Discovering Spirituality: Discovering Spirituality

A Beginner’s Guide to Exploring Spirituality

As you set time to consciously listen and open the channel of communication between yourself and spirit, clear the mind of your daily or repetitive thoughts, and be in a receptive state. Listening can involve listening for feelings, colors, shapes, voices, or simply a knowingness, an answer, or an insight. It is much more than just listening for words, so be open to receiving your answers in unexpected ways. Ask and make a request that spirit make itself known in your life.

The signs will start to appear in your world, whether that be through repetitive number sequences, a feather laying on the ground, a significant song playing at a timely moment, a coincidence or synchronicity. Be open to the little moments of magic and watch to see how your spirit shows up and plays along with your request. Understanding your uniqueness and knowing who you are will support you along your spiritual journey.

  1. The Art of War: A Comprehensible Translation!
  2. Discover who you really are.
  3. Max Beckmann: On My Painting (Artists Writings).
  4. .
  5. Ambivalences: A Portrait of Arnold Wesker from A to W.
  6. ?

Living in line with your biology and its needs ensures that the path of communication is open and maintained, and the more aligned you are living with your body, the more your spirit can occupy your being. When your spirit is occupying your being, and your heart is open, the guidance is clear. Your decision making and your knowing of what is on your path becomes clearer and simplified, and incredible synchronicities, magic and delight can fill your days.

Click here to take the 3 minute HealthType Test and learn about your unique body and mind now. Clearing your mind to be able to receive guidance is another pivotal step in supporting your spiritual path. The mind acts like a filter to receive messages from spirit, and just like a tap, if the filter is dirty or blocked, the amount of flow would be restricted. Take your free Mind Reboot here. In essence, the healthier and clearer our body and mind are, the healthier and clearer our relationship with spirit becomes.

When we step out of the way and allow spirit to guide our life, it truly becomes more magical than you could ever imagine.

There is a deep sense of relief in knowing that you are taken care of, that you are supported, and that you are guided. You life path and purpose become more clear, and rather than feeling weighed down or burdened by life, it can be replaced with freedom, joy and relief. Life becomes a beautiful fun game to enjoy, rather than a journey to be endured. Congratulations once again on taking this step to reconnect with your spirit. I know your spirit is celebrating you and this opportunity to provide you with the support and guidance you have been seeking.

Enjoy befriending your spirit via the free part guided visualisation series and we look forward to seeing you next week for the final stage of our Personal Health Reboot. Erin Kyna is a leading expert in spiritual healing and mind-body-spirit connection. She works with high profile influencers, professional athletes and her work is featured across many mediums including podcasts and airline meditation programs internationally. For more information on Erin and her work, go to erinkyna. I spent my days driving around the snowy suburbs meeting with patients and families who were grappling with the end of life.

I would wake up in the morning, So shines a good deed in a weary world. Candle lighting can be so much more than just a pretty glow or Ingredients Dates, pitted soft Medjool dates are best! Leave this field empty if you're human: Realizing our spiritual path is also unique In week one and week two you discovered your body and mind are unique, and there is no one on the planet like you. Learn to listen For some people this will be the process of prayer and contemplation, for others this will be the process of meditation, and for others, it may be walking in a forest or dancing.

Watch for the signs Ask and make a request that spirit make itself known in your life.

How our body and mind can support our spiritual journey Understanding your uniqueness and knowing who you are will support you along your spiritual journey. Click here to take the 3 minute HealthType Test and learn about your unique body and mind now Clearing your mind to be able to receive guidance is another pivotal step in supporting your spiritual path. These minute exercises are the main feature of the Intensive. Then, you and your partner take turns to say what you are experiencing as you contemplate. After five minutes, you swap roles: Talking with others in this way is not like having a normal conversation.

You listen and are listened to with full attention but what you say is never commented on. No advice is given, no judgements made. This provides a powerful foundation of security within the group. It gives you incredible freedom and promotes ever increasing openness.

The Intensive has a full daily schedule from early morning to late evening. Your time is spent alternating between the communication exercises and periods of silent contemplation. There are walking periods, meals, a working period and a rest period. These periods are essentially silent, other than if you are asking for information or guidance from the staff. The schedule is designed to build up a focus of attention and energy on contemplating your question.

