In Christ: A Compact Guide to the Believers Identification in Christ Jesus

I definitely rate this 5 stars for content. The 4 stars is for my own personal difficulty getting into the flow of his writing style. Great information to be had in this short read. The author breaks down a christian's identity into eight succinct points, of which the overlying theme is that we are For more about that, you'll need to sit down with a copy and read on Jun 26, Allie rated it it was amazing Shelves: This is a great read for anyone, whether you've been a Christian for 2 days or 20 years.

For those newer to the faith, it is a wonderful introduction to your new identity in Christ. If you have been a Christian for many years, it is a great reminder of who you are in Christ. Feb 02, Emily Webb rated it it was amazing. Such a good reminder of the basic truths of the Gospel and as the cover says , our identity in Christ.

An easy read, not too deep or theological, but full of poignant and pointed truths that speak right to and encourage the heart! Short, accessible guide on identity for a Christian. This would be a good book for a young Christian to read.

Who Am I? Identity in Christ

Feb 10, Henry rated it it was amazing. Another great book by Jerry Bridges, on a subject too little preached upon, in my experience. Apr 05, Zach rated it it was amazing.

Basic, simple, refreshing truths. Basic, simple, refreshing language. Powerful, short, and worth re-reading. Mar 11, Hannah Sedgwick rated it it was amazing. This book was so amazing in explaining what it means to be in Christ. It really sheds light on a Christian's identity in Christ. One of my favorites.

Mar 03, Matt Crawford rated it it was amazing. We used this book is a discipleship study. Based on the discussions in the group, the new Christians saw it as helpful and it answered many of the questions that they had. Those who had been in the faith for a long period of time saw it as a great reminder of the truths we believe. I would recommend that this book is read and re-read with different color highlighters. See what different areas tat you focus on! Most importantly live in the Bible but make this one of the books t Short little book.

Most importantly live in the Bible but make this one of the books that you visit frequently. Jun 25, Joshua Ray rated it really liked it Shelves: How we answer this question reveals how we view ourselves, the world, and our place in that world. While we ask this question both explicitly and implicitly all our lives, it's an especially relevant question for college students and other you "The vast majority of believers do not understand what it means to be 'in Christ' and to find their basic identity in him.

While we ask this question both explicitly and implicitly all our lives, it's an especially relevant question for college students and other young people who are making decisions that have the potential to affect the rest of their lives based on their answer to this question. In this short book from Cruciform Press, Jerry Bridges gives an eight part answer to this question, answering from the perspective of what it means to our identity that we as Christians are "in Christ.

The Christ We Cannot Ignore

What does that say about me and my place in the world that God made me, loves me, and purchased me with his blood to be adopted into his family? Jerry distinguishes the eight facets of our identity in eight chapters: I can't think of anyone who can more clearly explain both the realities and the practical ramifications of justification like Jerry Bridges can. There are two plays on the word justified that may help us see this more clearly.

You can think of it as meaning "just as if I had never sinned" Bridges admirably tries to combat the notion that those called to full-time vocational ministry have some sort of "higher" or "better" calling than those believers who are not called to such positions. However, immediately after saying that those not in active vocational ministry are just as called to their positions in the marketplace, he says that calling to a non-ministry vocation "typically He distinguishes this situational judgement from the method of a minister's calling, in which there "is often present to a more marked degree a subjective element involving the person's perception of God's will" Ibid.

Perhaps he is simply observing rather than giving an imperative statement and perhaps it's more the current view of calling that many seem to hold that I'm really at odds with. Either way, this is a relatively small quibble overall. In summary, if you've never read any of Jerry Bridges' books before, this is an excellent distillation of and introduction to his writings.

And if you've already read some or most of them, you'll recognize and appreciate his distinctive, simple, and deep communicative style.

See a Problem?

Yes, God sees you as a saint. If you are aged in the faith and this seems like rehashed church stuff, this book is definitely for you as well. Chopra gives us the gift of knowing that we may walk in the enlightened footsteps of our brother, Jesus the Christ. Oct 28, Tim Augustyn rated it it was amazing Shelves: From the Hardcover edition. Buy the Audiobook Download: Basic, simple, refreshing truths.

This is a book that is an invaluable resource whether you're reading these truths for the very first time or you need to be reminded in a fresh way what these truths really mean. What do you think of Bridges' eight-part answer to the question "Who am I? Feb 23, Leon Porter rated it it was amazing. Very Good book easy read. Mar 10, Jon Stephens rated it it was amazing. In preparation for a class I was teaching on our identity in Christ, I read three books on the subject. One of those books was Who Am I? Bridges covers the following concerning our identity in Christ: Great use of scripture and fleshed out in a way that is easy for anyone to understand.

This chapter is perfect for someone trying to understand what it is to become a Christian. His use of Ezekiel He also gives a list of uncomfortably honest questions for self examination on whether or not we are displaying evidence of being a new creation. This chapter was very heavy on the subject of holiness and sanctification. This really is a powerful little book that reads quick, but carries a lot of weight. Reading the book felt like you were sitting across a coffee table listening to a seasoned pastor share from the depths of his knowledge and experience.

I would definitely recommend this book for studying the subject of our identity in Christ. Dec 30, Tom rated it it was amazing Shelves: This book might seem basic on the surface and perhaps dismissed by long time church goers, but I thought this little book was brilliant in it's simplicity. We live in an age where we attach value to complexity and arrogantly dismiss the simple things. However, when it comes to our identity in Christ, we should be careful not to complicate it. We may know the bible answers in our head, but allowing those truths to be lived out in our hearts is foundational to genuine faith and victoriously living This book might seem basic on the surface and perhaps dismissed by long time church goers, but I thought this little book was brilliant in it's simplicity.

