A Feminist with Faith

Can You be a Christian and a Feminist?

This is very helpfully clarified by Carter Heyward, one of the foremost practitioners of feminist theology, in a recent essay. Heyward, who teaches at the Episcopal Divinity School in Massachusetts, is the author of, among other books, Speaking of Christ: The Erotic as Power and the Love of God. There is an increasing awareness, according to Heyward, that feminists have been hampered by trying to do theology within a normative context that is alien to their own experience.

The his tory of Jesus and what the Church has made of him must be sharply relativized. The roles Jesus plays for us may vary, depending upon how we have come to know ourselves in relation to the Jesus story and Christian tradition. These new boundaries invite us to live passionate lives which are, by definition, redemptive—from a Christian perspective, christic.

A s Heyward understands the development of feminist theology, incorporating Jesus is optional, while passion is definitely not. It is sensual, embodied knowledge of ourselves as connected rightly to one another, in mutually empowering relationship. This need not be excessively troubling to feminist theology, however. It depends on what role Jesus has played in our own stories. The lesbian feminist voice of unremitting rage, to which Carter Heyward and others would give expression, is, as claimed, the vanguard of feminist theology; and that theology is, as claimed, determinedly radical.

That is to say, it is radical in its rejection of historic Christianity. Despite the heavy breathing of the literature, the so very familiar worldview of feminist theology is touchingly tired and tattered. Heavy breathing is perhaps required to artificially respire the rages and rhetorics of the sixties that most of the culture has long since left behind.

O ne takes wisdom where it is to be found, although it must be admitted that The Nation, flagship journal of the storm-tossed left, seems an unlikely source. Your editor has discussed the controversy in some detail Commentary, February , including why it has raised the hackles of some professional blacks. But now in The Nation Peter Marin expands on the questions the book raises about virtue and the political left. For the truth is all of a piece; it is what we must live with, like it or not; and its presence, no matter how it hurts or seems to destroy and make no mistake, truth always destroys , also heals.

The truth, Marin suggests, may even set some people free to recognize the reality of original sin, or at least the ambiguity of the human condition.


What could possibly warrant such a verdict in the so very permissive diocese of Newark? It allows you to affirm that your cat has a soul. It is published by the National Committee for Adoption Mrs. I have read bits and pieces of feminist literature and feel as if I am starting to understand feminism and it excites me. Reflections on World Hijab Day February 1, We explore the topic of modesty, the hijab and what this means to her.

Those who do not understand this will forever remain shrill children. What we believe or hope is that opinions, convictions, or praxis somehow make us better than others. It is not justice alone that draws us, inspires us. Marin has been around on the left and thinks there are larger lessons to be learned. This was clear in the s, especially in the supposed sexual revolution, when every sexual preference or activity was presented as healthy, or a social good, and where those who were not flagrantly sexual, or homosexual, or bisexual, were perceived as repressed and sick.

Each person, in relation to sexuality as well as politics, tended to insist that his or her own preference or idiosyncrasy was in itself a source of virtue, wisdom, or salvation. We seem unable to credit them with a concern for life, or a muddled love for it, somehow equal to our own.

Was Jesus Christ a Feminist?

Maybe King was not a good man. Some answers to that are: So the nation, and black youth in particular, are deprived of a model to emulate; so many Christians, and blacks in particular, feel betrayed by a pastor who contradicted in private what he preached in public; so cynicism about virtue, both private and public, is given a big boost. N ow our view is that Martin Luther King, Jr. But cutting through his life was a deep moral incoherence, a servitude to the commands of Eros.

Was Jesus Christ a Feminist?

What Peter Marin does not say is that King might more nobly have coped with his devils if such servitude had not been approved, even celebrated, on the left. S ociobiologist Edward O. Wilson, curiously enough, is celebrated by some who profess to be proponents of cultural conservatism and its religious foundations. Wilson is among the foremost champions of a rigid and dogmatic scientism whose hostility to religion might aptly be called rabid.

