Jezebels Destiny (A Succubus Story Book 2)

Identify and remove the Jezebel spirit

Going to college, working a job, living a normal life. Or at least, as normal as possible for a being that must feed on the lust of others to live. For the most part she ignores the Angels and Demons, choosing to go her own way. Make her own life. All that is about to change, she has a destiny and events surrounding her life will not leave her to the simple peace she desires. This book contains explicit sex! Heterosexual, lesbian and multiple partners.

If you will be offended do not buy this book! Books in This Series 2 Books Hide books already in your library 0. Buy now with 1-Click. Jezebel has grown in power. She has gained lovers, friends and deep responsibilities in her world. In the coming days not only will Jezebel have to deal with her destiny, the world will as well as change sweeps the earth. Will she be up to the task?

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There is Explicit Sex in this book! If this will offend you do not buy this book! This is the second and final book for this story. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. God revealed it to me in a dream and I confronted my dad about it. There is physical proof that this missionary jezebel has totally taken over him. She disrespects my mom by flirting with him right in church and she wants to tear up the ministry.

I feel being that I am his daughter, I have a right to take a stand against her because she does not intimidate me, she does my mom and everyone else in the church. But God has blessed me to start uniting the members so we can go. Problem is I believe she has evidence my dad and when she comes down, she will expose him who really is a great man of God. Am I on the right path? Veneice Andrews said this on June 19, at 8: I can guess from your description that she will not leave, and will act insulted and angry if confronted. Marianne said this on June 19, at 9: Thank you Marianne , you are so right!

On Sunday she sits on the front roll, after I dismissed the choir from the stand, I went down and sat right next to her. It totally shock the mess out of her. My dad saw me from the pulpit and said nothing to me. And she left me alone. This is not easy by no means its very stressful, I feel like I just wanna leave and never come back. Please keep me lifted in prayer. Veneice andrews said this on June 20, at Marianne said this on June 20, at 1: This is very true brother Antony, i beleive there is no dirvoce in spirit, so once one marry and dirvoce, she or he should remarry to his or her ex -partner.

Hi everyone, I have been hearing lately about the Jezebel spirit and after researching what it was I was kinda saddened. I think I have some of her traits.

What are the Characteristics of the Jezebel Spirit?

I do this to avoid confrontations but I feel completely awful afterwards. I am irrisponssible in almost every aspect of my life especially financially. I need help what do I do to change this. Tiffany said this on August 16, at 4: Marianne said this on August 17, at 1: If a person marry thru court not church is divorce Stoll OK? We plan on marrying thru the church..

Also please pray for me in removing my daughter from her father who has the Jezebel spirit.. I am sending you prayer against witchcraft, which includes jezebels, and one for protection you can say over your daughter. Marianne said this on December 11, at Demon Of The Day: Marianne, is the Jezebel known to have controlling power even after a person who had it dies? I believe this was my experience with a controlling and vengeful mother. Her words rang in my ears and controlled me fortysome years until my understanding as to what spirit I was dealing with came to my attention.

Her words were like curses that now appear to be broken over my life. Is this the way it should be? Barbara McGill said this on December 21, at 5: Once the host dies, the spirit infecting her is released. The jezebel spirit could have attached to you to afflict you until it found another host to infect. Being afflicted is not the same as being possessed. It means it will attack you from the outside of you, to torment you and weaken you. The spirit has to be invited in to possess someone. Also, your mother spoke word curses over you that had to be broken.

So yes, to your question. I pray that you take authority over any word curses in Jesus name, declaring the curses broken forever, and the peace, protection, provision, and presence of God is now with you.

See a Problem?

Marianne said this on December 21, at 5: Marianne said this on May 20, at 1: Does anyone have experience or recommendations for dealing with this in a public school setting? Yes, I have had experience in a public university setting. I apparently forgot to put the link on this page. So here is one more link. Read that and see if that helps. If not, write back and we can talk through email.

Marianne said this on June 8, at So, you are not alone in the battle, and you are never alone in support, because the Holy Spirit will give you the weapons you need, and He will fight along side of you! May you feel the love and strength of the Holy One over your life, and may victory be ever yours! Marianne said this on June 14, at 8: IT 2years now i am looking the well to have money but i have not see the want that i want so i want aks to your spirit puwer that she can help me so that i can make money in my own.

