Daily Portion Series: Encouragement 14-Day Devotional: Draw Me Nearer To Thee, O Lord

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The same is true of abiding in Christ. There will be times when you feel closer and times when you feel more distant. But the key is to keep coming back to Him and to keep working on your relationship with Him. But since all of the Old Testament was written to point to Christ Luke The primary way that Christ reveals Himself to us is not through dreams and visions, but through the written Word of God. If a dream or vision contradicts what the Bible says, then it is not from God. So if you want to grow closer to Jesus Christ, spend much time in His word, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal more of Christ to you.

To grow closer to Jesus Christ, read your Bible over and over until you are at home with it. I wish for a happy, trouble-free life! But, as I pointed out when I spoke on John While God desires the sanctification of all believers 1 Thess. Third, God often accomplishes His purposes in ways that seem backwards to us. We pray for the gospel to spread, so God sends persecution. We pray for power, so God makes us weak 2 Cor.

We only see a tiny fraction of what God is accomplishing in His eternal purpose. Here is one rich quote that you can chew on for a long time 3: But after we have been instructed by faith to recognize that whatever we need and whatever we lack is in God, and in our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom the Father willed all the fullness of his bounty to abide [cf.

The point of planting a vineyard is not to grow pretty leaves, but to grow fruit. While God has given each of us different gifts, we are to use those gifts to bear fruit for His kingdom. Anyone can identify a tree by its fruit. As I recall, Jesus said something like that Matt. Generally, fruit is Christlikeness produced in us as we rely on the Holy Spirit.

Just as an orange tree bears oranges, not thistles, so a Christian produces Christlikeness. At the root of this is not just going to church or serving in the church or being a moral or religious person, but having Christ dwell in you through the new birth.

I trust that you know: Jesus says that we will glorify God when we bear much fruit. As others see what God produces in and through us as we live closely with the Lord Jesus, they will get a glimpse of what He is like. First, check your motives. Why do you want to bear fruit? Second, check your source of power.

Paul put it Col. Jesus says John Ryle applies it Expository Thoughts on the Gospels [Baker], p. Thus, to grow closer to Christ, abide in Him and in His word, asking and receiving from Him through prayer. Live to glorify the Father by bearing much fruit. Just as the Father has perfectly loved the Son throughout all eternity, never wavering in His love, so Jesus loves His people! He loves us with infinite, inexhaustible love! Remember how the Lord confronted the church at Ephesus? They were serving Him.

They were persevering under persecution. They were upholding sound doctrine. But the Lord said, Rev. But the way you keep your love for Christ fresh is to remember His great love for you. Never get over the wonder that the eternal Son of God loved you and gave Himself for you! As Paul prayed for the Ephesians Eph. But we need to think this through a bit more carefully. He plainly states that to abide in His love, you must keep His commandments. But the test of obedience is when He takes you through difficult trials. At such times, you may not understand why these trials are happening, but like Abraham walking to Mount Moriah to sacrifice Isaac, you have to trust Him and obey.

Set your heart on taking care of His business because He will faithfully handle yours. Seek God above everything else, trusting you will lack nothing, including joy and His strong, steadfast peace. You will notice that He will supply a perfect peace of mind and heart when it is on Him. Father, thank You for the joy of Your word. I say what You say: You will keep me in perfect peace when my mind is on You.

Instead of the need, help me to keep my mind on the One that will meet the need. Help me not to wander to a place of anxiety and fear in my mind. Help me to trust You. I set blinders on my mind right now and I receive the grace to keep it on You. I have all I need in Christ and I thank You for perfect peace! For whatever reason, we have added onto our lives different assignments, relationships, and tasks that are good, but not God.

For whatever reason, we made some mistakes or wrong turns, and we wonder how do we get back to where we should be. Let God restore you to your original place in Him. Return to the simplicity of your walk with Jesus Christ. Let Him reestablish, resettle and reconfirm you. As we come to the close of the year, let God reset you. Father God, my life has gotten away from Your original plan. Bring me back to my original state and place in You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Walking in the power of your faith is like going to the grocery store and buying everything your wife asks for on her shopping list. Here are the eggs right here on the receipt. You then recall leaving them at the register, so you drive back, show the cashier your receipt for the purchase and take them back home. Realize the power of your faith.

