Rising Son: Reflections of a Chinese Gentleman Warrior

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Through the turmoil of early 20th century China, the story of Khan Ling is a tale of bravery, excitement and intrigue, but also a tribute to the human spirit under extraordinary circumstances. It was her father's last request that Janita write his story. She hopes the book provides readers an experience of far away China - historical, political, and cultural.

To discover more about the book visit janitalo. The book is available in print or on Kindle from Amazon. Read more about this book club. Discussion on Harper Lee. Atticus Finch was not the crusader we were taught in our youth? Georjean Blanton and Mike Renquist are hosting a discussion of the two books at their home with salads and dessert. Many more questions will be shared with this one-time community of readers.

Artist Janita K. Lo

The gathering is limited to the first 20 people who sign up with an email to hilary stjohnsaustin. Please indicate if you are bringing a salad or dessert. For questions about the class, contact Mike at mikerenq gmail. Several volunteers are needed to help with the Interfaith Hospitality Network IHN , a network of churches that provides food and housing for homeless families through the Foundation for the Homeless.

Families with children will arrive at Saint John's on Sunday, August 16 to stay for a week. During that time, Saint John's will provide lodging, meals and warm hospitality as these families seek to find permanent housing. Of particular need are overnight, evening and dinner hosts. Sign up for the parade this Sunday in the Gallery. For more information, please contact Janice Curry jlcurry austin. Thank you, Saint John's, for your faithful partnership in the gospel work through the ministry of financial giving.

Through the first half of , General Fund income is 4. The gala, which funds the musical and makes it free for children to attend, will be held at the Boyd Vance Theatre in the Carver Museum and Cultural Center. The event begins at 7 p. A special performance of the musical will begin at 8 p. The church bus will transport the Saint John's group to the performance, leaving the church parking lot at 6: Sign up in the Gallery this Sunday.

Payment due August 12; make checks payable to Saint John's. For more information, email Jeanette Ball. Taylor is an architect and Kassi an athletic trainer. We welcome Taylor and Kassi to our Saint John's family! This week at Saint John's. Receptions in her honor set for August Visit our home page http: Book discussions in August. But I came to the conclusion that it is a cause that everyone can, and should, be enraged at. This is an issue that matters to everyone who believes in the sacredness of fundamental human rights, built upon the sacrifices of those fallen in and out of the battlefields during the World War II.

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So, whoever is reading this piece — this is the reason why one should never use the image of the Japanese Rising Sun. Dongwoo, I whole heartily agree with your position. What concerns me today is the steady remilitarization of Japanese Self-Defence Forces and increasing popularity of imperialist attitudes in mainstream society. All i can wonder if this is the case, why would the Japanese government pay each year to the Korean and Chinese government for the atrocities they have committed. Every culture has something that they are ashamed of.

If you dig up, I can guarantee that each country and each culture have done horrendous atrocities towards human kind and many of which have not been acknowledged at all. To pick on just the Japanese and German culture is ridiculous. I apologize if I seemed to condemn the entire Japanese culture for the mistakes a generation did. However, even though there are reparations made to the Chinese and Korean governments, the remorse does not seem to be clear.

There are certain, and surprisingly many, Japanese government officials who vehemently deny any wrongdoing or war crimes committed by Japanese forces during WW2. All in all, money is not enough. A form of awareness and acknowledgement of the mistakes a generation made is necessary for forgiveness and healing. As a result, neo-Nazism is illegal and stigmatized in German society as should be.

Therefore, current Japanese generations need to fully understand their true history and acknowledge that they will not repeat it. I just wanted to point this out, no government of a country is going to publicly acknowledge war crime they committed. This is a well written article, and I certainly agree with your main point.

Often people can use imagery or symbolism without knowing that it can be hurtful to others. They know about them, but they believe that their country and their culture has changed, and that it would be unfair to hold them accountable for the acts of their grandparents. Understanding that these atrocities are only a small part of world history, we cover them but do not dwell on them.

Here is a link to a FP article on the subject matter that I found interesting. I guess, finally, I find the tone of that particular paragraph disconcerting. You sound fiercely nationalistic and divisive. Instead of building up national boundaries, why not work together to increase cooperation and understanding, to build strong ties, and to create a mutually beneficial future? Lovely comment, and thank you for taking time to write this. I appreciate the constructive criticisms. I dislike chauvinism of all kind and I was afraid of sounding like one, so I ran a draft of this article by two of our editors, who are not familiar with the issue.

