A Viúva e o Papagaio (Portuguese Edition)

A Viúva e o Papagaio

It was a good little story although probably more notable for it's author being Woolf, then for it being a stellar book of its kind necessarily, yet when reading it with my daughter, we or mostly I found it compelling enough to read it thru to the end in one sitting. Io e la Woolf ci piacciamo, ma non abbastanza. Virginia Woolfin ainoa satu. Oli kiva ja opettavainen, muttei liian. Cute story, and of course with a moral. I enjoyed this story about a kind, lame old widow who is rewarded for her kindness to her miserly brother's old parrot.

But it was only OK, not like her fiction for adults. Patricia rated it liked it Aug 15, Sandra rated it liked it Feb 20, Hanna rated it liked it Jun 12, TiKa rated it liked it Jul 02, Anizabel rated it liked it Nov 27, Fact rated it liked it Feb 25, Semih rated it liked it Feb 13, Massimiliano Laviola rated it liked it Oct 09, Madalena Firmino rated it liked it Mar 23, Misael Alves Martins rated it liked it Jun 25, Aleksandra rated it liked it Oct 16, Meera Hebsur rated it liked it Apr 06, Barbara Tricerri rated it liked it Feb 04, Bruno rated it liked it Oct 29, Marisela Chavez rated it liked it Sep 23, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Adeline Virginia Woolf was an English novelist and essayist regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century. Mary, didn't you say? Antonio Correa dOlivevra escreveu urn novo poema? Have you written a new poem, Mr. Have you a maid-servant, Mrs. Upon country people or person of low condition, the title Dona is not bestowed. This form may be abbreviated io Vossencia fvo'ses'ivj. This form may be abbreviated to: With all these addresses above mentioned the verb is to be employed in the third person— e.

If on the one hand it would not be polite to dispense with it, a too frequent em- ployment would be heavy. The verb ter to have. Past participle participio passado tido: Imperfect Tense Preterito imperfeito. Eu tinha ['tipv] I had nos tinhamos ['iijivmuf] we iu tinhas you had thou hadst had elle, ella tinha he, she, it, had v6s tinheis f'tijivtf] you had dies tinham ['tipvu] they had. Perfect Tense Preterito perfeito. Present Perfect Preterito composto. Eu ienho tido I have had tu tens tido you have had, etc.

Eu tinha tido I had had tu tinhas tido you had had, etc. Yet the student is not supposed to learn at once all the verbal forms, so as to master them, as, indeed, these verbs with their resemblances and differences constitute one of the greatest diffi- culties of the Portuguese language for the foreigner. But he is ear- nestly requested not to put these lessons aside before having at- tained an absolute understanding of the meaning and employment of the auxiliary verbs. Eu ierei tido I shall have had. Conditional Perfect Condicional perfeito. Eu teria tido I should have had. Subj uncti ve Conjunctivo.

Infinit iv o pessoal. Ter que or ter de indicates necessity: Tenho de Id ir I must go there. Tens que fazer a tua obrigagdo you must do your duty. In the same manner are conjugated the compound Yerbs, as: Tenho pao I have some bread. Leitura e yersao, U menino, que tern na mao? Nao tern tambem um lapis? Nao tinha meu Amigo um jardim com algumas flores? Tinha, sim, senhor, e ainda tenho. Se tivesse arvores fructifel-as, tambem teria fructa. Tern a menina andado a escola nestes dias? Quando tiver saiide, terei muito gosto em voltar a aula.

Tenho tido noticias d'ella from her em cada m6s. Temos tido muito trabalho, para termos uma creada. Temos, mas nao a her teremos por muito tempo. Nao tendo drdem para la ires, terds de to ficar em casa. Have you some fruit, my friend? She has the sugar. They have the milk. We had the cheese.

You had the butter. He will have tea. We shall have a pudding. You will have" a pie. They had no potatoes. He has had pepper and salt. Had you some wine? Will you have butter and cheese? I shall have bread and meat. The boy has soup and meat. I shall have no poultry, but I shall have game. Your horse will have bread and brandy. Shall you have a duck? My daughter would have a glass of milk.

