Sick Can Be Fixed! For Teens: Im Not Evil, Im Sick.............

Can I get the flu shot if I’m sick? What if I have a fever?

These worries, fears and "bad thoughts" can pop up in the brain and might be hard to get rid of. People who have OCD feel they can't stop thinking about worries like these: OCD also can cause people to feel they have to do behaviors to feel safe from worries and fears. For example, someone with OCD might feel like they have to:. These behaviors are called rituals.

People with OCD may repeat rituals over and over. Doing a ritual temporarily interrupts the bad thoughts. The brain learns that doing a ritual brings relief. Pretty soon, people with OCD do a ritual automatically. They may feel like they can't stop. But doing rituals causes OCD to continue. The name OCD is short for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

OCD happens because of a problem in the brain's message system. The problem causes worry and fear messages to form by mistake. It also causes the strong feeling of having to do a ritual to make things safe. Scientists don't yet know what causes this problem to happen. OCD tends to run in families. Other reasons included feeling tired of the conflict or drama they could see unfolding among their peer group online, and feeling oppressed too by the constant firehose of information. Bielby agrees that young people are becoming more aware of the amount of time they waste online.

The fact that Gen Z have had their every move documented online since before they could walk, talk, or even control their bowels helps explain their antipathy to social media: Gen Z has an interest in privacy that subtly sets them apart. Amanuel says that the Cambridge Analytica story, with its exposure of widespread data harvesting, helped prompt her to get off social media, and many more young people seem to be turning against Facebook; on Tuesday, it was reported that the number of Facebook users aged 18 to 24 in Britain is expected to fall 1.

Some of the teens I spoke to were concerned about how technologies such as Snap Map — a Snapchat feature that tracks your friends geographically, in real time — were spreading through their schools, and mistrustful of the privacy consequences of being surveilled by your followers wherever you go. Teenagers are also educated about the ramifications of an offensive tweet, or explicit picture, as well as the health consequences of too much screen time. But quitting social media can create new anxieties.

Some are more sanguine than others. People find it hard to keep in contact with me. Others struggle with the fear of missing out. At times, he questions himself. Still, refuseniks such as Johnson may not be outliers for ever. In a world in which everyone is online, renouncing social media is a renegade, countercultural move: Morgan has become a svengali for classmates wanting to escape. Sharing helps others know they are not alone in their situation. Your story us worth telling. I hate my life!! I have no friends nobody to talk to or anything. I have a boyfriend but our relationship sucks so bad.

What am I suppose to do?? I use to be so happy and now I feel like crap all the time.

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Where did the old me go? Yeah I hate my life too. Is there anything you enjoy doing? Reading, for example, writing? These can all be a positive outlet and a source of distraction. What do you think about mostly? Hopefully one day you can share your experience with someone in your current position and help them to see that they too can create their own light at the end of the tunnel. Kick that negative inner voice to the curb and take hold of your future!!! I dont know if i hate my life or my mother. Basically i was pushing him out my life because of her.

To get extremely personal, ive turned to having sex with alot of boys because i didnt have love AT ALL growing up. Me and my only sister was separated when i was 11 so i had no one to look up to. I really needed to vent. I think that some of your dad giving up was actually his fault. My mother is also quite bitter, and verbally abusive. How old are you? You may not have to live in your car. I feel for you. I used to be fun and have a lot of friends but not anymore.

I grew up as a very serious child. My parents had a very tumultuous relationship, and expressed their dislike for one another as long as I can remember… Dad wanted a partner to help him in his business and understand him; Mom wanted someone to take care of her, let her get dressed up, and take her out on the town. From the time I was eight years old, I worked with my father after school in his meat market.

I was the only one of my three sisters to do so. My mother never worked outside the house. My father relied on me to help him with his accounts payable, wait on customers, and even do meat cutting after school. This transferred to the home, where I started to help with the finances. This was expected of me. Now, I am an educator myself, and at 52, I am caring evenings for my 88 and year-old parents. I feel great resentment that I am responsible for so much, and even provide a good deal for them financially, with all the stress they continually put me through.