Both thought that I did not sound like an angry Asian nationalist. I honestly thought that this is an unfair assessment of my position. I disclosed my obvious national identity, for I wanted readers to know where I was coming from and have a fair discussion. History is what provides our identity — whether it be political, social or cultural. If Japanese government, elected democratically, is unwilling to accept its wrongs of the past and even abuse it, it is building up an identity that is not compatible with a world order in which all can coexist. Japan has had eight prime ministers in the past ten years.

I think most Japanese people, especially young people, feel somewhat disenfranchised and unrepresented by their government. Nonetheless, if someone tried to tell me that the views and words of Stephen Harper define the identity of my country, I would vehemently deny it. I am not represented by that man in any way. I think there are many Japanese people who feel the same. The words of one particular government do not determine the identity of a country. Both are equally deplorable. I think the Diaoyu Islands flareup is a good example of this. This type of nationalism helps no one.

The bottom line for me, though, is that this conflict over comfort women and Japanese wartime atrocities is utterly pointless. If the Japanese government takes accountability for what happened, if they deny it, if they blame it on aliens—none of it matters. There is literally nothing to be gained from fighting about this, and there is a lot to lose.

Thank you again — really interesting points, but I disagree a hundred percent. And please note that I have been careful in denouncing the government, not the people. I was compelled to write this article because I felt as if this is an issue that goes beyond nationalism that is relevant to not only East Asians, but everyone. If you would like to continue this conversation, please feel free to contact me at dongwoo. I responded to your post because I think what you said about Japanese people being ignorant to wartime atrocities is unfair—not to the Japanese government, but to the Japanese people.

Abe is a nationalist: I mean PM Abe is a total right wing conservative, particularly socially. That sort of leadership is dangerous, most especially during an economic crisis like right now. Japan is no longer the leader or at the forefront of technology: Old corporate Japanese models are failing in the new economy. There is a continuing detente with China over the Ryukyu Islands. Russia, ditto with the Kuril islands. PM Abe is trying to push through another attempt to change their pacifist constitution, which is the only thing preventing them from outright re-militarization. And to throw into the mix the spectre of the flag of the Rising Sun?

I mean, are you kidding me? No, symbols do matter. I am a Japanese immigrant-turned-Canadian citizen and I agree with everything you said in your original article. The only proven truth in this article is unit Typical propaganda arguments comparing Nazi and those who were sentenced to inprisonment for their war crimes. They are two different categories of people even though both started the war which caused so many lives. Rising sun flag of Japan has nothing whatsoever common with Swastika flag.

We need a real facts and not propaganda. Why did China and Korea did not protest propagate against the Japanese politicians visted the Yasukuni Shrine many years earlier? It is very silly to compare Abe visiting Yasukuni with Merkel visitin Hitlers grave. Right-leaning Japanese politicians arguments is just the same level as this article — only emotional! Dear Joe, thank you for the comment. As for the veracity of history, the United Nations Human Rights Commission demanded that the Japanese government prosecute those responsible for this http: Thak you for your reply.

Why is it since s and not earlier? WW II ended Why do they have to wait over 45 years? No comments about flags and Yasukuni Shrine? I believe there are many falsifications as true facts. Typical Japanese mentality is that by apologizing solve the problems and being forgiven which does not work internationally. It took courage and time for these people to come forward. Also, Abe retracted his comment and acknowledged coercion in the act http: Also, it is the intention of these politicians — that is, to open up the wound and rally the extremists — that is offensive to Koreans and Chinese.

If you wish to further continue this conversation, please feel free to e-mail at dongwoo. The flag dates back to the Edo period as a national apolitical symbol. The swastika was a party symbol. They may both offend some people, but beyond that, have little in common, historically. The swastika was in fact a feature of the German national flag between , as well was incorporated into the German naval ensign to By the end of the Third Reich it was used as a national, rather than just a party symbol. They are both viewed but large numbers of people as the symbols of aggressive, brutal, militaristic regimes and in that sense have a lot in common, historically.

If they really care about denouncing the proper things, they should be denouncing the people who are wrongly enshrined there, not the shrine itself as it also hosts many more civilians too. Last I saw korea was still a country where they actively taught to hate. They controlled all forms of media during this imperial period. Also, the Nazis were infamous for documenting everything they did, including taking pictures.

