick relationship with women and girls. To address the latter, both Western universities and workplaces alike have taken to producing extensive guides of good conduct for college boys and male employees due to their preternatural propensity to date rape and sexually harass their female counterparts.

Today sex is a great paradox in many countries of the Western world: Overindulged in a Tinder-induced stupor of casual copulation, it weighs on the mind by its very vacuousness. One result is that people fantasize about the trappings of another world: Clothing is also given to extremes: Sex therapists are legion in the Western world, and their advice, no matter how contradictory or ludicrous, is voraciously consumed. These self-anointed gurus have a de facto monopoly on talk about the body, sex, and love.

This is just a part of hysteria created by feminists. And whatever the problem is, the answer is NOT importing males coming from misogynistic culture, males who cannot seemingly even control their own urges. But also in many instances these migrants arrive with more a chip on their shoulder, installed there by antisocial media and trafficker propaganda that tells them they deserve everything they ever saw in ads…and their hosts owe it to them. Thus, Nice it is, and the objects resent this, perceiving Nice as Weak which has truth to it in conflicts of this sort.

Which is one reason Muslims end up shrieking for sharia law wherever they go.

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Migration in Germany - Violent crimes committed by young men of foreign orignis and has got a high crime rate among young males with foreign origins. Table of contents: 1. Violent crimes committed by young men of foreign origins. 2. Reasons for violent behavior by young men of foreign origins. 3.

We are hearing something similar in the US: Separation is likely the only solution. In that she has much in common with those she criticizes.

Why would any European country want any non-European immigrants? The costs far outweigh any possible benefits. Anatoly — how does that link work for non-Russian speakers? Page is in Russian and all I get is a donation appeal. The top-right option which looks like it might be download gives you a textbox in which you presumably enter something — but what? Your argument could refute an attempt to simplistically use these figures to establish a racial inclination to violent crime, but has no bearing on a conclusion drawn from them that mass immigration is a disaster for the victim population.

After all, even if the preceding waves of immigrants do eventually grow less violent as they age, the problem is still there in subsequent waves. Because desperately trying to fly in the face of the clear direction of human progress, towards ever greater automation and ever less mass productive employment, is far better than just adopting the simple solution of controlling mass immigration. I believe the reason Frau Merkel threw open the borders for migrants was because she was under orders from Washington to manufacture a reason for Germany to support NATO bombing of Syria.

But German people are notoriously pacifistic. But then Russia intervened in Syria. Frau Merkel was left with a migrant disaster on her hands and the NATO bombing could not be implemented. I had an employee in Canada who was from Trinidad.

The Night That Changed Germany's Attitude To Refugees

He had applied for asylum on the basis that criminal gangs were after him and he feared for his life if ever he returned to Trinidad. His application was granted and he came to work.

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The Zionist rabbis are known for using Talmudic texts to create hatred toward Arabs, Blacks and Christians….. Hormonal, shiftless young men who are probably sexually repressed and even incel back home find themselves among liberated women and no vengeful male relatives in sight… What could go wrong? Reminds me of an old commercial. The Jew-Hate goes in before the name goes on. Well, maintain your cave-side studio in Afghanistan, Rehmat and leave the West alone. He still give you chubbies? I have not hatred for muslims.

I just do not want for them to immigrate en masse to my country. I am atheist, and given the muslim attitudes to atheists, I think my attitude is very reasonable. She is a heavy breather. It seems like the world is learning all the wrong lessons from WWII, but then, what-happened matters less than how-it-is-spun. And then Jews urge Europe to be invaded by massive numbers of migrants. So, the world learns nothing. Russians learned the proper lesson from the s. Same goes for blacks and Nazi Germany. It sounds pretty dumb.

According to the Jewish narrative, Jews and blacks are brothers under the skin. There is no doubt some truth to this. Hitler was a radical racist, and there were elements in the American Right that held extreme and demented views on race. And Jews and blacks had some of the same problems, and as minorities in white gentile majority nations, they had something to gain by working together.

So, there is some truth to the Jewish narrative. First, the Jewish-black alliance is extremely problematic because the two groups excel in opposite fields. Jews are masters of brain power, blacks are masters of brawn power. So, for all their talk of equality, Jews were bound to become a helluva richer and more influential than blacks in elite fields.

Indeed, Jews are many times more successful and more powerful than white gentiles. Also, most black POWs in German camps were treated like any other soldier.