If you had money, you would have chocolate. Whenever we are to have money, we shall have everything we want iuda quanto precisarmos. Temos uma penna, tinta e papel. Terao os rapazes pao e leite? Nao, elles terao pao e agua. Nao terei eu came de boi e Nao, tu teras um pastel e vinho para o meu jantar? Onde tern a sua penna e a Tenho-as them na minha canfita?

Nao teve ainda caldo com Ainda nao not yet , mas eu arroz? Teria o meu amigo escripto Teria, sim, senhor. Mas ha tuna carta, se tivesse tido muito que nao tenho tido tempo? Oral exercises to be done on the subject, as indicated in the preceding lessons. The verb ser to be. Eu tenho sido f'sidu] I have been tu tens sido you have been, etc. Eu tinha sido I had been, etc. The Auxiliary Verb ser and the Adjective. Eu serei [s9'rvij I shall be n6s seremos [sd'remuj] we tu seras [sd'raj] you will be elle, ella serd [sd'ra] he, she, it, you will be, etc.

Eu terei sido I shall have been, etc. Eu seria [sd'riv] I should be, nds seriamos [sd'rimnuj] tu serias etc. Eu ieria sido I should have been, etc. The Portuguese adjective follows, as already mentioned, the same rules of inflexion as the substan- tive with which it consequently agrees in gender and number. It is the same as for the demonstrative, pos- sessive, and indefinite adjectives, and the ordinal numbers, which are all considered adjectives.

Also the cardinal numbers um and dois have a different form for the feminine cf. There are adjectives, denominated uniforms, which have only one form for both genders. This class embraces those ending by -e, -Z, -ar, -az, -is, -oz, -im, -ea and -o, and those ending by -s in syllable not accen- tuated. The place of the Portuguese qualifying ad- jective is for the most part after the noun as for those denoting colour, form, dimension, nationality, religion; while the demonstrative, possessive, and indefinite ad- jectives precede the noun. Tu es muito novo.

Elle 6 um homem ruim. Ella 6 uma mulher nova. Essa penna 6 boa. Aquelle menino 6 doente. Nos nao somos ricos. Eu era teu amigo. Nos ja nao eramos crian9as. Era isso um bom conselho? Nao, foi mal pensado. Eu fui tarde duma hora. Se fosse mais cedo, seria melhor. Se as fructas ja f6rem colhidas, 6 signal de ja terem madurecido.

Sera um vestido para a menina. Nao teria sido melhor escolher uma fazenda que fosse mais duravel? Se nao for duravel, nao tern duvida; o panno nao foi caro. Tudo quanto tenho eomprado a esse negociante, tem sido bom. A nossa casa era muito alta e tinha quartos bastante grandes e airados. You are a tall man. The rooms are very large. He is [a] Portuguese. Those are big horses. It was a grand idea. She was a pretty little girl. He has always been a good boy. If it be late, you will not find nao encontrard the way. The telegraph is a grand invention.

Be kind to the boy! Be good, and I will give you the fine fruit. If the stick were not so thick, 40 Lesson 5. If I were you, I should be diligent. The Crystal Palace is a grand edifice. Camoes was a great Portuguese poet. Is this an apple? No, it is a quince. We are no bad. The dog of my cousin is good and useful. Coitnbra is the only university in Portugal. It is situated on the Mondego. Nao 6 elle um bonito rapaz? Nao e tao bonito como o Carlos. Sim, ellas sao de madeira. FCste bondCso para com to Fui muito bondoso para com o velho homem? Esta Va- Ea- doente?

Tenho sido doente desde crian9a from childhood. Estao escovados os vestidos?