The Japanese did the opposite. They hid what they did. Actually there was huge controversy with Junichiro Koizuimi visited Yasukuni during his time in office. Joe, YOU seem to think that having access to google means you have access to ALL of the evidence behind the whole comfort women incident. There are unfortunately MANY accounts of what has happened to these comfort women which are unfortunately not available in English.

China has only opened up its doors to the world for some 20 years; internet and media is still controlled within that country, and here we are in Seriously dude, go do some research before you publicly make yourself an idiot here. I am starting to notice a trend in some of the comments here. Specifically directed at TW and Joe. It disgusts me to see these atrocities that you refer to as claims and are propaganda made by either the Korean or the Chinese government as a way to push their political agenda.

It seems that both of you are under the impression that everyone from these countries are completely brain-washed by their government. I can assure you that this will never be the case. No government on earth has the power to do that. In addition, to say that the Rape of Nanking, where over civilians were massacred, never happened or without evidence is ridiculous and I demand that you get your facts straight. Nanking was the capital city of China at the time.

I can assure you that by logic and numbers alone the massacred happened. It is impossible for there to be no witnesses. To answer why the Korean and Chinese government raised these claims only recently, which is incorrect and have been brought up since s, is that Japan rose to economic success far sooner than both Korea and China.

In order to ensure economic growth between s — s, Korea and China did not want to jeopardize the already strained relations. Bottom line is, your response is an insult to over a billion people. The facts to these atrocities are not up for debate. My second point was that focusing heavily on these atrocities does not help anyone. That, in general, international cooperation, collaboration and forgiveness is essential to a prosperous future for all. I honestly have no horse in this race. I have many friends from across Asia. I would really like the best for all of their countries.

Women were specifically targeted for mass rape, which I believe was the point. Rape of women as a genocidal tool in wartime is a well-known and well-documented fact. The US has commited many war and humanitarian crimes and yet nobody complains when someone uses their flag on clothing or in advertising. How about if anybody offends anyone or is culturally insensitive in any way, they must be put to death immediately! There is much more to that flag, and the country than genocide. The very sad fact about Japan is that unlike Germany, they have shown no regret nor apology to the rest of the world after the WW2.

Yet within the western automotive culture…. JDM as it known. I think this is looking at it too seriously. I am not mad at you cause no country but the U. The difference between Japan and Germany was that Germany had a change of government in its entirety. The Weimar Republic was replaced by a Fascist single party state, only to be replaced once again by a democratic republic and a socialist state as well. Japan stayed a parliamentary democracy through the war and after as well, albeit it was controlled largely by the Japanese fascist party.

Stop whining korean liar. Its never good to hold a grudge against someone. The flag is now the self defense force flag. Seriously, most of you are so friggin devoid of a brain, common sense and any sort of empathy or compassion that it brings down the rest of the human race. It just makes anyone with any sort of class or decency sick to their stomach. The flag has a rich heritage, but it is seen as disrespectful when an American or Chinese citizen sees it for reasons I know you understand. I think the Rising Sun has been sufficiently sullied by the wartime atrocities of WWII that it should be retired, permanently, just as the swastika has been for Germans.

You can change a flag easier than you can change history. My argument is simply that it can only be one or another: You cant be divorced to it unless your allowing it to keep you there. In my personal opinion, I find it stupid to be ashamed to wear a flag because another nationality is foaming at the mouth of what my grandpa did to their grandpa. I did nothing wrong to warrant shame, and if the international community is not at my throat with shaming me to changing my flag, they have accepted it and moved on and so should whoever is foaming at the mouth about past things.

For the last 50 years japan has offered with AND without funds over 50 different apologies from higher up peoples only for it to be overshadowed by the QQ of rage nations. To me at this point, its past something thats related to war, its about whiney nations not being able to get over it no matter what they are given.

Chinese battle music - Xian

In the end, it is not a matter of political correctness, but whether one truly wishes to live as a compassionate human being in the world, who respects that there are still alive so many people who have suffered terribly from the injustices of war, and knowing that those people deserve the right to be able to live the rest of their lives in peace, without having to be subjected to triggering images which instantly recall for them the severe trauma they suffered as if it happened yesterday.

You have a good point but that is absolutely no justification for south korean people to publicly keep on teaching their new generation hate. This hate education they have does not come from no where. Compassion and respect goes both ways. If your own country is being a controversial, you will end up not being taken seriously and just making a ruckus alone wondering why no ones giving you the compassion and respect you want. I already did state that in the past 50yrs Japan has offered more than 50 wartime apologies including funding. But it gets ignored like it never happened….