We may know the bible answers in our head, but allowing those truths to be lived out in our hearts is foundational to genuine faith and victoriously living for Christ. The truths in this book should be learned, memorized and impact every aspect of our lives. The truth is that our identity in Christ fuels our spiritual growth, strengthens our spiritual stability, and causes us to move on to spiritual maturity.

If you are a new believers, then this book will help you plant deep roots in good soil. They construct a clear holistic picture. What is unique in this book is the way in which each section is embroidered into the overall metanarrative. With this book the authors will certainly achieve one of their objectives: The end of each chapter opens the horizon of the next, thus preserving the thread of continuity throughout the various books and distinct theologies. Words in bold type are further explained in a concluding glossary, adding to the pedagogical value of the book, which is written for undergraduate study or adult Bible study groups.

These essays are well grounded in solid scholarship. I am convinced that this book can be used by many other teachers and institutions with the same aims and objectives--a walk through the Bible that can serve to introduce the student and general reader to the basic story of the Protestant Christian Bible. The inclusion of a chapter on the religious literature of the intertestamental period illustrates how carefully they have seen their method through and, in addition, helpfully locates the role and importance of the Apocrypha in terms of subsequent New Testament thought.

This little book is a brilliant way to begin a study of biblical texts. I have heard students express the need for precisely this kind of preliminary overview before they engage in deeper biblical studies. I intend to assign this book as part of the first week's reading in courses that cover the entire canon.

Learning to Read Scripture's Story

Its theological, literary, and historical sensitivity make it a solid starting point for more deeply engaging the story of Scripture. With the Compact Guide 's thorough and succinct introduction to the Bible, [the authors have] developed a way of teaching about the Bible that gives readers knowledge and confidence to encounter Scripture.

About This compact, one-semester introduction to the Bible prepares students to begin reading the biblical text as Christian Scripture, focusing on the meaning of Scripture for the church. Epilogue Glossary Index Endorsements "This compact guide is a true vade mecum: Green , dean of the School of Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary "Those of us who teach Scripture as part of a larger theological enterprise often long for a concise and accessible way to present the whole scope of Scripture to students.

Bowen , professor of Old Testament, Earlham School of Religion "It is notoriously challenging to write a brief, thoughtful, one-volume introduction to the Bible, especially when one recalls that there are commentaries on smaller books in the biblical canon like the Song of Songs or the Petrine Epistles that run into hundreds of pages. Watson , academic dean and vice president for academic affairs, United Theological Seminary "Many Christians, from college students to laypersons in Bible study groups, need a quick overview of the whole Bible to better understand this sacred text.

Jones , bishop, Great Plains Area, the United Methodist Church "In a world where people go to war in the name of God and Scripture and where matters of law, morality, and ethics often lack foundation and context, a biblical people must master--and be mastered by--Scripture's story. But when we see the exhortations of Jesus as invitations to join him on a higher spiritual plane, his words suddenly make sense. Ultimately, Chopra argues, Christianity needs to overcome its tendency to be exclusionary and refocus on being a religion of personal insight and spiritual growth.

In this way Jesus can be seen for the universal teacher he truly is—someone whose teachings of compassion, tolerance, and understanding can embrace and be embraced by all of us. From the Hardcover edition.

In Christ: A Compact Guide to the Believer's Identification in Christ Jesus - Kindle edition by Peter Smythe. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device. Who I Am in Christ Pamphlet – July 21, When a person becomes a Christian, he/she gets a new name and a new identity in Christ. The Who I Am in Christ Pamphlet reminds what God has done through His Son, Jesus Christ, and includes a list of God's new names for you.

There is not one Jesus, Chopra explains, but three. He speaks to the individual who wants to find God as a personal experience. In this way Jesus can be seen for the universal teacher he truly is—someone whose teachings can embrace and be embraced by all of us. From the Compact Disc edition.

In The Third Jesus, bestselling author and spiritual leader Deepak Chopra provides an answer to this question that is both a challenge to current systems of belief and a fresh perspective on what Jesus can teach us all, regardless of our religious background. TIME magazine has described Dr.

By emphasizing the mystical dimension and identifying Jesus as a spiritual revolutionary, he invites Christianity to perform yet another miracle in his name- that of transforming the world once again. After 20 centuries of doctrine and dogma we have nearly lost sight of the Jesus who was a wandering teacher of mystical truths. In his imaginative reconstruction of the inner meaning of the gospels, Deepak Chopra reminds us of The Third Jesus , the enlightened master of God-consciousness. It will disturb the minds of the orthodox, and delight the spirits of mystics and progressive Christians.

Extraordinary Encounters with Ordinary Birds "An insightful and clarifying glimpse into the life of one of the most radical spiritual teachers the world has known. Chopra gives us the gift of knowing that we may walk in the enlightened footsteps of our brother, Jesus the Christ. Chopra brilliantly uses the sayings of Jesus to demonstrate how his basic mission and ethic of love grew out of his God-consciousness. The views Chopra imparts are definitely worth the effort to undertake this enlightening journey of reading and practice.

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The book is bound to provoke both admiration and condemnation which, come to think of it, the maverick Galilean rabbi also did. Ives, Executive Director of the Albert Schweitzer Institute at Quinnipiac University "In this book a man shaped by the religions of the East introduces the West to a Jesus we have either lost or have never known.

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That is itself a stunning concept, but Deepak Chopra is a stunning man. With profound wisdom and clarity Deepak offers the amazing suggestion that the same God-consciousness embodied in the human Jesus is present in all of us individually and collectively. Chopra rescues Jesus from the confusion of the ever multiplying schools of Biblical criticism. The book shows us how to investigate, in a new way, Jesus—the mysterious man with divine awareness.

Jesus comes into focus.