Assassin School Vol 2 #2

Assassination Classroom, Vol. 2

The title also seems to be picking up more steam with other people as well now that the anime is coming out. Yusei Matsui Translated by: Tetsuichiro Miyaki English adaptation by: Things keep on changing and progressing in the school year for Class E. Despite everything though, the class and students have to keep their eyes on the prize: Killing Koro-Sensei before the end of the school year. Only in manga and anime can a teacher do this and not get into trouble. I thoroughly enjoyed the first volume of the series, but I was admittedly a bit worried going into this one. The last volume was a bit repetitive to a certain degree, with each chapter sometimes two introducing a new student and focusing on them and their attempt to assassinate Koro-Sensei, before learning a new lesson from him.

As such, I would say this volume is actually even better than the last, at least on the story side of things. Story-wise, the volume can be divided up into three mini-arcs and they are each good though the last one continues on into the next volume. Vitch since the students have trouble pronouncing it a step up from the original translation where they just refer to her as Bh Sensei , which is fine.

Her mini story is pretty decent to start things off with, adding another teacher to the cast with her own unique personality and attitude, and I do like that the hostility between her and the students is resolved quickly instead of lingering on and on.

In the first volume, we got hints and nods that Class E was considered a very low class in the school. However, this story reveals opens things up and reveals just how bad it is in reality. Class E is the bottom of the food chain, something that every student strives to avoid ending up in and mercilessly mocks and belittles in order to feel better about themselves even the other teachers join in on it.

This entire arc really opens up the school setting more, really letting us feel for this group of kids even more by introducing a really fantastic villain with the principal and setting up a pretty strong recurring theme and challenge for this class. The characterization in this volume is an improvement on the last one, but there are still some problems. That is at least on an individual level, since it could be said that the class is growing as a whole together.

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However, at the end, they seem to start believing a bit more in themselves and are more determined to study harder. So there could be growth with all of them together, but it would be nice to see some individual development, especially with Nagisa Shiota who is acting as the character through which we see the story.

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There are improvements in the form of the introduction of Irina Jelavich and Principal Gakuho Asano and some minor development with Koro-Sensei. Like I said before, Jelavich is a decent addition to the cast and is pretty well defined character so far with what we have seen from her personality. With Koro-Sensei, he gains some minor changes during the second story where he officially learns about how harsh the school is on Class E and even gets told by the principal to keep the class in their place so everyone else can feel superior and strive not to become like them.

Sure, he retains his usual goofiness, but you can tell the situation did affect him.

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However, the real star and stand out with the characters is Principal Asano himself. He only really appears in one chapter and in the shadows in another, but he makes an incredible impression. He does whatever it takes to make sure the kids stay where they are, even doing some very underhanded things. It takes a lot of balls to talk inhuman monstrosity like that. The pacing and story flow are both very good here, never feeling slow or decompressed in any way. Karma Akabane, for instance, still gets some great and amusing bits during the class trip arc, while Koro-Sensei usually ends up stealing the show with all of his antics.

The dialogue and narration are solid, with some really great interactions and scenes where the characters just talk like with Koro and Asano. The artwork on the book still remains very good and appealing to look at. The action and imagery are great here, especially during the midterms mini-arc where I love how the kids visualize answering the problems on their tests.

One of my favorite things about this series is how many hilarious references it makes to other anime, and we got a Naruto reference in this one!

Reward Yourself

The craziness continues as we get a new female teacher in the school, who happens to be hot AND an international assassin. As the series goes on, the entire situation gets even more complicated as other assassins come after Koro-sensei's life, some coveting the reward, others for personal reasons. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! World Trigger Jaco the Galactic Patrolman. Retrieved December 6, Delightfully decadent, wonderfully whimsical, and one of the best films of the year December 17, The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring.

View all 5 comments. I actually enjoyed this installment more than the first.

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I think the story developed more, and the craziness just went one step further. I really like the main character, Koro-Sensi, and even though so many want to assassinate him, he is still totally devoted to his students.

See a Problem?