These include no smoking, alcohol, coffee or other drugs. There are also rules which ensure that each participant is free to follow their own process. These include no touching and no commenting on any other participant in any way. The Enlightenment Intensive is a capsule spiritual journey which starts with thoughts and ends with truth; starts with intellect and ends with your very being; starts with games and ends with the explosion of every game, including the Intensive itself.

It is this combination of continuous contemplation and contact with others that is responsible for the speed and intensity of the process. And it is the extraordinary state of openness which results that enables enlightenment experiences to occur in a relatively short time. No-one can guarantee that you will have an enlightenment experience. In fact, neither you nor anyone else can make it happen.

It just happens all by itself, often when you least expect it. All we can do is maximise the conditions which enable it to occur. On a typical Intensive usually about a quarter of the group will have an enlightenment experience. But taking part in an Enlightenment Intensive produces a wealth of insights, awareness and new perspectives on you and your life. This is so irrespective of whether you have an enlightenment experience or not.

Interesting post for a variety of reasons, the biggest is the fact so many Christians are looking for something deeper than the typical Sunday morning show scattered with some moral truths. The communication element of an Enlightenment Intensive ensures that the process is very grounded. And you are looking for the right thing. While I am sure you discussed a male god with no ill intent, it is important to be aware of the beliefs we are perpetuating. Because of the important role it plays, you will never regret any time spent furthering your understanding of the Universe. Thanks for allowing me to share. Want to feel your practice really open up?

What a complete transformation has happened to me in the three years I have been participating on Enlightenment Intensives. Really — from wishing life would end to now being fully self expressive and passionate about every aspect of life. A single enlightenment experience is not a magic bullet which will solve your life and ensure your happiness forever. It is, however, a pivotal event for most people. It can resolve or eliminate certain existential issues once and for all. And it can stimulate a whole new sense of inner strength and direction in life.

Exploring your deeper self brings understanding. You begin to create the life you want. Discovering Spirituality is a guide to knowing who you really are. I grew up in a secular household. As a kid, I thought this was pretty awesome. I never had to go to Sunday school and I got to sleep in every.

And some would say that enlightenment is not about change at all, but about simply accepting what is. After all, whatever you discover in a moment of awakening already is; it always was and always will be. In a sense, nothing needs to change. But the knowing of what is does change something: The communication element of an Enlightenment Intensive ensures that the process is very grounded. This means that much of the progress made in terms of insights and breakthroughs can be carried over into your everyday life. Most people also find that during the week after the Intensive more insights are gained and it becomes clearer how to make further progress in life.

I have had my world turned inside out and upside down by truth. I have always wanted truth and this process blows me away. I can think of nothing else that has set me so totally free. You are not required or expected to buy into any belief system whatsoever. There are no teachings, no philosophy, no religion.

And the only prerequisites on your part are a sincere desire for self-knowledge, and an openness to the possibility that you can know yourself directly, beyond your normal thoughts and perceptions, at an absolute level. It is purely and simply about you finding out for yourself through your own experience here and now. So if and when illumination dawns, it is a spontaneous eruption of Truth within your own consciousness, and it is entirely a result of your own inner searching. Enlightenment Intensives are not for everybody.

They are indeed intense. But this is all part of what makes them so powerful and effective. You contemplate the same question for about sixteen hours a day, virtually non-stop. All your usual distractions have been taken away, so there is nothing else to do.

How to Discover Your Own Unique Spiritual Path

You find yourself revealing your innermost thoughts and feelings to complete strangers. You might have long lost memories emerging from your unconscious. You may also run into deep-seated emotions such as guilt or grief that have been held in for many years. You find yourself crying one minute and laughing the next. You suddenly see others in a new light, as your usual filters and projections fall away. You feel a silent love pervading the room. You contemplate your question but nothing seems to be there and you fear that you may be empty after all….

In short, taking an Enlightenment Intensive is a true adventure in self-discovery, one not to be taken lightly. Taking an Enlightenment Intensive may be right for you if any of these ring true: I would advise you not to take an Enlightenment Intensive if you are unwilling to look at yourself in complete honesty. Enlightenment Intensives simply accelerate this meeting. They encapsulate both the grace and the grit of true seeking and true finding. You cannot hold onto your ego and expect to somehow go beyond your ego at the same time. You have to commit yourself to truth.