Dr if you if you sure that you can make to have money please tell me what i can do. DR to tell you this internet as eit me money tomuch. That why i look for i look for you i am very sory that i will not have the money to be writhing to the time that you may want but wrint if i see it i will wrint to you Sorry i have the prublem of time nor money to bay time card. My name is Eugene I need money. Ngong Eugene said this on June 19, at 7: This is interesting to read from the standpoint of someone who knows Her far more than I would ever want.

I was possessed, not demonized, but possessed by Jezebel… 8 years… 8 years far too long. I beleive these things would apply to the external host when they are demonized, but for me, this is exactly how she acted, exactly who she was, but I, as the external host, was the opposite of these things, and as such other people were able to treat me the way she did, the way described here.

A posession, she controls, and by controlling, I play Ahab. This I suppose happens far less though. Emily said this on July 9, at I put demonic influence and possession on the same page to combine them, give an overview, and to highlight all behaviors. I hope you can reach many people with your testimony. Thank you for leaving your comment. I pray that you are protected now and under the blood of Jesus. Marianne said this on July 9, at Dear Marianne, Would it be possible for you to contact me personally? I have read over a variety of you Jezebel sites and have a serious problem… I would appreciate your input.

A mom said this on July 19, at 1: Just found your exceedingly excellent website. Yes, it is very helpful. Marianne said this on July 24, at Why do you have to blame everything on the spirit of Jezebel? At certain point in life, we all behave the same way. Sometimes I also behave like that. There is nothing wrong with it. If you feel hurt, that is too bad. I am not sure if you are Christian, but in the bible Jezebel was a real person, and she was always evil and killed many people.

She worshiped the devil and acted like him too. She was a real witch. Many people do have moments that they do something wrong, or they get angry, or be selfish. Yes that is human to be weak and act like that sometimes. But a real jezebel is like that all the time, and has been like that her entire life. She enjoys hurting or killing people. A real Jezebel never is nice to anyone. I do not think you are like this all the time.

Maybe there are times when you are angry or do something wrong. We all have weak moments, but we usually feel love for others, and want to be nice most of the time. We are sorry for hurting others, and want to be better the next time. Maybe we only hurt them because they hurt us first.

That is not the same as wanting to hurt innocent people we do not know. I hope I explained this better. Remember, God loves you very much. He wants you to feel this love, and share it with others. Marianne said this on August 29, at 6: Thanks for the clarification.

I think for someone to behave in such a way all the time and enjoys doing it is absolutely evil. There is no logical explanation for that kind of behavior. I was mad when my boyfriend suggests that I have the Jezebel spirit. Prince Michael said this on November 19, at Tell your boyfriend he is crazy. You are a nice person. Maybe he is insecure. Also, Jezebel are liars that destroy others. You do not sound like that kind of person.

Marianne said this on August 29, at Not to appear critical, because there is a lot of great information on this site, but I have a few concerns. I do not think this article totally grasps the identity of this spirit entirely. The spirit itself is murderous. It seeks to destroy the prophetic gift not by simply silencing the prophets, but ultimately killing them. The spirit itself seems to have what some call a messanger spirit that follows the victum, and plagues their mind. It is not the innitial encounter with the possessed person that causes the problems, but the torture that occurs after they leave.

They become like Elijah fearful, isolated, without identity, and wanting to die. From personal experience, I can tell you the depression is thick, and the only way to fight it is not to listen. In the church she tilts the balance between grace and truth. Either extreme is destructive, and I have seen her do both.

Read Scripture: 1-2 Kings

She has a form of godliness, is rich and regal, she appears to be good, and is very religious. She does not want to destroy the church, but to twist, contort, and pervert the church to be a church of her choosing. She is a spirit of this age that is meant to silence the prophetic and destroy generational annointing. She is difficult to remove not only, because she gets power from others, but her roots run VERY deep. If she were a weed in the garden, she would have the entire garden holding onto her roots, holding her in place. To face her, is to face the entire church with the pastor usually the strongest supporter.

The only one that can overcome Jezebel is the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In the book of Revolation it was the Lamb that overcame Jezebel, and when she is deeply entrenched only prayer, fasting, and spiritual warfare will remove her. She is not a minor demon, because she even sent Elijah fleeing for his life. I have found it is better to simply fight in the spirit than face the onslaught of attack that she will loose on all that resist her place of power. We are to arm ourselves in the spirit, resist, do all to stand, and do extreme battle in the spirit.

