Sunday: A History of the First Day from Babylonia to the Super Bowl

Craig Harline "Sunday: A History of the First Day from Babylonia to the Super Bowl"

At Hasselt the Kermesse now only septennial not only commemorates the Christian story of the foundation of the town, but even preserves traces of a pagan festival.

Boulger, Belgian Life in Town and Country Where Catholics—and now some Protestants—had gone wrong, continued Luther, was in making Sunday a sort of Jewish Sabbath. They were therefore free to rest and recreate after church, but according to daily standards of Christian decorum and not because the defunct Sabbath commandment said so.

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Early American Blue Laws said, among other things, that there was to be no traveling, cooking, making beds, sweeping homes, running, walking in the garden, or cutting hair on Sunday, and also that no woman should kiss her child that day p. What made Sunday stand out even more for him and the other monks was a uniquely Sunday activity at the monastery: But far worse were announcements of the latest news and rules.

Each Sunday five to ten new rules were announced regarding the common chant. Some of the news they heard of the outside world pleased him, such as the progress of their new branch monastery in Utah. Finally, Sunday chapter was, for Merton, filled with silly theology, silly thoughts, and silly devotions.

Yet his greatest gift lay not in originality of thought but in synthesis, application, and especially presentation of thought—or in other words, preaching. While engaging at the university every tradition of Western thought, he also perfected his preaching style … He mastered the basic sermon models passed down through the centuries or recently developed by preachers before him: He and other black students jokingly contrasted these with homespun models: Graham was enthusiastic about sports himself, especially golf.


I have seen so many pictures of Jesus as a weakling that I am sick of it. He was no sissy and he was no weakling.

Super Sundays 1987

He must have been straight, strong, big, handsome, tender, gracious, and courteous. He was a real he-man, talk about your football players. He was physically the strongest man on earth. Billy punctuated his message with his sporting past. He boxed the devil, and like a baseball player taunted him, cursed him, spat at him, and called him names. I read a recent, typical issue, which included an article on the rarity of car theft on Sunday: Pete Brock, a former lineman for the New England Patriots, put it best in If he picked corn on Sunday, why would he not throw around a ball, or watch others do so?

Six days a week they toil over littered desks or over heartless machines, dreaming of the game, longing for an opportunity to witness one, and then when the day of freedom comes the game is closed through mere narrow prejudice. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

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Sunday: A History of the First Day from Babylonia to the Super Bowl [Craig Harline] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The mere mention of. Editorial Reviews. From Publishers Weekly. Starred Review. Harline, an acclaimed historian and author of A Bishop's Tale, adopts a brilliant day-in-the- life.

Lay Reader's Book Reviews. Xns not sure 7 day Jewish week did not multiply equally into lunar or solar year because God outside nature so superior to pagan gods. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public. This site uses cookies. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them.

Sunday: A History of the First Day from Babylonia to the Super Bowl

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