Heartland tome 1: 01 (Pocket Jeunesse) (French Edition)

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Gabrielle returns shortly, though, and Jean and Gabrielle reflect on their marriage for the remainder of the film. Marek, a crime squad officer, sets out to avenge the death of his partner and best friend, who was killed by drug traffickers. He asks for a posting to a new undercover unit created to infiltrate a drug gang that imports hashish from Morocco using the "Go Fast" method. A fleet of high-powered speedboats and cars races across the Mediterranean to Spain and then France, loaded with drugs. Sullivan is planning a month trip to South America with his friends.

He is not taking Camille with him, which makes her feel quite insecure and resentful. Before Sullivan departs, they spend some time in Camille's mountain home in the Ardeche, riding horses through the fields, picking berries, basking in the sun and swimming in the Loire. When they return in autumn Sullivan leaves, writing letters to Camille while she marks his route on a map on her bedroom wall. Deux adolescents, Camille et Sullivan, tombent amoureux. Il doit encore cependant continuer son apprentissage scolaire. Ce n'est donc pas totalement anodin. Henri 4 is a drama film directed by Jo Baier.

It is a German-French-Austrian-Spanish co-production. Protestants et catholiques se livrent une lutte sans merci pour la terre et le pouvoir. Les noces tournent au bain de sang Starring Daniel Auteuil as Georges and Juliette Binoche as his wife Anne, the film follows an upper-class French couple who are terrorized by anonymous tapes that appear on their front porch and hint at Georges's childhood memories.

Its plot ambiguities raised considerable discussion. The film has been interpreted as an allegory about collective guilt and collective memory, with parallels often drawn between its narrative and the French government's decades-long denial of the Seine River massacre. Hiroshima mon amour concerns a series of conversations or one enormous conversation over a hour long period between a French actress Emmanuelle Riva , referred to as Her, and a Japanese architect Eiji Okada , referred to as Him. They have had a brief relationship and are now separating.

The two debate memory and forgetfulness as She prepares to depart, comparing failed relationships with the bombing of Hiroshima and the perspectives of people inside and outside the incidents. The early part of the film recounts, in the style of a documentary but narrated by the so far unidentified characters, the effects of the Hiroshima bomb on August 6, , in particular the loss of hair and the complete anonymity of the remains of some victims. He had been conscripted into the Imperial Japanese Army, and his family was in Hiroshima on that day.

The story is set in a luxurious Parisian brothel a maison close, like Le Chabanais in the dawning of the 20th century and follows the closeted life of a group of prostitutes: Luis Campos Alain Chabat , 43, happily single, mollycoddled by his family mother and 5 sisters, who by design established by his late father Hercule form a kind of family council known as the G7 , has a successful career as a perfumer and an easy life.

Tired of taking care of him, the G7 decide he should get married within a year. The problem is Luis does not want any kind of serious relationship since they ruined his first true love. After turning down all the girls introduced to him, he gets an idea: That way, Luis thinks his family will leave him alone. Unfortunately for him, his family likes Emma and blames him when she apparently jilts him at the altar. He then comes up with an alternate plan to have Emma act horribly towards his family so they will not like her any more.

The two begin to fall in love so Luis finally stands up to his family, confesses his schemes and finally settles down with Emma. Kristin Scott Thomas delivers one of the most powerful performances of her career as a woman emotionally imprisoned by the devastating secrets of her past in the highly acclaimed I've Loved You So Long. The stunning debut feature of celebrated novelist Philippe Claudel, I've Loved You So Long is a profoundly touching story of familial struggles and redemption that explores the trauma of human isolation and the courage it takes to rebuild abroken life.

An enormous critical and box office success in France, I've Loved You So Long has been included in the official selection at the prestigious Berlin Film Festival and part of a special presentations line-up at Toronto Film Festival; ear-marked as a favourite by festival goers. Heart-rending yet hopeful, I've Loved You So Long is film that will resonate with audiences long after they have left the cinema. Un matin, il chancela sous la lourde charge L'enseignant pourr donc utiliser ce cahier: Indochine is a French film set in colonial French Indochina during the s to s.