Hey you black guy get over here so i can sell your family and work you to death! First, I would like to thank you for taking the time to write. At the same time, I will have to say that I will be disagree with you.

Firstly and mainly, the flag itself. The flag does not single-handedly represent the atrocities of WWII. It may be of interest for everyone to know, the rising sun flag was NOT the flag of the Japanese empire from the start of the Meiji and during the war. It is in fact the current flag that is being used that was the main flag.

Both the rising sun flag and Swastika are not comparable. First, the rising sun flag is only a variant flag that represents the country of Japan. The Swastika, in contrast, was the symbol for the Nazi party, which was the specific political movement that evolved into trying to wipe out those of non-Aryan. So to me, as a Japanese, the only reason why I can see the Rising Sun Flag being more offensive is only because it was in particular used more so in the military of which would have been seen more frequently in annexed lands including Korea and that it is definitely more distinct and memorable.

But to blindly dismiss it as something comparable to the Swastika is reaching too much. Secondly, I completely disagree with you on the Education portion. I grew up in both Japan and Canada, and we most certainly learnt about what we did in world war 2 in Japan more than i ever did in Canada. I remember specifically in high school about annexation of Korea and Manchuria.

For Korea, I learned about how many Koreans were forced to move to many locales in Japan and were forced to work for little or no pay in factories. I do agree we did horrible things in the war. I think we need to continue to strive in Japan and my new country Canada toward building a future where we build the world for peace. But when it comes to the flag, I think it is being over the top. I believe that Canada should put a little more focus on teaching about what happened in the Pacific side of the war.

I think you can agree with that. But I think you will convince more people about that if you actually focus on the important things. The atrocities may not be comparable, but two wrongs do not make a right: I was going to get a tattoo of a rising sun mixed with another aspect of my heritage, and I came upon this article when trying to figure out if that was ok or not. Thank you for explaining the feelings you have towards the symbol as well as, it seems, the feelings of many other Koreans regarding the rising sun. The rising sun is a symbol tied to the very heart of Japan since LONG before the horrific wars of this last century.

There is a lot of meaning behind it besides the obvious insinuation of imperialism. But you dont blame your full of blood flag is it right to use it right? You americans will be mad with what i say but half of the world know that this is true. One can be against nuclear holocaust and also against other atrocities during wartime. Korean soldiers committed severe war crimes in the Vietnam War, so I guess nobody should be wearing or waving the South Korean flag either …. Because over 40 apologies just isnt enough. Thats just stupid thinking.

The Swastika is the symbol of the National Socialists, the Rising Sun flag is actually of Japan, and it means good fortune. UK had an empire, much longer and much bigger than that of Japan. So no Union Jack I guess. Same with the French, the Netherlands, Belgium and others. Many of these countries committed atrocities on a large scale, were involved in the slave trade, committed genocide, destroyed cultures, guilty of human rights abuses and fought violently to maintain their colonies up until the s. What about the American flag? Under that flag natives were killed, land was conquered, slaves were bought and sold, millions dead in Vietnam, etc.

China was an ally of North Korea during that war but Koreans appear to have forgiven them for that and is the main reason two Koreas exist to this day. How many died during that war and under the North Korean regime???

Japan had a colonies and used brutality to conquer. They have apologized more than most perhaps all of the countries listed above. Do you even have any idea what Japan has tried to do to the country? Alright, I guess raping our grandmothers. You say the Chinese can be forgiven. However, during the war the Chinese military killed South Korean soldiers and civilians, and destroyed infrastructure.

Brutality was used on those who opposed them. China is responsible for the existence of North Korea denying a united Korea. The North Korean regime is oppressive, uses torture and keeps its people in starvation. It exists today and continues.

  • Credit Risk Models (Annual Review of Financial Economics Book 1).
  • Four occupations - Wikipedia.
  • This Week at Saint John's.
  • Why One Should Never Use the Japanese Rising Sun Flag | By Dongwoo Kim.
  • Astrosaurs 14: The Carnivore Curse.
  • Die SPD in den sechziger und siebziger Jahren (German Edition).
  • rising son | eBay.

North Koreans live in a prison like society. Yet, China is completely forgiven. Forcing a culture, religion or language on the conquered people was a common technique used in many empires. Partly explains the spread of languages like English, Spanish, French, Portugese, etc. Local religions were suppressed, people forced off land, rape, slavery, poverty, starvation and genocide all committed. It was terrible, but so was the slave trade in Africa hundreds of years of rape, beatings, murder, oppression and the terrible oppression people have lived under throughout history in empires.

