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Yo entonces no era creyente. Porque me he pasado la mayor parte de mi vida profesional destruyendo los valores religiosos y necesito compensar tantas barbaridades. Pero nada que ver con la beligerancia del laicismo actual. Poca gente se plantea cuestiones, huye de las preguntas que le inco-moden. Porque si solo miramos lo que hacemos nosotros, es desesperante. Juan 25 Mayo Responder. Las izquierdas sufrieron una tremenda derrota y las derechas lograron un gran triunfo. Ante sus oyentes se expresaba de esta forma: Los anuncios de que un estallido revolucionario se avecina se hacen ya sin esbozo.

Los discursos los constituyeron palabras que son disparos, frases que eran una consigna Henri Brottier, representante de la C. Es gran amigo del socialismo internacional Y hasta sus propios hijos maldecimos La que hoy inicia su vida no nos interesa. Todo el mundo quieto en su sitio. Revindiquemos para ella el lugar el lugar de honor en las horas que vienen. La hora es grave y gloriosa. Se quieren confundir demasiadas cosas; se quiere falsificar el pasado, lo cual significa directamente falsear y comprometer el futuro.

Lo declaro como culpa, como pecado; no como gloria. Me deja perplejo que acuse al PP de no condenar el franquismo: La gran matanza del clero se produjo, por tanto, antes de la carta del episcopado, por lo que no se puede atribuir a ella. Eso es, miedo a los "amigos de la libertad y la democracia", como se califican los rojos actuales. La verdad que tus argumentos y razonamientos son pobres. No me parece sincero ni honrado el modo de razonar y valorar las cosas, la verdad muy pobre.

Escribir se te da mal. Julio 25 Mayo Responder. Es macabro y espeluznante, un inhumano holocausto de nonatos inocentes e indefensos. La soledad de las madres que han abortado: Son el laicismo feroz. Llamaron a Lot y le dijeron: Le empujaron violentamente y trataron de romper la puerta. Pero los dos hombres sacaron su brazo, metieron a Lot con ellos en casa y cerraron la puerta Lo que nos comunica este pasaje es bastante claro.

Este hecho es confirmado en el Nuevo Testamento: El Antiguo Testamento contiene otra condena nada ambigua: Y estas declaraciones no se limitan al Antiguo Testamento. Los cristianos liberales se encuentran en un dilema. A la llegada del paso, los manifestantes comenzaron a lanzar gritos, pitos y abucheos.

Los cofrades no tuvieron otra que responder con "vivas" a la Virgen del Rosario y aplausos a la imagen sagrada. Es una verdad innegable: Es una tarea que nace del preferir a Dios: En lo sanitario, 86 hospitales asisten a En orfanatos y centros de tutela se da cobijo a Los consultorios familiares y de defensa de la vida ascienden a , con Para combatir a la pobreza, 1.

Y, en tiempos de crisis y con un paro que ya alcanza los cinco millones de ciudadanos, la Iglesia promueve iniciativas de trabajo en centros, para Han destruido lo que quedaba del sedicente Tribunal Constitucional, cuyo edificio en forma de tarta puede ser empleado en otros cometidos. Pascual Sala es juez. Luis Ortega NO es juez. Emilio 26 Mayo Responder. Si no estamos obligados a imitarlas, debemos por lo menos comprenderlas para poder guardarles el respeto, las consideraciones y la tolerancia que les son debidas.

La cosa es muy clara: El Tato 26 Mayo Responder. El nuevo objetivo del laicismo: Ahora, se quiere negar a la Iglesia su facultad de elegir a los docentes que impartan la materia. Expropiar a la Iglesia su capacidad de elegir a los docentes que impartan la asignatura. Razones no le faltan: O sea, 3 de cada 4. Pedro 26 Mayo Responder. El problema es este socialismo marxista, que piensa que los cristianos deben ser arrinconados, encerrados en las iglesias y si es posible humillados, castigados, y expulsados.

Cristo no es el opio del pueblo sino Su Salvador. Necesitamos urgentemente altas dosis de calmantes y una buena camisa de fuerza Ith 26 Mayo Responder. Para todos aquellos que van de progres dicendo "yo no voto porque la izquierda me ha decepcionado":. General Merry, un fascista asesino. Emilio 27 Mayo Responder. Obviamente de mi comentario anterior se desprende que si alguien quiere responder a otro que ponga un link previamente tiene que haber leido el contenido del link El Tato 27 Mayo Responder.

JUAN, seguro que hasta tu lo pudes entender. Roman 28 Mayo Responder. Y yo me pregunto Emilio 29 Mayo Responder. Emilio 30 Mayo Responder. Nadie le obliga a comprometerse por ese rito, pero si lo hace tiene que aceptar sus normas. Es como si una Iglesia pudiera vetar los Presupuestos Generales del Estado, por ejemplo. Sin embargo, el presidente era capaz de comunicarse con quien fuera: Y eso se nota.

Se dice que Reagan era capaz de hacer que cualquiera persona se sintiera como si fuera su mejor amigo, incluso a alguien que acabara de conocer. Realmente se preocupaba por la gente de su equipo. Pero los bares y restaurantes que no pertenecen a dichas asociaciones pueden sumarse a la iniciativa. Os amo a todos los hombres. Vuestras sendas me son familiares. Intento llevaros hasta Dios. Mi objetivo es acercaros hasta el inmenso amor que Dios os tiene. Lo que yo os digo tiene valor de eternidad: De vuestras almas e ilusiones, de vuestras miradas y pensamientos.

Apoyaros en el cayado de la fe. Inclinad vuestras cabezas sobre mi pecho. Mirad un poco a vuestro alrededor: Yo tengo poder sobre la muerte. Diputados que apoyan proyectos de aborto. La SexCta no se ha enterado de la noticia, ni ninguna cadena sociata, que son casi todas, censuran la noticia. Pero llevamos meses con los trajes de Camps, no tienen otra, la tabarra con los dichosos trajecitos.

El Tato 31 Mayo Responder. Bassi si que eres extremista. Las corrupciones del PSOE y su mapa, para cuando, bonico. Roman 01 Junio Responder. Para que al menos lo hagas bien, vamos. Pedro 01 Junio Responder. Luego nos quejamos de lo que cobra el presi. Pedro 02 Junio Responder. La privaba de sus medios de vida y le negaban derechos y libertades elementales.

Las elecciones municipales de se desarrollaron en dos fases. La primera fase tiene lugar el 5 de abril y los resultados fueron de Te lo voy enumerando paso por paso:. Es decir, que dejemos de pagar con los impuestos de todos sus gastos y que se los paguen ellos y sus seguidores. O por sus actividades, constituyan un peligro para la seguridad del Estado. Vamos, que por que sean curas no van a estar al margen de la ley. Y sobre el asesinato de Calvo Sotelo, cuenta el episodio como fue, no omitas: Hubo cosas mal hechas, revueltas sociales y revanchismo entre ambos bandos, de acuerdo.

Pero fue lo mas parecido a una democracia que hemos tenido en este pais hasta la muerte de Franco. El bicho, no me hables de tios, que todos tenemos tios!! Y que es lo que ha hecho Zapatero para sembrar el odio?? Roman 02 Junio Responder. Roman, no lo intentes. Debe ser como los robots de la Guerra de las Galaxias, cada vez que usa un nick nuevo hace borrado de memoria.

Como siempre, parece que olvidas a los sacerdotes republicanos. Ese parece que fue su premio por no unirse a los genocidas fascistas, ser olvidados y despreciados por su Iglesia. Pedro, ya se que es Juan con nuevo nick, repitiendo lo de siempre. Pero para que sepa que no somos tontos. Emilio 02 Junio Responder. Emilio 03 Junio Responder.