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I recenti studi e le operazioni sul campo condotte dalle forze armate di diversi Stati membri hanno messo in luce una serie di lacune non indifferenti, tra cui emerge l'assenza di droni per operazioni ISR in grado di rivaleggiare con gli omologhi internazionali, in particolare con i modelli statunitensi, oggi leader del mercato. Eppure in Europa esistono dei progetti di dimostratori che hanno presentato risultati estremamente interessanti, come ad esempio un progetto partito da un'azienda francese e poi rimodulato e esteso a aziende provenienti da cinque Stati membri e dalla Svizzera e che ha portato notevoli risultati.

Al fine di colmare le lacune esistenti in tale ambito, occorre operare in alcune aree specifiche investendo in modo consistente nelle stesse. In particolare, sono necessarie delle soluzioni in materia di sorveglianza durature ed efficaci sotto il profilo dei costi, volte a proteggere per lunghi periodi vaste aree contro una serie di minacce. Il prezzo dei SAPR li rende accessibili a livello nazionale.

Alcuni Stati membri stanno effettuando delle dimostrazioni tecnologiche a livello nazionale o in collaborazione sui futuri sistemi aerei a pilotaggio remoto. In alcuni casi si tratta di prodotti tecnologici di avanguardia che contribuiscono a rafforzare la base industriale della difesa europea. A tal fine, l'Agenzia europea per la difesa sta sostenendo un programma di lavoro che mira a risolvere una lunga serie di questioni di carattere tecnologico, normativo e operativo.

Il potenziale economico dei sistemi aeromobili a pilotaggio remoto e delle relative tecnologie per applicazioni civili crea delle sinergie naturali tra gli investimenti civili e militari. Recent studies and field operations conducted by the armed forces of various Member States have brought to light a series of major deficiencies that need to be addressed, including the lack of any ISR drones that are as technologically advanced as those of other national forces, and especially those of the United States, which is currently leading the way in this field.

That said, there are several demonstrator projects currently underway in Europe that are yielding extremely encouraging results: What specific measures are being looked into in order to promote private investment in drones? The ability at strategic and operational levels to direct, collect, process and disseminate information is a major defence capability required for military operations including those undertaken under CSDP.

To overcome existing gaps in this field some areas need specific attention and sustained investments. In particular, persistent surveillance solutions are required to cover wide areas over long timescales, against a diverse set of threats in a cost effective manner. The spectrum of RPAS types is very broad in size, range, speed, endurance, altitude and payloads.

Regarding very light RPAS, the cost of such systems makes them affordable at a national level. Many Member States have already equipped their armed forces with such systems; very often these are the result of private investments involving SMEs. Some Member States are conducting, either nationally or collaboratively, technological demonstrations on future unmanned aerial systems.

Some are at the leading edge of technology, and reinforce the strength of the European defence industrial base. To that end, the European Defence Agency is supporting the Member States through a programme of work addressing a wide range of technological, regulatory and operational issues. The economic potential of remotely piloted aircraft systems and the related technologies for civil applications creates natural synergies between civil and military investments.

U, jekk iva, liema se jkun dan l-impatt? The EU is firmly committed to closer political association and economic integration with Ukraine and is providing crucial support in coordination with other international partners. EU assistance will help stabilise the country as well as support the reform programme and further enhance ownership by the Ukrainian authorities. The Ukrainian Government is launching an ambitious set of structural reforms, including with respect to fighting corruption and enhancing transparency.

An immediate priority is to restore macroeconomic stability through sound fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policies. We encourage our international partners, including Russia, to contribute to these stabilisation efforts, and refrain from any potential WTO non-compliant measures. Reaching agreement on the conditions of the gas supply from Russia to Ukraine with the EU's facilitation in the ongoing trilateral talks will greatly contribute to the stabilisation of Ukraine's economy. Does it intend to become involved in order to help achieve a fair, workable and sustainable solution to the problem in line with the Community acquis?