I have yet to see a single rooted Jezebel spirit successfully removed by blunt confrontation and deliverence. She is well equipt to fend off such advances. For some that may work, but the best weapon I have found is to release the Lordship of the King into the assembly. To confront her usually ends with my attempted murder, but to battle in the spirit releases the the Holy Spirit to uproot her. Again, maybe your method works for you, but all it brought me was loss of blood. Trisha said this on September 24, at 7: I have left my church with so much confusion.

I was told about the spirit of Jezebel now I understand because it is there and is very much containing the church. I stood up to it but now I wish I could have called it out by name! Wish I understood that I am in fact an elijah. I have lost my identity, and thought I would be better of dead. How do I overcome this? It was one in the church but I also have one that follows me! It gains knowledge from what I teach. It has a church but feeds off of the knowledge of others! Holly said this on June 28, at Do not feel alone if you have encountered the jezebel in the church.

It is everywhere now. And it always seems to still surprise people. If you have lost your identity, that is a good thing not bad. Now, being an empty vessel, God can use you to instruct others of what you have learned. When people cling to who they are, they become self centered. You have lost that self -centered-ness. I have about 66 posts on holiness….. I think they may help you. Marianne said this on June 28, at Trisha, Marianne is right, do not feel alone.

A lot of us have been in churches that experienced this spirit that came in through women and took over the churches and manipulated them. It is not a new story and you should not take it personally. These things really do diminish us and He increases instead in us, His people.

I have just read your concerns about the site, thanks for writing them clearly as I too do not agree with confrontation in flesh with people possessed by the jezebellic spirit as it leads to more pain. Knowing the schemes of the enemy will surely put us in a better position in the battle field and in our prayers. Regards in Him, Srikanth. Srikanth Rupavatharam said this on October 25, at I would not have changed a word.

I am dealing with a Jezebel spirit in our congregation now and have already seen her try and destroy another pastor. I would love to talk with you sometime. Greg said this on October 27, at 7: Trisha, thank you so much for your post… I have been wondering about confronting the jezebel in the flesh… and I kept thinking to myself how exactly would that help? Always be aggressive with jezebels, or they take over. When you meet them face to face, assert yourself, and do no back down. Marianne said this on April 18, at You have my respect for dealing with this spirit, and my compassion for the wounds you encountered.

Everything you say is very true. The environment influences the method of spiritual warfare. But like you said, once she is there, she will not leave, because she has entrenched herself like a tick into your skin. ONLY if others see her for what she is, and stand up to her, can she be driven out. I did fight several, and yes, there was blood on many levels. I am still recovering. But if I had to do it again, I would, because that was my assignment, and I need to stick it out, to obey God.

Only those who have been assigned to fight this spirit should do it, because being deceived by one will make a well meaning person turn into a tool for her to use against an innocent person. I have had to fight this spirit for 20 years — one situation after another. The first exposure is devastating, since innocent people do not know how to handle her, and others are deceived, and help her. Marianne said this on September 24, at 7: I really appreciate all of your articles of jezebel spirit.

I knew something was awry, but could not put my finger on it. I worked there part time, too. My hsuband had been trying to get rid of her for some time. Only one concern though. She keeps calling my husband. How do you stop her from calling? Any advice would be appreicated. Mindy said this on October 21, at 9: Talk to your phone company about call blocking.

Put it on any phone that she calls. The people at the company need to be informed of her intentions, and ask them to report any disruptions of the work day. A restraining order might be appropriate here. Check with your local magistrate. She is affecting business and morale. Marianne said this on October 21, at I have had very similar experiences lately.

I know very little as I have just begun to study this horrific spirit. From the posts, I agree with Tricia and can really relate to you. I am beginning to wonder I have been being attacked on various levels all my life. From what I am reading I believe my own mother has been at work against me though over the last couple of years with more and more intensity.

Would you be willing to speak with me? Jan said this on November 27, at 8: Marianne said this on November 27, at Marianne said this on October 16, at Thank you for your kind words. So is working in groups that are smart about this, and support you, rather than you working alone. I want to see the saints victorious in these last days. Marianne said this on January 9, at 3: Praise God, this is an awesome site, very straight to the point, empowering and informative. I have viewed a few other sites on Jezebel and this by far is the best in its explanations and the full understanding of even the AHAB spirit.

