Eyeless: A Novella

The stories' style and tone vary considerably, but nearly all contain an often dark sense of humor, which ranges from the subtle and character-based to the Pythonesque. In , Fafhrd and the Mouser began their comics career, appearing in Wonder Woman alongside the title character and Catwoman in a story scripted by award-winning SF writer Samuel R.

This series was collected by Dark Horse Comics in a trade paperback collection published in June In , Epic Comics published a four-issue comic book adaptation of seven of the stories: The comics were scripted by Howard Chaykin, who had drawn several issues of the earlier DC title, and pencilled by Mike Mignola , whose Hellboy comic book often has a similar feel to Leiber's work.

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Mignola also did the jacket covers and interior art for the White Wolf collection. This series was collected by Dark Horse Comics in a trade paperback collection published in March Marvel Comics created their own version of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, when they introduced Fafnir of Vanaheim and his companion Blackrat to the Conan comic series. The pairs of characters were very much alike and Roy Thomas , who wrote the original Conan comics, made no secret that it was his intention to create characters that were a tribute to Fritz Leiber's creations.

In , Leiber and his college friend Harry Otto Fischer created a complex wargame set within the world of Nehwon, which Fischer had helped to create. Later, they created a simplified board game entitled simply Lankhmar which was released by TSR in This is a rare case of a game adaptation written by the creators of the stories that the game is based on. Nehwon, and some of its more interesting inhabitants, are described in the early Dungeons and Dragons supplement Deities and Demigods , and the stories themselves were a significant influence on the Dungeons and Dragons role playing game.

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One player controlled Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, who were trying to find a magical sword beneath an altar just which one, they were not sure in Lankhmar. The other player controlled assassins from the local thieves' guild, who were trying to kill the famous rogues for operating in the city without permission from the guild. In Bethesda 's Skyrim , in the Ratway in the city of Riften, the first enemies you meet are a sneaky-looking fellow and a barbarian type called Drahff and Hewnon Black-Skeever.

Patron warlock of Fafhrd, Ningauble is so named due to his seven usually only six glowing eyes, seen roving within, and sometimes projecting from, the hood of his cloak. Along with the Gray Mouser's patron warlock Sheelba, Ningauble often sends his hapless minion on ludicrous missions such as recovering the mask of Death or to steal the very stars from the highest mountain. Ningauble's mysterious cavern has obscure space-time linkages which permit Fafhrd and the Mouser to be sent to other worlds.

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Ningauble is a mysterious being with a manipulative character, as described in this passage from Adept's Gambit: Some said that Ningauble had been created by the Elder Gods for men to guess about and to sharpen their imaginations for even tougher riddles. None knew whether he had the gift of foresight, or whether he merely set the stage for future events with such a bewildering cunning that only an efreet or an adept could evade acting the part given him.

Ningauble shrugged his cloaked, bulbous shoulders.

That the stoic Fafhrd is paired with the voluble Ningauble, while the story-loving Mouser with the laconic Sheelba is doubly ironic. Sheelba's sigil is an empty oval presumably signifying an empty hooded face. Sheelba's gender is ambiguous: Harry Fischer , who first conceived of the character, claimed Sheelba was female, while to Fischer's surprise Leiber referred to Sheelba as male beginning in The Swords of Lankhmar.

In fact, Leiber refers to Sheelba as "he" throughout the six books of the series, switching to "she" for the first time only in the last book, The Knight and Knave of Swords , without explanation. Leiber's friend, Frederick MacKnight, who introduced Leiber and Fischer and was involved in the earliest days of the characters, called Sheelba "she-he or it ".

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Fischer may have created Sheelba as a tribute to his wife Martha. While Ningauble dwells in caverns, Sheelba's house is a small hut which strides about the swamps not far from Lankhmar on five chicken leg-like posts, which bend and scuttle like the legs of a great crab or spider.

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  • Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser - Wikipedia?
  • Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser.

Fafhrd commonly uses a sword which he names Graywand, a two-hand sword that he's able to use one-handed too in later episodes by necessity. He also carries a poignard named Heartseeker and a short hand-axe which has never been named. For combat at a distance, he often carries a bow and arrow which he wields effectively even while on horseback or at sea, and which he's able to use despite his final handicap he loses a hand. The Mouser, in one episode called "the best swordsman in the World", also fights with a pair of weapons: It was a straight-bladed weapon by the events of Lean Times in Lankhmar.

They are absolutely not magic weapons: The Mouser is also an expert with the sling.

Joanna Russ was familiar with and appreciative of the Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser series, and in addition to critical reviews of Leiber, also referenced them in her own fiction, referencing Fafhrd in at least one short story in her The Adventures of Alyx sequence as one of Alyx's former lovers in "The Adventuress" ; aka "Bluestocking". Although Ankh-Morpork bears more than a passing resemblance to Lankhmar, Pratchett, known for the use of pastiche in his early works, has been quoted as not intending a direct takeoff.

Fafnir appears to be killed in their encounter with Conan, but returns in later issues of the comic. American author Michael Chabon 's Gentlemen of the Road is a "swashbuckling adventure" novel [16] set in the kaganate of Khazaria now southwest Russia around AD It features two similarly physically built adventurers who have a working relationship similar to Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser's — Amram, a hulking Abyssinian proficient with an axe, and the slightly-built swordsman Zelikman, who is Frankish. Christian Bewell is a Canadian author, editor, essayist, Eyeless: A Novella - Kindle edition by Christian Bewell.

It was written by Lance Parkin and featured the Tenth Doctor. A Novella by Christian Bewell: For the rest of the novel, Haze is virtually mute. The last passage of the novel describes how Mrs.

Flood leans over Haze's eyeless corpse, trying to see how. A Novel Dean Koontz. The eyeless watcher didn't prowl just the house.

Agamemnon's Daughter: A Novella and Stories

It was outside, too, in certain secluded. Historical Novel - The Story of Court Intrigues, Bloody Battle for the Throne and death's-heads, with eyeless sockets and loose teeth; and old musty volumes. This long short story—his longest in twenty-four years—takes its place and the works after Eyeless in Gaza , which evince, in Herlitschka's words.