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Todo lo contrario del catolicismo. Si en hubo 33 feminicidios con Esto es lo que establece la nueva Ley del Divorcio. En ya hubo Reforma de la ley del aborto. De hecho, ya en se realizaron Cambios Registro Civil, un funcionario puede decidir apellidos 4 de mayo de Roman, no dudaba de que supieras de que era Juan. Especialmente, tienes un apego por algunas palabras excesivo. Levantados muchos gracias al sudor y la sangre del pueblo, saqueado por nobleza y clero. Todo lo contario al catolicismo Que se puede esperar de un lameculos de Paca.

Masacres como la de Badajoz, torturadores como Manzanas, etc. Ahora cuenta las muertes producto de esos modelos y los del capitalismo. Pedro 04 Junio Responder. Emilio 04 Junio Responder. Mi total apoyo a Leo Bassi. Si ellos piensan que no se puede abortar entonces eso es dogma y nadie puede hacerlo. Si piensan que los homosexuales no se casen Francisco 05 Junio Responder. Lo de los avances sociales y los derechos que tenemos "gracias" a la izqueirda, me harto de reir Veo que lo que sigue son tu sarta de gilipolleces de siempre, que ya estoy harto de contestar.

Ahora, ya que eres tan presuntuoso, coges un libro de historia y borras todos los movimientos de izquierda y lo que consiguieron. Roman 07 Junio Responder. La llamaban bruja y hechicera, la amenazaban de muerte. Y fue arrancada y acuchillada. Emilio 08 Junio Responder. Debes estar muy feliz y orgulloso con los tuyos. Juan 09 Junio Responder. Se forma el Frente Popular, ante la convocatoria de elecciones para el 16 de febrero. El nuevo Gobierno lo encabeza Companys. Franco es enviado a Canarias. Calvo Sotelo formula graves acusaciones contra el Gobierno. Casares Quiroga se hace cargo de la presidencia del Gobierno tras la negativa de Indalecio Prieto.

Levantamiento militar en la zona de Marruecos. A las 21 horas llega a Casablanca, pernoctando en la ciudad. Comenzaba la guerra civil. El viejo vocablo es vuestra eterna defensa. Para alojarlas, la superiora general, Rvda. Madre Manuela Arriola Uranga. En ese momento 25 adoratrices residen en ese piso.

Otras dos hermanas se distinguieron durante este periodo. Madrid fue frecuentemente bombardeado por las fuerzas del general Franco durante la Guerra Civil. En tales ocasiones las hermanas bajaban al portal del edificio para refugiarse. Sor Manuela, sin titubear, responde: La zanja donde ha sido hallada la fosa tiene una longitud de 10,5 metros y una profundidad de entre 1,50 y 1,75 metros cuadrados.

Los cuerpos los situaron unos sobre otros y con capas de cal entre cada uno de ellos. Los guardias ocupan la primera planta y desarman a los milicianos que la custodiaban. Los guardias intentan tomar todo e edificio, pero los anarquistas les cierran el paso con una ametralladora. La noticia se extiende por toda la ciudad. Los anarquistas se lanzan a la calle con el respaldo del POUM. Barcelona se cubre de barricadas. La Generalidad pide refuerzos a Madrid, pero Largo Caballero no interviene.

Los insurrectos acuerdan organizar una retirada de los combatientes, pero conservando las armas. La jornada del 4 de mayo se salda con 74 muertos. Fusilamiento de los culpables. Desarme de todos los Cuerpos armados. No cedamos la calle. El presidente de la Generalidad Luis Companys, acosado, nombra un gobierno provisional para resolver la crisis. Esta Brigada llevaba ya un mes combatiendo, en ocasiones bajo temperaturas de 20 grados bajo cero.

De hecho, retrocedieron hasta perder el Basurero o Cerro Blanco. Este relevo fue un verdadero desastre. Si los nacionales hubieran estado preparados para atacar en aquel frente, hubiesen llegado las tropas del Frente Popular hasta Valencia. A pesar de la dureza del castigo, la capacidad combativa de los brigadistas no se vio aumentada. Estas incluyeron desde apaleamientos a fusilamientos sobre el terreno.

Decididos a no regresar al frente, los brigadistas se dirigieron a Torrelodones, donde se apoderaron de unos camiones para marchar a Valencia. Los jefes de la unidad fueron destituidos, la Brigada disuelta, y sus hombres, tras severo examen, distribuidos por el resto de las unidades del sector. No contentos con ello han promovido sangrientas rebeliones contra las autoridades de Valencia y hasta algunos se han dedicado al espionaje a favor de Franco.

La revuelta fue sofocada sangrientamente: Fue asesinado el 26 de septiembre de en Madrid. Fue reprimida con gran dureza por el cuerpo creado por el nuevo gobierno republicano, los Guardias de Asalto. Es uno de los encargados de preparar la batalla de Brunete. A principios de marzo de fue ascendido a coronel. Al inicio de la Guerra Civil era comandante diplomado del Estado Mayor. El 6 de agosto de es ascendido a teniente coronel. En octubre se traslada a Alicante, en donde forma a los milicianos. El 13 de marzo finaliza la lucha entre comunistas y partidarios de la Junta, tras varios intentos por ambas partes de llegar a un acuerdo, reconociendo los comunistas su derrota y solicitando que no haya represalias y de que todos los mandos permanezcan en sus puestos.

Conesa fue condenado a muerte, siendo ejecutado el 22 de marzo de en el cementerio del Este. Era una especie de advertencia. Era un militante abnegado de la Juventud Comunista del P. Eran las consecuencias de los encierros anteriores y de las persecuciones sufridas. Queda el crimen monstruoso del cementerio. T, son criminalmente fusilados ante las paredes del cementerio. Sin embargo ni este hecho contuvo la mano del asesino. T, detenidos los dos por tenencia de armas, y Manuel Sorines y Francisco Pina, el primero, de las Juventudes Libertarias y el segundo de las Juventudes del P.

Una oleada de protesta ha recorrido y sigue recorriendo el mundo. Sin embargo, han sido unos cambios de forma. Sigue el trabajo agotador de 12 horas diarias; sigue la comida totalmente insuficiente. Sigue la mezcla humillante de los antifascistas con los fascistas y los delincuentes comunes. Siguen habiendo prisioneros que no han sido condenados e incluso prisioneros de cuya existencia no tienen noticias los Tribunales de Justicia. En nombre de nuestros propios sufrimientos, o por lo menos de nuestras heridas en batalla, exigimos que se ponga fin a este estado de cosas.

No se puede permitir que las liberaciones de los prisioneros no se hagan efectivas. El mismo Doug Herzog, presidente de MTV, afirma que desde su trabajo tiene "superpoderes" para influir en la juventud. UU ya no es lo que era Los gitanos y los papas Pablo VI quiso encontrarse con una comunidad de gitanos el 26 de septiembre de en Pomezia, cerca de Roma. Montaba a caballo y se desplazaba de feria en feria. Por si quieres algo de credibilidad, digo. Pedro 09 Junio Responder.

Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, Antonescu. O eres tonto o eres muy tonto. Observa como te desacredito toda la parrafada con una frase: Si alguien tiene que idotizar, que sean los curas que estaban antes. Y yo te repito a ti: Si es que pecas sin piedad. Cada loco con su tema Algunos anclados en el fraanquismo Y otros cachondeandose del pobre Ceferino que D.

El Tato 09 Junio Responder. A cada comentario mio, una mentira y una ristra de insultos. Intolerantes hasta el extremo, solo vale vuestra palabra y no hay otra que obedecer. La sangre os delata. La sociedad del 36 se caracterizaba por el anticlericalismo reinante. Juan 10 Junio Responder. Madrid, 7 de junio de Estas facilidades para las empresas revierten en un beneficio para el Estado: Casi empresas se han sumado ya al programa de patrocinios de la Jornada. Hasta el momento se han repartido Pero se afanan en proclamar que no se debe votar a determinados partidos. Por desgracia, el cinismo y la mentira son otros tantos rasgos inconfundibles de la democracia popular.