It is so powerful because it brings substance to what you are hoping for, what we have been freely given and that God will keep His promises. You will have what He said, even restoration. Father, I come to You today thanking You for every promise You have made. I thank You for every ounce of wisdom You offer and the success that comes with following it. Help me stand more and more in the power of my faith. I have the receipt of Your word and Jesus paid for it all.

Create in me a greater hunger and joy about Your word. Thank You for walking in the power of my faith! Before you ask for anything from God this morning, give Him thanks and praise. Praise Him on behalf of your family. Praise Him with conviction, power and faith.

Praise Him with tenacity and passion. Praise Him for His holiness, righteousness and unending grace. Thank Him for being your Savior and Deliverer. Thank Him for removing the chains of sin off of you. Thank Him for being there when no one else was. Thank Him for the victories. Even thank Him for the trials—He worked them for your good. When you praise and thank Him, it will bring into focus how small your situation is for such a big God. Thank You Jesus for saving me. I will give You strong praise even now. You are holy, merciful, loving and faithful!

You are God alone and there is none other beside You. I have great joy and courage because of You. I praise You for being my Provider and Strength! In everything and for everything, I thank You. Thank You for all that I have, and for all You have done for me! This is the heart of a servant and a maid. They know who their source is and they look to them.

Read More Morning & Evening, with Charles Spurgeon

This should be the heart of a son of God. In these times, look only to God and His will for you and your family. When and after you pray, expect Him to speak and reveal His will to you. With a fixed heart, as you continue to serve God, silence all the questions, the anxiety, and the going back and forth to figure out what to do. Quiet your soul and look to God to provide. He said He will be your only Source, so allow Him to be. Your quietness and confidence will be a strength to you. Father, I am a son of the King, yet, my heart is as a servant. I stand in silence and attentive, awaiting Your command, awaiting Your will to be made known, awaiting Your provision.

There is no alternative and I have nowhere else to go. I say I have no options. I will not be moved by the evil doer. My eyes are fixed, waiting on You. In these times, it is important to be thankful in knowing the character of God. He keeps His word. He chastises those that He loves, as a father does his son. He never disappoints us. If His word is settled in heaven, it is settled about you. If He said it, no matter how it appears, He will do it. God is not shady. What you read about God in scripture is Who He is.

If He said He is for you, He is truly for you my brother. Father, I am thankful I know the character of my God. I am thankful God will not change on me. He tells me what He will do and He does it. My faith is strong. I know He is holy, good and righteous.

I know He is faithful. Anything contrary to His character is not from Him at all. I will rejoice because I serve a God with character that keeps His promises. Respect means to esteem, or consider someone or something of high regard. Everything you have you have been blessed with. We show a high regard to God and our blessings from Him by treating them right. From your home to your spouse, respect your blessings. If your house is junky, clean it. If your car looks a mess, wash it. Spend some time laughing with your children. If your friends have not heard from you in a while, call them as God places them on your heart.

Reverence God by esteeming those that are a blessing in your life. Yet, you are humbled, knowing where they come from. Thankful for what you have. I will not allow circumstances to distract me from respecting, from highly regarding, all that God has done for me. Those in my life, they actually give life to me. My wife and children are a blessing to me. My vehicle is a blessing to me. My friends and family are here to be a blessing to me.

I will show someone they are appreciated today. I will respect and honor God by respecting my blessings. It is much more effective. These times call for making this transition of using His word, not our own method, to overcome. The Word of God can handle it. It can break that rock in pieces. Apply His Word and watch God break it for you. We truly do live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. I do not have any obstacle in my life the Word of God cannot handle. I break the rock right now. Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world.

