Holy Spirit Quotes

So do not be anxious about saved people going to hell because they do not have the infilling of the Holy Spirit. My church believes that you have to speak in tongues to have the Holy Spirit. Your church's faith as described is entirely backwards. It is the other way around: What should Pentecost mean to me? Pentecost is both a historic and contemporary event.

Historically, it first occurred on the Day of Pentecost with some persons being baptized in the Holy Spirit. They were believers in Christ before being baptized in the Holy Spirit. Today, Pentecost occurs again and again with believers who are open to receive it. History, thereby, becomes a living reality! How do you know when you have received the Holy Spirit? Do you receive it the minute you are born again? Do you receive it when you are baptized with water? I have been born again, but when people ask have I received the Holy Spirit, I honestly don't know. I know that God loves me and is with me, but I have never spoken in tongues.

In salvation, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within the Christian. In this sense, you have received the Holy Spirit the moment you were born again. Baptism in water is a sign of the cleansing that the Holy Spirit brings in salvation and new life. The reception of the Holy Spirit refers also to a further experience of the Holy Spirit's filling known as the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues is a sign of this having occurred. The basic thing here is the Spirit's filling for which you may ask as a child of God. For a full discussion of this, see my Renewal Theology, 2: How do I get the gift of the Holy Spirit?

Hear the words of Jesus: For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it shall be opened…. If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him? By persistence in asking, seeking, and knocking, you may be sure that God delights to give the Spirit to the ardent seeker.

How do I explain the difference in receiving the Holy Spirit at the time you are saved and the baptism of the Holy Spirit? I struggle with explaining this to people who insist that we receive the Holy Spirit at salvation.


At the time of salvation, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within. At Pentecost, there came about a later experience of the disciples being baptized in the Holy Spirit, primarily for ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit Acts 1: My husband and I have been on a quest with the Lord to see Him and know Him more. We have both received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. We both speak in tongues. What do you think it is?

Is it a language that only God can understand? Our church is in much turmoil and part of it is over doctrinal differences.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The pastor believes that all the gifts died with the apostles. Whom do we believe? We are reading our Bibles but still are not sure. We want to be in God's will. It is a joy to know that you both have received the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues. Speaking in tongues is a language known only to God.


As Paul says, "For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men, but to God" 1 Corinthians On the matter of the gifts of the Spirit: If you want to be in God's will, continue to seek all the spiritual gifts 1 Corinthians You will be blessed! I have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and I want so badly to serve God in my Presbyterian church, but neither of my pastors is at all open to the whole idea.

They have made it very clear that we will not have that kind of thing happening in our church. There is a group of people who all have had the same experience and have stayed in the church. We are all frustrated and have no idea how to proceed. Do you have any suggestions? The church has about members. Show yourselves all the more loving and kind toward those who oppose you.

So long as the pastors allow you to stay, reach out to them in a spirit of cooperation. Though you may as a group meet separately at times, do not isolate yourselves from the wider church family. By all means, do not give the impression of being a superior group from the rest of the church but demonstrate humility in all things. And may the joy of the Lord be your strength! Previously you answered a question regarding the baptism in the Holy Spirit and about how one doesn't necessarily have to be baptized in the Holy Spirit to enter the kingdom of Heaven.

How can you say we don't need it, when it's the most important necessity in our journey? Baptism in the Holy Spirit is not for the purpose of salvation; rather it refers to a special empowering of the Holy Spirit for those who have already been saved.

Enrique Holmes - Come Holy Spirit Lyrics

Being born of the Spirit is background and condition for being baptized in the Spirit. You are right about the basic importance of being born of water and the Spirit whereby we enter the kingdom of God. The first disciples were baptized in the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost Acts 2 with power to bear witness to the gospel. They had already been born again several weeks earlier John So the distinction continues to this day.

I would like to know if it is required for someone to be sanctified a second work of grace before receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. There is no biblical evidence for sanctification as a second work of grace before receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I am a "confused" Pentecostal. I have a desire to serve God, but I hear that to serve Him effectively I need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, or to receive a second blessing.

