Il libro del fund raising (Italian Edition)

However, it is debatable whether they could be considered to represent different "stages" in a hypothetical "nonprofit science", as the classical theory of paradigms would suggest: There is also another fundamental reason why the notion of paradigm should be understood in a broad sense if applied to the nonprofit sector in different countries: In particular, the Italian scenario is characterized by a few large organizations that adopt a managerial approach to what they describe as "il mercato delle donazioni" "the giving market" and many, typically small-sized 20 , grassroots organizations that have a skeptical approach to scientific, professional fundraising.

These organizations often believe that the essence of the nonprofit sector is to be found in voluntary, non-professional action, and refuse the idea of soliciting gifts based on scientifically rigorous gift range charts, profiling donors and hiring paid professionals instead of volunteers. It should also be noted that even within the United States alone, it would be misleading to think of one conceptual paradigm for the entire nonprofit sector.

Fogal collected a series of articles focusing on different areas of American philantrhopy, thus demonstrating that this sector is a kaleidoscopic landscape that shuns all sorts of "accepted models or patterns" in the Kuhnian sense of the term. Therefore, even within the same national culture, different kinds on nonprofit organizations constantly engage in processes of mutual comprehension and interpretation, and even within organizations of the same kind e. Therefore, although the discourse of nonprofit organizations cannot be interpreted in terms of paradigms in the narrower sense, it still represents an interesting testing ground for intercultural translatability, in both the interlinguistic and the intralinguistic sense.

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Il libro del fund raising. Etica, strategie e strumenti della raccolta fondi (Italian) Paperback – Jan 1 by Eugene R. Tempel, Valerio Melandri Hank Rosso. Etica, strategie e strumenti della raccolta fondi by Valerio Melandri, Hank Rosso, Eugene R. Tempel (ISBN: Start reading Il libro del fund raising (Italian Edition).

As mentioned earlier on this paper, several terms in the discourse of Italian nonprofits are in English. This is in line with the tendency in specialized languages in Italian to borrow many terms from English, especially as concerns Economics and Computer Sciences Garzone However, is this only a convention, or are these terms really "untranslatable"?

Let us take the example of the word "stewardship", a keyword in the language of American philanthropy. In the language of nonprofit organizations in Italian, this term is usually either kept in English or translated into the more prosaic "amministrazione etica delle donazioni" ethical gift management. Before we discharge the word "stewardship" as "untranslatable" into Italian, however, we should note that this is a keyword not only in the language of nonprofits, but also in the language of the Gospels It therefore seems that "amministrazione etica" can be a correct rendition of "stewardship", but if we delve deeper into the analysis of the word "stewardship", we may wonder what its Greek original was in the Gospels.

The two languages have obviously chosen different words to translate the same concepts, but the "commensurability" between the two could not be demonstrated more clearly.

News, idee e esperimenti per la raccolta fondi

Another example is the word "philanthropy" itself. In Italian, as demonstrated in an earlier study Fusari, to appear , the word "filantropia" has radically different connotations from its English apparently literal equivalent. In the language of American nonprofits, "philanthropy" may be described as an umbrella-term, indicating the whole charitable sector, the patterns of donation, the ethics or "stewardship" of gift management, as well as the attitudes surrounding the action of giving.

American philanthropists are people who practice philanthropy at various levels, from giving and volunteering to other activities within foundations and charities.

In fact, "filantropia" is hardly seen as an economic concept in Italian, and it is more connected with the idea of "doing something without payment" as an act of piety towards the poor: Once again, the two words stem from the same Greek etymology, and although they have taken different meanings and connotations in Italian and English, they remain nonetheless comparable. Similar considerations apply to "charity" and "charitable organizations": Interestingly, however, the adjective "caritativo" survives in Italian: In this paper, we have looked at some issues in interlinguistic and conceptual translation that are relevant to the discourse of nonprofit organizations in Italy and the United States.

We framed the issue of adaptation as a translation strategy within the Kuhnian concept of paradigm, especially as concerns the possibility or impossibility to compare and translate different systems in different cultures. The philanthropic sector in Italy and the United States offers an interesting case study in this respect, although, as we have seen, its discourse can only be understood as paradigmatic in the broader sense of the term: However, different visions of philanthropy in Italy and the United States seem to have enough points of contact as the common origin of the words "stewardship", "philanthropy" and "charity" in both languages demonstrates to make translation possible.