No importa, porque Dios lo puede todo y, al final, vence el Amor. A pesar de ello, no tendremos elecciones anticipadas. Hay una responsabilidad colegiada, y esto justifica el adelanto electoral. Venga, ya que te quedas sin argumentos, sarta de gilichorradas, como siempre. Llamar "tonto" a alguien es igual a sarta de insultos, chachi. Igual que los 50 millones de la visita de Beni. Gran persona, nadie lo niega. Esa es la diferenca de un medio de izquierdas de uno de derechas, que no se oculta lo malo. No es la primera vez, le pasa como a vosotros. Por ello, el 3 y el 15 de septiembre volvieron a reunirse los cardenales para estudiar la propuesta gubernativa y tomar nuevas decisiones.

Actualizado 3 junio Compartir: Imprimir Corregir Enviar Comentar 4 P. XX en su propio beneficio. El comunismo de Tito: El hecho de que, como arzobispo en tiempos de guerra, haya tenido contactos con el poder constituido no significa que fuera un colaboracionista. Toda la izquierda europea estaba extasiada por la Yugoslavia de Tito como modelo de socialismo autogestionado y de rostro humano. Juan 11 Junio Responder. Se aborda la cantidad, se ignora la calidad. Hay que abolir el Concordato.

Lo dicho, paroxismo extremo. No te preocupes, no espero que lo entiendas. Nos queda la deficiencia, simple, es que si no sabes copiar un enlace o no puedes por algun menoscabo mental muy grave o lo usas por infantilismo. Cada uno que opine lo que quiera. Al menos eso, pienso yo. Humberto 11 Junio Responder. Ya volvemos a los masones. Anda, demuestra un poco que piensas por ti mismo, nene.

Es lo bueno que tiene quien no dogma, si quieres lo usas, sino no. Se puede defender sin mentir. Lee de nuevo o pide leer a alguien sincero y neutral tus comentarios y veremos que opina sobre la atrofia de quien. Como dije, confundes ultraderecha con derecha. Esa es la historia, no la adulterada por ti y los tuyos.

Lo siento, me niego. Si no lo entiendes, te vas a un instituo y le preguntas a un profesor. No te cansas, Juan. Por cierto, me encantan los adjetivos que das a tu alter ego. Todo lo que digo, nunca es verdad. No es por nada, pero os describe a todos perfectamente. La Vanguardia si, es de derechas. Visto esto, normal que consideres cualquier medio no integrista ni franquista como falso. Y Juan, no, lo siento mucho. Ni me veo obligado a usar dos nombres ni tres.

Te ves obligado a levantar una pantalla de humo porque te he vuelto a pillar. Te repito, confundes derecha con ultraderecha. Si Juan, te sustentas en dogmas. No piensas por ti mismo, copias y pegas, no razonas, vives de la norma de otros. El dogma del integrismo ateo es el que tu sigues. Cada vez que habla alguien distinto a mi y que no se atenga al laicismo salvaje, es que soy yo. Tu dios ZP te tiene en el delirio. Pues va a ser que no. Como con los masones. Y te lo repito: Juan, por favor, no seas tan infantil. Si es que eres tan poco creativo que haces con todos lo mismo.

En todos eres igual. Juan, vuelves a lo mismo. Porque sino hay conciencia de ser, no se es sujeto, aunque tal como has puesto "porque no es un "ser", es decir, te fundamentas en que NO es una vida humana" es evidente que no lo has entendido. La izquierda tiene sus cosas buenas y sus cosas malas, depende el punto de vista. En caunto a verdades, no las hay y tono fascista mucho. Diles que no sean tan corruptos. Y dineros en la valenciana, pues o eres de paquito camps o te jodes, que le voy ha hacer. Lo de los millones robados es falso. La Junta intenta con este dato rebajar el ruido.

No creo que lo consiga. Me autocito sin rubor, del 10 de febrero:. Gente que se jubila sin cumplir los requisitos. Sin haber trabajado en la empresa, vamos. Como para taparse la nariz. Le mantienen toda la confianza. Si Viera es imputado, el caso pasa al Supremo. La pregunta clave sigue siendo: Puedes seguir cualquier respuesta a esta entrada en el RSS 2. Puedes dejar un comentario o enviar un trackback desde tu propio sitio. No hay coincidencia, ni mucho menos, sobre el coste de esta estafa: Hay otras dudas, como por ejemplo, si la junta andaluza estaba informada de estos trapicheos, o si, como el PSOE pretende destacar, fue la que ha denunciado el caso y lo ha remitido a las investigaciones judiciales.

Nada tiene que ver con lo que dice el PP". Viera, sin embargo, no figura en la querella presentada por el PP contra 26 personas por el fraude en los ERE. Eso corresponde a los tribunales", sostuvo Moreno hace una semana para ilustrar la dificultad de cuantificar el fraude. No necesariamente se da por escrito. Son tan totalitarios y tiranos que desprecian, imponen y tergiversan a los que no piensan como ellos. Los hechos, en concreto, son el libramiento de En fin, Juan, paso ya. Sigue pues, entonces, con generalisimofranco. Creo que dijeste que tienes hijos.

Pedro 12 Junio Responder. Emilio 12 Junio Responder. Gracias a Dios no uso gafas. Roman 13 Junio Responder. Hablo de Pio Moa, del que tanto copias sus comentarios de conoze. Si, de un terrorista, entre otras cosas. El tribunal les exime de responsabilidad argumentando que en realidad se estaba parafraseando un libro. Juan 14 Junio Responder. Macabro payaso, delirante y barriobajera catadura humana. Es indignante que aquello parezca una botellona. Es indignante comprobar que, por casualidad, claro, en esa Puerta del Sol tiene su despacho Esperanza Aguirre.

Extrapolando esos datos, se ha estimado finalmente entre 1. Y nada tengo que ver con Carrillo. Tu discurso es el de franco!! Pio Moa fue y sigue siendo un radical antisistema. Tu idolo es un radical y terrorista. Porque estas manejado por tu ignorancia y tus prejuicios que te coartan tu libertad.

NO eres libre, eres un borrego esclavo de tus prejuicios e ignorancia. Ya lo dijo Albert Einstein: Roman 14 Junio Responder. Payaso no soy, eso es Leo Bassi, y desde luego, payaso sin gracia. Por otra parte, el "agasajo" de tus insultos me lo esperaba.

Parece que hay gente que las cosas las ven o blancas o negras, parece que si condenas el franquismo ya eres de izquierdas o comunista Parece que sino eres del psoe ya eres del pp y viceversa. JUAN, te recuerdo que fuiste tu el que empezaste a faltarme a mi cuando te quedaste sin argumentos y has seguido con tus mentiras sobre lo que pienso y defiendo.

En cualquier caso, cuando quieras retornamos a un dialogo civilizado. Y a Albert Einstein no le admiro por lo que creyese o dejase de creer. Roman 16 Junio Responder. Y JUAN, sobre el "mangifico" historiador que consideras a Pio Moa, ya te he contestado muchas veces a sus comentarios y te he explicado como falsea la verdad y homite lo que quiere.

Y un ejemplo de ello es lo de justificar el golpe de estado de Franco por el asesinado de Calvo Sotelo. Roman 17 Junio Responder. POE 04 Agosto Responder. Vaya, sigues siendo el memo que se traga el cuento del Acebes. POE 18 Agosto Responder. Cristo y su Evangelio es lo que les molesta. El bien social y espiritual del cristianismo es inmenso a nivel mundial. Juan 24 Septiembre Responder. Heya i'm for any most important occasion listed here.

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My business is looking forward within your up coming send, I'm going to attempt to receive the hold of it! At home, Juan speaks Spanish with his parents although he occasionally speaks English with his father. His father came to the U. Juan 's mother completed 8 grade in Mexico and immigrated to the U. Juan 's mother reported that he has had no significant medical problems. Her report of his behavior included an inability to focus on tasks at hand and easy distractibility. She was concerned that the principal of the school mentioned that Juan may be asked to repeat the 3 grade or change schools.