My only complaint, is that there is a somewhat stereotypical character thrown into this volume, that seems to use their sexuality as a weapon. Is the best storyline one can I actually enjoyed this installment more than the first. Is the best storyline one can do? However, despite that, the artwork was exquisite, and it was a decent volume. I look forward to the next one! Feb 24, David Schaafsma rated it really liked it Shelves: The craziness continues as we get a new female teacher in the school, who happens to be hot AND an international assassin.

She doesn't even want to teach, she just wants to kill Koro Sensei, but they want her to teach her, and she decides to stay there, since this is part of the goofy premise of the story, that they want to both be assassins AND learn! There's a class trip, which Koro Sensei admirably prepares them for. The students have to assassinate him, of course, so he doesn't destroy the pl The craziness continues as we get a new female teacher in the school, who happens to be hot AND an international assassin.

The students have to assassinate him, of course, so he doesn't destroy the planet, and they get this, but now he is such a good teacher that they love him.

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It's pretty funny, I will definitely keep reading. I really enjoyed the first volume so it's a shame the second volume is this bad.

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Assassin School Vol 2 #2 eBook: Phil Littler, Enrique Corts: Kindle Store. Read "Assassination Classroom, Vol. 2" by Yusei Matsui with Rakuten Kobo. A sexy new teacher comes by Yusei Matsui. series Assassination Classroom #2 .

The charm and humour from the first volume is gone, and instead replaced with sexism, stereotypical characters, and lack of any actual plot. This is a very enjoyable manga! Everybody in this strange classroom Is successfully juggling two roles at the same time. Koro-Sensei, the octopus-alien-squishy-thing who shot a hole in the moon and is threatening to do the same to the earth if these low-scoring junior high students can't kill him by the time they graduate to high school, is working double-time to make sure his kids can pass.

Eve "Target and teacher. Everything from a 'foreign languages' teacher to specialized quizzes in each child's weakest subjects, Koro-Sensei will stop at nothing to make sure his potential assassins make the best marks possible. But the deck is stacked against the kids in class E, the lone mountaintop schoolroom. The elite prep school they go to makes an example out of them, parading them down the mountain every day to ensure the rest of the student body knows exactly who NOT to be like.

Even the principal needs them to stay in the bottom percent. I need a scapegoat. Class is in session. And be proud that I'm a part of class E. Holland's Opus on you so damn fast. Tightly wound sci-fi with a bunch of fun characters to bounce around the plot, and still, an endearing story about overcoming what people think about you.

暗殺教室 2 [Ansatsu Kyoushitsu 2]

How awesome can it get? Jesus frak, I'm in love. Seriously, Matsui's art is great. Fluid, animation-like movement, quirky character add-ons, cute or crazy, depending on what the scene needs, and a lot of things going on. This series is a must-read if you want fun with zany action. Not to mention a little heart.

And raise your head high with a smile on your face. Aug 18, Roy rated it liked it. We get a sexy new teacher also an assassin who attempts to kill koro sensei. Builds on the relationships between students and teachers. I might check out the anime to see if it engages me more. Mar 03, Brendan rated it really liked it. Still an interesting series but this felt like filler and never developed the series like it should. Small annoyance but easily forgiven when this story shows more interesting plot points.

Long series so hopefully it develops as opposed to biding its time. Jan 26, Samantha wickedshizuku Tolleson rated it really liked it Shelves: Still hilarious none the less. Jan 03, juan carlos rated it it was amazing. Critica al sistema educativo. Descubrir tus virtudes y dones como alumnos.

Existen trampas en la vida, pero no te debes rendir a la primera. This volume wasn't quite as interesting as the first because I normally read them in one sitting. I felt like it was just a book in the middle of all the action that is going to happen in Volume 3. Nothing really happened until Class The artwork was still very amazing and it's like nothing I could ever do myself. Jul 18, Julia Sapphire rated it liked it Shelves: I didn't like the new character that was introduced she was a stereotypical seductive girl that is in some Manga.

Feb 08, DonutKnow rated it really liked it Shelves: What a great teacher: Also Irina isn't that bad- she's a big kid if anything: A pretty fun manga. This one was a tad light on plot, but I do love how Koro-Sensi is so devoted to his students, and they to him.