Although the acceptability standards of fundraising discourse in Italian do include highly emotional appeals, this may be too strong even by Italian standards, giving rise to unexpected perlocutionary effects: However, the phrase is rare in the CORIS 81 occurrences in the corpus, of which only 8 are used in an economic sense. He was arrested and committed to solitary confinement by the fascist regime for his political activities within the Italian Communist Party, which he had co-founded in Gramsci died of a stroke on April, 27, in a hospital in Rome, where he had spent the last two years of his life always under guard by fascist policemen.

In theory, Gramsci died as a free man, since his sentence had expired on April, However, his health conditions made it impossible for him to leave the clinic, and his funerals were held under fascist police surveillance on April, 28, Despite his being a very promising student, probably headed for a brilliant career as an academic, Gramsci dropped out of university to become a political leader and journalist. One of the best known Italian organizations, Emergency, has expressed its skeptical views on fundraising as a managerial activity in an interview presented in Melandri et al Emergency has recently opened a local chapter in the United States, raises funds in America through its website, http: In the US, by contrast, use of personal wealth to make the whole world a better place is usually included in the mission of this kind of organizations.

In the first draft of my paper, I had considered it mainly as a religious word, without realizing that it also has a non-religious sense and, what is more, it is still used in the language of nonprofit. The Translating and Translatability of Research Frameworks". Conferenza Episcopale Italiana In De Mauro, ed.

Il libro del fund raising (Management) (Italian Edition)

Fundraising in Diverse Cultural and Giving Environments. Paper presented at the seminar Research on Fundraising Letters: Il linguaggio delle organizzazioni nonprofit: Letters from the Prison , edited by F. Rosengarted and translated by R. New York, Columbia University Press.

Further selections from the Prison Notebooks, edited and translated by Derek Boothman. Critique de la morale de la traduction", Meta , XI, 3.

Osservatorio Italiano sulla Salute Globale. Ve el perfil de Anna Giannetti en LinkedIn, la mayor red profesional del mundo. Fund raising is about knowing how to involve and manage volunteers.

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Supplementary readings in Italian: Il libro del fund raising, Etas, Milano. Google's nonprofit management resources help you connect to the people who Share your fundraising efforts in more places online and connect with new. Direttore scientifico di The Fund Raising School.

Dalla raccolta capitali al fundraising online, dalle grandi donazioni ai bandi… e molto altro ancora. Telemarketing per il Sociale: Promuovere una fondazione dedicata alla raccolta Fondi: Chiedere e ottenere grandi donazioni: Un campo della raccolta fondi ancora sottovalutato in Italia. Con questo manuale, i primi passi da compiere e la logica da seguire. Fiorello e il Premier Matteo Renzi.

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O, peggio, si enfatizza e pubblicizza la propria donazione. Aspetto a cui sembra riferirsi proprio Papa Francesco nel suo ultimo tweet. A guardare i dati , la compagna ha ad oggi raccolto 70 milioni di dollari. Voglio dire… la sola Save The Children Italiana nel ha raccolto 60 milioni.

Il libro del fund raising (Management) (Italian Edition)

Eppure non ne ho sentito parlare al TG, sui social, dagli amici. Sovrastimare il fenomeno e far illusoriamente credere alle persone che questa sia la migliore forma di raccolta fondi, e il miglior tipo di sostegno che possono dare.

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Sporadico, imprevedibile, e poco sostanzioso; ma molto chiaccherato. Si sono aperti dibattiti: Sapete cosa Henry Rosso pensava del fundraising.

A Case Study of Interparadigmatic Translation

American philanthropists are people who practice philanthropy at various levels, from giving and volunteering to other activities within foundations and charities. There is also another fundamental reason why the notion of paradigm should be understood in a broad sense if applied to the nonprofit sector in different countries: This is not infrequent also for translation of direct marketing materials, for example fundraising letters, that need to be adapted to other national giving markets. Supplementary readings in Italian: Fundraising in Diverse Cultural and Giving Environments.

Un piccolo aneddoto personale: Alcuni amici fecero donazioni sostanziose, altri coinvolsero amici loro quindi, de facto , ho ricevuto regali da gente che non conosco ; altri, ispirati, fecero iniziative simili. O meglio, non lo so per certo. Un brevissimo post per ricordare che ormai manca poco, pochissimo al prossimo Festival del Fundraising. Dal loro ufficio stampa mi hanno chiesto di diffondere la notizia, e come al solito lo faccio ben volentieri. I premi per miglior fundraiser, miglior volontario e miglior donatore ne parlavamo lo scorso post e, mi hanno informato di recente, il Non Profit e-mail Award , promosso da Contactlab.

Al pranzo erano presenti circa persone vado a memoria tra fundraiser, donatori, alcuni beneficiari e personale delle ONP. Per informazioni su come iscriversi e come pagare la quota associativa, potete cliccare qui.