In the clinic, Juan sat quietly but appeared to be daydreaming and attentive to the conversation. The pediatrician called the principal who expressed frustration with Juan 's behavior. In class, he was very fidgety, did not pay attention and usually did not answer questions. He also bothered other students when they were working. The principal explained that because Juan 's school was a Spanish language immersion school, there were no special education services available.

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It has often been a matter of regret with me; for, going back, perhaps, to the days of the Protectorate, those papers must have contained many references to forgotten or remembered men, and to antique customs, which would have affected me with the same pleasure as when I used to pick up Indian arrowheads in the field near the Old Manse. El abuelo tiene gozosamente abiertos ante ellas sus ojos, que se hacen por un momento ardientes y maravillados. And obviously, appreciate it with your effort! Full Text Available Resumo: In the way of literary talk, it is true, the Naval Officer--an excellent fellow, who came into the office with me, and went out only a little later--would often engage me in a discussion about one or the other of his favourite topics, Napoleon or Shakespeare.

If a student at the school required special education services, he or she would be transferred to another school in the same school district. An evaluation for an Individualized Education Plan IEP indicated that Juan had above average cognitive ability 90 percentile , with superior ability to problem solve and process information simultaneously 99 percentile.

The Woodcock Johnson III Spanish version indicated average achievement in academic skills, with low average in reading fluency, comprehension and spelling. On the Test of Auditory-Perceptual Skills, Juan tested generally low average in all domains, and was at the 14 percentile for both auditory number and auditory word memory. This proposed rule involves Miguel Bru, de la ausencia y la lucha: Un desaparecido en democracia.

Morosi relata de form When life hands you lemons, make a battery! In this article, the authors describe an activity they refer to as " Juan 's Dilemma," an extension of the familiar lemon-battery activity Goodisman Juan 's Dilemma integrates oxidation and reduction chemistry with circuit theory in a fun, real-world exercise.

The authors designed this activity for…. El San Juan y la Universidad Nacional. En el recuerdo siempre: Insight into the Physical Processes of Volcanoes. In general, the internal state and activity of volcanoes remains an important component to understanding volcanic hazard. We initially locate events using automated routines and focus on analyzing local events. We then relocate each seismic event by hand-picking P-wave arrivals, and later refine these picks using waveform cross correlation.

Using a double difference earthquake location algorithm HypoDD , we identify a set of earthquakes that vertically align beneath the edifice of the volcano, suggesting that we have identified a magma conduit feeding the volcano. Our preliminary results show the extent of the magma chamber that also aligns with some horizontal seismicity. Overall, this volcano is very active and presents a significant hazard to the region.

Juan Antonio Rubio Rodriguez — It was with deep sorrow and great sadness that we learnt that Juan Antonio Rubio Rodriguez had passed away on 16th January Juan Antonio was born in Madrid on 4th June , and received his Ph. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — The dataset contains initial capture and marking data for California sea lion Zalophus californianus pups at San Miguel Island, California and subsequent The article rediscovers and explores Miguel Ozorio de Almeida's important role in the realm of scientific dissemination in Brazil.

This little-known facet of his activities has not received the attention it deserves in studies on the history of science in Brazil. The latter is perhaps the first Brazilian book offering a more systematic discussion of the practice of scientific dissemination, along with its advantages and limitations. Miguel Ozorio also wrote Almas sem abrigo , a novel about the life of a mathematician in Brazil, and, in collaboration with Humberto Mauro, he directed the educational film Fisiologia Geral From surfaces to magnetic properties: In the following paper, Crespo et al review the effect of organic and inorganic coatings on magnetic nanoparticles, showing that the coating can tune the magnetic properties of metallic and oxide nano-sized particles.

Barja et al report on ordered magnetic ion structures formed by evaporation of Mn and Fe on self-assembled layers of tetracyanoquinodimethane TCNQ molecules on Cu Acknowledgments The editors are grateful to all the invited contributors to this special section of Journal of Physics: We also thank the staff of IOP Publishing for handling the administrative matters and the refereeing process, and for their patience and helpful disposition. From surfaces to magnetic properties contents From surfaces to magnetic properties: Full Text Available Publicizing and furthering good architecture in all spheres of social endeavour is the best way to ensure that the public at large will demand only the best.

The mycorrhiza and, more generally, soil microbiology research communities recently have lost one of their most ardent scientists. He was a prolific publisher, enthusiastic teacher of many graduate students and a genial host to visitors of his beloved Granada. He will be missed wherever mycorrhizasts gather. La scultura decorativa di San Miguel de Escalada: Ripercorrendo il panorama storiografico, nel presente studio si analizza la decorazione di plutei e fregi e il repertorio figurativo da cui probabilmente de In this research an ecologically based strategy for G.

Infestation structure, altitudinal range, associated plants, phenology and natural enemies were studied. The Neutron Activation Analysis NAA is an efficient multielemental technique for determination of elements in low concentration ppm , what has been result useful in the study of origin of archaeological material. In this work that technique was used for characterizing obsidian devices coming from the San Miguel Ixtapan site, Estado de Mexico and it was found that these come from three important beds which are: Channel entrance, and to protect the high ranking officials on board the Spanish Navy School Ship San This study aimed to determine the cuisine preference of the local tourist in San Juan , Batangas.

More specifically, it aimed to describe the demographic profile of local tourist; to identify the preferred cuisine by different restaurants; to determine the significant difference when group according to demographic profile; and to determine the cuisine preference of local tourists in San Juan , Batangas. The research design used the descriptive method because it is the most appropria The main interest in the current study was to determine if hookworms were present in NESs on San Miguel Island where two hookworm species of the genus Uncinaria are known to be present - Uncinaria lyonsi in California sea lions and Uncinaria lucasi in northern fur seals.

Hookworms were not detected in any of the NESs examined: Hookworm free-living third stage larvae, developed from eggs of California sea lions and northern fur seals, were recovered from sand. It seems that at this time, further search for hookworms in NESs would be nonproductive. Reassessment of the historical seismic activity with major impact on S. Full Text Available On account of its tectonic setting, both seismic and volcanic events are frequent in the Azores archipelago.

Miguel Island causing a significant number of casualties and severe damages. The information present in historical records made possible a new macroseismic analysis of these major events using the European Macroseismic Scale EMS Among the strongest earthquakes of tectonic origin that affected S. Miguel Island, six events were selected for this study. The isoseismal maps drawn for these events enabled the identification of areas characterized by anomalous values of seismic intensity, either positive or negative, to constrain epicentre locations and to identify some new seismogenic areas.

Regarding seismic activity associated with volcanic phenomena six cases were also selected. For each of the studied cases cumulative intensity values were assessed for each locality. The distribution of local intensity values shows that the effects are not homogeneous within a certain distance from the eruptive centre, the area of major impacts relates with the eruptive style and damages equivalent to high intensities may occur in Furnas and Sete Cidades calderas.

Combining all the historical macroseismic data, a maximum intensity map was produced for S. Las Silvas de Juan Lorenzo Palmireno. The lack of any intention to arrange its structure gives these silvas the characteristic of a literary draft, a feature derived from one of the meanings of silva inherited from the Classical Age. Furthermore, the silvas of Palmireno act as a transition to the later development of silva as a genre, which finds its educational objective being taken over gradually by the anxiety to provide entertainment. Full Text Available In this article the study of Perolli's work in Genoa is continued, demonstrating his varied artistic activities and his relationship with families under Spanish influence.

A voz do Brasil: Miguel Pereira e o discurso sobre o "imenso hospital" The voice of Brazil: Miguel Pereira and his speech on the "enormous hospital". The article reproduces and comments on an important primary source that is often cited in studies on Brazil's history of health but which few are familiar with in its entirety: In this text, I endeavor to deepen our knowledge of the historical circumstances which produced this expression that synthesized the 'evils of Brazil', especially in regard to the era's discussion of mandatory military recruitment and of the army as a 'civics school'.