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Many said that Germans treated them better than they were treated by whites in America. Furthermore, contrary to Jewish mythology, plenty of Jews even Liberal and leftist ones harbored hostile and distrusting attitude about blacks. If we judge Jews by their actions than their words, the fact that so many fled to white suburbs once integration became a reality tells us a lot about how they really feel about the Negroes. Also, plenty of Jewish agents and businessmen ripped off black athletes and artists, even though, to be sure, even blacks who make a lot of money tend to use them badly.

Also, Jews ripped off not only blacks but whites and even fellow Jews, as Bob Dylan found out. Indeed, black-Americans would do much better if they went National Socialist than listened to Jewish advice on culture and morality. Of course, we mean National Socialism minus its demented racial ideology of supremacism, imperialism, and annihilationism. There was much that was good about the domestic and national policy of National Socialism. It was about the importance of culture, health, unity, togetherness, family, order, discipline, balance of capitalism and socialism, respect for nature, love of community, preservation of roots and tradition, acceptance of the good things of modernity, and etc.

The problem of Nation of Islam, of course, is that it mirrors the racial pathologies of National Socialism, i. But the thing is the mode of National Socialism would be much better for blacks. Blacks need to develop some kind of immunity and resistance to the culture of excess, depravity, mayhem, indulgence, and trashiness that is pushed onto them by Jews everywhere. Jews want white girls to end up like Miley Cyrus and black kids to ape gangster rappers and ruin their lives.

National Socialism said NO to Jewish financial exploitation, pop cultural degradation, moral decadence, and etc. Unfortunately, Hitler and his henchmen turned out to be perverts of justice in their own way. But we can save the baby while tossing the bathwater, just like the good side of communism — respect for the worker, humanist ethos, and decent kind of feminism that values women as comrades in work and life — can be salvaged while the radical elements are rejected.

So, while blacks have a right to appreciate Jewish role in the Civil Rights Movement, they need to be wary of Jewish role in the Moral Degradation Movement. If blacks were to take anti-racism of the Civil Rights Era and fuse it with the cultural moralism of National Socialism, they will be better off.

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Just as there is something to learn from Jews, there is something to condemn in Jews. Just as there is something to condemn in Nazi Germans, there is something to learn from Nazi Germans Though Hitler threw away a great opportunity, his formula for national renewal and re-invigoration was in many ways successful, and it owed a lot to clamping down on the dark side of Jewish influence in finance, culture, and media. They raped Russia worse than Jews raped Germany in the Weimar period. In America, blacks got the freedom but also the degeneration that comes from falling prey to the influence of Jewish machinations of decadence and degeneration among goyim.

As Jews like Sheldon Adelson see it, the world should be casino owned by Jews, and goyim should work like animals and spend their money on meaningless vice that will just make Jews richer. We need to be free of such moral degradation that makes Jews richer while making us more dependent and addicted to the industry and culture of vice. Blacks should disassociate themselves with jews and give themselves over to nazis and national socialism. Its controlled by jews!!!!!!! However, he claims he never lead a congregation at Synagogue. He stated that Muslim hatred toward Jews Zionist Jews was a recent development and not foundation of Islam.

But the mutual hatred and anti-semitism on the Muslim side are relatively new phenomena, born out of political, rather than religious factors. When the Islamic Caliphs ruled large swaths of Asia and Africa, their Jewish subjects enjoyed a protected status their brethern in Christian Europe — victims of anti-semitism — never thought possible. While receiving the Goldziher Prize at a ceremony in October , Cohen spoke of his hope that Jews and Muslims put aside their difference. Sexual assault rates and murder rates in Japan are likely to be massively underreported, remember that the police there do not file charges unless they are Can Unz please ban Rehmat?

He is seriously spamming his long winded muslim-centric insults on every single article. Yeah, had nothing to do with the fact that they wanted to move out of apartment buildings into single family homes with backyards. The official narrative read, zio-Anglo has the target audience especially the white people. According to the rule of ethnos, Portugal is Portugal because it has Portuguese. It could be small number or large number. Big or small, Portugal is Portugal because of its ethnic composition. According to the rule of demos, Portugal is Portugal because it has a certain number of people.

If the Portuguese population is, say, 20 million, that number has to be maintained to keep it Portuguese. So, if 10 million Portuguese leave or if the population collapses due to low birthrates , 10 million non-Portuguese must be imported to maintain the number of 20 million. Indeed, even if no one in Portugal is Portuguese, the rule of demos says Portugal is Portugal if it has 20 million people — even if they are all black Africans or Arab Muslims.

The PUA bloggers can focus on pumping and dumping Muslim chicks rather than serious relationships. The outcome among those are much more interesting because their behaviour is the result not only of their ancestral culture but of something different. A sense of alienation mostly self-imposed from general European society and massively drummed up by internal cultural authorities but also by the left wing media, that chip on the shoulder becomes a hunchback.

