Avarice (Pyrrh Considerable Crimes Division Book 1)

I'll definitely be watching for the next book. Mar 20, Paul Hancock rated it liked it Shelves: Avarice starts out being very awkward and out of place. A crime thriller that is set in some fantasy world is not something that i was looking for and not something that i thought would work. I eventually started to like the characters but i feel tha Avarice starts out being very awkward and out of place.

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I eventually started to like the characters but i feel that there was too much magical reasoning for how the crime case unfolded. Not the sort of thing that i could figure out myself since i don't know the rules of this strange universe. For me that means I'm just following along rather that trying think about, anticipate, and solve the mystery. Since that is something that i enjoy in a crime novel I was disappointed to have that taken away from me.

Also the reprieve at the end didn't really make much sense to me. There are more books in this series but i don't think I'll continue. Apr 15, Patrick Lum rated it it was ok. As someone noted below also named Pat, I believe , this is a fantasy police procedural that is not terribly good at being either. The fantasy is too low-key to factor into the storytelling much, being largely of a simple find-and-replace nature where guns are swords, drugs are poppies, etc, etc. There is an exception to this rule but it largely comes out of nowhere, without much prior mentioning or setup.

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The police procedural elements are also lacking, primarily because facts and plot points a As someone noted below also named Pat, I believe , this is a fantasy police procedural that is not terribly good at being either. The police procedural elements are also lacking, primarily because facts and plot points are kind of just thrown at the reader with little time to actually absorb or ponder over them.

The female protagonist is more interesting than the male protagonist, but jumping between the two actually may hurt the story more than it helps it because it removes some of the mysteries regarding each character. There are hints of a larger, more interesting world, but unfortunately the story doesn't actually take us there at all.


Still one of the better fantasy police procedurals out there, but still not great. Zhivana Nedrogovna moved from the Watch to work in investigation. Zhivana also has partner named Parshan "Par" Kouri, who lost his partner recently, and still grieving. The case they're given is murder but none of the pieces are adding up. They are slowly adjusting to each other but don't completely trust each other either yet. Will the murder be solved? Whose behind the murder? Can Parshan let go of the past? Will Zhivana be accepted?

Your answers await you in Avarice. This is a new to me author Zhivana Nedrogovna moved from the Watch to work in investigation. This is a new to me author. I must admit that I found the book very enjoyable. The characters were unique, flawed, and interesting. The title of the book is aptly named. This book is what I call a page turner because you gotta know what happens next. I will be definitely interested in more of this author's work in the future. Apr 03, Modrukinstealer rated it really liked it. I picked this book up after reading Annie's other series, the twenty sided sorceress and gryphonpike chronicles.

It's a good solid fantasy novel. It doesn't have the humor and gaming references that 20 sided does. The two main characters seem pretty interesting, the two non-human races seem unique and interesting as well. There's magic in the world but you don't get to see much, but what you do see shows an intriguing glimmer of possibilities.

Looking forward to checking out the next book in the series. Annie is quickly becoming one those authors that I can't wait for their next offering because I know it'll be something I'll enjoy. Mar 06, Bob Milne added it Shelves: An interesting concept, but the execution just didn't do it for me. What we have here is a typical police procedural transplanted to a 'light' fantasy setting. It feels as if it could have worked better as a more typical urban fantasy tale.

Overall, it just felt too thin for the material, without the depth of world building and imagination I look for in fantasy, or the depth of mystery I look for in a good police procedural. Originally reviewed at Beauty in Ruins as part of the Great Self-Publish An interesting concept, but the execution just didn't do it for me. Feb 14, David rated it did not like it.

Her urban fantasy novels are engaging and entertaining. After reading several just over a chapter of this, I'm sorry to say it's neither. It very much has the feel of an earlier book published once the author's name is known. The prose is clunky, and clumsy, the atmosphere and the races feel contrived, and the world-building throws new terms and definitions are you so fast you don't have time to care about the characters.

I couldn't be bothered to finish it. Nov 07, Liz Zakrzewicz rated it really liked it.

Very Good Beginning I save my five stars for truly extraordinary books, but this one is very solid. It was an excellent read.

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I hope to see more of this series. The pace was very quick, which I like. There wasn't as much world building as I'd prefer, but overall seems like a fascinating society and the glimpses of a new kind of magic usage are promising. I'm hoping for more extrapolation in a new installment. Aug 24, Jacob rated it it was amazing Shelves: A good fast paced action filled and thoughtful story. I enjoyed the combination of fantasy and mystery and enjoyed how the author brought the world to life around you while drawing you further and further along into the story. Feb 29, Robert Whale rated it really liked it.

Good intro to series I found this author in a collection of short stories so looked up what else she had written and found this series and decided to give it a try and glad I did. The whodunit part was pretty easy to figure out but the characters were nicely developed and the story kept my interest throughout. Will definitely search out more of Bellet's work. May 12, Lyndon rated it it was amazing Shelves: What a great mash-up. Annie Bellet is a solid writer, pacing an intriguing storyline while remaining witty and descriptive.

What a refreshing take on two of my favorite genres. Mar 28, Jery Schober rated it really liked it Shelves: Something sharp dug into his back and pain exploded in little red dots across his vision.

The figure ahead of him stepped into the light. Another sharp pain, then another, and Akil felt someone behind him stepping aside even as he collapsed to the ground. Sickening waves washed over him and his body started to shake. A shadow loomed above and he saw a dagger descending toward his chest. Akil put his arms up but they moved as though the air had become syrup. Fire lanced through his forearms as the dagger slashed his sleeves. The blade bit into his chest and his heart stopped pounding so loudly in his ears.

Still clutched in his fingers, the coin dug into his palm. He had his purpose here. Akil fought to think through the pain as the dagger thrust into his chest again. He felt the warm breath of the man above him but couldn't focus his eyes to see his killer's face. He knew why he was dying. Akil shoved his fist into his mouth, his bloody lips closing over the coin. Damn you all to Anunnaki , he thought as the hard metal lodged in the back of his throat. Darkness closed in over him, pain turning to cold, and then the cold turned to nothingness.

Chapter One Akil reached the square just as the second bell rang in Kassim's Tower and a light rain started falling. Let's get this done, no more games. How To Marry A Werewolf. Curse on the Land. Blood of the Earth. Kris Longknife - Emissary.

Avarice - Pyrrh Considerable Crimes Division Book 1 - StoryBundle

Blood in Her Veins. The Ascension Series, Books The Veil Series Books 1 - 3. Like Stars in Heaven. No Honor in Death.

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Will Zhivana be accepted? The fantasy is too low-key to factor into the storytelling much, being largely of a simple find-and-replace nature where guns are swords, drugs are poppies, etc, etc. Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Fire lanced through his forearms as the dagger slashed his sleeves. Jun 20, Michele bookloverforever rated it it was amazing Shelves:

The Path of Duty. Once Upon A Quest. Once Upon A Curse. Forgotten Tigers and Other Stories. Hex in the City. The Long List Anthology. Dusk and Shiver Remy Pigeon Stories. Magic to the Bone.

River of No Return.