Full Text Available In his exemplary novel El amante liberal, Miguel de Cervantes uses the oriental setting to question the conventional representations of matrimony, gender, masculinity and feminity, individualism and freedom. Unlike other contemporary texts, his novel does not establish an opposition between the Muslim and the Christian world, but instead subtly points to the parallels between the two. It will be demonstrated that the official Christian discourse of love and matrimony takes on a new meaning when paralleled to its equivalent in the Muslim world.

El Colegio de San Miguel de Belem: Mexico's First Female Music Conservatory. Founded in as a recogimiento a place where women withdrew from society , the school accepted criollas girls of European heritage who had been born in the Americas. The girls were trained in skills deemed appropriate for their sex, social class, and ethnic group. Recogiendo conchas en la arena.

Las libretas de viaje de Miguel Fisac. Se trata de sus libretas de viaje. O pensamento corporativo em Miguel Reale: New record of Boa constrictor occidentalis Philippi, Serpentes: Boidae in San Juan province, Argentina. The specimen was collected and deposited in the herpetological collection of the Department of Biology, Universidad Nacional San Juan. This record extends the known distribution for this species in San Juan province by km. Miguel Hidalgo encarna perfectamente la imagen de Prometeo, t Inthis article we aim to analize how is perceived Turkey and Turkish people bythe West during the historical process in the non-fictional writings of Juan Goytisolo, who is one of the contemporary writers of Spain.

However, this positiveattention has never been an obstacle for a realistic approach. Juan Carlos Onetti encerrado con un solo juguete: This program was designed to calculate satellite orbits and station coordinates, however it was used in this work for the determination of LOD Length Of Day time series and Earth Rotation speed.

Full Text Available In this paper, we examine the works produced by Miguel Ciera against the backdrop of the Third Delimitation Expedition, which was sent by Portugal to explore the interior of South America between and As the astronomer and cosmographer of the demarcation team, this Paduan engineer sailed up Paraguay River all the way to the mouth of Jauru River and there, with his companions, he set the border line, thus substantiating at site the Treaty of Boundaries.

In addition to accurate geographic charts, the atlas included depictions of fauna, popular types and landscapes made in pencil and watercolor, forming the first set of images available of that region, which was named Pantanal as from the 18th century. Here, we analyze this specific piece and seek to demonstrate that it was not merely a beautiful atlas; in fact, it was a refined visual document with which Miguel Ciera offered the Portuguese monarch valuable information about the hinterland here the border line was laid.

From the early 's to the present day, San Miguel volcano has experienced many small eruptions and several periods of heightened seismic activity, making it one of the most active volcanoes in the El Salvadoran volcanic chain. Since then, eruptions have decreased in intensity to an average VEI of 1. Eruptions mostly consist of phreatic explosions and central vent eruptions. Due to the explosive nature of this volcano, it is important to study the origins of the volcanism and its relationship to surface deformation and earthquake activity. We analyze these interactions by integrating interferometric synthetic aperture radar InSAR results with earthquake source location data from a ten-month March January seismic deployment.

Normal RSAM values for this volcano are earthquakes that occurred between March and January suggests a fault zone through the center of the San Miguel volcanic cone. This fault zone is most likely where dyke propagation is occurring. Source mechanisms will be determined for the earthquakes associated with this fault zone, and they will be compared to the InSAR deformation field to determine if the mid-October seismic activity and observed surface deformation are compatible.

In fall , San Juan College, in New Mexico, established the Task Force on Innovation to examine changes in the paradigm of education and how those changes might affect the college. The Task Force determined that the primary driver of change in education was technology, and specifically the increasing number of means and ease of access to…. ISSN Institutional research plan: AA - Philosophy ; Religion. Ladrillo and Tales of Juan Bobo: Puerto Rican Folk Tales. These two illustrated elementary readers contain the Spanish and English versions of the Puerto Rican folk tales, "Ladrillo" and "Cuentos de Juan Bobo.

These materials are intended to help the child relate to his culture, develop interest in…. El silencio como estrategia en la obra de Juan Rulfo. The green areas of San Juan , Puerto Rico. Green areas, also known as green infrastructure or urban vegetation, are vital to urbanites for their critical roles in mitigating urban heat island effects and climate change and for their provision of multiple ecosystem services and aesthetics. Here, I provide a high spatial resolution snapshot of the green cover distribution of the city of San Juan , Puerto Rico, by One hundred years later].

Mental health and psychiatric diseases have always attracted people's and health authorities' attention due to its magical approach, the lack of knowledge that surrounds them, and, at the same time, the religious fear they provoke. Both have played an important role in the history of humanity, of public health politics, and of physicians. The places where psychiatric patients were treated are of historical interest, because through the historical knowledge we can identify an approach from the science and the health policies that prevailed in each age.

La Casa de Salud San Juan de Dios para Pacientes Alienados is an example; the concept "alienated patients" suggests a social and cultural perspective. Full Text Available Green areas, also known as green infrastructure or urban vegetation, are vital to urbanites for their critical roles in mitigating urban heat island effects and climate change and for their provision of multiple ecosystem services and aesthetics. Here, I provide a high spatial resolution snapshot of the green cover distribution of the city of San Juan , Puerto Rico, by incorporating the use of morphological spatial pattern analysis MSPA as a tool to describe the spatial pattern and connectivity of the city's urban green areas.

Analysis of a previously developed IKONOS 4-m spatial resolution classification of the city of San Juan from revealed a larger area of vegetation green areas or green infrastructure than previously estimated by moderate spatial resolution imagery. MSPA revealed that most forest cover occurred as edges and cores, and green areas were most commonly forest cores, with larger predominance in the southern sector of the municipality. In dense, built-up, urban land, most of the green areas occurred in private yards as islets. When compared to other cities across the United States, San Juan was most similar in green cover features to Boston, Massachusetts, and Miami, Florida.

Per capita green space for San Juan This study explores the intra-urban vegetation variation in the city of San Juan , which is generally overlooked by moderate spatial resolution classifications in Puerto Rico. It serves as a starting point for green infrastructure mapping and landscape pattern analysis of the urban green spaces. It considers how cognitive experience is marked by particular bodily…. Narrativa como Imitatio Dei em Miguel de Unamuno. Characterization of the hydrologic resources of San Miguel County, New Mexico, and identification of hydrologic data gaps, Geological Survey USGS , in cooperation with San Miguel County, New Mexico, conducted a study to assess publicly available information regarding the hydrologic resources of San Miguel County and to identify data gaps in that information and hydrologic information that could aid in the management of available water resources.

Monthly discharge at these streamgages is generally bimodally distributed, with most runoff corresponding to spring runoff and to summer monsoonal rains. Data compiled since on the geology and groundwater resources of San Miguel County are generally consistent with the original characterization of depth and availability of groundwater resources and of source aquifers. Subsequent exploratory drilling identified deep available groundwater in some locations. Most current development of groundwater resources is in western San Miguel County, particularly in the vicinity of El Creston hogback, the hogback ridge just west of Las Vegas, where USGS groundwater-monitoring wells indicate that groundwater levels are declining.

Regarding future studies to address identified data gaps, the ability to evaluate and quantify surface-water resources, both as runoff and as potential groundwater recharge, could be enhanced by expanding the network of streamgages and groundwater-monitoring wells throughout the county.

A series of seepage surveys along the lengths of the rivers could help to determine locations of surface-water losses to and gains from the local groundwater system and could help to quantify the component of streamflow attributable to irrigation return flow; associated synoptic water-quality sampling could help to identify potential effects to water quality attributable to irrigation return flow. Effects of groundwater withdrawals on streamflow could be assessed by constructing monitoring wells along transects between production wells and stream reaches.