I understand that these 2 spirit work together in more ways than 1. Be Blessed and always standing firm as we watch and pray. Swords Of Prayer said this on January 19, at 4: Marianne said this on January 19, at 5: Hallo there, I am married to a jezebelic wife such that we are from seperation for a year.

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I forgave her as she was asking for it but now we are back to square one. I have discovered that she is really jezebelic, now what to do? How to deal with this problem? Vusi said this on February 4, at First of all, forgiving her will not help. She takes that as permission to do it again.

Follow the directions on this page. Also, read the other pages where I have written about jezebel. You have to stand up to her, take authority and tell her to be quiet. You have to openly reject her falseness. You have to tell her that she is lying when she gives false words to you about the holy spirit. You have to find your male hormones inside of you, and be the boss over her. Do NOT be quiet, sweet or cooperative with her. Jezebels are like wild animals that need to be tamed. Like I said in the instructions above, get others to support you.

You have to outnumber her in support. It might be best to break up with her, until this is resolved. Otherwise, she will make life miserable for you. Read the jezebel pages there are 20 of them , and this page well, and then get back to me. Marianne said this on February 4, at I am dealing with that big time in my life.

They are in ministry and extremely deceptive. Everything out of their mouth is something spiritual.

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There is no conscience when an opportunity for recognition presents itself. This is because they have no other redeeming values. He has made idols of his opinions. If you do not cut off ties, they will worry you to death and destroy your peace. Tiffany said this on August 16, at 4: To give, give give.

However they act like demons. This has greatly affected my marriage and my life in general. I am at a breaking point. What do I do when this is part of my family? I fear having children because my husband is so close with them and sees nothing wrong. They always win and they never get caught.

I am despirate for a miracle! CJ said this on February 19, at 4: If they are in the family, you are stuck with them. But you do not have to be stuck with their behavior. What they do at their house is one thing. What they do at your house is up to you. It sounds like you have an Ahab husband, which is a passive male, which allows the spirits to manifest and do what they want. It is like he is missing some male hormones. The good thing is that if you take charge in your own home, he does not have the desire to oppose you either.

What I would do is just take charge. You do not care about their silly hypocrisy. Save it for the foolish church who is stuck with them. Make ground rules for interaction for any contact they have with you. They have to be polite, they have to tell the truth, they have to show respect, they cannot criticize, they cannot harass, they cannot tell your husband, or you, what to do in your own house, they do not live there, so their opinion has no authority….

He has to agree to this. Get some family or friends to back you up.

Jezebel's Destiny

Jezebel spirits you got the religious ones get their power by developing strong support systems, and moving in groups. So, you have to fight fire with fire, and have your own little army. If not, you just have to be a one woman army — one that strikes fear and respect in your enemies.!!!! They do not have to win in your own house. They need to stay away until they can behave themselves. Tell them to stay away, and make it official with legal papers if necessary.

If your husband wants to go along with them, then he needs to move in with them, and leave you alone. He needs to be reminded that his allegiance is to you, not them. That is what your marriage vows mean. Your husband needs to grow up, and act like a man. I would suggest counseling to help him see why he is so passive and permissive of this kind of abuse. Someone — friends, counselor, a different pastor from a different church — needs to help him open his eyes, and see that his marriage is being destroyed by his parents. He needs to cut them off until he can develop a healthy relationship with you and them.

I will put you on my prayer list. I want you to learn to fight for what is yours, and stand on your authority. Check these links also: Marianne said this on February 21, at 2: I do want to point out that I found alot of Jezebel spirits especially found on social sites like My Space. One woman called herself HolyHottie on her page and I asked her about what that meant and she snapped at me. I find alot of religious spirits and anger like Jezebel on these sites. Barry said this on February 26, at 7: That would make sense.

Social websites are where people meet, for social networking, and attracting new associations. This is because they have no other redeeming values. If you are young, and looking for companionship, try a Christian singles network, and look for someone who seems to get along with others. Since Jezebels can also pretend to be Christians, be on the look out for the behavior clues, so you will not get trapped. Marianne said this on February 26, at Marianne said this on March 4, at Due to her infidelity and her lies, she has tarnished his ministry and he has now stopped preaching and going to church all together.

Within the last year he has discovered that she has had multiple affairs with men, some are even directly related to his family; his ex-brother-in-law, his best friend, their neighbor…she has even been flirtatious with my husband, saying subtle things to him, trying to convince him that he wants her… he told me about it. However, during all of this, her husband and their children are the ones suffering!