East Timorese politicians

Estao; foram escovados pela manha this morning. Assim o papel, o giz e o tecto sao brancos. Que cor tem a tinta, o papel? The Auxiliary Verb estar. Difference between ser and estar. The verb estar to 'be to stand, to lie, to dwell, etc. Eu estava [jftavvj I was, etc. Estive [if'tivdj I was or I have estivemos hfti'vemvjj [ifti'vc" been, etc. Tenho estado I have been, etc. Tinha estado I had been, etc. Estarei I shall be, etc. Terei estado I shall have been, etc. Estarta I should be, etc. Esteja ['tf't'esv] I be, etc. Estivesse [tfti 'vesd] I were, etc.

Existence in a general meaning, and is therefore called "Verbo substantive. A permanent state of existence, an essential and lasting condition, which may be expressed by substan- tive or adjective attribute or an infinitive. A terra e uma esphera the earth is a sphere. Sou feliz I am happy. E um lento morrer it is a slow dying.

Meu primo e soldado my cousin is a soldier. A rosa e uma flor, e vernielha the rose is a flower, it is red. Followed by the past participle of a transitive verb, ser is employed to form the passive voice. Elles for am censurados, they were blamed. Ser de means to belong to; ex.: To whom does this house belong? E de meu pas it is my father's. Estes livros sdo do professor these books belong to the master. A certeza de estarmos salvos the certainty of our being safe.

The Auxiliary Verb eslar. On the contrary, estar is used: If the attribute appears merely accidental or temporary. A rosa estd murclm the rose is faded. Elle estd feliz he is just now happy. Estamos ricos we are rich — vis. Eu sou doente would mean that I have bad health. Estou hom de saude I am well; sou hom I am good. Estd hem it is all right, he she is well, you are well; estd mal it is bad, or he she is ill, you are ill. If a dwelling is to be expressed in any place that can be left or the object can be removed from: A criada estd na eozinha the servant is in the kitchen. Onde e a cozinha?

Where is the kitchen? QrQ it may as well be said: A hoca flea debaixo do nariz the mouth is underneath the nose. While ser with the past participle of the verb forms the passive voice, estar with the same indicates the state or condition, as: A casa estd construid a the house is built.

A casa e construida the house is building. Elle estd preso he is a prisoner. Foi preso he has been imprisoned. A conta estd paga the bill is paid. Somos pagos aos meses we are paid monthly. Very often estar with another verb in the In- finitive or with the Present Participle is employed as an equivalent for to be with the Present Participle: Estou a escrever, estou escrevendo I am writing. Estamos col- leceionando or a colleccionar estampiJhas ha dois annos we have been collecting stamps these two years. Estar a ferver to boil, to be boiling. Such a paraphrase is called: There is a certain number of adjectives that are generally used with estar, such as: The verbs of the first coDJugation in -ar form the participles in -ando and -ado; those of the second in -er in -endo and -ido; those of the third in -ir in -indo and -ido.

Exercicio, Leitnra e yersao. A cidade de Lisboa esta situada na iqz do rio Tejo. Ella foi edificada em sete collinas. E grande e populosa. As suas ruas, pra9as e travessas sao empedrados. Antes do terremoto do anno de mil sete centos e cincoenta e cinco , as rnas na sua maioria eram tortas e estreitas. Bairros inteiros foram destrui- dos pelo terremoto. Foi o marquez de Pombal que, sendo ministro do rei Dom Jose I Primeiro , depois d'esta catastrofe mandou reedificar a capital em bairros regulares que sao atra- vassados e cruzados por ruas direitas e largas.

No socco deste monumento ha uma medalha de bronze, representando o marquez. Were you at the theatre yesterday? No, sir, I was at the theatre the day before yesterday; last night I was at the concert. He will be at his uncle's em casa de sen tio. It is possible that he has been ill. This hat is too large to be beautiful.

It would have been easy for Charles always to be faithful to his master. We have always been very attentive. He was angry while emquanto he was writing that letter.