Some modern empires existed up until the s and ended only after years of conflict and revolutions. Millions killed, cities turned to war zones and people cleansed from their villages, rape used as a weapon.

Current. Inspired. Yours.

First of all, thank you for posting this! Can I refer this article, please? I understand, like you said, some westerners have no idea how the rising sun means bad as Swastika, so I would like to let more westerners know about the meaning. After then, it is their free will to use it the image or the term or not. It is understandable that many Asian countries still bear resentment towards the flag, since, for a time, it stood as a banner for Japanese militarism and the horrible acts committed by its army.

Nevertheless it is an emblem that dates back to the Edo period the Shogunate before Meiji expansionism , a symbol of good fortune. The Rising Sun was not born, like the Nazi version of the Swastica, as a symbol of domination and racism, and it never came to represent, inherently, that ideology. But what about other national or historic flags? To top it off, many of these still deny or ignore their role and dodge responsibility. All of these countries have the same flag they flew back then. Should we, then, forbid them as well?

Why not change all the flags? At least of imperialist nations. It would be a start to healing, however symbolic. Consider the Swastika and the Rising Sun as symbols expropriated by fanatics. Both existed before and yes are now associated with various atrocities. There is however nothing wrong with moderates taking back symbols like the Rising Sun. They definitely need to apologize and acknowledge the wrongs done. I see what you mean, but almost every flag in the world holds a violent, agressive or repressive past.

You should not ban it entirely because the flag holds multiple meanings and a long history. It would be sensible to avoid using or even prohibit the flag in places where the Japanese atrocities in WW2 still live on through the memories of the population; but not everywhere in the world. Just like Germany should control the use of the Swastica, but you cannot erase the same symbol from old hindu temples, of prevent its use in this context, far from Europe.

Political history

The Third Reich wanted to and almost did wipe out certain races, ethnic groups, and cultures. Just because this occurred does not justify what the Japanese did. You sound fiercely nationalistic and divisive. What Japan did to Korea and China was horrible. First, yes, Japan apologised. Thanks for the informational post.

It would also be sensible to erradicate its use amongst unlta-nationalist groups in Japan. And if enough people wearing it, commit enough war crimes that it sullies the flag and emblem permanently, then I see no reason not to design something new, something not associated with the Bataan death march, for example. The rising sun and Japan go hand in hand. The symbol was used before the war so i dont get what the fuss is about. So regardless of who they were fighting, good or bad they would have flown it for their countries pride.

Now if we are going to base your argument that the flag is offensive to those who were victims of the war then you have to be fair all the way around. The innocent people bombed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki would probably find the American flag offensive. This symbol may have been used before the war but so was the swastika before the Nazis used it.

So even though the rising sun symbol was used before the Japanese imperialist empire, it is still very offensive because it reminds Koreans, Chinese, and other Asians that were oppressed by the Japanese empire of a time when their culture and country were destroyed. Yes, America bombed parts of Japan and kept them in internment camps for a period. However, this is not the focus of the article.

Just because this occurred does not justify what the Japanese did. Americans did not torture Japanese people, forbid them from using their own language in their own country, destroy hundreds of their historical documents and precious artifacts, destroy ancient temples, or rape thousands of women like the Japanese did to Koreans, Chinese, and other Asian countries. What the Japanese did was worse and horrific. This is what occurred during Japanese occupation of these countries. The national flag of Japan currently in use is actually the same as it was in the imperial era, so should I be offended whenever I see someone fly a Japanese flag?

Yeah, I mean I thought we were all supposed to be having a civil discussion and all. I think he has a valid point and I would have to ask you Jay San being Japanese why would you want to have such a symbol of persecution and murder represent yourself and the people of your culture? If we look at Germany for example, no contemporary German would want their self to be represented by a flag incorporating a swastica or other symbol of third reich. Can you imagine what it must feel like to be a member of a family whose relatives have been brutally murdered by a fascist regime and then to see images representative of that regime in your daily environment?

Nothing good will come out of an ungoverned world. Sure, politicians can definitely be corrupt and tyrannical, but they are here for a reason. A societies, we grant governments authority over us to make our laws to protect our rights and ourselves, not only from foreign intruders, but also from each other. We cannot operate under direct democracy or anarchy, because there would be nothing to stop the majority from tyrannically abusing the minority. The mob is equally capable of tyranny as the dictator.