What means of applying pressure does it have at its disposal and how does it intend to use them in order to force Turkey, as the occupying country, to cooperate by withdrawing its troops and agreeing to the reunification of the island, which is an EU Member State in its entirety? Eroglu, can lead to a solution in line with the Community acquis as it stands, without any derogation?

Will it endorse such a solution or will it insist on the unconditional application of all European principles and the Community acquis without derogation? The European Council supports a comprehensive and viable settlement of the Cyprus problem within the UN framework, in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions and in line with the principles on which the European Union is founded. The European Council underlines that the division of Cyprus has endured for too long and emphasises the importance of maintaining the momentum.

The European Council stands ready to play its part in supporting the negotiations.

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Reunification of Cyprus would be to the benefit of all the Cypriot people and in this respect the European Council supports any confidence building measures agreed by the two parties which could contribute decisively to creating a climate of mutual trust and give impetus to the negotiation process. It is recalled that, as emphasised by the Negotiating Framework, the Council also expects Turkey to actively support the ongoing negotiations aimed at a fair, comprehensive and viable settlement of the Cyprus problem within the UN framework, in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and in line with the principles on which the Union is founded.

L'UE intrattiene con la Repubblica bolivariana del Venezuela relazioni politiche ed economiche. Sulla base del dialogo economico UE-Repubblica bolivariana del Venezuela, quest'ultima beneficia delle riduzioni tariffarie previste dallo schema generalizzato di preferenza e degli accordi commerciali di cui agli accordi di associazione economica e ai programmi di aiuti al commercio.

Venezuela — riesame delle azioni dell'UE nell'ambito della strategia a seguito dei recenti avvenimenti. Il governo di Nicolas Maduro e Diosdado Cabello ha proibito alle emittenti televisive di parlare delle proteste e ordinato il silenzio alle radio. Nessun mezzo di informazione venezuelano ha menzionato le morti degli studenti.

Il governo sta censurando l'informazione bloccando anche l'accesso al sito web di NTN Il social network ha confermato il tentativo di censura da parte del governo e, in seguito, ha offerto una guida passo a passo per aggirare il problema. Come ha dichiarato il procuratore generale venezuelano Louisa Ortega Diaz dall'inizio del mese di febbraio in Venezuela ci son stati ben 28 morti e feriti, per mano di partecipanti a una manifestazione di studenti nata inizialmente come pacifica per protestare contro lo stupro di una studentessa e trasformatasi in violenze e caos con la presenza di armi, mentre paesi come Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Cina e Russia hanno offerto il loro sostegno.

Gli stanziamenti della Commissione europea per gli aiuti umanitari sono forniti seguendo un approccio rigorosamente basato sulle esigenze e applicando i principi umanitari. Beyond the public rhetoric, has she taken any practical measures on the use of force against civil society, the arrests of students and political opponents and the grave violations of freedom of expression, association and assembly by the public authorities in Venezuela? If so, which measures? The situation in Venezuela has been giving the international community increasing cause for concern, in view of its unstable economy aggravated by very high crime rates and galloping inflation.

Of even greater concern is the civilian death toll from protests against the country's political leadership over the last few weeks , which have frequently met with violent clampdowns by the forces of law and order. Following the protests five students were imprisoned and transferred to the city of Coro, where they were beaten and tortured with electricity.

The government of Nicolas Maduro and Diosdado Cabello has prohibited television stations from talking about the protests and has ordered radio silence. The deaths of the students have not been reported in any Venezuelan media. The government is censoring information and also blocking access to the NTN24 website. The social network has confirmed this attempt at censorship by the government and has subsequently issued a step-by-step guide to circumventing the problem.

Does it intend to evaluate the imposition of sanctions and proceed to freeze any funds intended for the country? High rates of inflation, crime, and scarcity of several basic products, as well as extensive corruption and intimidation of the media and the democratic opposition in general, have served to increase tensions and political polarisation to worrying levels. The protests, which began at the beginning of February as a peaceful student demonstration against the rape of a female student, soon descended into violence and chaos, with armed clashes taking place between the protestors and the security forces of the incumbent Venezuelan Government, which has the backing of countries such as Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, China and Russia.