Right after he found out about her first affair, he was still preaching and was in the middle of a revival. I will never forget how that poor man cried on the alter, telling the whole congregation about her affair…confessing to the Lord his love for her and their family…it was heart breaking — and still is when I think about it. She has told many members of the church he was pastoring that he has been abusive to her and that he was the one having the affairs. The ones of us who have had her Jezebel spirit impact us directly, know the real truth.

I would like to know which would be the most beneficial scriptures you would suggest for this preacher. I feel so sorry for him and their children. She has had him arrested and such several time over the last few weeks and it seems that every lie that spurts from her mouth…everyone believes her. Knowing that you have the power to tread on snakes and scorpions. You are dealing with a snake, so treat her like one. He needs to find his male hormones and use them. This is a woman out of control because he has not asserted his male authority over her. She will go wild until someone stops her.

He needs to be first in line. He has to be the main one to stand up to her. He is too passive. As for other women, like yourself, tell that witch to get away from your husband, and go back to the kennel where she belongs. That is just the truth, and she needs to be told the truth right in her face. Gang up on her, to force her to back down. I bet she has at least demons in her. You need to outnumber her. Cover yourselves, and her, with the blood of Jesus she will not like that!!

This will be like dealing with a dog with rabies. Otherwise, she needs to take her broom and fly away, and leave everyone alone. IF needed, you will help her admit herself for psychiatric care. This is just a suggested guideline. Use your discretion with this. It seems rough, but I do this because most people will get the idea, but tone it down. What is important is not the tough language, but the tough attitude and the teamwork. You know the circumstances and details better than I do.

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Jezebel's Destiny (A Succubus Story Book 2) - Kindle edition by D. R. Rosier. Romance Kindle eBooks @ Jezebel's Destiny has 17 ratings and 0 reviews. Jezebel has grown in power. She has gained lovers, friends and deep responsibilities in her world. In the.

I truly hope that all wake up, and realize their own authority, and use it properly. This way Jezebel can be dealt with, and healing can start. You have my prayers and best wishes for success in this.

Marianne said this on March 7, at 2: Thank you so much for this information. I new i was in a spiritual attack with my husband and i new it was control and witchcraft but until i found your site through the leading of the holy spirit. I finally new i was not crazy. Lois said this on March 8, at 8: Your husband should have more wisdom, but I see this all the time. Marianne said this on March 9, at 3: I seem to attract this spirit into my life and I am trying to figure out why.

There was a former good friend in a church I went to who I brought to the Lord. I ended up leaving, very hurt after she turned the co-pastor against me, who I was very close with and loved dearly before all of this happened. I seem to be unable to stand against this spirit for long. I just ended a relationship with a man who had the Jezebel spirit. When I am around Jezebels or talk to them regularly, I get foggy, forgetful, spacy, and seem to have no will of my own any more. How can I prevent this from happening again? What is wrong with me that I keep attracting this into my life?

Lynne said this on March 18, at Marianne said this on March 18, at I wondered why it is I would get foggy, confused and spacey, now I realize that it is the spirit of the Jezebel working in a person to drain my energy. What ways can someone protect themselves from this Jezebel spirit, it seems that it is hard to detect until much later in some situations and people? I have encountered this spirit many times and I recognize it in various forms in some of my family line. Pray7 said this on September 9, at 4: You have to be very aggressive with the jezebel.

She only understands power and force. Meet force with more than equal force. She walks over people that do not oppose her. Document her wrongdoings, and get support from friends. Make it a team effort and she will back down, because she is outnumbered. Exception- if she is your boss, then kiss her feet , while planning to leave.

Marianne said this on September 9, at I understand what you are saying, there are many people who do not like her and want to see her leave because of how outright callous and harmful her words have been at fellow coworkers, she verbally attacks them to the point where it becomes personal to the heart, and it creates emotional wounds. From having to deal with her personally in the past month, I can see how intently crafy, manipulative and her all out lust for power , she is playing the victim now and is trying to get support and have everyone to see things her way, even though the truth and her past behaviour dictate otherwise, that she is not repentant.

What is more disturbing and confusing, is that she gives a false sense of apology to some coworkers, who have changed their mind about her and sided with her. I have been tempted to believe she has changed several times, only to be met with a spirit of suspicion and hatred, and risked putting myself in harms way through her harmful words and critical spirit. I am debating whether or not to stay in this company, it is possible that she could be removed, she has been reprimanded heavily only recently and this is making her nervous but also more vigilant to find out who the people are that oppose her reckless conduct towards the employees.