Full Text Available Resumo: Literatura espanhola; Juan Goytisolo; Cuaderno de Sarajevo: Spanish literature; Juan Goytisolo; Cuaderno de Sarajevo: This paper provides a handful of verses allowing us to discover his original idiosyncrasy and versatility as a poet. All these units are Mesozoic in age - Ma and according to their chemical nature they correspond tosub-alkaline to weak peralkaline magmas. Los santos inocentes de Miguel Delibes [] y de Mario Camus [ An environmental assessment was prepared by the staff of the U.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, in response to a request for technical assistance from the State of Colorado in connection with licensing action on the proposed Pioneer Uravan, Inc. The major components of discussion are 1 a summary and recommended licensing conditions, 2 a description of the site environment and the proposed facility operation as well as alternatives in comparison with NRC's performance objectives for tailings management, and 3 a radiological assessment for estimating the facility's compliance with 10 CFR 20 and 40 CFR dose regulations.

The NRC recommends licensing the proposed mill subject to stipulated license conditions. Lessons from San Miguel del Bala. The ecotourism business owned by the Tacana Indigenous community of San Miguel in the Bolivian Amazon provides a model as to how Indigenous communities can harness social entrepreneurship to address economic, social, and environmental challenges.

This article reviews the origins and development of this business, and draws on participant observation research, interviews, surveys, and economic analysis to illustrate the lessons learned and challenges faced. The findings are presented to inform existing and new Indigenous tourism ventures, policy considerations, and future research.

Forty four local events with well constrained solutions and 15 regional events were located. In addition, hundreds of unlocatable seismic events were recorded. The most interesting seismic activity occurred in a swarm on September 6 and 7, when over events were recorded in a 16 hour period.

The Scarlet Letter (Webster's Spanish Thesaurus Edition)

The seismic activity around Agua de Pau was centered on the east and northeast slopes of the volcano. The data suggest a boiling hydrothermal system beneath the Agua de Pau volcano, consistent with a variety of other data. Social uses of commercial soap operas: This paper presents an interview with Miguel Sabido, a writer-producer-director of theater and soap operas in Mexico concerning the social uses of commercial soap operas. According to Sabido, television soap operas can play multiple roles in educating the public: Sabido stressed the importance of a theory-based method for producing drama and mentioned how theoreticians Bentley, Bandura, Maclean, and Jung influenced his writing and production of soap operas.

According to Sabido, the social uses of commercial television are possible with socially responsible soap operas. Paleomagnetic samples were obtained for 34 flows and one dike; successful mean paleomagnetic directions were obtained for 28 of these 35 sites. Our radiometric ages are consistent with the reverse polarity paleomagnetic field directions, and indicate that the entire exposed part of the Nordeste complex is of a late Matuyama age. Observed stable isotope and trace element trends across the island can be explained, at least in part, by communication between different magma source regions at depth.

Our results demonstrate that precise radiometric dating of numerous flows sampled is essential to accurate inferences of long-term geomagnetic field behavior. Negative inclination anomalies are observed for both the normal and reverse polarity time-averaged field. Within the data uncertainties, normal and reverse polarity field directions are antipodal, but the reverse polarity field shows a significant deviation from a geocentric axial dipole direction. The evolution of islands, bathymetric highs and basin margins involves strong volcanism, but the controlling geodynamic and tectonic processes are currently under debate.

In order to study this evolution, multibeam bathymetry and marine seismic reflection data were collected to image faults and stratigraphy. The basins of the southeastern Terceira Rift are rift valleys whose southwestern and northeastern margins are defined by few major normal faults and several minor normal faults, respectively. Up to six seismic units are interpreted for each basin.

Although volcanic ridges hamper a direct linking of depositional strata between the rift and adjacent basins, the individual seismic stratigraphic units have distinct characteristics. Using these units to provide a consistent relative chrono-stratigraphic scheme for the entire study area, we suggest that the evolution of the southeastern Terceira Rift occurred in two stages.

Hence, the evolution of the southeastern Terceira Rift domain is predominantly controlled by plate kinematics and lithospheric stress forming a kind of a re-organized rift system. Paleomagnetism, geochronology, and tectonic implications. Molina; van Hinsbergen, Douwe J. The Padre Miguel Group in western Honduras is a silicic volcanic sequence that forms part of the Central American Miocene volcanic arc built on the Chortis continental fragment. These rocks are characterized by univectorial characteristic magnetization carried mainly by low-Ti titanomagnetites, or two component magnetizations with a minor secondary overprint.

Dual polarity magnetizations suggest that it is a primary thermo-remanence and the obtained data scatter can be straightforwardly explained by paleosecular variation. The overall mean of 33 selected sites Restoring km of sinistral slip in the Polochic-Motagua fault system, as suggested by Cayman Trough reconstructions since 15 Ma, brings the mid-Miocene arcs of southern Mexico Oaxaca and the Central America ignimbrite province into alignment; this is consistent with a derivation of the Chortis Block from southern Mexico.

Our paleomagnetic and geochronological studies hence support models that explain the offset of the Miocene ignimbrite belt of Central America by post-Middle Miocene displacement of the Chortis Block relative to North America. Full Text Available In this document we analyze the decision making process on tourism in San Miguel Almaya, Mexico, an Otomi locality which preserves uses and customs based on the regime of communal land tenancy, yet slowly this community has experienced transformation basically as a result from its transition from agricultural to commercial community in recent decades.

The analysis was based on the approach of Policy Networks that studies the relations generated among actors gathered around public problems; in this particular case: The methodology employed was based on the proposal by Cruz that identifies the objectives and interests of the actors respect to touristic activity and its linked actions; the resources they used and the cooperative relations established to reach their ends, as well as the dependence observed with other member of the policy network constructed as an abstraction of the complex fabric of interactions in the reality of San Miguel Almaya.

The documental revision, in particularly of specialized literature, in-depth interviews with key actors, fieldwork and continual meetings with local authorities provided elements to analyze the political game unfolded by local and municipal authorities, private actors and the academy, all of them members of the network. As a result we detected how some uses and customs have been surpassed by economic, social and cultural transformations and their repercussions on the natural and cultural heritage of the community, which consequently compromise tourism that is the articulating axis of actions headed to rescue, exploitation and preservation of the forest, lake, religious festivities, identity, communal labor and urban image.

Full Text Available More than any other member of his post-war generation, Miguel Fisac was the epitome of the modern architect. His oeuvre spanned the second half of the twentieth century. With over 60 years in the profession and author of more than designs, Fisac was one of the longestlived and prolific Spanish architects. But he never failed to mention the two battles he lost: Neither ever made it past the design stage: Su trabajo recorre toda la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Ambas han quedado simplemente en un intento: This report, prepared by the U.

Geological Survey in cooperation with the Mining and Minerals Division of the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, describes results of a hydrogeologic assessment, including numerical groundwater modeling, to identify the timing of groundwater recovery and potential pathways for groundwater transport of metals that may be leached from stored CCBs and reach hydrologic receptors after operations cease.

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  • The Darkening.: Book One of the Gift-bearers..

Data collected for the hydrologic assessment indicate that groundwater in at least one centrally located reclaimed surface-mining pit has already begun to recover. Results indicate that groundwater at CCB storage areas will recover to the former steady state, or in some locations, groundwater may recover to a new steady state in 6, to 10, years at variable rates depending on the proximity to a residual cone-of-groundwater depression caused by mine dewatering and regional oil and gas pumping as well as on actual, rather than estimated, groundwater recharge and evapotranspirational losses.

Advective particle-track modeling indicates that the number of particles and rates of advective transport will vary depending on hydraulic properties of the mine spoil, particularly hydraulic conductivity and porosity. Modeling results from the most conservative scenario indicate that particles can migrate from CCB repositories to either the.

In Costa Rica, a radiation accident occurred in The Unit of Radiotherapy made a mistake in the calibration of the new bundle because of the change of external faeces of cobalt 60 Alycon II. The work is a retrospective study that describes what happened in this accident, and the medical consequences that derived from it [es. The purpose of the hydrologic assessment is to identify groundwater flow paths away from SJCM coal-combustion-byproduct storage sites that might allow metals that may be leached from coal-combustion byproducts to eventually reach wells or streams after regional dewatering ceases and groundwater recovers to predevelopment levels.