What measures does it intend to take in order to protect the rights of protestors and guarantee the safety of civilians? I have been contacted by a constituent who is concerned about the current violent situation in Venezuela which, he tells me, has already led to the deaths of 20 people.

However, the Venezuelan Government has said it will not accept international mediation. My constituent would like the Venezuelan Government to engage in unconditional dialogue with the opposition. Could the Commission state if it is putting any pressure on the Venezuelan Government to end the current outbreak of violence and to protect the welfare of its citizens? Under the new financial instruments for the period , EU aid resources will be concentrated on the poorest and most vulnerable countries and regions.

The European Commission's allocations for humanitarian assistance are provided following a strictly needs-based approach and applying the humanitarian principles. I bambini, in particolare, sono estremamente vulnerabili. Il Segretario generale dell'ONU ha chiesto al governo siriano di concedere agli operatori umanitari un maggiore accesso al paese. L'uso indiscriminato da parte del governo delle bombe barile ha provocato centinaia di vittime civili innocenti e non sembra esserci alcun rallentamento nell'uso di tali tattiche.

Quali sforzi sta compiendo la Commissione in paesi come il Libano, dove i bambini siriani rischiano di morire di fame? Sin dall'adozione, nel febbraio , della risoluzione n. Children in particular are extremely vulnerable. Humanitarian supplies are available, but guaranteeing their safe passage has proved difficult. What role is the Commission playing, together with the UN, to pressure the Syrian Government to allow safe passage for humanitarian and relief workers into parts of the country that have been under siege?

What efforts are being undertaken by the Commission in countries such as Lebanon, where Syrian children are at risk of starvation? The European Commission has constantly been advocating for unfettered and safe access of humanitarian assistance and personnel inside Syria in order to be able to reach all people in need with aid, including the estimated 4. The Group was created in to foster and maximise cooperation among those countries with influence over parties to the Syrian conflict to bring about progress in terms of humanitarian access.

The Commission supports the No Lost Generation initiative that aims at addressing the immediate and long-term consequences of the crisis on children and youth by expanding access to education and providing psychosocial support in Syria and the region. A change was recently made to the remit of the Greek Supreme Labour Council which comprises representatives of the Ministry of Labour, of employer organisations and of trade union organisations , allowing it to examine the specific financial data of an undertaking for the purpose of recommending that it be allowed to exceed the limit on mass redundancies.

Does it consider the change to the remit of the Supreme Labour Council to satisfy the commitment by the Greek Government to carry out a review of existing labour legislation and, if not, what other changes does it propose should also be made to mass redundancy schemes? In the context of the economic adjustment programme for Greece, the Greek Government, the IMF, the ECB and the European Commission on behalf of the euro area Member States are engaged in a regular policy dialogue on a broad range of issues, including labour market ones, that have the potential to help the prospects of a better functioning Greek economy.

There has been a shared understanding that the framework for collective dismissals is a relevant issue to be properly discussed and included in the programme conditionality. In that light, the Greek authorities have taken administrative changes in the area of collective dismissals. Diez de ellos son observadores a corto plazo, reclutados entre el personal de las embajadas de los Estados miembros en Colombo, Sri Lanka. Le rogamos consulte los enlaces siguientes: What further steps will the European External Action Service take to ensure that the members of the Electoral Commission are not being persecuted in the process of fulfilling their duties?

The EU is following political developments in the Maldives closely. Please refer to the links:. The EU will continue to monitor the situation in the Maldives with regard to respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, including freedom of speech. Finanzielle Auswirkungen und Folgen der Fettleibigkeit. Die Kommission ist sich der schwierigen Finanzlage in den Mitgliedstaaten und insbesondere der Auswirkungen von Fettleibigkeit und damit verbundener Krankheiten auf die nationalen Haushalte bewusst.

Please be specific in the answer. Is the Commission able to provide any exact financial data about the economic benefits of tackling obesity? If so, please be specific in the answer. The Commission is aware of the current difficult financial situation in the Member States and in particular of the impact of obesity and related diseases on the national budgets.

Additional costs result from loss of productivity due to health problems and premature death 2.

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The Commission agrees that prevention is essential to minimise the human impact and the impact on healthcare systems and the economy of obesity. If so, would the Commission consider encouraging lifestyle and weight management as one tool for tackling obesity? The Commission is aware of the worrying trends of overweight and obesity in Europe. The strategy underwent an independent evaluation, published in The added value of joint work at EU level, the efficacy of the strategy and the case for its continuation were made clear by the evaluators, whilst a strengthened focus on promotion of physical activity and on fighting against health inequalities was suggested.

At present, the revision of the strategy is not under discussion. The High Level Group for Nutrition and Physical Activity remains a prime forum for the discussion of present and future action in this area. Ist sich die Kommission der Tatsache bewusst, dass immer mehr Menschen an depressiven Belastungen leiden werden, die sich zu chronischen Krankheiten entwickeln werden? Einer der Aktionsschwerpunkte sind Depressionen. When depression evolves into a chronic condition it is very difficult to cure, with patients requiring pharmaceutical remedies, therapeutic care and as much support as can be given by family and friends.

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If preventive measures are taken in the form of treatment at a very early stage, the risk of a chronic condition developing is reduced. Is the Commission aware of the increasing number of people who will suffer from strains of depression which evolve into chronic conditions? Instead, more cases of depression are being diagnosed because health professionals are increasingly aware about depression and it is less stigmatised than it was the case before.

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One of its work packages specifically addresses depression. It aims to analyse the situation in the participating Member States, to identify good practices, to develop recommendations and finally to agree upon a common framework of action. Volgens de Nederlandse Zorgverzekeringswet moet iedereen die in Nederland woont en werkt een basisverzekering ziektekosten hebben. Verzekeraars die een ziektekostenverzekering willen aanbieden aan mensen die in Nederland wonen en werken, moeten dat aan de Nederlandse Zorgautoriteit NZa melden.

Tot nu toe heeft geen enkele buitenlandse verzekeraar dit gedaan, wat het voor Nederlandse ingezetenen onmogelijk lijkt te maken om zich aan te sluiten bij een buitenlandse ziektekostenverzekering. Hij beschikte over een Franse ziektekostenverzekering die ook geldig was in de rest van Europa die nog vijf maanden geldig was.

Desondanks eiste de Nederlandse verzekeraar dat het contract voor de basisverzekering in Nederland zou gelden vanaf de datum van de verhuizing naar Nederland. Daardoor moest de betrokkene zowel aan de Franse als aan de Nederlandse ziektekostenverzekeraar gedurende vijf maanden premies afdragen. Vindt de Commissie dat deze praktijk in strijd is met de internemarktregelgeving, in het bijzonder het recht van vrij verkeer van personen? Aangezien Nederland de dekking van zorgrisico's die behoren tot de wettelijke sociale zekerheid voor andere verzekeraars heeft opengesteld, gelden de regels voor vervangende ziektekostenverzekering d.

De richtlijn erkent de specifieke aard en de sociale gevolgen van vervangende ziektekostenverzekering. Op grond van de richtlijn mogen lidstaten bijgevolg de systematische mededeling eisen van de voorwaarden van dergelijke verzekeringspolissen, om na te gaan of deze daadwerkelijk een volwaardige vervanging vormen voor de wettelijke sociale zekerheid.

Verzekeraars kunnen worden verplicht om standaardovereenkomsten aan te bieden met dezelfde dekking als het socialezekerheidsstelsel. Dit betekent dat het iedere lidstaat vrij staat om de details van zijn socialezekerheidsstelsel te regelen. According to the Dutch health insurance law Zorgverzekeringswet , anyone living and working in the territory of the Netherlands is required to conclude a contract for basic health insurance. Insurers wishing to offer health insurance to people living and working in the territory of the Netherlands have to announce this to the Dutch Health Authority NZa.

Until now, no foreign insurer has done so, which would seem to make it impossible for Dutch residents to use a foreign health insurer. We were recently alerted to the case of a Dutch citizen who had moved back from France to the Netherlands while holding French health insurance with an extension for the whole of Europe , which was valid for a further five months.

Nevertheless, the Dutch insurer required a contract for basic health insurance in the Netherlands to be concluded from the date on which the citizen moved back to the country. As a consequence, premiums had to be paid to both insurers for a period of five months. Is the Commission aware of this practice in the Netherlands, and has it previously been alerted to similar cases? Does the Commission consider this practice to be contrary to internal market rules, in particular the right of free movement of people?

Does the Commission consider this practice to be contrary to the principle of facilitating and encouraging labour mobility in Europe? Since the Netherlands opened up coverage of health risks belonging to statutory social security to insurers, the rules for substitutive health insurance i.

The directive recognises the specific nature and social consequences of substitutive health insurance. Therefore, under the directive Member States may require systematic notification of policy conditions to verify that they effectively substitute social security cover. Insurers may be required to offer standard policies and guarantee the same cover as the social security system. This means that each EU Member State is free to determine the details of its social security system. EU coordination law intervenes to ensure that the application of different national legislations does not adversely affect persons exercising their right to free movement.

The islands of Lewis and Harris were recently named the top islands in Europe to visit by international travel website TripAdvisor. In the recent years, the Commission has adopted several measures to support the promotion of tourism and to increase tourism demand, both intra-EU and from third countries. The campaign included dedicated journalistic travel reports and blog reviews on coastal and maritime tourism in Europe.

This communication makes particular reference to challenges and opportunities in islands and other remote destinations and proposes a dedicated set of actions to be followed up at EU, national, regional, local, as well as industry level. Amongst others, it is proposed to encourage the diversification and integration of coastal and inland attractors, to explore ways to improve island connectivity and design innovative tourism strategies for remote islands. Other proposals refer to measures such as, using national and regional strategies to ensure the coherence of tourism offers and better accessibility of islands and remote locations and developing innovative practices for regenerating and re-using existing maritime infrastructure.

Biologists from the University of Aberdeen and a research institute in New Zealand recently visited a previously unexplored deep ocean trench in the South Pacific. The scientific exploration of the marine environment is essential for filling the many gaps that remain in the knowledge of seas and oceans. Scientific ocean exploration forms an essential part of many of these. Support for marine and maritime research and innovation is spread across Horizon The results of this research will also contribute to the scientific exploration of the marine environment by, for example, improving underwater imaging technology and supporting observation of the Atlantic Ocean.

The Commission thanks the Honourable Member for drawing the attention to maintenance and availability issues in outdoor leisure facilities and in particular in open air swimming pools. The regulation and control of such services, similarly to other outdoor leisure activities offered to consumers, remain the competence of Member States.

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What is the European Union doing to improve winter sports infrastructure across the EU? The European Union has no specific instrument in support of winter sports infrastructure. However, the European Regional Development Fund ERDF can support small-scale infrastructure investments which contribute to national, regional and local development, in view of promoting social inclusion through improved access to social, cultural and recreational services. The Scottish Government has an action plan to raise standards of literacy for all from the early years to adulthood.

The programme covers all facets of lifelong learning, from early childhood years to adult life. It offers educational institutions pre-school, primary and secondary schools, training centres, adult education centres, higher education institutions, as well as youth groups and other bodies involved in educational provision the opportunity to develop and take part in European projects aimed at improving literacy across all ages.

Projects are based on cooperation between institutions from at least three European countries. More information on concrete funding opportunities can be obtained from them or from the above website. Attendance at Scottish primary schools has been compulsory for every child since Significant progress has been made towards the Millennium Development Goal of universal primary education. This progress is the result of the strong political commitment and sound policies of partner countries as well as support from the international community. Further efforts are needed. EU policy underlines the importance of equity of access to education, and improving its quality.

The bulk of EU support to education will be channelled through bilateral programmes in partner countries which have chosen education as a focal sector. As programming is still under way, no figures are available concerning the period The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are encouraging more men and women to sign up to the Retained Duty System, which typically trains part-time firefighters who provide a vital service to the communities in which they live and work. To what extent does the European Union monitor and encourage the uptake of firefighter training across the Member States?

