Péguy (Litterature) (French Edition)

Les Hussards noirs de la République

Literature and revolution were joined in an explosion of nihilistic gesture, black humour , and outrageous erotic transgression, engendering new forms of perception and expression. Paris again became a pole of attraction for European intellectuals, not least the Anglo-Irish and Anglo-American high priests of modernism: James Joyce , T.

Eliot , and William Carlos Williams. Not all French writers shared the Surrealist impulse to revolt. The s saw a withdrawal into various forms of escapism: In the s she produced autobiographical writings, including autobiographical fictions that, almost uniquely, provided a female perspective on feminine experience in a male-centred age. From the mids onward, the pressure of international economic competition and the growing self-awareness and organization of the working class, accompanied by the increasing elaboration and spread of the polarized ideologies of communism and fascism, often polarized writers as well.

Many writers joined the fray. They give a dark account of the machinery of repressive authoritarianism and the operations of capitalist ambition in war and peace, and across continents. Newspapers such as Commune , which advocated that literature should serve the cause of working-class liberation, were influential. A few isolated writers dealt with political struggles outside the European arena. Few novels were in fact untouched by the political challenge, but many were more concerned with other preoccupations. The Surrealists explored the romance of the modern city.

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Nadja , a distinctive contribution to the tradition that joins the beckoning enigma of a dream woman as a figure of erotic desire and the fascination of Paris. Saint-John Perse produced what he himself described as a modern epic of interior journey: They fostered a literary and poetic theatre, developing high standards of acting, production, and stage design; and they tried less successfully to reach out beyond the traditional middle-class audience. The plays produced for this theatre—by Jean Cocteau , Jean Giraudoux , Armand Salacrou, and the early Jean Anouilh —have aged less well than the innovations in staging.

Antonin Artaud began to formulate his Theatre of Cruelty , which would use stage resources enriched by Japanese Noh theatre and the Balinese Theatre in Paris in , replacing words by spectacle, to expose audiences to the realities of repressive power structures from which they were muffled by habit in their everyday lives.

Another major figure still awaiting full recognition was Paul Claudel. Former anarchist turned religious convert, the most celebrated poet of the Roman Catholic revival had from the start of the century been turning the traditionalist cult of suffering, and its symbols and myths , into potentially great drama.

Le Soulier de satin ; The Satin Slipper is an account of the imperializing ambitions of Spain in the 16th century, in which divine grace pursues the characters who try in vain to escape their destiny; Le Livre de Christophe Colomb ; The Book of Christopher Columbus is the story of the explorer whose faith joined the two halves of the globe. We welcome suggested improvements to any of our articles. You can make it easier for us to review and, hopefully, publish your contribution by keeping a few points in mind.

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Our editors will review what you've submitted, and if it meets our criteria, we'll add it to the article. Please note that our editors may make some formatting changes or correct spelling or grammatical errors, and may also contact you if any clarifications are needed. From to The legacy of the 19th century French writing of the first quarter of the 20th century reveals a dissatisfaction with the pessimism, skepticism , and narrow rationalism of the preceding age and displays a new confidence in human possibilities, although this is undercut by World War I.

Gide The house of Gallimard published the four greatest writers of this period: Colette Not all French writers shared the Surrealist impulse to revolt. Political commitment From the mids onward, the pressure of international economic competition and the growing self-awareness and organization of the working class, accompanied by the increasing elaboration and spread of the polarized ideologies of communism and fascism, often polarized writers as well. Politics subordinate to other concerns: Mauriac , Bernanos , and others Few novels were in fact untouched by the political challenge, but many were more concerned with other preoccupations.

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Next page The midth century. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: The first major contribution in English was made by Thomas Haliburton…. Petrus Ramus, a 16th-century logician, worked within a taxonomic framework of the surface shapes of words and inflections, such work entailing some of the attendant trivialities that modern linguistics has experienced e.

French prose and verse romances were popular in Italy from the 12th to the 14th century. Stories from the Carolingian and Arthurian cycles, together with free adaptations from the Latin narrative classics, were read by the literate, while French minstrels recited verse in public places…. The French themselves are not happy with their record.

Charles Péguy

The plays were written by and for intellectual aristocrats, who came together in an…. More About French literature 25 references found in Britannica articles Assorted References characteristics In literature: Prose fiction criticism In literary criticism: Home This edition , English, Book edition: Commitment in modern French literature: Check copyright status Cite this Title Commitment in modern French literature: Physical Description p.

Sartre, Jean Paul, Aragon, Aragon, Peguy, Charles, French literature -- 20th century -- History and criticism. Aragon, -- Criticism and interpretation. Sartre, Jean Paul, -- Criticism and interpretation. Peguy, Charles, -- Criticism and interpretation.

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