The hydrologic assessment, undertaken between and , included compilation of existing data. This article seeks to analyze the origins of the historiographical treatment of Juan de Juanes in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Since , however, eruptions have decreased in intensity to an average of VEI 1, with the most recent eruption occurring in Eruptions at San Miguel volcano consist mostly of central vent and phreatic eruptions. A critical challenge related to the explosive nature of this volcano is to understand the relationships between precursory surface deformation, earthquake activity, and volcanic activity.

In this project, we seek to determine sub-surface structures within and near the volcano, relate the local deformation to these structures, and better understand the hazard that the volcano presents in the region. To accomplish these goals, we deployed a six station, broadband seismic network around San Miguel volcano in collaboration with researchers from Servicio Nacional de Estudios Territoriales SNET.

This network operated continuously from 23 March to 15 January and had a high data recovery rate. The data were processed to determine earthquake locations, magnitudes, and, for some of the larger events, focal mechanisms. We obtained high precision locations using a double-difference approach and identified at least 25 events near the volcano. Ongoing analysis will seek to identify earthquake types e. These results will be combined with radar interferometric measurements of surface deformation in order to determine the relationship between surface and subsurface processes at the volcano.

The Miguel Auza mine located in Zacatecas State, Mexico, is a vein-type polymetallic epithermal deposit hosted in deformed argillite, siltstone and, greywacke of the Cretaceous Caracol Formation. Silver-rich base metal veins 0. A 2 km2 monzonitic stock located in the proximity of the mineralized zones, has previously been interpreted as the source of the mineralizing fluids. Four distinct structural stages are correlated with hydrothermal mineral deposition: I The Pre-ore stage is characterized by normal faulting, fracturing of host rock, and rotation of bedding planes.

III The Main-ore stage is related to the development of reverse-fault- hosted massive sulphide veins. During this stage three phases of mineral deposition are recorded: Associated gangue minerals during the main ore stage are quartz, muscovite, calcite and chlorite. Later supergene oxidation of veins led to deposition of Fe-oxides and hydroxides, commonly filling fractures or replacing early-formed sulphide assemblages. The various vein types display classic epithermal textures including open space filling, banding, comb quartz and brecciation.

Four sampling campaigns were developed between and in each water body, split by the cold and wet seasons. The geology of the island is dominated by three quiescent central volcanoes Sete Cidades, Fogo and Furnas , linked by volcanic fissural zones Picos and Congro Fissural Volcanic systems. Santiago lake, with a surface area of 0. The watershed of the lake has an area of 0. A total of CO2 flux measurements using the accumulation chamber method were made at Santiago lake, in the first campaign November , and , and in the three other campaigns, respectively, in April , September and December The total CO2 flux estimated for this lake varies between 0.

These higher CO2 emissions were associated with a period without water column stratification. Similarly to Santiago lake, Congro lake is located inside a maar, in the Congro Fissural Volcanic system, and has a surface area of 0. The lake, located at an altitude of m, is fed by a watershed with an area of 0. In Congro lake a total of CO2 flux measurements were performed during four surveys from. The SJBE watershed has the highest Moving and fixed security zones are established The waters of San Antonio National Park Service, Interior.

Notice of Availability of the Acerca de dibaxu de Juan Gelman. A total of birds representing74 species of 23 families were examined for haematozoa. The prevalence of infection is this sample is low in comparisonto that recorded for Neartic birds as reported by Greiner et al.

We hypothesize that microfilariaeare transmitted bya vector that is not utilized by either the haemoproteids or the plasmodiids. Finally 8 specieswere examined for blood parasites for the first time, 15 new host-parasite records for the worldand 15 new for Colombia were established from this sample. This survey and other similarstudies, clearly indicate that research on this topic is urgently required, particularly since thereare direct correlations between stress e.

Full Text Available In many border-related discussions—whether philosophical, anthropological, critical, or fictional—there are typical themes or narrative tics: In this paper I will explore these concerns with reference to two novels: At the same time, each novel evokes a geopolitical and cultural space of multiple crossings, one that is far more heterogeneous than conventionally transnational. Nuances in the representation of time in the works of Miguel Delibes. Problems and constraints in Philippine municipal fisheries: The Philippine fisheries accounted for 3. The sector employed about , persons.

Of the divisions comprising the industry, municipal fisheries continued to contribute the largest share of fish production. This paper presents the problems and constraints confronting SMB, a common property resource. This bay's open access condition has led to various problems, such as declining fishery resources, depressed socioeconomic conditions, illegal fishing, increasing population, and conflict among resource users. A poor marketing system, low level of fishing technology, fishermen's noncompliance and authorities' lax enforcement of rules and regulations, as well as lack of alternative sources of income further characterize the condition in SMB.

Establishment of fishing rights, improvement of the marketing system, provision of alternative sources of income, and improvement of fishing technology were some of the solutions suggested. One major constraint, however, is financial, Comanagement complemented with other management tools has been proposed in addressing the problems in SMB.

Phrasal units in literary translation the case of idioms in Miguel Delibes Las ratas. Full Text Available In this article we explore the translation of phrasal units in the context of literary translation, arguing that such units may fulfil a specific function in a work. This is the case in the novel Las ratas, by Miguel Delibes, in which the author used them as linguistic markers of the social strata and cultural level of the different characters.

We have analysed the translation of some idioms of the novel in order to highlight the key aspects to take into account in the translation, the problems that the translator has to face when performinghis profession, and the solutions that can be proposed. We show that thetranslation of phrasal units is certainly not a straightforward task, and thecorrespondences cover a wide range because of the differences between thetwo languages and the numerous factors which need to be taken into account when translate a phrasal unit in a literary text, none of which seems to prevailover the others in all situations.

These difficulties compel the translator to study in advance how the author of a literary work uses the phrasal units in order to plan the translation process so that the effect of the phrasal units ofthe original text is also recreated as far as possible in the translation. Evaluation of landslide susceptibility of Sete Cidades Volcano S.

Full Text Available Sete Cidades is an active central volcano with a summit caldera located in the westernmost part of S. Since the settlement of the Island, in the 15th century, many landslide events occurred in this volcano, causing extensive damages in buildings and infrastructures. The study of historical records and the observation of new occurrences showed that landslides in the region have been triggered by heavy rainfall periods, earthquakes and erosion.

In order to assess landslide susceptibility at Sete Cidades Volcano, landslide scars and associated deposits were mapped through aerial photographs and field surveys. The obtained data were inserted in a GIS to produce a landslide distribution map. It was concluded that the high density landslide areas are related with 1 major scarp faults, 2 the margin of fluvial channels, 3 the sea cliffs and 4 volcanic landforms, namely the caldera wall. These two parameters were integrated and used to generate a preliminary susceptibility map.

Such conclusion should be taken into account for emergency and land use planning. Two E-W trending scarps were identified by aerial photo interpretation. Rabia canina en san Juan de Lurigancho y en Jicamarca. Juan Goytisolo observed with enthusiasm, though with certain concern, the news about the revolutions that, since early , overthrew several autocratical regimes in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, entailed reforms in other countries Morocco and caused a yet unfinished civil war Syria.

Estas estimaciones dan eviden The research design used the descriptive method because it is the most appropriate method. It was found that the over-all assessment was frequent. Hamburger received the highest weighted mean followed by Sandwiches interpreted as frequent. Doughnut and Roasted Turkey got the lowest. Chinese Cuisine is frequently served. Lumpiang Shanghai has the highest weighted mean that is frequently offered and Siomai being the second highest. Siopao and Dumpling got the lowest weighted mean that makes it sometimes offered in every restaurant.

Japanese cuisine has an over-all assessment of frequent. Tempura has the highest weighted mean followed by Teriyaki. Ramen has the second to the lowest weighted mean and Tonkatsu got the lowest. French Cuisine has a composite mean with an over-all assessment of sometimes. Mediterranean salad has the highest weighted followed by French Macaroons. Lamb and Ratatouille has the lowest weighted mean.