There is nothing too hard for God! I break it right now! The Word is like a hammer and shatters all rocks in my way. And he came and found them asleep again: Do you understand the magnitude of where you are right now in your life? Do you realize what is ahead of you? Jesus did, and he prayed. If you did, you would pray too. Pray for the strength to resist the devil that wants you to be asleep during this mighty hour for you. Father, I thank You for opening my eyes to the magnitude of where I am in my life, and the need for me to pray. Jesus you conquered over your flesh, and I ask you to help me conquer over mine.

You empowered Jesus to do Your will and I ask that You empower me. Your grace is enough and I receive it by faith to follow Jesus. In your name I pray, Amen. Sometimes we put certain expectations, whether unrealistic or not, on those close to us, especially our spouse. Yet remember, your spouse is not you.

Your spouse is growing, just like you. Your spouse is fallible, just like you. Your spouse is not God, just like you are not. They may fall short; however, it is our responsibility to forgive and move forward. Only He is holy and worthy to decide whether someone should be forgiven. Yet, God is rich in mercy, backed by His love, toward all of us, and He requires that we love enough to extend the same mercy to one another.

I realize You are God and I am not, even when it comes to forgiveness. Help me to show the same mercy You show me and forgive my spouse. Allow Your love and freedom to continually flow in our marriage because we walk in forgiveness. The more I get in my place, the more I see my wife get into her place and the more blessings she receives into her life. The more I get in my place, the more blessings my children are experiencing in their life. As husband and father, the man is the head of the home, and the head of the man is Christ.

The more submitted you are to Christ, the more of him you will experience in your home. A man that decides to stay strong in God, will see his family divinely stay strong. When you have faith, the Lord will cause your family to have faith too. God has given such power and authority to us as men, we can bring joy and peace after work and change the mood of everyone in the house.

When we as men take our place, the devil gets in place—which is under our feet! When the man lines up, everything, and I mean everything will fall in place, and the more of God and more blessings your family will experience in their lives—far beyond monetary. Father, I thank You today. Help me to take my place and submit to Christ. As I do that, I trust You that You will cause everything to divinely fall in place as I take my rightful place in You. Use me to minister love and strength to my family. So, when He heard that he was sick, He stayed two more days in the place where He was.

Jesus was on his way to raise Lazarus from the dead, but he decided to spend two more days where He was, and it appeared to be a delay in his coming. However, they witnessed the power of Jesus, who in four days still raised Lazarus from the dead. They had an even greater testimony of what Jesus could do.

What seemed as a delay, turned out to be their miracle. In my own life, we had been looking for a house. We found one and put in our bid. It was accepted, and everything with our buying experience was going smooth and according to plan. However, the lender we were working with came back and told us they needed us to do more things regarding my credit. Yet, we agreed God must have something better, and what God has for us, is for us. We took a little more to work on my credit, and we found that the very same house was still on the market.

This time, we were able to get a lower interest rate and all the closing costs paid. What God has for you, know that it is for you. You may want to go ahead and obtain it, but always receive godly counsel, even if it appears it will delay what you really desire. Your blessing could be your delay in disguise, and your delay could be your miracle!

Father, I praise You and I thank You for all my delays. Help me not to be in a hurry. I want what Your best. What You have for me, is for me. Lead me Holy Spirit and may I receive all the godly counsel You send me. Help me to respond right to any delays, because it may very well be my blessing in disguise.

My delay could be Your protection and my miracle. When my son has any kind of need, the most important thing I want him to know is how much I love him. This unconditional love I have for him came from God and this is how He loves His sons. Father, thank You for speaking to me. Help me to receive the revelation to core of me that You are love and You love me. I sincerely ask for that, and I thank You in advance for it causing a revolution in my life to where I exercise my faith, obey and believe You! In Atlanta, Georgia, one of the major highways is It is literally a massive circle around the city, which can lead you to anywhere you need to go.

True happiness is not meant to be found in creation, but in the Creator. It is found in knowing Christ. He really will give you the desires of your heart when you delight in Him. Taste and see that He will cause you to arrive at His destination for your life, and will also help you be truly happy with yourself.