When you read the likes of Packer, Carson, etc. Where does a committed Christian go to find out who's right and who's wrong? I think you may find my three-volumes-in-one Renewal Theology helpful -- especially volume two, my chapters on the Holy Spirit. Also, see my home page on CBN. I've studied a lot about Charismatic theology as well as the Third Wave theology.

Do you agree with them or disagree and why? I have concerns about Third Wave theology in that it fails to affirm a distinct Baptism in the Holy Spirit. The emphasis of Third Wave is almost totally on certain gifts of the Holy Spirit. By playing down the power dimension, I believe that there is a diminution in the effectiveness of the gifts. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is more than conversion; it is an empowering for ministry. Is the baptism of the Holy Spirit automatic? Somebody used the baptism of Jesus at the Jordan River to affirm this, but I disagreed. What do you have to say? There is nothing automatic about being baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Years later, after His resurrection, He told the disciples, "You shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now" and "you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be My witnesses. Again, there was nothing automatic about this happening. The disciples waited and prayed expectantly for ten days, and as a climax to their waiting and prayers the Holy Spirit came in power upon them. So it remains to this day.

About Love Worth Finding

Every Believer in the Body of Christ, should be saying, “Hello Holy Spirit, I Need You.” This is a new saying that God, has given, unto me and it is so True. Hello Holy Spirit I Need You (Paperback). Filesize: MB. Reviews. Simply no phrases to spell out. It is probably the most remarkable pdf i have got read.

God gives the Holy Spirit in power to expectant believers to enable them better to share in the mission of Christ. The Holy Spirit is God. All the attributes of full deity are possessed by Him. He is also within the mystery of the Godhead a distinct person from the Father and the Son. As one of our hymns puts it: For further information, see Renewal Theology , 2: If as a born-again Christian you already received the Holy Spirit, why is it that some Christians pray and ask for God to fill them with His Spirit if they already have it?

Filling with the Holy Spirit is both a point in time action as well as a continuing experience. It can be repeated. Paul writes, "Be filled [the Greek word means 'continuously filled'] with the Spirit" Ephesians 5: Actually, there are never times that we do not need to be refilled. Therefore, you may well pray, "God, fill me again and again. Could you please explain John If they received the Holy Spirit at that point, why were they told in Acts 1: When Jesus breathed on the disciples and told them to receive the Holy Spirit, He thereby imparted new life and salvation.

This occasion marked the beginning of new life from the risen Lord whereby the Holy Spirit came to dwell within them: The command in Acts 1: The initial reception of the Holy Spirit recorded in John The later reception was to be a fullness of the same Holy Spirit, also designated as the "baptism with the Holy Spirit": See Renewal Theology 2: I have been dealing with this question for several years. I was taught that "speaking in tongues" is the sign that you were filled with the Holy Spirit.

And if you didn't speak in tongues you weren't filled with the Holy Spirit and will not be able to enter into the kingdom or heaven. Speaking in tongues is the initial sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit--based on Acts 2: However, this filling with the Holy Spirit has nothing to do with our entrance into the kingdom of heaven. The Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues happens against the background of the experience of salvation.

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For over nineteen years now, the Holy Spirit, has anointed me, to write things for God. I prefer the language of "falling in the Spirit. How is this to be explained biblically? I learned to continually pray in tongues, even though I never really understood, the purpose and real importance, at this time of my life, until many years later. Alle prijzen zijn inclusief BTW en andere heffingen en exclusief eventuele verzendkosten en servicekosten. As I was just thinking and just laying still, the Holy Spirit began to minister, some things unto me. Is there a difference between the Holy Spirit's presence residing in us and His presence as we may sing "fall on us" or "rain on us"?

