Charmseekers: Complete eBook Collection

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A perfect Early Reader. But before long they get lost in a blizzard! Can the friends get to the North Pole in time to see Father Christmas?

Charmseekers Complete eBook Collection

Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together. A red Early Reader is the next step on your reading journey. A blue Early Reader about a little mole with a big heart and some amazing buried treasure, from bestselling author, Georgie Adams. Murdoch Mole loves to dig, but his molehills are making a mess all over the farm.

If only there was some useful digging to do! Join the Three Little Astronauts on their first journey into space! Meet the Three Little Astronauts - Rikki, Jenna and Leo, and join them on an out of this world adventure where they take a wrong turn, meet a space dinosaur and come face to face with evil villian Zarl! Can the clever Little Vampires save the night, and will everyone be able to have a good time after all? Snow has come to the Ripple River Valley! But when Berry and Wisher go exploring, a mix-up with Father Christmas's bag of toys brings them to Fairweather's Farm Park and makes them a part of the Christmas celebrations.

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Get the Charmseekers Complete eBook Collection at Microsoft Store and compare products with the latest customer reviews and ratings. Charmseekers Complete eBook Collection - Kindle edition by Georgie Adams. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.

Can they find their way home safely? Heartwarming and hilarious, with Anna Currey's charming illustrations, this is a brilliant animal adventure series from a bestselling children's author. Something mysterious has come to the Ripple River Valley!

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When Bracken hears a whistling noise, none of his family believe him, so he decides to run away to prove them wrong. Soon he's tracking some very odd looking paw prints. But who do they belong to? There are strange goings-on at Fairweather's Farm Park! The maize field is ripe - but the people-folk have decided to cut patterns into it and fill it with terrifying monsters!

What will happen when Berry, Fern and their friends Tansy and Teasel get lost inside it? Will Wisher's special ears be able to save the day? When Nanny Fox and the chicks visit their friends the three little pigs, they dress up just for fun - until Arnold's hungry family come hunting.

Will the Big Bad Wolf come to their rescue? One cold winter morning, Wisher the rabbit goes to visit her crow friends Craggs and Clary. But the crows have worrying news.

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It seems like the people-folk want to chop down Oak Wood! Can Wisher and her very special ears discover the truth and save the day? The Longears family are enjoying a beautiful spring day when danger strikes! Burdock the buzzard attacks, and Barley finds himself taking an unexpected dip in the river - and then an even more unexpected flight with Hazel Heron! He lands in Fairweather's Farm Park, in the middle of a Pet Show - but can Barley get home before he's mistaken for one of the pets? The twins Tansy and Teasel have come to stay! All of the young rabbits are very excited to see their friends again.

When Mellow tells the story of a ghostly rabbit and a golden treasure, Bramble and his brothers and sisters decide to go exploring on the moor. Can they escape a barn owl and a yellow-eyed beast to discover the golden apples for themselves? It's been a long hot summer in the Ripple River Valley. The grass is all dry and the Longears family are hungry. But their adventure to a nearby cabbage field is interrupted by a fire at Fairweather's Farm Park!

Fern gets lost - but then she's found by the dog Toby. Can Fern trust her new friend? And will the frightening Red Dragon make things worse Mellow and her children are on a visit to Eldermarr and Elderparr Eyebright.

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Along the way, they meet twins Tansy and Teasel. The young rabbits are enjoying themselves, but a heavy rainfall leaves Mellow worried. When danger threatens Daisy Duck and her ducklings, will careful Mellow be brave enough to help? Fern and her brothers and sisters are on a visit to meet their grandparents, Grandmarr and Grandparr, who live beneath a huge old castle!

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Zorgan and the Gorsemen. The Mirror of Deception. Charmseekers Complete eBook Collection. Bramble and the Treasure Hunt. Noah's Ark Early Reader. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long.

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Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Sylva and the Lost Treasure. A Twist in Time: An Evil Falls Tale. The Man In the Mango Tree. The Breakfast Tart Princess. Cuddle the Cutest Kitten: The Bramble Patch of Katmandoodoo. Max Hamby and the Onyx Eyes. Max Hamby Boxed Set 2.

Max Hamby and the Blue Fire. Max Hamby and the Faeryn Cross.

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Adventures In Otherworld Part One: The Chalice of Hope. Fern and the Dancing Hare. Berry Goes to Winterland. Wisher and the Runaway Piglet. Murdoch Mole Digs for Gold. Bramble and the Easter Egg. The Three Little Magicians. Bracken Finds a Secret Tunnel. The Three Little Vampires. Fern and the Fiery Dragon.

Wisher and the Noisy Crows. Barley and the Duck Race. Bracken and the Wild Bunch.