So the behaviour of first generation immigrants is qualitatively different from the subsequent generations. And the numbers seem to be off. Anyone else seeing this? But the rates are per Strong cultures impose cultural assimilation or adaptation. I see that number now.

But, so, where is he getting the 75, Afghans from, for example, to make the division to get his final number? However, there numbers ARE off: However, I presume that the same is about other minorities in Germany. For example, he gives number of Poles as k, while estimates exist stating that there are more than two millions of Poles in Germany. Wikipedia also gives k for Poles in Germany in one place, and two millions in other.

All in all, I think the numbers are not created to deceive anyone, but they cannot be treated as Gospel. If you would take the higher estimates for population size, you would have lower crime rates for every immigrant group; OTOH, there is a question, whether, for example, Poles for the purpose of census and purpose of crime accounting are treated in the same way.

How is treated Turk whose parents were born in Germany? As ethnic German, as Turk immigrant? A possible ninth factor could be that the consequences of getting caught are less severe for certain crimes in Germany as compared to their countries of origin. Muslims are overwhelmingly represented on the welfare roles. This is a story across Europe. It is not just the new arrivals. Turks in Germany have been there for a couple of generations and have been the worst performing economic group in the country. Then there is the issue of sky high Muslim crime rates.

The Unz Review - Mobile. An Alternative Media Selection. All None Exclude Blogs. Teasers Russian Reaction Blog. Immigrant Crime Rates in Germany. Crime , Germany , Immigration , Rape. The Pearls of Lusitania. Is Haiti a Shithole? Show 97 Comments Leave a Comment. February 19, at A constant provocative culture can also have a supersonic effect on impressionable heads. For example, Germany doesn't flog or cut off body parts. February 19, at 1: February 19, at 3: Basically, 'let us into your country, give us privileges and lots of free stuff or else we will rob, rape and murder you.

And finally, as it seems that no one in Europe succeeded in integrating immigrants, your paragraph should be rephrased as "we should try something totally different from what Europe was trying for 50 years, i don't know what, but it surely will work this time". After all, anything's better than being thought nasty by respectable liberal cosmopolitan types.

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February 19, at 4: February 19, at 5: February 19, at 6: February 19, at 9: It would be interesting to see crime rates for the male demo by country of origin. Karlin Interesting post as always. Olorin I'd put this slightly differently. It isn't just the absence of aggressive behavior constraint--it's the expectation that people self-restrain that the host society has but the migrants do not. But also in many instances these migrants arrive with more a chip on their shoulder, installed there by antisocial media and trafficker propaganda that tells them they deserve everything they ever saw in ads The flip side is that it's likely no amount of aggressive control or policing originating with the host society would be accepted or effective.

I don't see that happening, thus I expect many decades of absolute shredding of the social fabric and likely the demise of European civilization and genome, either through attrition or high level or low level conflict. So I don't really see how your analysis means a thing without some measure of demographics being included, as surely immigrants are very likely to be year old males.

The other major factor well-known to be related to committing crime is security - that is a young man with no home, no partner, no job, no imaginable future is far more likely to commit a high risk act such as theft, rape or murder than one with these things. This changes your topic from "should we prevent immigrants" to should we get them jobs and integrate them as quickly as possible". February 20, at The figures for people from Lebanon don't surprise me, they're probably due to Mhallami Kurds from Lebanon who were highly criminal outsiders even back in Lebanon.

They have extremely large families, are unemployed and welfare-dependent to a large degree, and in general regard German society as prey February 20, at 1: As far as I know they're somewhat ambiguous Cue that Seinfeld monolog that Steve Sailer likes to trot out: Basically anyone who's determined enough can game the system and avoid deportation indefinitely. Given the demographic expansion in shitholes like Somalia or Afghanistan it's a recipe for national suicide Honestly I think just a head tax on immigrants would do wonders on the Hoppean grounds that practically every advanced country has public roads and public spaces that anybody can access and travel through, so it's reasonable to charge outsiders for their use.

February 20, at 2: The problem is the whole asylum nonsense which is something of a holy cow for the left and for the God squad in Germany Discard Why would any European country want any non-European immigrants? February 20, at 3: Glossy Officially Saudi Arabia has a murder rate of 0. February 20, at 4: It's not so much that their native societies are authoritarian but that they are highly connected with other people on a personal basis.

February 20, at 7: Anatoly Karlin Sci-Hub is your friend. February 20, at 9: No way I'm paying those greedy fucks 40 bucks to access it for one day. Anonymous Nephew Anatoly - how does that link work for non-Russian speakers? However, other studies found no links between increased crime rates and migrants. In late , with the war in Syria approaching its fourth year and Islamic State making gains in the north of the country, the exodus of Syrians intensified.

At the same time, others were fleeing violence and poverty in countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Somalia, Niger and Kosovo. Vast numbers of Syrian refugees had been gathering in border-town camps in neighboring Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan since By , with the camps full to bursting and residents often unable to find work or educate their children, more and more people decided to seek asylum further afield.

In an estimated 1. The Schengen Agreement, which allows passport-free travel within much of the EU, was called into question as refugees headed towards the wealthier European nations. Tens of thousands of refugees were also attempting the perilous journey across the Mediterranean on overcrowded boats. In April , people of various nationalities drowned when a boat traveling from Libya capsized off the Italian coast.

This was to be just one of many similar tragedies - by the end of the year, nearly 4, refugees were reported to have died attempting the crossing. Countries along the EU's external border struggled to cope with the sheer number of arrivals. Fences were erected in Hungary, Slovenia, Macedonia and Austria. Asylum laws were tightened and several Schengen area countries introduced temporary border controls. Critics of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's "open-door" refugee policy claimed it had made the situation worse by encouraging more people to embark on the dangerous journey to Europe.

By September , Germany had also introduced temporary checks on its border with Austria. In early , the EU and Turkey signed an agreement under which refugees arriving in Greece could be sent back to Turkey. The deal has been criticized by human rights groups and came under new strain following a vote by the European Parliament in November to freeze talks on Turkey's potential accession to the EU. With anti-immigration sentiment in Europe growing, governments are still struggling to reach a consensus on how to handle the continuing refugee crisis.

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Attempts to introduce quotas for the distribution of refugees among EU member states have largely failed. Conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere show no signs coming to an end, and the death toll from refugee sea crossings is on the rise. This followed Angela Merkel's snap decision to ignore European protocols on a temporary basis and allow people walking across Europe to apply for asylum in Germany, rather than returning them to the first EU country they set foot in.

Refugee family reunification in Germany remains a major sticking point ahead of preliminary coalition talks in January. DW explains how the process works — and why critics want to lift the current ban permanently. Thousands of people, many of them children, with a right to rejoin family in Germany are stuck in Greece. Berlin blames Greek inefficiency, while critics say Germany doesn't try to expedite the refugees' arrival. Two years ago, German communities were forced to open refugee shelters at breakneck speed to accommodate the new arrivals. Many remain vacant, especially in rural areas.

But spiraling upkeep costs are cause for alarm.

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People who are living under difficult conditions with no prospect for a positive change are likely to become criminals. In , an arson attack against a Turkish household in the town of Solingen in North Rhine-Westphalia caused the deaths of five people. March 21, at 1: Retrieved 13 November Tip of the week: February 24, at 6:

There has been a sharp rise in the number of sexual assaults reported in Bavaria this year and many of the accused offenders are foreigners. But are the numbers plausible? He tells DW why fears of the German public should not be dismissed. Germany's new crime statistics have shown a rise in violent crime, but fewer thefts and break-ins.

During a Berlin press conference, Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere was careful not to blame immigrants. A new study suggests that there is no clear link between refugees and most kinds of crime. The news comes as many have tried to tie the mass sexual assaults committed in Cologne on New Year's Eve to migration in general. Migrants and asylum-seekers are typically the first group suspected in a criminal investigation in Germany. Hungary and Poland's prime ministers have said their anti-immigration stances are gaining support within the EU and that they want a stronger say in the bloc's future.

The life of an illegal migrant

Both countries have rejected EU's refugee quotas. A new study has found a direct link between social media hate and subsequent violent attacks on immigrant groups in both Germany and the US. Donald Trump's tweets also triggered an uptick in anti-immigrant crime. The German Medical Association has said mandatory age tests for refugees are ethically wrong and imprecise. Calls to enforce testing have intensified after a teenage girl was killed, allegedly by a young Afghan refugee.

Only better integration options will reduce the risk of increased crime rates among migrants, a study has found. The study also linked a rise in crimes Lower Saxony with an increase in migrant arrivals. From escalating violence in the Middle East and Africa to incoherent asylum policy at home - DW looks at how the EU has found itself in the midst of a refugee crisis. Photographer Herlinde Koelbl traveled to refugee camps in Europe in looking for images that the world had not yet seen. The result was a collection of poignant photos. Migrants should be taught that Germany has "zero tolerance" for violence and sexual abuse, migration commissioner Annette Widmann-Mauz has said.