And I would advise you not to take an Enlightenment Intensive if you hope that enlightenment will somehow be given to you by someone else. No-one can do it for you. It requires effort on your part. You can find some useful links on the Wikipedia entry for Enlightenment Intensives. I hope to inspire you with the very real possibility of discovering what such an experience could mean for you. My first enlightenment experience — this is my own account of what I experienced the first time I took an Enlightenment Intensive. Enlightenment Intensives entry in Wikipedia.

Since age four Ive felt as if Ive been alive for a very long time, like the passage of time an experience but none, or very little, of the essence of that time spent—more like torture. I tire of jobs quickly, learning but be stimulating or it becomes near impossible for me to grasp.

TO emphasize again, its like having been alive for a very long time but not being able to remember any of the details. Yes, I have fear, not not OF people, more like OF life like i just want to be vegetative most of the time—in other words not think. IM unclear as to why life seems so unbearable and why I have felt this way most of my life.

I just feel tired of life and feel the need for it to end. Im experimenting with music now and pursuing an english degree in college—am trying to complete a novel at present—but I also have, at the age of 42, persistent acne that seems to never go away completely. I am not happy at all maybe a little. Im clueless as to how to proceed any other way but painfully….. Thanks for sharing how it has been for you. It possibly sounds like the outer worldly life that most people pursue holds little interest or value for you personally.

Perhaps the monastic life is exactly right for you, and you are now at the point of your life where you are going through a process of choosing to let go of worldly attachments. On the other hand, be aware that the monastic life offers no escape from thinking — quite the opposite in fact.

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To find mere existence torturous for no obvious reason is unusual. I wonder if something might have happened at age 4 to cause you to back out of life. Its like you took the words out of my mouth. For some reason, I think that I have a lot more to go even if it feels like Ive lived a thousand lives. I seem to have qualities of several:. Also, I do tend to fight presentational tendencies in my performances.

I often experience periods of detachment from everyday life and depression like an old soul. Most of my thoughts are focused on love and enhancing my skills as a performer. I was a mature kid, but sometimes I think my present demeanor is me simply trying to make up for lost time.

As a child i was always quiet and always studying things, people have always said why are you so quite? As a Scholar, it is natural to see life as an object to be studied. Other roles see life very differently. Warriors, for example, see it as a challenge to be confronted; Sages see it as a theatre stage for their wit and wisdom; Artisans see it as a canvas for their creativity. But Scholars are naturally predisposed to watch, listen and learn, and maybe ask a few questions, which makes them seem pretty introverted — perhaps more than they really are.

By way of contrast: Some people are Intellectually Centered — they process experiences by thinking and talking, always trying to articulate what each experience means. The thing with Emotional Centering is that experiences are processed inwardly, like a process of digestion. Does that resonate at all?

Well yes that does resonate quite a bit i do have a bit of a introvert personality i do spend most of my time inside and researching various topics,. In my search for why life, what purpose does a failed life serve to any one, i landed here. Thank you for this site. Thanks for this blog and rekindling my faith that answers to life are there. So, I gather that: You perceive yourself to have so far lived a failed, worthless and purposeless life. It even sounds like every project you take on is doomed to failure? You perceive yourself as suffering for no reason, except possibly for reasons known only to God.

You believe you fall well short of the ideal of perfect enlightenment or self-realisation satchitananda. I wonder if you are perhaps setting yourself a very high bar — something most ordinary mortals would struggle to leap over. In other words, setting yourself up for failure. I have often noticed that those with Self-Deprecation as a chief feature would rather degrade themselves with negative judgements than do anything so vulgar as express pride in their positive qualities.

I have been guilty of this myself. Probably only a handful in any given century. Those who do are probably at the end of their reincarnational journeys, like Sri Ramana. Most of us, myself included, just trundle along each life in a sort of half-hoping, half-coping mindset, weighed down by issues and confusions, but occasionally rejoicing in our successes and awakenings and moments of love and joy. I get that you must have some prior and continuing? To give a little example: My whole childhood existence seemed meaningless. Years later, I began to consider the possibility that I myself might have planned to be born there, for some deliberate reason.

Now, looking back, I can see that my choice of environment and childhood experiences gave me the impetus to grow into a very self-aware adult with a passion for imbuing life with meaning.