Morality has no other demonstrable ultimate function. Why, then, should some cultural conservatives be celebrating Edward O. The answer, we expect, is that there is a small sidestream of conservatism that is obsessed with the idea of keeping, as Wilson says, human genetic material intact. According to that conservatism, the traditions it prizes are grounded not so much in culture, philosophy, and religion as in biology, race, and good genetic stock.

This position is, in our judgment, as morally odious as it is intellectually muddled. On the other hand, in the continuing sorting out of political and intellectual alignments, it is perhaps useful to have some conservatives so publicly take their stand with such as Edward O. It helps other conservatives understand more clearly the kind of conservatives that they are not.

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The essential message is no surprise: America continues to be incorrigibly religious. Among the interesting points made by Gallup and Castelii, however, is that the unchurched are in important respects no less religious than the churched. Among those who do claim a church, there have been significant shifts over the last two decades. The Episcopalian figure reminds us of a question we first heard posed by our colleague Michael Novak.

Of course there is the important factor that Jewish identity has to do with both ethnicity and religion, and, for the majority of Jews, mainly with ethnicity.

Bringing the power of activism and sacrament together.

The number of religiously practicing Jews in the country may be smaller than the number of Orthodox Christians Greek, Rumanian, Russian, etc. Yet, very much unlike the case with Jews, the Orthodox presence in America seems to be almost invisible. Orthodox Christianity is hardly a blip on the American cultural screen, although on the world scene and in terms of theological weight, it is the major alternative to the Christianity of the West.

The most dramatic change of recent decades is the growth of Roman Catholicism. In , Protestants outnumbered Catholics by a 3. Significantly, the gap is even narrower among young people. Catholics are now the dominant religious group in America, at least numerically.

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Religiously and sociologically, for instance, the differences between Assemblies of God or independent Baptist, on the one hand, and Lutheran or Episcopalian, on the other, are greater than the differences between the latter two and Catholics. Those identified as Evangelicals are spread across denominational lines and have no common institutional expression. But that is pushing matters. The fact is that, for all their differences, Catholics know what church it is they think they belong to when they say they are Catholics.

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In public and religious spaces, groups will pray and bless, creating a space to celebrate the God given gifts of women in our parishes, our communities, and in the world. Marchers, activists, and Mass-goers are encouraged to carry hand held signs proclaiming their support of feminism in our Church.

I am a Muslim Feminist - Eve Ahmad - TEDxPasadenaWomen

More details and a downloadable resource with sign templates can be found at on this site. Catholic communities are encouraged to plan inclusive Masses that bear witness to the inequalities experienced by those marginalized in our faith tradition and society. Download and print the handheld sign see below , personalize it, take a selfie, and send it to us at debrose futurechurch. In your locality 1. Share with others using CatholicToo, CatholicToo.

Participate in an event or march already occurring in your community on January 20 or 21 and carry a sign that brings a particular focus to the experience of Catholic women. You can download a template for a hand held signs such as CatholicToo or Silenceisnotspiritual. Sign up to help in any way, email the womenwhostayed gmail. The Women Who Stayed sfxavier. It allows you to affirm that your cat has a soul. It is also agreeably "lite" on matters of sin and transgressions, with no tiresome Ten Commandments or other heavy prohibitions. I was surprised, thus, when Madonna first announced she was drawn to Judaism, since it is notoriously difficult to become a Jew, and real Jews seldom truly accept the converted goy.

But then the lady announced, further, that her religious commitment was towards a particular kind of Jewish mysticism known as the Kabbalah. The children's books that she has written are encoded Kabbalah messages. Kabbalah no doubt answers that human - and specifically feminine - need for spiritual enlightenment, and "the path", as eastern mystics call it.

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The word is Hebrew for "received tradition", and the Kabbalah texts are all based on ancient Jewish sacred lore: Financial contributions are usually part of the commitment of faith. There are those who express scepticism about Kabbalah's capacity for mysticism, since much of it seems to consist of down-to-earth advice about ways of living: Some think it endorses capitalism a little too warmly.

There is a lot of drinking of water - water as the essence of life and symbol of blessing features in all semitic faiths, including Christianity - and there is religious jewellery, like pretty rosary beads, which will always draw women.