Now, I am by no means saying that we should put our absolute trust in governments, because, as I just said and we all know, they are all capable of tyranny. If they abuse their power over the people, then it is always the right of the people to replace them peacefully, or if necessary, forcefully. The world map is divided by flags and borders, which is for a good reasons. As nations, we should make an effort to cooperate internationally, but not lose our identities in the process. All nations have different values, customs, and identities.

If we cannot separate ourselves from each other on this basis, then we cannot have order. Although the USA has undeniably committed crimes, do not use that as a basis to tell us to take down the Stars and Stripes, one of our oldest, most beloved symbols of national unity. Thank you for your apology, your explanation and for your desire for civil discourse. It was important to me that I get back to you, considering your attitude…. On that note… I happily accept your apology, and humbly offer one in return. It was not exactly civil of me to make my comment about your mom de guerre.

It was childish and petty of me, and I apologize. As an anarchist who supports moving toward a constitutional direct democracy kind of system, I honestly do believe that it would be a far superior system… But as a rational human being, I fully recognize how dangerous it would be to attempt to implement such a system at this time in our development. Your last paragraph is the one I have something real to say about… I am in near complete agreement with this entire paragraph.

How the hell can you compare the rising sun flag to the flag of Nazi Germany? The Nazi Swastika was the flag specifically of the Nazi party, and of Nazi Germany, and thus represents very specifically that period of time in German history, and the ideologies of that party. You know, the red circle on the white background,. The rising sun flag on the other hand, was the flag of the Japanese military, all the way since It is even still today an official flag used by the military.

I understand that you dislike Japan during that period, and it is true they did some bad things. However, your association of that period in history and the rising sun flag is completely irrational, and how you can even suggest it is on the same level as the Nazi Swastika is just beyond me.

With its first official evidence appearing in the 16th century, well before meiji imperialism. The Swastika is a spiritual symbol that has been around since ancient times, appearing across different countries around the world. Nazi Germany did not own that sign by simply perverting it. To consider both of those symbols completely representative of nothing but misery despite their ginormous histories…. Instead, they assert themselves in a negative attitude while admitting defeat by claiming ignorance or plain laziness.

You are studying History at the University of Alberta. I want you to explain by all means for those who are not known. My english is poor. But I want say. Dongwoo Kim has brainwashed peoples, use the forum for this discussion. Currently, you guys who are deploying discussion along the speculation of him. The Rising Sun flag can used to no problem all over the world. Haken Kreuz, is forbidden by the United Nations today.

These are the decision of the United Nations. Those who are thinking attack of the Rising Sun flags, want to use them for himself by brainwashing the people who do not know anything. Currently, between the Asian countries and China, territorial waters are experiencing problems. Japan is no exception. By anti-American work of China, the Philippines, withdrew the U. They are editing at the same time the English version of wikipedia.

Please compare to see also the Japanese version. They Use the topic of war crimes, to do Brain freeze at the opponent, and to peoples place it under control. Use the those people, they will spread the anti-Japanese thought. This is the technique of demagoguery. Currently, at the now discussing the topic of war crimes here, it means the success of brainwashing of them.

You want become under the control of them? You guys must be taken it. We japanese need caution them to you guys. Please protect your heart of justice from them. The attack of the Rising Sun flags of Koreans is exist political connection with China. They want to use them for himself by brainwashing the people who do not know anything.

And, please diffused these to many peoples around the world, It protect the world peoples. The brutality of the past comes hand in hand with the brutality with the hate upkeep of the present. There is a whole list of war apologies even listed on internet, regarding these things of the past, yet people forget about it.

If present day japan does in fact omit some scary war time crimes they committed, then how right in the head would the korean government be allowing schools to teach these and still propaganda the types of hate here: Please understand the following:. Its actually even a slightly different from the WW2 version the sun was centered on the former flag. The Rising Sun represents Japan itself. Everyone calls the each other brain dead or something similiar for having opposite opinions. Chinese and Korean hatred toward the flag is misplaced.

The flag was used well before WWII. That YOUR culture tells you are bad. The Nazi flag is different. People get too upset about symbolism. Suck it up and move on. North Korea is ruled by a crazy person threatening other countries all the time. We should all worry about misplaced hatred on a flag. It is also used in some commercial products, advertisements. Fully research stuff before talking about it and discrediting yourself. This article has given the rising sun flag meaning for me. The use of any imagery today can be so easily decried and defamed by any alarmist who disagrees. In our society, it is the unproductive, the ignorant, and the easily offended who are catered to rather than those who want to help the world actually work.

