TIPS to HEAL with VIBRATIONAL ENERGY (Improve Your Health the Natural Way Book 2)

Fatty foods hide our internal shame. After all, letting someone in close might make us feel even worse about ourselves. The following are common limiting beliefs and negative internal messages related to certain foods, spiritual and otherwise. When you review your Intuitive Eating worksheet, notice what types of foods appear most frequently, as well as in what circumstances.

Being different causes rejection. No one will give me what I really need. Dairy milk, ice cream, or cheese: No one will ever love me the way I really am. People will hurt me if I show who I really am. No one will accept my true self. I am a bad person.

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I am unworthy of love. In Ayurvedic medicine , the best ways to eat by the principles of spiritual nutrition and tend to your emotions depend upon your constitutional and spiritual body type, or dosha. Doshas are determined by elements as well as physical, mental and spiritual attributes. These are the basic principles behind the three doshas:. Vayu also known as Vata is an impulse principle that manages the nervous system and is made of air and ether.

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Characteristics of the vayu-dosha person: Pitta is an energy principle that runs the bile, or metabolic, system and is composed of fire and water. Characteristics of the pitta-dosha person: Kapha is a body-fluid principle that regulates the mucus-phlegm, or excretory, system and is made up of water and earth.

Characteristics of the kapha-dosha person: Which best describes you? When in balance, people with this constitution are vibrant, lively, enthusiastic, clear and alert of mind, flexible, exhilarated, imaginative, sensitive, talkative, and quick to respond.

When out of balance, they are restless, unsettled, anxious or worried, sleep lightly, have a tendency to overexert themselves, become fatigued, suffer constipation, and be underweight. When in balance, these people are warm, loving, contented, enjoy challenges, have strong digestion , have a radiant complexion, concentrate well, speak articulately and precisely, are courageous and bold, have a sharp wit, and are intellectual. When out of balance, they can be demanding perfectionists; tend towards frustration, anger, irritability, and impatience; and have skin rashes, prematurely gray hair, or early hair loss.

When in balance, these people are affectionate, compassionate, patient, forgiving, emotionally steady, relaxed, slow, methodical, stable, and optimistic, with good memories, good stamina, and a natural resistance to sickness. When out of balance, they are often complacent, dull, lethargic, possessive, overattached, and overweight, with oily skin, allergies, slow digestion, and a tendency to oversleep. Based on your basic dosha assessment, you can review the following sections on spiritual foods for soothing your dosha, eating seasonally, and the importance of the six tastes or rasas of Ayurveda to see if there are one or two things you could change in your diet right now to restore the level or balance of energy you might be seeking.

And remember to listen to the whispers of your intuitive voice as you go—a core component of spiritual nutrition. Favor warm, spiritual foods with a moderately heavy texture, like wild rice soup or cream of wheat cereal; all oils; salt, sour and sweet tastes; and soothing and satisfying foods. Foods to avoid are red meat, corn, and rye. Choose cool or warm, but not steaming-hot spiritual foods; moderately heavy textures; and bitter, sweet and astringent tastes.

Go easy on fats and oils, and try to avoid salty foods and sour foods like pickles and sour cream. Salads, with their astringent greens and cool temperature, are excellent for balancing overactive pitta. Cold cereal, cinnamon toast, and apple juice make a perfect breakfast.

Select warm and light spiritual foods cooked without much water. Add bitter romaine lettuce and other leafy greens , pungent herbs and spices , and astringent apples, pomegranate, cranberries, pears, and legumes tastes to most, if not all, meals.

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Consume a minimum amount of butter, oil, and sugar. Eating spicy food will promote better digestion and warm the body. All foods carry frequency-based messages and have the ability to change our vibration, according to the principles of spiritual nutrition. Chakra One Spiritual Food Fuel: Red foods, such as meat, beets, grapes, strawberries, and cherries Spiritual Message: You deserve to be alive, safe, strong, and passionate.

Orange foods, such as yams, salmon, sweet potatoes, papaya, and wheat Spiritual Message: Your feelings are good, desired, and desirable. Yellow foods, especially corn, also grapefruit and squashes Spiritual Message: You can learn what you need to know. Green foods, such as vegetables and sauces Spiritual Message: You are loved and loveable. You deserve healthy relationships. Blue foods, such as berries, as well as all spices, which stimulate the mouth Spiritual Message: You can be honest and have integrity. You can manifest your needs. It is safe to communicate. Purple foods, such as grapes, and vision-inducing substances like wine, tobacco, and organic cocoa Spiritual Message: You are acceptable as you are.

You deserve to make healthy choices.