The water is boiling. The fish is boiled. Our walk has been beautiful. My sister had already been in London. Tern sempre sido alumno Nao, senhor, estive primeiro d'esta escola? Estarei ate estiverem con- cluidos OS mens estudos. Esta satisfeito com a sua Estou, sim, senhor. Eu seria estada aqui? Sempre tem estado com saiide Nem not sempre; mas agora emquanto ca esta? The Auxiliary Verb haver to have, to be left , to take place, to get, to obtain, etc. As for to be, there are also for to have two correspondiog verbs in Portuguese: The latter, less common in the meaning to have than the former, is especially employed 1.

While so employed, it is impersonal and consequently used only in the third person singular and without a pronoun: The Auxiliary Verb haver. To form the compound Future Indicative and Conditional tenses: Here it may be used with the pronoun and must be followed by de. Modern writers join this preposition to the verb by a hyphen: In the meaning of to obtain: Elle houve o per- ddo do rei he obtained the King's pardon. Havendo o premio da nossa canceira obtaining the reward of our toil.

Eu hei [vi] I have nds h av emos [ vv emuf] wa tu has [afj you have have elle ha [a] he has v6s h av eis [ Tsv vif] you have ha there is elles hao [vu] they have. Eu havia [v'viv] I had nds haviamos [v'vivmuj] we tu havias you had had elle havia he had v6s havieis [v'vivij] you had havia there was elles haviam they had. Tern havido there has been. Tinha havido there had been. Haver ei I shall have, etc.

Terd kavido there will be had, etc. Haver ia there would be. Teria havido there would have been. Haja [ajv] that I have, etc. Haja let there be. All other imperative forms are unusual. In the same manner is conjugated the compound verb rehaver to have or get back ; but this verb is only used in forms which have the -v- rehavendOj rehavido, rehavia, rehouve, etc.

Metas Curriculares de Português Leitura obrigatória no 5.º ano de escolaridade. A Viúva e o Papagaio Imprevisível, divertido e inteligente, este conto. Buy A Viúva e o Papagaio (Portuguese Edition) by Virginia Woolf (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on.

There are still other compound forms, Buch as: The same is to be said for the other auxiliary verbs, already mentioned. The omitted tenses may easily be sub- stituted. Yet there is still a tense quite peculiar to the Portuguese language, which we have not yet spoken of, because we wanted to mention it apart: Jiouvera; civeste; tivera; foste: This derivation is the same in any regular or irregular verb. Ilei-de fazer expresses not only that something will be done by me, but that I intend or am willing to do it.

Nos Iia- viamos-de ser mais economicos we ought to be more economical. Nos seriamos mais economicos we should be more economical. Ilouve-de ser cortes he had to be polite. Se ndo houvesse- de considerar isso if that were not to be considered. Se houver 'inos -de luctar com difficuldadas if there are diffi- culties to be fought with, or if we are obliged to fight against difficulties. Ha tres horas que estamos esperando or a espera we have been waiting these three hours.

Haver por hem means to think proper. It is scarcely used but by or of the King or the govern- ment. Haver por mal is rarely used and means: The reader will already have noticed that in the Imperative mood the second person sing, when employed affirmatively is derived from the same person of the Present tense Indicative by losing the s; and from the Present Subjunctive, when employed nega- tively;— e. The reader will find it in the general conjugation-table. Em portnguCs ha dois verbos auxiliares para traduzir o veibo ingles to have, e outros tantos, para traduzir to he. Os primeiros sao ter e haver; os liltimos ser e estar.

As vezes essa diffe- renQa e bem pouca, outras vezes nao ha nenhuma. Ha quern considera uma das maiores difficuldades da lingua portuguesa o fazer distincuo dos verbos ser e estar. Se nao houvesse maior difficuldade, ou se essa fosse a linica, o estudo da lingua nuo seria difficil. Ha poucas semanas que o it esta- mos estudando o ja sabemos conjugar os verbos auxiliares.

Estes verbos, sendo os mais most irregulares, sao os mais difficeis. Tenham pois animo e sejam applicados. There is a man downstairs. There are two men down- stairs. There is to be a saint's day this week. Is there much money in England? Yes, there is transl. Will there be a concert to-night? No, there has been a concert last night. There's nothing the matter. I have been walk- ing these two hours. I must go home. Is it long since you have been learning Portuguese?

