Dragonflies Chasing Mosquitoes

Dragonflies descend in droves - and mosquitoes are on the menu

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Dragonflies can intercept prey mid-air

In Resh, Vincent H. The lower jaw has a huge, extensible labium , armed with hooks and spines, which is used for catching prey. Fights at the dinner table: If dragonfly—prey encounters are primarily driven by the flight mechanics and behavior of the prey as has been shown in some cases Combes et al. Greens often combine a structural blue with a yellow pigment.

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14 Fun Facts About Dragonflies

The adult dragonfly likes to eat gnats, mayflies, flies, mosquitoes and other small flying insects. They sometimes eat butterflies , moths and bees too. From bees to mosquitoes, dragonflies make a meal out of what they please and can hunt down insects on a whim, callously plucking them out of thin air after out-flying outmaneuvering and them in the chase that does not normally last very long.

Such is the power that the dragonfly is equipped with and given its low-energy speed capability, very, very few insects can escape its basket shaped grabbing limbs that it uses to clutch on to its prey before crushing the critter into a gooey mass, with its powerful mandibles and swallowing it. Adult dragonflies eat just about anything that is edible and can be caught.

They are a treasure for humanity because they keep mosquito populations under strict control by feasting on them when they are in abundance.

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Similarly, they also feed on ants, termites, butterflies, gnats, bees and other insects and tend to hunt in groups when large colonies of ants or termites are spotted. They are considered a pest by apiaries because they can polish off a good chunk of the bee population before one can realize the threat looming large.

Writing about what dragonflies eat makes one wonder what would be the case if some of the older dragonfly species that have been found as fossils existed today. These fossil species belonging to the Meganeura genus were carnivorous insects with wings spreading to spans in the range of two and a half feet and made their food out of other insects and even small amphibians.

What Do Dragonflies Eat?

Dragonflies have huge compound eyes that allow neardegree vision. If you look at a dragonfly's head, you might notice one thing in particular. Or rather, 30, things in particular. The area of an odonate's head is comprised primarily of its enormous compound eyes, which contain 30, facets, each bringing in information about the insect's surroundings. Dragonflies have neardegree vision, with just one blind spot directly behind them. This extraordinary vision is one reason why they're able to keep a watch on a single insect within a swarm and go after it while avoiding mid-air collisions with other insects in the swarm.


Dragonflies Chasing Mosquitoes: Social exploration filtered through an African- American mind (Volume 1) [Mr Ronald Lee Jones] on www.farmersmarketmusic.com *FREE*. Average capture success of the four dragonfly species pursuing fruit flies versus mosquitoes was compared using a paired t-test in SPSS.

They not only have an exceptional field of vision, but they can see the world in colors we can't even imagine. According to New Scientist:. A dragonfly nymph is a ferocious underwater predator.

Dragonflies lay their eggs in water, and when the larvae hatch, they live underwater for up to two years. Actually, depending on the altitude and latitude, some species may stay in the larval state for up to six years. They'll molt up to 17 times as they grow and get ready to head to the surface and transform into the dragonflies we see in the air. They are specially adapted for the aquatic life in this stage, with the ability to snag prey at lightning speed. They'll eat a huge variety of food, including other insect larvae, tadpoles and even fish!

And yes, they'll feast on other dragonfly larvae as well.

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These guys are predators to the max. You can learn more about the larvae stage in the video below:. Dragonflies can lay eggs in water that is saltier than the ocean.

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Entomologist Chris Goforth writes , "There are very, very few insects that live in the ocean. Several ideas have been proposed to explain why