EU Member States MS have the primary responsibility for all phases of disaster management cycle prevention, preparedness and response and for the choice of specific measures and schemes, in their territory, that reduce the risk and impact of the disasters. Thus, as part of the preparedness, the training of firefighters is a responsibility of the MS.

This includes also a programme of exercises, training programmes and a training network, at Union and Member State level, on prevention of, preparedness for and response to disasters. The training programme for civil protection and emergency management personnel aims at enhancing the coordination, compatibility and complementarity between modules, experts and other response capacities coming from different MS and to improve the competence of European experts.

The training programme consists of courses on introduction, operational and management level and is complemented by an online learning and preparation tool. Access to the training programme is granted via the national training coordinator of the respective MS. The Scottish Parliament recently hosted an event during Eating Disorders Awareness Week that focused on the role of the media; the role of fashion; the role of technology and social media; eating disorders in men; nutrition and dieticians; and supporting family and careers, all of which aimed to raise awareness of eating disorders and to offer support to people affected by these issues.

The project is led by Heidelberg-University from Germany and partners from six further countries are participating. It targets young people and uses the Internet to provide information about mental health, health promotion, and eating disorders in nine languages. The project further offers peer and professional support to counteract the development of eating disorders and related problems, and, where necessary, it facilitates access to the regular healthcare system e. As such, it can help reduce the time between the occurrence of symptoms and the seeking of professional help.

The Scottish Government has recently announced a range of measures to support women in business. The Commission has been working to facilitate access to networks for women with the creation of the European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors in The main initiative of the Entrepreneurship Action Plan targeting women is the creation of an online E-Platform for women entrepreneurs. This platform will be a one-stop shop for women of all ages who want to start, run and grow a business. It will provide educational, mentoring, advisory and business networking opportunities for women across Europe.

The platform will bring together local, national and European stakeholders, and peer groups as well as the tools needed to support a new generation of women who make regular use of the Internet and other IT technologies. It will be one of the main tools that women can use across Europe to find information online and it will provide them with support for the start-up and growth of their businesses.

The platform is set to be up and running sometime in WES is composed of government representatives responsible for promoting female entrepreneurship; it helps to identify good practices and provides guidance on future policy direction. Namjerava li Komisija poduzeti konkretne mjere u tom pravcu i koje su to mjere? As a result, the number of people of working age to provide for every person over 65 will not be four, as it is at present, but just two per pensioner. Does the Commission intend to take specific steps in that direction? If so, what will it do? As underlines by the Honourable Member, all EU countries will in the coming decades experience steep increases in the share of elderly persons in the total population and a significant decline in the share of young people and those of working age.

While longer lives are a major achievement of European societies, the ageing of the population also poses significant challenges for their economies and welfare systems. Incidenza dell'apporto proteico sullo sviluppo del cancro.

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Il rischio di morte era associato in special modo a malattie cardiovascolari, cancro e diabete. Ritiene che alcune frazioni della popolazione europea possano essere particolarmente soggette a questo rischio, qualora dovesse rivelarsi provato scientificamente? For some time, scientists have been deeply divided about the benefits and risks of excessive protein intake. It found that persons who ate a protein-rich diet especially animal proteins, e.

The main risk factors were cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. These health problems occur because proteins control release of the growth hormone IGF-1, a factor in physical development. High levels of IGF-1 can influence the development of tumours, in particular because, after the age of 65, the levels occurring naturally in the body fall drastically. Can the Commission confirm the theory put forward by the team of researchers who published the study referred to above?

Does it consider that some sections of the European population may be particularly at risk, should the theory turn out to have a basis in fact? The Commission is aware of the study carried out by the University of Southern California referred to by the Honourable Member. It is Commission policy not to comment on individual research results. The recent findings from the last project reveal that infant formula with lower protein content reduces the BMI Body Mass Index and obesity risk at school age. In merito alla crisi ucraina, l'Osce ha deciso di imbastire una missione composta da 35 osservatori militari, su richiesta del governo ucraino di Kiev.

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