No, it is only a few weeks. And there has been some interruption by holidays. Have you had a gram- mar? Now we have, but we had not from the beginning. Que tem o alemao? Ha ali grandes casas? Ha, sim, senhor; e a d'elle his e uma das maiores. Houve, mas ja ha alguns mezes. Tem havido terremotos mais Tem. Nao foi o criado comprar Nao havia peixe nomercado; peixe no mercado? As we have seen, there are two forms of the Infinitive: It is employed after a preposition.

Faze dUigencia para seres horn. Take pains to be good. Employment and Concord of Tenses. Passei sem me verem I passed without being seen lit.: Depots de nos estarmos seniados, conversdmos. After having sat down, we talked. While the Present has only one tense, the Past is divided into two, or — taking also the Pluperfect —into three simple tenses: The Preterito imperfeito is used: Passdvamos o vcrno no canijw we used to pass the summer in the country.

It was raining while I took a walk. FMes foram a um siiio que ficavq muiio longe. They went to a place that was very far off. A lebre, coma corria muito, fioti-se nas pernas. The hare, being a good runner, trusted to its legs. As in English, the Imperfect may often be substituted by the first Participle— e. It is the historical tense, being peculiarly appropriated to the narrative style and therefore used: Na batalha de Aljuharrota os Portugueses venceram os castelhanos. In the battle of Aljuharrota the Portuguese vanquished the Castilians. Eu tive uma carta I got a letter.

JEmquarito havia trovoada, elle entrou em casa. Whilst there was a thunderstorm, he entered the house. Have you already dined or had dinner? Tive uma cJiicara de chd I have had a cup of tea. Comprdwos cafe we have bought coffee. Gomprdmos assucar we have bought sugar, and: Temos sempre comprado assucar ao ne- gociante, nosso vizinho.

Another tense peculiar to the Portuguese is the Simple Pluperfect Mais-que-perfelto simples already! There is no difficulty whatever in its use. The first participle or gerund Farticipio Imperfeito or gerundlo does not essentially diifer in its Employment and Concord of Tenses. The Future of the Subjunctive Mood, also a form connected solely with the Portuguese language, is used to express some uncertain future event.

It is nearly exclusively employed after the conjunctions se if, quanct? Quando tivermos dinheiro, compraremos essa casa. When we shall have money, we shall buy that house. Se tftiver em casa, a porta esiard aherta. If he is or be at home, the door will be open. Emquanto ndo fizerem diligencia, nao serdo succedidos. As 'long as they do not take pains, they will not sicceed. The Conditional is employed as in EngHsh.

Se tivesse dinheiro, compraria or cowprava essa casa. If I had money, I should buy that house.

Ainda que fosse rico, nuo a compraria or ndo a com- prava. Even if I were rich, I should not buy it. Se ndo tivesse sido tdo tarde, o liomem ndo teria or ndo tinha estado cm casa. If it had not been so late, the man would not have been at home. So we employ in the subordinate sentence the Imperfect or Pluperfect of the Conjunctive, and in the principal sentence the first or second Conditional.

Eu ndo digo que seja assim. Do you think he will have understood? Beceio que fido esteja em casa. I was glad he had come. Buvido que ienhas chegado a tempo. I doubt that you have arrived in time. Ndo tenhas duvida que eu seja teu amigo.

  • ?
  • María do Céu!
  • .

Don't have any doubt that I am your friend. Julgdra que tivesse escripto I thought he had written Palayras. Leitura c Tersj o. Esta empresa tern dado bom lucre; dea dez por cento aos accionistas no anno passado. Ha muito tempo que tem sido a min: Se tivesse quern ji'a it to me en- sinasse, havia-de estudar essa bella lingua.