I have encountered this Jezebel spirit several times and have been dismissed as a result of not giving in to the intimidation and fear they use in order to promote self glorification and worship. I am taking it as a sign that I may be a tool the Lord is trying to use to overthrow this spirit in some context, yet I have a long way to go in riding my self of any counter attacks from this spirit.

I wish there was more awareness of this topic, spiritual warfare amoung the fellowship of believers in my community, it would really help intensely in this situation and also to strengthen the Christian community as a whole. Pray7 said this on September 12, at Pray7, I too believe that, like yourself, God has commissioned me to fight against this evil spirit… When this spirit came against me, she was apologetic too, and made herself look like the victim… Which was quite easy for her to do since she was close to my husband and his whole family… At first people thought I was just extremely jealous… I cried out to God, and said Lord if I am this jealous, take this spirit of jealousy away from me.

As far working with the jezebel in the workplace, if The Lord does not remove her, and your finding it to unbearable to be around her, than maybe you may have to find different employment… Always seek God for the answers… Also Pray7, just wondering do you have the gift of intercession? Thanks for your quick reply. I do tend to cower to the Jezebel…but I have never teamed up with a Jezebel person to hurt others. I did try to stand up to her, but was crushed, and hurt really badly. If I do have an ahab spirit I want to know so that I can get help with that. Also, what if this person is in your church?

They are very well trained in this spirit, but have a problem seeing it in the past. It seems they are completely blind to it. Since I left she has done this to others…. Lynne said this on March 18, at 2: Hello, I have just recently read the jezebel article and it has confirmed what I believe has and is still happening in my church.

I have been a worship leader but resigned in Sept last year, because one woman in the team systematically wore me down, plotted behind my back and gained support from others in the band, including her husband who is now the worship leader, but she organises everything for him. I recently went back to the church and spoke to the oversight and three of the team including her and husband, I went to make peace because I felt I had done them wrong. This woman has seemed to have beguiled the pastor and oversight, dresses and behaviours inappropriatley and appears to be innocent.

I am presently seeking the Lord in how to deal with this as my church is very precious to me and I believe I have been called there to minister. It is a very tough time so thank you for shedding light on the root of the problem. Miriam said this on March 31, at As long as she is there, and her husband is there reinforcing her, and the pastor permits it, it is a lost cause. What you have is 2 men with Ahab spirits enabling her. While you may be called to minister, you will be constantly suppressed by her if you try to continue there.

Marianne said this on March 31, at Miriam, welcome to suffering the sufferings of Jesus. He was sent to save Israel, His own. But even His ministry was cut off because of the Jezebel spirit in people. He was betrayed and crucified. You have been betrayed and spiritually crucified, your ministry cut off. Rest well in your spiritual death. You will be resurrected. Williams said this on April 1, at 1: Lindy W said this on April 17, at It seems that with how prevalent this spirit is in the church today…is leaving really the answer?

Maybe it is the answer in some cases. I left and wish I had the strength to stand my ground. I may be presumptuous but this spirit most likely lurks in most churches…and giving up church is not an option. I have learned from past mistakes not to be reactive in the flesh, but to pray pray pray for the veil to be lifted. God Bless, and I pray that the Lord will continue to lead and guide you. The experience can be devastating and I am just starting my healing process now…. What you say about staying is always an option.

In this case, the pastor is an Ahab, who does not want a change. I stayed once in a situation like this, the church ended up splitting, the pastor and his Jezebel left, took most of the congregation, and there were about 10 people remaining. Marianne said this on April 1, at 3: Hi my name is melinda,I was at a church that I already left that told me I has the spirit of jezebel,its private and I would like to talk about it with you God Bless.

Marianne said this on May 9, at I have found this site very informative. I have been very deeply hurt by a woman that I know who I believe has this spirit. Everything that you have said about it rings true. However the only reason that I knew to look it up was because of the Lords mercy, he revealed to me what was going on two weeks ago.

For five years I suffered with a difficult relationship with her. Then I became a christian and the intensity of the problem increased. I really thought that I was going mad. I forgave, I prayed for her, I became obsessed. Thoughts of her were in my mind all the time. I thought it had to be me that had the problem. I wrote to her to say that I was sorry if I have ever hurt her and thought that as a christian I should love her unconditionally and forgive and forget.

To give, give give. So I hit rock bottom and on the day that I went to get help from the doctor for depression the Lord gave me revelation. I got on my knees and prayed for forgiveness for worshiping her in my mind and prayed against the presence of the spirit. I have got rid of her number, email and blocked her on facebook. I vow to have nothing more to do with her. The result is that the obsessive thinking has gone.

Every now and then she enters my mind but not in the same way. Will it go totally? I have no desire to go near her. Although occasionally now I worry what might come next. She is not a christian. Sorry to go on but the relief is immense. Lou said this on June 3, at 5: Do not feel alone. Jezebels are everywhere now. They will come as friends, co workers, bosses, people at church, leaders, spouses, girlfriends, your doctor, etc. The bible says to NOT be unequally yoked with unbelievers, so just do your best to avoid them, and pick good Christians to be with. There are some inevitable collisions ahead, just because there is so many of them, so if you run into another one, let me know.

At least this time, you will be alert and recognize the spirit quicker than you did the first time. I thank God you were able to dissociate from her. Do not be surprised if she tries to reconnect with you. They do not like to lose, and will start things all over again. Marianne said this on June 3, at 6: Alot of the advice you give on here is true. My mum and dad always had a terrible relationship alot of violence but i have now realised that is because my dad was never an ahab and always stood up for himself.

My dad ended up being viewed as the bad one. I suffered at the hands of my mum from physical, emotional abuse and neglect. I am now 34 and it has taken me this long to realise how exceedingly manipulative this woman was and still is. My mum is now with an ahab a quiet man with alot of money. I have recently told my mum exactly what i think of her and ex communicated her from my life as i realise that is the only way to stop her destruction. I am glad to hear you are gaining insights now about what you have been through. I would suggest teaching your daughter the difference between a real woman of god and a Jezebel.

And that only being what God made her will make her happy. Being a Jezebel brings suffering. Teach her about Jezebel. Use my site, if you wish. There are other studies on here too. I think you can honor the position of parent, by best praying for her salvation. Include your daughter and ask her to pray for grandma, that grandma has emotional problems that make her mean one minute and sneaky sweet the next.

Marianne said this on June 5, at I was searching tonight for a way to stop this madness I face everyday! I have lost best friends, family members and even church folk including pastors I was friends with to this jezebel spirit. I have seen people change in an instant by one visit by this woman with this jezebel spirit. I am isolated with my kids in a joint custody situation because she was just using them to get money from the Government social security and child support; and at the same time neglecting them in such that my two youngest children have developmental delays.

Before she left me the second major time my son was nine months old when he babbled mama and dada now he cannot speak at all! And many have fallen by the way side by their association with her after that just one visitation. She even curses out loud at times and acts like people in the worldly manner but undercover and not in front of ministry friends.

And the adultery, well she just came in early one morning so when I confronted her, she answered me not took a bath and went to bed. When I would stand up to her, she would take the children and leave without me knowing. But this last time, I left with my oldest daughter who wanted to leave too, so we left together before she did with the two youngest ones with her because they have no voice.

Since it was over six months of being together with this wife in a domicile state, I filed for temporary joint custody and won. I have been studying diligently in the Word of God throughout this matter and the answers the Lord has giving me are like loss of blood. I have also study the Greek and Hebrew on the matter and still the same answer. Not only has she used Christians as well as Lay people to confront me personally but also to pray against me spiritually. I understand now what black water means! Why Balaam problem was considered witchcraft.

I see why witchcraft is like the sin of disobedience. I did win that time because she came back but I had to face this over again and again. The Lord really wants me to battle this religious lying murderous spirit so that I can go to the next level. And I trust no one who has spoken to her even one time. One time when she left and came back again apologizing for all she had done wrong; she still slandered me and my ministry to others behind my back. I fight this spirit of being a failure in my ministry because all of my family and close friends and ministry friends that have left me.

Then I figure if I had some friends in the Lord who knew the truth by the Lord Jesus then this would help my self esteem again. Russell said this on June 19, at 7: When you are physically with her, be very positively aggressive. Jezebels respond to displays of power. Explain the situation with delayed development…. You should try to get full custody. You can use this as evidence to back you up with others — to gain support. Do not give up, just because you have encountered worthless christians.

You are not a failure. I have written other posts on this….