Just another bleeding heart trying to spoon feed morals to those who are unable to think for themselves. The mere fact that they DID industrialize first and expanded is testament to the superiority of their society, not their race. Unfortunately we live in a time where all that is strong and productive and successful is decried as bad and only those who can convince others that they are being victimized: Regardless of the reality of such claimed victimization, Can be considered good.

Welcome to the state of decay that occurs when the parasites overpower their hosts…. The Chinese government likes to play victim in order to gain sympathy and to legitimize its current aggressive stance towards Japan and many other peace- minded countries. Every time any Chinese researcher or the government brings it up the number seems to keep rising and rising. I am sorry but a lot of what you are saying is very close-minded. Firstly The Swastika is a symbol of peace used by the Buddhist religion and can still be seen on maps as a marker for temples.

The Hakenkreuz is a perversion of the Swastika used by the Nazi regime to separate itself from the old Weimar Republic. A little knowledge can go a long way. I do not understand your point in bringing of their respective histories as the gravity of the crimes committed under these symbols far, far overshadows any the background of their conceptions, however innocuous.

The Swastika and Nazi Symbols are two completely different symbols. The Nazi Symbol is just an mirror reflection of the Swastika. Both are not extremely taboo, it all depends on perspective. Not that I am siding or defending with what was done by Japan and Germany during WW2, but the rising sun is no big deal.

The US itself uses the rising sun in an army emblem. What gives you the right to decide it is no big deal? Oh right, Japan should be hating the hell out of our flag by now due to the fact we used two atomic bombs which anihilated two big cities completely and left millions, and still to this day scarred for life. I am sorry sir, but my thinking is far more matured than yours then. The rising sun is a symbol of courage and it represents those who died under it for bad or good, and should be treated with respect towards their families. The reason we do not use it is because out of respect to them, nothing else.

It is also a symbol towards WWII and i would espect any event to have the flag on display. Every great nation today carries a flag that bears tragedy and offense. The Empire of Japan is dead. There empire was dismantled entirely! Hundreds of thousands of civilians were massacred in a blink of an eye!

They want to change the interpretations of everything in their history by challenging every claim and justification against their country at the turn of the 20th century. They hate how esteemed the Japanese are. BUT who is really embarrassed here? You should be ashamed of yourself and all of whom taught you about everything. Please open your eyes and think brighter. The world is a better place.. Also, love when idiots like you project. You say their hatred against Korea and China…yet how are you any different towards Japan.

What gives you the right to decide that it is? Just because you only follow ONE perspective? Yeah the Japanese and German were allies but remember that was a time of war nothing is ever going to be good. And you want to bring up history look at what we did during the Vietnam War we raped and pillaged villages to get even with the enemy. The Japanese flag represent a the Japanese empire. But remember one thing the swat I can means peace so your leafing of the action of others. You have to look at the picture from both sides of the playing field not just your own. The thing no man can do is judge in the time of war because there always alot of bad stuff done to win on both sides that we sometimes do not see.

Much of what was done in Korea and China had nothing to do winning the war. It was atrocities committed because they could. Genocide because they believed they were superior. Further, comparing the Imperial Flag to the flag of the Third Reich is ridiculous. The Third Reich wanted to and almost did wipe out certain races, ethnic groups, and cultures.

They committed genocide keyword on an unimaginable scale. Majority of people who visit the shrine put politics aside and simply pays their respect to the fallen soldiers and civilians that have died for Japan. Soldiers that were drafted and sent to die in remote areas with hardly any supplies for a futile war, or civilians that died during military labor. Even if the convicted war criminals were to be taken out of the shrine, Koreans and Chinese would still have a problem with soldiers being enshrined. How many people exactly would have had to die under Japanese imperialism before you would agree that the flag is offensive?

The only governments that have publicly stated the flag is offensive are China and South Korea. We all need to just move on and think about the future instead of being bogged down by the past. Japan today is a very different country that emphasizes on peace not war, and they have shown that in the last 70 years. Please just shut the fuck up and move on. They have a flag to use. Are there any flags like that??

And it was in the news a lot recently because people think it should be taken down. You are not your ancestors. Hereditary guilt is a fallacy. It is all political. Every time South Korean presidents run into low ratings, they state anti-Japanese remarks or take anti-Japanese actions to boost approval ratings. His popularity plummeted due to corruption scandals and he needed a boost badly.

What did he do? He went to Dokdo and his ratings went up.

His single five-year term was also coming to an end the following year. His ratings went up. These are just a few examples. The entire Japanese occupation is taught as being bad. That nothing good came out of it which is false if you have studied on the subject. Look at Taiwan, they love Japan. It was one of the first countries to be annexed into the Japanese Empire and experienced the same as Korea. The Chinese Nationalists who fought the Japanese fled there and even then they still love Japan. They teach their generation with an unbiased educational system that has zero political and nationalistic influence.

They teach the pros and cons of the occupation. The entire atmosphere of the youth culture is anti-Japanese. If anyone expresses compassion towards Japan, they are labeled as unpatriotic, traitors, and are bullied. Some people have recently been killed on the streets for being pro-Japanese. The people mainly responsible for this anti-Japanese culture in Korea is the media.

Anything and everything anti-Japanese sells in Korea. Newspapers, magazines, books, television, etc. I was shocked when I personally found out many of the rallies are staged by actors. It happened during my first visit to Korea, I witnessed an anti-Japanese rally being filmed by probably the news. Japanese politicians also criticize South Korea and China in order to keep their reputation high up. Your media is also filled with anti-Korea and China contents. Whatever that is anti-Chinese and Korean it also sells in Japan! Your people also rally streets with hatred of their neighboring countries.

Lastly and most importantly, your country also teaches youngsters with textbooks filled with anti-China and Korea contents. If we keep the wrongdoing of Japan in WW2 and other historical context away from discussion of modern conflict between Japan Korea, and China, you guys are the same dirty players participating in this blasphemy. There are radicals in every nation. Extreme right wing groups are active in Japan and they do protest and express anti-Korean and Chinese sentiment.

However those groups are extremely small and the movement is not as mainstream as it is in Korea or China. There are more protests against the Abe cabinet than anti-Korean and Chinese protests. Most Japanese, including myself, view them as something like the KKK. Some conservative Japanese politicians do criticize Korea and China but it is a lot more subtle than the rants from politicians in Korea and China.

Take a look at the recent China, Japan, and S. Korea talks held on Nov. PM Abe asked over and over if all three could talk. Both countries kept refusing and continued to ignore. They would do whatever it is necessary to gain world wide media attention. I have never heard of Japanese textbooks with anti-Korean and Chinese literature. Please give examples of this. Please provide proof of this. Japan did some very horrible things and it needs to be taught to our next generations. And I think Japan has done that pretty well. It has vowed to never start wars unless it is for self defense.

It has apologized over and over for WW2 and paid billions and billions of dollars in repartition. It is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and a lot of that has to do with Japanese economic aid. Do people in Korea know about this? Are they grateful for it? Or do they believe it is a given because of WW2. I was walking up the hill towards Seoul Tower.

On the way up, I heard someone coming up the hill behind me. But there we were, a Norwegian and a South Korean, communicating in the beautiful Japanese language. To all of you: Korean pop culture is very popular in Japan recently. There are always some minority right-wingers stirring up trouble, but the majority of Japanese, young and old, appreciate South Korean pop-culture. What is the difference?? Yes, IJA did kill Chinese civilians, but a lot of the photos you see online of IJA killing Chinese civilians are either fake, potentially fake, or real photos.

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Hell, America has some of the war criminals responsible for the My Lai Village Massacre interred at the Arlington National Cemetery equivalent to the Yasukuni Shrine in a way …and who knows how many others. As I mentioned, I said it varies from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. How can you condemn Japanese discrimination towards others when you yourself is a racist? People like you, hypocrites, is the reason why this discussion keeps going on forever.

Well it is quite unreasonable for an asian to feel another asian being racist… anyways I hope folks in asia can really forgive each other and maybe unite as a more powerful force just like what europeans has been doing. I laughed when I realized that this article was written by a Korean. I wonder how old the author of this article is.

Hmmm… another fun fact: Before annexation, Korea was absolute garbage. Living standards and economy was trash compared to Nippon. I dare the people in the comments section to compare Seoul to Tokyo. Look at the difference. Now look at Seoul. It is a fact that Nippon was responsible for modernizing Korea and was a major player at making Korea a first world country.

The proof can be seen with your K2 Panthers made by Hyundai. In , there was a huge scandal involving Korean textbook. What did your soldiers do to the Vietnamese people over there? The moral of the story is, please do not blame Japan for everything without questioning what Korea would be today without Japanese intervention.

The victors write history. The losers have no say in history. The victors can say the truth or lie.