Desde que ca more 1st pers. E curioso seres tu que tenha essa ideia. Na nossa regiao, temporal, que tem durado uns poucos de tiveral dias, estd causando enorme damno. Estamos i, espera que elle acabe para avaliarmos o estrago que tiver feito. Ainda nao; tera atraso; ja sac seis horas no meu relo- gio.

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The accents, which mark not only the tonical accentuation, but also the colouring of a vowel, are well to be distinguished from the French accents. The u after a g and before an e or i is mute. Men, minha my f'meu, mijiv] seu, sua ['seUf his, her, its, 8uv] your doiSyduasf'dotf, two 'dunfj quanta [kwvntuj, how much? Past participle participio passado tido: Qnantos ha em cada banco? Mute consonants t in letters,c in ch, the following vowel go with separated:

Talvez esteja adiantado o seu relogio. Estao a dar as seis. What have you there? It is a hotter. Is it for me mim 7 No, it is not. It is for your neighbour who is there at the door. Was there no letter for me? I am very sad. If there be no letter to-morrow, I shall write comp. Have the kindness to tell me de me dizer what o'clock it is. It is two o'clock. No, I am mistaken, it is half past one. It is time for me to go home. Ha muito tempo que mora Tenho la morado ha qiiatro n'ella? Houve la muito movimento? Nao houve; se houvesse, nao teria la ido.

Mas nao havendo movimento, Nao 6. Exercises on the Auxiliarv V'erbs. Pode ser it mat; he que as- sim seja; nesse caso nao hei-de la ir outra vez. E este anno hei-de le- var a minha familia, para todos nos havermos bom descanQo, se Deus quizer. Temos urn quintal ao p6 da casa. No quintal ha muitos grupos de arbustos e algiimas arvores velhas e altas: Perto do rio atras do nosso quintal 60 Lesson 8. Tambem havia um platano' nmito alto, mas OS ventos derribaram-no.

Alem das arvrres de matta ha arvores fructiferas. Esta cerejeira teve muita flbr e tera muita fructa saborosa. Aquella amendoeira tajnbem teria mnitas amSndoas, mas quando florescia, a neve Crestoa-lhe as flores. Tivemos grande quantidade de nesperas no anno passado. In which street is your house? What tree is that behind the wall? That is an elm-tree. And all these treea are fruit-trees. We shall have very much fruit this year. Last year we had very little. The treeij had many leaves, but few fruits.

There you have also very fine roses. Tenha a bondade de vir para o meu jardim. Entre por esta cancella que abre pp. Na prima- vera estavam em flor o liiaz e os goivos, que sac d'uma cor roxa e cheiram muito bem. Tambem o branco jasmim tern um bello aroma.. Talvez ja haja um em flor.

Ainda nao ha, nao. Ja nao temos rosas bellas; se tivessemos, offerec6l-as-ia. Hei de fazer para termos flores todo o anno. If I had some white roses, I should give them to my mother. Have the goodness to pick whatever you like. Do you like the aroma of the jasmin? I do, but I prefer that of the pinks.

Please to come when ever you like to pick flowers and fruits. In autumn we shall have much fruit: We had no daisies nor dahlias in our garden; our neighbour had. We also should have some , if there had not been so. If we are lo have or If there be fruit in autumn, we shall pick apples, pears, and grapes. Haviamos de ter cinco, mas o professor de calligraphia tinha tosse e nao veio did or had not come. As segundas e quintas feiras sempre tenho nma li jao de gram- matica francesa: A 5ta fa quinta feira 6 meio feriada, os domingos e dias santos sao dias feriados.

Se tivessemos mais tr6s licjoes nas quintas, teriamos seis li j6es em cada dia. Gosto mais do que dos problemas; nao tenho memoria para OS algarismos e os niimeros grandes. E a menina, de que ligao gosta mais? A de que mais gosto, minha senhora, e de lavores, que temos todos os dias das duas para.

A Brief Grammar of the Portuguese Language

William is my friend. I am William's friend the friend of W. Here is John's brother. Where is my sister Ellen?