Formas de no ser arquitecto. Tan solo su actividad docente le mantiene en contacto con el mundo de la arquitectura. Volcanism is induced by the convergence of the Cocos Plate underneath the Caribbean Plate, along a km arc, extending from Guatemala to Costa Rica and parallel to the Central American Trench.

The Pan-American and Coastal highways cross the north and south flanks of the volcano. San Miguel volcano has produced modest eruptions, with at least 28 VEI events between and datafrom Smithsonian Institution http: It is characterized by visible milddegassing from a summit vent and fumarole field, and by intermittent lava flows and Strombolian activity.

Since the last vigorous fire fountaining of , San Miguel has only experienced small steam explosions and gas emissions, minor ash fall and rock avalanches. On 29 December the volcano erupted producing an eruption that has been classified as VEI 2. SO2 was chosen as it is amongst the most critical volcanogenic pollutants, which may cause acute and chronicle disease to humans.

Data were gathered by the geochemical monitoring network managed by the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. The qualitative approach was used in this descriptive study of the novel of socio-political nature in order to project a social transformation through critical investigation on the values projected in it. Results showed that social transformation in making wise preferences, having smooth family relationship, and decreasing social injustices apparently were the social transformations depicted in the novel.

The structures of the society that needed to be changed were moral values of the leaders, personal interests, Filipinos culture, and the motives of the politicians to maintain their hold in power. Gravimetric studies are becoming more and more widely acknowledged as a useful tool for studying and modeling the distributions of subsurface masses that are associated with volcanic activity. An inversion model of higher resolution was calculated for the Caldera of Furnas, which has a larger density of data. In order to filter out the noncorrelatable anomalies, least squares prediction was used, resulting in a correlated gravimetric signal model with an accuracy of the order of 0.

The gravimetric inversion technique is based on the adjustment of a three-dimensional 3-D model of cubes of unknown density that represents the island's subsurface. The problem of non-uniqueness is solved by minimization with appropriate covariance matrices of the data resulting from the least squares prediction and of the unknowns. We also propose a criterion for choosing a balance between the data fit which in this case corresponds to residues with rms of the order of 0. The global model of the island includes a low-density zone in a WNW-ESE direction and a depth of the order of 20 km, associated with the Terceira rift spreading center.

The minimums located at a depth of 4 km may be associated with shallow magmatic chambers beneath the main volcanoes of the island. The main high-density area is related to the Nordeste basaltic shield. With regard to the Caldera Furnas, in addition to the minimum that can be associated with a magmatic chamber, there are other shallow minimums that correspond to eruptive processes. Human vulnerability in volcanic environments: The need to examine the vulnerability of people to natural hazards, in addition to the long-established requirement to study extreme events of nature, is being increasingly recognised within disaster research.

The vulnerability of an individual to volcanic hazards involves a complex interaction of elements which, in addition to the usual factors taken into account in programmes of hazard reduction e. It is argued, further, that both generally and in the case of Furnas, the root causes of vulnerability lie in the history and development of society.

Individual decision making is fundamental but takes place within and cannot be separated from this social context. Vulnerability analysis allows the identification of points where intervention may be successful in reducing the likelihood of suffering in a society. It avoids the problem of people's unexpected reactions to invention leading to a changing or even increasing level of vulnerability, by studying society rather than just one aspect of volcanic hazard in isolation.

An analysis of the environment of deposition of the San Miguel lignite deposit was carried out in order to understand newly discovered characteristics of the deposit. The environment of deposition of the overburden and underburden was evaluated through an interpretation of three continuous cores. Four coal cores and a highwall section were carefully described to determine the depositional environmental of the coal seams and partings. These studies were supplemented by the construction of seam and parting isopachs, and the analysis of the distribution of sulfur isotopes, sulfur, forms, and total sulfur within the coal.

The sedimentary package is composed of a basal prograding barrier that beach, dune, and back-barrier sands. This unit correlates with a downdip sand that was also interpreted as a prograding barrier by other authors. The barrier is overlain by a series of slit and clay deposits of lagoonal, tidal flat, and tidal channel origin.

These deposits are capped by restricted lagoon sediments composed of green, calcareous clays that occasionally contain shell layers. The restricted lagoon deposits formed when the barrier closed the lagoon off from the sea. Peat forming freshwater swamps eventually became established behind the barrier and on top of the restricted lagoon sediments. The parting isopachs reveal a reticulate morphology similar to the mangrove swamps located lateral to the modern Niger River Delta. The partings represent vegetated tidal flat deposits that formed during periodic invasions by the sea that killed the swamp and inundated the peat with sulfate rich water.

The lignite interval is capped by open lagoon and tidal flat sediments. Miguel Hidalgo Hospital in Aguascalientes is dependent from the Federal Secretary of Health and operates in integrity with State health system in Aguascalientes. It capacity is based on censored beds and 71 no censored beds. Renal transplant program activity was initiated in and gives care for adult and pediatric population. Retrospective, comparative and longitudinal study to describe and analyze our experience.

Data base and clinical charts of renal transplant recipients were reviewed. Age, gender, date of transplant, etiology of renal disease, type of donor, HLA compatibility and PRA, immunosuppressive therapy, acute rejection, serum creatinina, graft loss and mortality were registered. Cox Analysis was also done. Patients were divided in 2 groups: Biopsy proven acute rejection in group A Results are comparable to international data. Importance of developing regional transplant centers is emphasized.

Pero me adelanto; por lo pronto me alcanza decir que M Bedrock aquifers of eastern San Juan County, Utah. This study is one of a series of studies appraising the waterbearing properties of the Navajo Sandstone and associated formations in southern Utah. Some of the water-yielding formations are grouped into aquifer systems.

Discharge from the ground-water reservoir to the San Juan River between gaging stations at Four Corners and Mexican Hat is about 66 cubic feet per second. The N aquifer is the main aquifer in the study area. Recharge by infiltration of precipitation is estimated to be 25, acre-feet per year. A major ground-water divide exists under the broad area east of Monticello. The thickness of the N aquifer, where the sedimentary section is fully preserved and saturated, generally is to 1, feet.

Hydraulic conductivity values obtained from aquifer tests range from 0. The total volume of water in transient storage is about 11 million acre-feet. Well discharge somewhat exceeded 2, acre-feet during Discharge to the San Juan River from the N aquifer is estimated to be 6.

Water quality ranges from a calcium bicarbonate to sodium chloride type water. The educational ideas of Juan de Robles. Juan de Robles is considered one of the main humanists in the Spanish Golden Century. The most important of his works is. Central San Juan caldera cluster: Eruption of at least km3 of dacitic-rhyolitic magma as 9 major ash-slow sheets individually km3 was accompanied by recurrent caldera subsidence between Voluminous andesitic-decitic lavas and breccias were erupted from central volcanoes prior to the ash-flow eruptions, and similar lava eruptions continued within and adjacent to the calderas during the period of explosive volcanism, making the central San Juan caldera cluster an exceptional site for study of caldera-related volcanic processes.

Exposed calderas vary in size from 10 to 75 km in maximum diameter, the largest calderas being associated with the most voluminous eruptions. Because of the nested geometry, maximum loci of recurrently overlapping collapse events are inferred to have subsided as much as km, far deeper than the roof of the composite subvolcanic batholith defined by gravity data, which represents solidified caldera-related magma bodies.

Erosional dissection to depths of as much as 1. The calderas display a variety of postcollapse resurgent uplift structures, and caldera-forming events produced complex fault geometries that localized late mineralization, including the epithermal base- and precious-metal veins of the well-known Creede mining district. Most of the central San Juan calderas have been deeply eroded, and their identification is dependent on detailed geologic mapping.

In contrast, the primary volcanic morphology of the. Urban ecology of Triatoma infestans in San Juan , Argentina. This study was performed in an urban neighborhood of the capital city of the province of San Juan , Argentina. Erected as a housing complex, the place consists of flats distributed in buildings of three and seven floors each.