Awakening the Universal Heart: A Guide for Spiritual Activists

Awakening The Universal Heart

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Awakening the Universal Heart: A Guide for Spiritual Activists [Serge Beddington- behrens] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 'I invite you to. Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Serge Beddington-Behrens, M. A. (Oxon), Ph.D is a transpersonal psychotherapist, a couples therapist, a wholistic life.

He met and studied as a monk under the Buddhist master Ven. Ajahn Chah, as well as the Ven.

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Mahasi Sayadaw of Burma. Over the years, Jack has taught in centers and universities worldwide, led International Buddhist Teacher meetings, and worked with many of the great teachers of our time. He holds a Ph. His books have been translated into 20 languages and sold more than a million copies.

They include, A Wise Heart: Awaken Yourself, Transform the World: A Practical Guide Chapter 8: The Animals Speak for Themselves Chapter 9: In his work as a spiritual teacher interacting with seekers and activists from around the world, Chris Saade has witnessed a remarkable recent phenomenon: He challenges us to rise to our spiritual task and join the millions of all faiths who are awakening to the suffering and social struggles of all living beings.

According to Saade, second wave spirituality holds a vision of the intrinsic values of love: Saade explores current trends of thought that are shaking the foundations of our belief systems and propelling us toward an evolutionary leap.

Samhain Sabbat with Bernard Alvarez

We are in the midst of a spiritual renaissance, Saade asserts, a universal reawakening that will steer us away from the abysmal global dangers we are facing. The book also includes a collection of quotations as a resource for those working for peace, justice, and inclusion.

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By dividing the selections into theme-specific chapters, Saade helps us easily access the wisdom and companionship of other souls committed to our diversity, our oneness, and our pursuit of justice. Contents Foreword by Andrew Harvey Introduction 1. The Emergence of Second Wave Spirituality 2.

Crossing the Threshold 4. A Response to the Escalating Global Crisis: Love in Action 9.

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Explosive revelations in the UK launch of Graham Hancock's new book. Evolving onward from the patriarchal template of spiritual warriors and their quests, former nun Thanissara explores awakening from within a feminine view where the archetypes of lover and nurturer are placed as central and essential for a sustainable world. They include, A Wise Heart: He channels a very high and very authentic energy, which is much needed in the yoga community today. I Am the Change I Seek. Spiritual Democracy as a Science of God 3. The Marriage of Sames:

Implications of Second Wave Spirituality for the Individual Practical Suggestions for Spiritual Activism Summary and A Blessing for the Reader Engaged Spirituality and Sacred Activism: Our earliest mythologies tell us we all start as a little bit of dirt. These stories carry a profound message: Chapter 2 shows how our current environmental crises—global warming, climate change, dwindling water resources, natural disasters such as wildfires and hurricanes—represent severe manifestations of our disconnection from the earth. Chapter 3 describes how the preponderance of oil in our culture—especially agribusiness—compounds this disconnection, from our dependence on other countries for our energy, to current issues of oil depletion, peak oil, and fracking, to the dumbing down of our agricultural polyculture.

Chapter 4 explains how the most basic building blocks of our nourishment—seeds—are being compromised with a loss of biodiversity and rise of GMOs, and how that adversely affects the farmers whose sacred connection to the land has in many cases been severed. Chapter 5 describes the ways in which we as individuals can begin to wake up to climate activism as a spiritual practice.

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This chapter includes specific activities that you can use to implement change and heal your own connection to the earth. A collection of probing essays and weekly meditations, this book addresses how to prepare emotionally and spiritually for the impending collapse of industrial civilization. Author Carolyn Baker offers wisdom, inspiration, and a sense of spiritual purpose for anyone who is concerned about the daunting future humankind has created.

But rather than showing us ways to prevent the collapse, Baker argues that the demise of our consumerist, corporate culture is inevitable, and that it is crucial to prepare emotionally and spiritually for the certain changes to come. Part 1 is a collection of seventeen essays which argue that while the collapse of industrial society cannot be prevented, its meaning extends far beyond tragedy and loss.

These essays ask the reader to delve inward and discover the limitless treasures of the soul, as well as the gratification and exhilaration to be discovered in joining with community in preparing for the future. In part 2, Baker offers fifty-two weekly meditations comprised of spiritual wisdom, inspiration, paradox, comfort, humor, irony, and a persistent challenge to create and savor beauty in the world, regardless of how bleak the future may appear. Instead of quoting discouraging statistics about our predicament, Baker offers a deeper perspective that makes sense of a world that most of the time appears psychotic or even surreal.

Through inspiration and perennial wisdom she has created a manual for making meaning and generating joy, especially in situations that feel hopelessly devoid of both.

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An ebook containing additional meditations is also available: By fully embracing and practicing this principle of interconnectedness—called interbeing—we become more effective agents of change and have a stronger positive influence on the world. He brings to conscious awareness a deep wisdom we all innately know: Above all, Eisenstein invites us to embrace a radically different understanding of cause and effect, sounding a clarion call to surrender our old worldview of separation, so that we can finally create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.

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