Sá, Anisabel Fernandes

She is in the kitchen. I had a cousin who went see p. Yes, he was very young. Had you not money enough to buy some peaches? No I had not , I was short of money. There are no more Jd nao ha y but we shall have gooseberries and currants. The boys would have had a holi- day if they had not been so lazy. These are so restless. You have had four mistakes in your task, though it was very easy. When you happen to have no mistake at all, you will have a nice and new book. I shall be glad if you be more industrious for the future. And you, my boy, will be more happy. A que horas comeijam as aulas?

As sete, oito, nove, dez. Que licjoes ha de manha? Quantos dias ha na semana, e quaes pi. Quantos dias liteis ha n'esta semana, visto haver as there is to be um dia santo? To indicate an indefinite quantity or an indefinite part of a whole, the Portuguese expression is about the same as the EngHsh: Do you want some bread? Have you got some money? I was some moments late cheguei tarde de alguns momcntos.

However, the quantity being determined by a noun expressing measure, weight, or number, or by a substantive adverb, the name of the substance is pre- ceded by de: Here also the employrpent is the same as in English. If the word which denotes quantity has not the form of a substantive, the substance is not preceded by de again the same as in English: Tern muito vinho he has much wine: Um metro de fazenda a meter of stuff. Um arratel fv'rratei de assucar [is'sukar]. A pound of sugar. Dots arrdteis de farinha two pounds of meal. Um par de hotas a pair of boots.

Tres leguas ['legwvg] de distancia three miles' distance. Um quarteirdo de ovos 25 eggs. Um certo numero de cartas a certain number of letters. Um grupo de pessoas a group of people. Uma grande quantidade d'arame. A great quantity of brass -wire. Um pouca de paciencia a little patience. Um nada de esperanga a want of hope. Muito ar much air. Mais dgua more water. JPouca distancia little distance. Bastante trabalho work enougn, rather much trouble. Demasiado vinho or vinho demais too much wine. Poucas toalhas too few tablecloths. Muitas collier es too many spoons.

The partitive genitive with de or d' is also used in terms equivalent to adjectives denoting the material of which a thing is made or its origin or purpose, as: Um vestido de seda a silk dress. Um chapeu de palha a straw-hat or bonnet. TJma camisa de linho a linen shirt or chemise. Um fato de la a woollen suit of clothes. A sola de jantar the dining-room. Present Tense of a Yerb of the First Conjugation ending: Please to conjugate the present tenses and participles of the verbs: You may also prac- tise the interrogative and negative forms.

See a Problem?

Vamos para a sala de jantar. Tambem queria uma fatia de pao e manteiga. Tenho mnita vontade, ja a tinha ao levantar-me. E vinho de m6sa. Quantas pessoas ha a m6sa de jantar? Nove; nao sao muitas. Tern faca a menina Henriqu6ta? Agora tem, mas nHo tinha. When is your dinner-hour? Is the mother already in the dining-room? Yes she is , but the father and the brother Henry are not yet. I should like also [some] bread and some cheese and some fruits.

We rise from the table. Ha uraa toalha branca na mesa. Em cima da toalha estao pratos. Nas travessas ha comida. Tomamos a comida das travessas, pondo-a putting itj nos nossos pratos. Oa pratos estao em frente in front das pepsoas. Os pratos sao redondos. A mesa e quadrada. Que ha na mesa? Onde esta a toalha? Onde estao os pratos?

Que ha nas travessas? Para onde tomamos a comida? Que ha em frente de cada pessoa? Que ha no meio da tnesa? Onde estao as tra- vessas? The Complements and the Most Frequent Prepositions.

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The Portuguese does not speak ofi a declen- sion of nouns. He merely distinguishes subject sii- jeito and object or complement complementoj ; and as for the latter, a complemento directo which corresponds to the English accusative, and a complemento indirecto which corresponds to the English dative or genitive. The latter may also be called the restrictive complement, as it indicates indeed a restriction in the meaning. The object accusative is in the form equal to the subject nominative.

The prepositions are always followed by the accusative — that is: