The Red Rats Daughter

So was this the Red Rat's Daughter?

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  • The Red Rat's Daughter.
  • The Red Rat’s Daughter, by Guy Boothby!
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And if so where was the rat himself? She has just one companion, an elder lady who seems to be in charge of everything. Browne didn't like her at all, but he can't get the young lady and those eyes out of his mind, and six months later in London there occurs one of those wonderful coincidences that actually do sometimes happen, and Our Hero is reunited with our Lady Who Might Be The Red Rat's Daughter. Pursuit, retreat, etc etc, the course of true love, secrets and mysteries, all that good stuff. Somehow a whole crowd of people Hero, hero's best friend, suspicious other friend, Lady and her companion end up on Browne's yacht in the Farther East on a rescue mission.

Yes, not just the Far East, but the Farther East. I don't know why the author always phrased it that way, but from the moment the Orient was mentioned the area was always the Farther East.

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And in Hong Kong, they met a man who had spent many years in the Farthest East, which of course is even more exciting. Just how far east do you have to go to arrive in the Farthest East? Don't you eventually end up in the Near West? Well, anyway, north, south, east, west, or Farthest East, we had a grand adventure and we finally learned the truth about The Red Rat's Daughter.

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The last sentence of the book makes it crystal clear. And all I can say is that my two guesses were way off.

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The Red Rat's Daughter has 2 ratings and 1 review. Debbie said: I'm back to working on a personal A to Z list of books that have animal names in the titl. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Guy Newell Boothby (13 October – 26 February Kindle App Ad. The Red Rat's Daughter by [Boothby, Guy Newell].

This was an entertaining story and Project Gutenberg has plenty more titles by this author but I doubt I will rush off to read any of them because I was not thrilled enough by this one to say 'Far Out' or even 'Farthest Out'. Lynette Wood rated it it was amazing Jan 23, Tim Parise added it Sep 17, Shawn Granger marked it as to-read Nov 06, Keith Stone marked it as to-read Dec 02, PF Freire marked it as to-read Feb 06, Rika Thompson marked it as to-read Apr 25, Brandon Longstreth marked it as to-read Jul 12, Lezli marked it as to-read Mar 07, Mark Goodwin marked it as to-read Apr 11, Ginny Goldberg marked it as to-read Jul 02, Katelyn Unruh added it Jul 21, Bob Shingler marked it as to-read Mar 24, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

The Red Rat's Daughter by Guy Boothby

About Guy Newell Boothby. At six years of age he travelled with his mother to England and was educated at Lord Weymouth's Grammar School, Salisbury and at Christ's Hospital, London between and When his education was over he returned to Australia where he eventually became secretary to the Mayor of Adelaide, Lewis Cohen.

He was dissatisfied with his prospects in Adelaide and consequently he moved to Brisbane where he hoped his prospects would be better. In the meantime he wrote a series of comic operas and plays, all of which were relatively unsuccessful. He was of a roving disposition and at age 24 he travelled across Australia from north to south and later he travelled extensively in the East. By he had married Rose Alice Bristowe and he and his wife moved to England in that year, which was notable for the publication of his first book, 'On the Wallaby, or, Through the East and Across Australia', an account of his and his brother's travels in Australia.

He was given advice and encouragement in his writing by none other than Rudyard Kipling and the year saw the publication of three novels, the most significant of which was 'A Bid for Fortune: This introduced probably his best known character, Dr Nikola, a ruthless, unscrupulous figure, with his ubiquitous large cat, who was to feature in five of his novels over the ensuing years.

The book was an instant success and brought him a certain amount of fame. Dr Nikola had first appeared in serial form in the Windosr Magazine.

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There is something inside that will keep the wolf from the door, for a time at least. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the Guy Newell Boothby was a prolific Australian novelist and writer, noted for sensational fiction in variety magazines around the end of the nineteenth century. I thought, ah, he will fall in love with The Red Rat's Daughter and run off to be a pirate or smuggler himself and escape the greedy mob! She has just one companion, an elder lady who seems to be in charge of everything. Oddly enough, he is filthy rich, being the only child of his late father, and all the mothers with unmar I'm back to working on a personal A to Z list of books that have animal names in the title.