White foods, such as parsnips, white asparagus, and fish; ceremonial substances like wormwood used in absinthe , kava, salvia, wine and bread as in communion ; sacred herbs , including sage and lemongrass Spiritual Message: You have a unique destiny. You are connected to the Divine. There is divine destiny. Black foods carbon based , such as alcohol, coffee, white flour, and sugar; past-life foods of meaning often the foods that trigger issues ; also colloidal silver Spiritual Message: You can draw on the past for guidance and power.

You deserve to be freed from the past. You can choose a new future. Colloidal gold, bee pollen, honey; also foods symbolizing your soul Spiritual Message: You are designed for greatness. Your body is the meeting ground between the Divine and nature. Vibrational substances such as homeopathic tinctures, teas, and blessed water Spiritual Message: Negativity can transmute into positivity. Minerals and vitamins; substances that benefit your unique physiology Spiritual Message: You are fully human and fully divine. Ayurveda recognizes six seasons rather than four, and each season involves general food and activity recommendations to support health and happiness and keep you in balance with the principles of spiritual nutrition.

Reinforce the appetite and eat hot foods. Eat cool, sweet, and astringent foods. As with Hemanta-ritu, eat and exercise, and also spend time in reflection. Diet is an important aspect of Ayurvedic medicine, as it is in traditional Chinese medicine , and food is intimately connected to the elements of nature within and around us.

The beautiful alchemy of Ayurveda involves properly combining, avoiding, or increasing foods and spices of different natures. These natures are shown in the six basic rasas, or tastes, of Ayurveda, an important component of spiritual nutrition. Earth and water What it does for the body: Become conscious of the foods you eat. Some foods vibrate low and some vibrate high. If the food you consume is covered in pesticides, it will leave you feeling weaker.

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I want you to know that you can OWN your energy. is falling effortlessly into place, like your just in a natural rhythm of life with This is the fundamental key to raising your vibration in a grounded way. You will be surprised how quickly you will notice the improvement in . We must not mistake the two. In Whole Body Vibration, natural-health practitioner Becky Chambers gives us a Whole Body Vibration and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. . Whole Body Vibration: Combining Two Energy Medicines Ignites Healing WBV worked beautifully, resulting in a dramatic increase in bone density for.

So will artificial, chemicalized processed foods. The good, high-vibrational foods are organic fruits, veggies, nuts, soy, and virgin olive oil. On the low vibrational list are flour-based cereals, dairy, and sugars.

How to Raise Your Frequency and Increase Your Vibration - Teal Swan

This is not always true for everyone. Really paying attention to how you feel immediately after eating something and how you feel two ours after eating something is the true test. Reduce your drug and alcohol use or cut it out of your life completely.

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  4. Pancakes with Milk Recipes (Pancake Recipes Book 3).
  5. Spiritual Nutrition: How the Foods You Eat Affect Your Mind, Body and Spirit;

Alcohol and almost all artificial drugs vibrate low. Besides the actual substances vibrating low, you may find yourself hanging out with people who vibrate low too. They also do drugs, are looking for drugs, hang out with people who sell drugs, or are pressuring you into doing more drugs. In my past I ran with a crew that drank and did drugs a lot. Become conscious of what your music is telling you. Lyrics of hate, pain, violence, drama and fear send messages to your subconscious. If you want to attract love, listen to songs about real, passionate, long-lasting love.

If you want peace, listen to music about peace and relaxation. If you want to drink too much, crash your car, get cheated on by your boyfriend, and get in a fight, listen to country music. You're in your home a lot, which will affect your vibration. Prayers, paintings, photographs, crystals, statues, rocks, mantras, books, magazine, flowers, plants, the colors on the wall, and even the way your furniture is arranged all create energy.

Get your home high by getting your feng shui on! Many shows on TV are violent dramas that focus on the real world. On top of that, there are commercials that have you thinking you need pills to fix your problems and that you have to buy expensive jewelry to show someone you love them.

Become aware of the vibrational levels of your acquaintances, friends, and extended family. You can raise your own energy levels by hanging out with people who vibrate highly. Choose to surround yourself with people who are empowering, have the same morals as you, and see how much you rock. Your friends are a reflection of you, and since you are obviously awesome, your friends must be just as awesome. Give some money to someone less fortunate than you. Donate to a cause you believe in. Pay for the toll of the person behind you on the parkway.

Donate clothing to a shelter. Pick up a piece of garbage and throw it away. Do it out of the kindness of your heart. Practice compassion and forgiveness. You are no longer the victim and your abuser holds none of your power. Thoughts of revenge are low vibrational while thoughts of forgiveness are high.

Just by thinking thoughts of forgiveness about someone in your past without taking any action will raise your vibration. Group 8 Created with Sketch. Group 7 Created with Sketch.