Father, I turn to You. How happy I am when I put my trust in You! Show me Jesus what I have in you. Help me to believe that Your ways will make me happy. Help me to have faith that you really are good. You have the sure blueprint to happiness. Have Your way in my life. Make this confession with me this morning: I have no limitations. Jesus has paid the price for all my sins and I live forgiven. I have the mind of Christ. I am free to love God and gladly seek Him. I am free to understand and retain His Word.

Depression is bound and His joy flows freely in me. My ambition is free. My confidence is free. My faith is free. I can do all things by the strength He provides. I am free to live. The devil is under my feet like he should. I am more than a conqueror through Christ who loves me.

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I am free to prosper. I am a new man. I am free to be blessed and a great blessing. Wealth freely comes to me. Favor freely comes to me from all directions. More and more grace is abounding freely toward me. I am free to walk in my purpose and make disciples. I am free to do what He has called me to do. I am free to work hard like I should. I am free to play hard like I should. I am free to share Jesus. I am free to trust God and follow Christ. I am strong to obey God.

I am free to win. Thank You Lord for making me free! Make it your goal to please God. Make it your sole aim to give Him your best and focus on your assignment. Nothing else matters more. A hardness that we have to endure is simply keeping our goal, our pursuit, to please God in everything we do. As you aim your heart at pleasing God, He will point you toward those God-inspired goals, and by the Holy Spirit, help you achieve them. You will say God is surely with me, aiding me to please Him. I thank You Father for being my aim right now. I set my heart and mind to please You.

I am a good soldier. I can be all that You have called me to be. I will put my trust in You and serve You with conviction. I praise God for helping me hit every target in my life. The devil is a liar and there is no truth found in him. The devil will always focus on the facts, a half-truths, because he is incapable of telling you the whole truth.

TODAY'S WORD from the Pastor

He wants us each day, in any given situation, to not hope in God. Yes, the fact is you may have messed up. Yet, the whole truth is that God has made a way and is going to bless you in spite of your mess up. Yes, you may have encountered a setback, yet the whole truth is God is at work and will provide you with the greatest comeback of your life. Yes, you may have record, but you are going to see God bless you in spite of your record. You may even not love the Lord like you should, but God is able to work in you the will and to do His good pleasure, even at this very moment Philippians 2: The whole truth is because of Jesus Christ, there is always hope.

The devil is a liar! I already have the victory. I will not live according to facts, but according to the whole and final truth of Your Word. I receive what You say about me. Trials and temptation may come as you press forward, yet with God, just as the temptation or trial exists, there is always a way of escape that exists also, and nothing is too overpowering to keep you from it. His grace abound much more toward us. The Lord saves, and besides the Lord, there is no Savior. As we submit to His wisdom, He provides the way to life and favor already prepared for us.

Be forward-minded and resolve all issues, fully aware of the bigger picture. Whether it is financially or relationally, when dilemmas happen, pray for the specific wisdom for the way out, which He freely gives. Thank You for helping me keep my eyes on the relationship I have with You. From this relationship I draw strength to face any challenge and resist any temptation and trial.

Thank You Father for Your promise to give me a way of escape so that I can bear whatever comes my way. Guide me Lord and be glorified in my life. She looked back and she became a pillar of salt. For some of us, this is a warning. God has great things in store for you, yet you must trust God, and release your grip on this world. Release your grip on the past and let it go.

Father, I will worship You and You alone. Help me to not look back on what will consume me. I will look to You and completely pursue Your calling for my life and who You want me to be. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. In these times, many are seeking to quench their thirst for love, fulfillment, peace, and happiness with things, only to find they have the house, but not a home. At the end of the day, they are still thirsty. Nothing else will do. All of our reaching out for love and identity, for forgiveness and validation are only found in Christ.

He is the missing piece that fills every void. Receive His living water and you will never thirst again. Father, thank You for Your Son. I realize I need Jesus, the living water. I ask for You to come into my heart and provide the everlasting supply that I need. I thank You for a well of water on the inside of me that springs up unto everlasting life. Thank You Lord and I access Your living water today!

I have found the best Help we have in this life is the leading of the Holy Spirit. He led me to overcome. When no one else is there, He is. If you find yourself in trouble, He will lead you out of it. If you need restoration, He will lead you step by step into God restoring you, even better than what you had. The Holy Spirit desires each day, in every situation, to help you by leading you. Sometimes, you may not understand why He is telling you to do something, but He will never let you down.

You may not understanding where He is taking you, but He will not let you down. He may tell you to apologize or do good to them anyway, but trust Him. Father, thank You for the Holy Spirit. Jesus left me the best Help I have, the same as if He was here. Holy Spirit lead the way. In everything in my life, lead the way. As I acknowledge You, as I turn to You, help me to recognize your leading all the time.

I let go of my agenda and I will follow You. Come with me from Lebanon, my spouse, with me from Lebanon…you have ravished my heart. One thing that maintains a strong marriage is when there is time you get away with fun and enjoyment involved. Laughter is good for you soul, good for your body and good for your marriage. It ministers to your spouse happiness and refreshes the love you have for each other.

When will you both laugh again? When will you let everything go and just get away without a plan or schedule. When will you both just be yourselves and laugh like you use to. Let your only plan be is to have a good time with your spouse. Go get dressed up again. Enjoy your spouse again. Father, thank You for Your word. Help us spark the flame and get back into what drew us together in the first place. Help me not to allow money to delay us. Deal with anything that is in our way and let us submit to Your will to have an enjoyable marriage with my best friend-my spouse.

Help us to laugh again. As Paul went forward in spreading the Gospel, there were some places that the Holy Spirit told him not to go. For whatever reason, he was forbidden to go to Asia. Paul had a powerful relationship with the Holy Spirit, cooperating with Him, allowing Him to lead the way. As Paul cooperated with the Holy Spirit, so can you. It is possible to be guided by the Spirit of God even now, right where you are in your life.

Some things the Holy Spirit is strongly telling you not to go or do. There are also things He has placed on your heart to do. God has much to bless you with, much to accomplish in you and through you. Stay excited and stay sensitive to His leading. God is greatly desiring to bless you and move in your life even before the year ends, yet it requires you to cooperate with, working hand-and-hand with the Holy Spirit. Father, thank You for Your Spirit whom I have to lead and guide me. Help me recognize when You are speaking to me, Holy Spirit. I ask for clarity and direction in my life. If You need to give me a vision or dream, give me a vision or dream.

I ask for answers and decisions that I should make that will get me into Your will. Day by day, teach me Holy Spirit to check in with You and cooperate with You. One thing about the game of football, you have to learn to move on to the next opportunity. I was watching football and the game had become a very close one. The team with the ball ran a play and the quarterback threw a long pass to a very wide open receiver, but he dropped the ball. He was very disappointed, hitting the ground, because he missed such a great opportunity.

Later in the game, the same quarterback entrusted the same receiver with another opportunity and he caught the ball this time. You may have dropped the ball and are wondering how you could have missed such a great opportunity. The Father is rich in mercy and He is the God that always will provide another chance. Like that quarterback, God is going to come right back to you with the same opportunity to fulfill what He desires in your life. The quicker you can move on, the quicker you will position yourself for the next opportunity. God will open another door and the key is staying ready.

Father, thank You for encouraging me today. I missed it, however, I thank You that You are rich in mercy! You will give me another opportunity, and another open door. I pray You help me to seize it! I Thank You for helping me be ready for what You have in store for me! For the earth yields crops by itself: As crops in the field, God is showing you hints and glimpses of what is to come.

It is on the inside of you, stirred up on the inside of you that God is about to do something great in your life. You may not know exactly how. You may not know exactly when. Yet, you know the time is now and you are expecting what God is about to manifest in your life. You may have had some tough times, but you settled in your heart that you will continue to trust the Lord and you are about to see your reward.

There is no telling how God is about to move in your life, and it is something to be excited about. Thank You Lord this morning! I am excited about what You about to do! I am a grateful and thankful man. What a God I serve. Even beyond the rough times I have had, You blessed me, and I will continue to trust You are moving in me and through my life. Help me to continue to be led by You Holy Spirit. It can be hard to run for Jesus when you have denied Him. Peter did it three times. After Jesus rose from the dead and visited the disciples, Jesus asked him three times on purpose do you love me. It was evident that Jesus was making a point to deal with a root of issues Peter had, and He wanted him to move beyond them.

Do you feel like Peter? Jesus knows you love Him, but your denial, your sin, your mistakes, have turned you from pursuing His will for your life.

You told Him you would stand for Him, you said you would be there, but you have left Him multiple times. In these moments, only one question matters to the Lord: If you love Jesus, get back up. If you love Jesus, go on and run your race. He loves you and He has dealt with everything that you have been through. Father, thank You for Your Word. Jesus, I have been hurt by how I failed You. Yet, all You want to know is do I love You and I do. Help me to forgive myself and deal with every issue in me. I will get up and I will feed Your sheep. Thank You for the great love You have for me.

Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: God was repeating Himself. He can and will remind us, and say some things again, which He has already said for our benefit. It will keep us focused, strong in faith, and encouraged.

What has God had someone tell you at several points in your life, and He then repeated that same word? What has God repeatedly reminded you of? What has God commanded you to do? Who has God commanded you to be? He told Joshua to be strong and of a good courage. To enter into the promise land God has for you, you must do the same. Father God, I thank You for speaking to my heart.

Thank You for being patient and longsuffering with me and my growth. I choose to follow You and obey what You have repeatedly asked me to do. Be glorified in my life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. One thing about a natural hunger and a thirst, it will remain until it is satisfied. It is essential to your ability to live and function, and everything becomes secondary to it. Make every hunger secondary to Jesus. He knows you need to eat and He has what we hunger for. He knows your thirst for love and identity.

He knows your hunger for peace of mind. He knows your hunger for fulfillment. We can pursue pleasures, people and places, but none compares to the Person of Jesus Christ. He says trust and try Me. Come and believe on Him, and acceptance will no longer be a hunger because He will affirm who you are. Peace will no longer be a hunger because He will supply great peace in your life. Love will no longer be what you thirst for because He will pour His love into your heart to make you free, healed and whole. Everything you seek is found in Him. Father, thank You for Your Word to me.

Jesus, You are the Bread of Life. I walk by faith and come to You. Help me to make every hunger secondary to You and I will find that You can satisfy them all. In Your name I pray, Amen. When you wake up in the morning, you are faced with the most vital decision of your day, yet can get overlooked. It is the decision to deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus. It is not just a time to ask of God. It is also a time to take up your cross and to ask Him to help you do it. It is a time to truly submit your will and plans, to His will and plans.

It is the time that you decide not to lead, but you say I will follow as He leads me. He will then lead you and empower you by the His Spirit. He will lead you into what to plan, where to go and what to do during the course of your day. What may at first appear like you were giving up your life by taking up your cross, you will find, from the fruit that is produced, that Jesus leads you into life—an abundant one. Father, thank you for your wisdom. I submit my life to you and yield to you. Have your way in me. Lead me and guide me. I want the life you have for me.

I want your plans and purpose to be fulfilled in me. Behold, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Sometimes your good can hinder your great. You did a lot in the past, you conquered many mountains, you accomplished much in God. You are still here, therefore, God has more for you to see.

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He has more mountains to climb. He has more of the kingdom for you to advance. Those moments were great and should never be forgotten. Yet, you have new days for new moments in Him. Father, thank You for your word. I ask that You help me to let go of the good in my past, and embrace the great things before me. Let me not limit You to my old glory days. Help me go on into the new moments you have waiting for me. Help me to trust you every step of the way.

The man that trusts God has decided to hear what the Lord has to say and allows that to be how He lives, how he patterns his life, and how he handles his business affairs.

Charles Spurgeon Morning and Evening Daily Devotional

Daily Portion Series: MORE Encouragement Day Devotional: Draw Me Nearer To Thee, O Lord - Kindle edition by Ally Charest. Download it once and read it. Daily Portion Series: Encouragement Day Devotional: Draw Me Nearer To Thee, O Lord - Kindle edition by Ally Charest. Download it once and read it on.

He obeys God and He sees, tastes and discovers that God is good, merciful, favors him, and is on his side. This is the reason this man is so blessed, so happy. Begin to truly trust the Father with everything in your life. He wants you to overcome. He wants to bless you over and over. When you allow Him to be Who you pursue, rely on and follow, you will experience how good God really is. Father, how blessed, how happy is the man that trusts in You!

There is no one like You.

Charles Spurgeon Morning and Evening Daily Devotional

I leap when I think about how good You are. Help me to realize how good You are and to simply trust You, for it is a sure blueprint to all of my happiness. You are my help and I will totally rely upon You. Within the salvation the Father has provided in Jesus Christ is rescue for not only your soul, but for everything that pertains to living and overcoming in this life. The Bible describes our salvation as not only being a well, but having many wells that we can draw from. What is a well? It is a source of water made by digging a hole within the earth.

In biblical times, they were a valuable resource. It has something to draw with and wells cannot be moved. God desires for us to draw more from it in these times. You are a man, built to handle many things, but you need to joyfully draw from Jesus Christ! There is a well of courage in your salvation and you can draw it out.

There is a well of strength in your salvation and you can draw it out. There is a well of mercy, a well of wisdom, a well of strength, a well of comfort, and more within your salvation and you can draw it out. Father, Your salvation has many wells because You know all that I need.

I am not my source, You are. I come and draw with joy! What a pillar of strength I have in the salvation that You have given me! Help me to lean on and understand You more Jesus and this great salvation found in You.

A Daily Approach to Prayer and Scripture

Let the Holy Spirit take the wheel and drive today. When He turns left, you turn left. When He turns right, you turn right. When He says do this, you do it. When He speaks to you to share Jesus, you open your mouth. When He says call them, you make the call. When He gives you wisdom, follow it. To let Him take the wheel of your life, humble yourself and ask Him to, and He will.

He is assigned to steer you in the right direction, assigned to help you be like Jesus and to help you do the will of God. I humble myself and ask You Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me. Help me to be sensitive to when You are leading me. You are my Help and I thank You for victory. As men, we desire provision. We want to be able to take care of our wife. We want to support our parents better. We also desire to be in a position to be a great blessing. With God, provision is found within purpose. Go after God first and He will add the promised provision to you. Fear will tell you to operate backwards.

But know that God will bless you financially when your first priority is to strive for His kingdom and living right, living with integrity. He has promised provision for you and your family. Thank You God for being my Provider. You will add your promised provision to me when I seek Your kingdom and Your righteousness first. My trust is in the Lord. By faith, my wife, children, and parents are provided for.

I am in a financial position to be a great blessing. The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man believer can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]. This serves a dual purpose. There is power in agreement, according to Matthew It also shows your wife how much you love them. It shows that you care about them as you cover them as her head and protection.

Nearer, My God, To Thee

Also when you pray together, several things will happen. God will use prayer to do something supernatural in your marriage and He will answer. Join hands with your wife and come into agreement with God and His will. The marriage you want and need is in your time of prayer. It is true, the fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much!

Father, thank You for the power available when I pray with my wife. I thank You for the victory we have in Christ and the power of agreement. Help us put aside how we feel and our personal agendas to focus on what matters most to You. Help us to remember that our prayers together are powerful. I make a commitment to consistently pray with my wife. Your way may on the surface appear better or even more sure, but there is nothing like allowing God to have His way in your life. In His hands He holds life, good instruction, wisdom, success, and strength.

In His will is where your desires get met. Everything you could ever dream of, He will exceed your expectations because He is just that good. Let God do what He wants to do in your life. Let His Spirit fill you and use you today like never before.