Over the next 10 years he was to write another 50 books and a further five were published posthumously, the last of which was 'In the Power of the Sultan' He was so prodigious that the story circulated that he spoke his tales into a phonograph, from which they were later transcribed by secretaries. He is perhaps remembered also for introducing one of the early gentlemen crooks of literature when he featured Simon Carne in 'A Prince of Swindlers' in Carne had originally appeared in Pearson's Magazine and as a gentleman crook he pre-dated another of his kind in A J Raffles by two years.

Boothby's novels were often set in Australia not surprisingly and were classed as 'fast-paced thrillers' although some felt that although exciting in plot they were 'hastily and carelessly written'. The fact of the matter is, Browne, when our friend here and the little red-haired gentleman were shut up together in the tunnel, the former elicited the information how he managed it I am not prepared to say that the name of the exconvict is not Polowski or Petrovitch, but Kleinkopf; that he is not a Nihilist, as we have been led to believe, but a diamond-thief of the first water.

He paused to hear what Browne would say, and, if the truth must be confessed, he was mortified to find that the other betrayed no sort of surprise.

Are you aware that the convict is the famous Red Rat, who once defied the united police of Europe? I warn you not to joke with me.

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He was sentenced to transportation for life in St. Petersburg, was sent to Siberia, and later on was drafted to Saghalien. Madame was aware that Miss Petrovitch would do anything to rescue her father, and so would the man she loved. Therefore, when you, with your money, your influence, and, above all, your yacht, came upon the scene, she took advantage of the opportunity Providence had sent her, and laid her plans accordingly.

You know the result. Remember, you have two traitors to deal with — Madame Bernstein and Mr. I shall have to tell Miss Petrovitch, and it will break her heart. As for Maas, we must consider what is best to be done with him. Leaving the two men together, Browne went in search of his sweetheart. When he found her, he summoned up all the courage he possessed and told her everything from the beginning to the end.

She was braver than he had expected, and heard him out without comment. Only when he had finished, she rose from her seat, and asked him to excuse her, saying that she would go to her cabin for a little while.

The Red Rat’s Daughter, by Guy Boothby : Chapter 30

A little before sunset that afternoon a small brig was sighted, five miles or so away to the south-west. A course was immediately shaped to intercept her.

Her attention having been attracted, she hove to and waited for the boat, that Mason warned her he was sending. When she put off the third officer was in charge, and MacAndrew was sitting beside him in the stern sheets. They returned in something under an hour, and immediately on his arrival on board MacAndrew made his way to the smoking-room, where he was closeted with Browne for upwards of an hour. After that he went below with Jimmy Foote.

The orb of day lay like a ball of fire upon the horizon when they reappeared. This time they escorted no less a person than Maas himself, who looked as if he were scarcely awake. Without inquiring for them or asking leave to bid his host and hostess farewell, he disappeared down the accommodation-ladder, and took his place in the boat alongside, and his traps were bundled in after him.

Half an hour later the boat returned, but this time Maas was not in her. MacAndrew ascended to the deck, and once more made his way to the smoking-room. He found Browne and Jimmy there as before. Besides, the skipper is an old friend of mine, and a most respectable person. He will take every care of him, you may be sure. You have paid him well enough to make it worth his while.

After that, for the remainder of the voyage, the name of Maas was never mentioned by any of the party. Even to this day Browne scarcely likes to hear it spoken. Nor does he permit himself to dwell very often upon what happened a few days later, when, after a most uncomfortable interval, the yacht rounded Hakodate Headland and came to an anchor in the harbour. I believe they are ready to go ashore. I am sorry our adventure has not turned out more successfully; but at any rate you have had a run for your money, and you have seen something of life in the Far East.

What will happen to them eventually?