I understand that speaking in tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It is also evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Can you be filled with the Holy Spirit without the evidence of speaking in tongues? Based on Acts 2: It would be proper to say that the Pentecostal experience normally includes being filled with the Holy Spirit accompanied by speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues is tangible evidence of being filled with the Spirit.

What is meant by the phrase "Grieving the Holy Spirit"? I have heard the expression "Grieving the Holy Spirit" most of my Christian life and wonder if you could give me more detail. The expression relates to Paul's words in Ephesians 4: Read also verses 29 and 31 for Paul's description of some of the words and deeds that may bring pain to God's Holy Spirit.

See Renewal Theology , 2: When a person has been saved, is that person "Spirit-baptized," or "filled with the Holy Spirit," at the some moment? Is "speaking in other tongues" evidence? Spirit-baptism, or Spirit-filling, may or may not occur at the time of salvation. The first disciples in Jerusalem had been saved see John Years later, in Caesarea, the Holy Spirit was "poured out" equals "baptized" on Cornelius and his household Acts In both cases, in Jerusalem and Caesarea, speaking in tongues Acts 2: Tongues were specifically said to be evidence in Acts Since then many people have spoken in tongues as confirmation of a profoundly spiritual experience.

Is receiving the Holy Spirit necessary to go to heaven? What sign must I look for to know I have received? Receiving the Holy Spirit is a frequently occurring theme in the Book of Acts. This expression refers basically to receiving power for witness Acts 1: Receiving the Holy Spirit is not for salvation "to go to heaven" but for those who are saved a special endowment of power to bear witness to Christ. Speaking in tongues is often a sign that the endowment has been received. In our present day, great numbers of believers testify that their speaking in tongues is clear evidence of their having received the Holy Spirit.

Come Holy Spirit I need You.

When does a person receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit who is everywhere present indwells those who believe in Christ. Jesus said to His disciples about the Spirit of truth the Holy Spirit that "He abides with you, and will be in you" John They had come to faith in the risen Christ so that now His Spirit dwelt within them. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit occurred at the moment of a living faith in Christ. What exactly must be done to be filled? I have been saved for about 8 months.

I believe in tongues and all other spiritual gifts. I have been told that speaking in tongues is a sign of being filled with the Holy Spirit. I have not had the experience of tongues. To be filled with the Holy Spirit requires a total yielding to God. The disciples at Pentecost who were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues Acts 2: The length in time, however, is not important but only the surrender of everything including the tongue.

Sometimes the laying on of hands, as Paul did to some Ephesian disciples in Acts For more on yielding, see Renewal Theology , 2: Are there any scriptures on this subject and what are your thoughts? Let me share a verse: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" John Almighty God Who created and sustains all things by His grace, in His power, and for His glory stepped out of glory and robed Himself in human flesh.

I will come to you" John God wants to indwell every believer with power, love, and a sound mind. How do I know that? Because God's Word promises, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" 2 Timothy 1: Jesus came to give you abundant life in the midst of Satan's attacks to steal, kill, and destroy. Are you ready to live that kind of life? Do you know why we get afraid?

Because we feel that a greater force is coming against us, than the one we have within us. We need to believe upon the Word of God that says says, "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? God is your strength. Do you want to have hope in the midst of crisis? Then, get a bulldog grip on God's Word that proclaims, "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: If a terrorist can scare you, he's won.

If the terrorist can make you hate him, he has won. And what did Jesus say about our enemies? Love your enemies see Matthew 5: Let me tell you the difference between love and fear. Love looks for opportunities to give; fear is self-protecting. Love thinks no evil; fear sees nothing else. Love causes us to move toward other people; fear causes us to withdraw from others. Love is the sign of a trusting Christian; fear is a sign of doubt.

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I want to challenge you to find people who are from a different race and a different religion than you and show them the healing, hopeful love of Jesus. What an opportunity to show the difference that Jesus makes in our lives! Don't you let the devil rob your mind of the wisdom of God. In Christ, you have all the wisdom of heaven at your disposal. In Christ, you have His smile of grace upon you.