My mother only approves of me when I do whatever she wants and dotes on her. Today, he threw down his metal cane in frustration. I am so filled with hurt and resentment. I feel so alone!!

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I also do all the paperwork for my parents and my disabled brother. He has been in and out of the psychiatric hospital numerous times, suffering from OCD which is exascerbated by all the fighting between my parents. I am so hurt now at age 52 about all of this. I keep wondering how my life would have been different if I would have been a bit selfish and actually lived a childhood. I am prone to depression and anxiety. I am burnt out and burdened, and I hate my life.

Hi Anna, Thank you for sharing your story. I think you are an amazing person to be so caring of your family. Maybe someone else could take over the care of your parents. Show them how amazing life is.

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I wish you all the happiness in the world. My husband is so malicious and will say or do anything to get his way, especially if he can find a way to discredit and slander me… believe he will. You deserve to live your own life Anne. Your parents let you down by not healing themselves and depending on YOU from such a young age. I truly hope you find peace and the freedom to live your own life.

By posting, you have shown your courage. Nobody can take away your accomplishments. I have struggled with drugs and alcohol, and depression. I hate my life too. As someone in similar situation, I will tell you what will I do. I used to feel for people like this, feeling guilty — not anymore. And I think after all this shit my life has become I deserve to be happy once again.

Just leave, today if you can! Finish your master and learn how to play a boardgame! And actually enjoy your life. Im 32, divorced and no children. In high school i had a ton of friends and no worries. Now im constantly bullied by grown women at work, one who happens to be dating my ex husband.

I have an awesome job, own my own house and an easy going boyfriend but i cant get over the past. Instead my husband chose to tell people that i had mental issues. Of course that woild be the only reason for a girl to leave. We only had mutual friends together which made it very difficult. The girls sided with him and i have 15min guy friend that chose to stay neutral.

It hurts to the core that people i considered best friends chose to believe his lies. I went through everything by myself including a miscarriage. I trust no one now and only have 1 friend that i became close with after the separation. I hate where i live because i constantly have to see my ex husband and his family.

I love my job but hate the cattiness of he women here. I feel like and can now relate to high school bullying. Because im tall, blonde, smart and successful now people have to find faults in me. I just want to be invisible. Im just so tired of being miserable. I just want to start life over. I can work directly with people for about 4 hours before I start having a breakdown and all I want to do is to be left alone so I can sleep all day. I cant even understand how people tolerate relationships… how can you stand to have a person around you so much? Cas, I can relate.

Being an introvert and having a myriad of other problems to deal with, have taken a toll on my life too. I have worked hard at a job for over 14 years, and despite being very good at it, I was never given the promotions that I deserved, and work only part time. I would have left except I had a major health crisis and no family support which prevented me from taking that leap. That health crisis took about six years out of the prime of my life, the time when people are supposed to be building their careers and their lives.

I worry that my life will never get any better, despite how hard I work at improvement every single day. I think what is especially hard as an introvert, and without familial support, I feel like I am completely alone, without any support or help which creates stress and anxiety on top of an already difficult situation.

I know exactly how you feel.. I hate always changing who I am to seem like a normal person. I enjoy staying indoors and do not like going out all of the time. I hate how we have to pretend to be someone else to fit in. I just work all week and then sit in my apartment all weekend, rinse and repeat. Ever sence her dad dies she has been pushing me away and it hurts.

It hurts really bad. I know it can be difficult, but just hold on!! Anna, not everyone believes in God, nor does God come down and rescue people. We have to do that ourselves, and the path is not always known. I learnt many years ago that you can only find true happiness when you find yourself and depend only on yourself. Back then I was in control and happy. Somehow I lost my way but if I could do it then I know I have the ability to do it again. I could tell you my story but there is no point because it has all passed. Only you can change it if you care enough about yourself.

Write a list of things you hate and target one thing at a time until you have changed it into what you want it to be. Take each day and do something towards changing what you hate so much. If you hate your job, minimise your work load by finding better ways to manager it, set yourself a daily task at work so you always reach your daily goal then switch off when you leave the job.

I loved your comments…. We want to know there is a brighter future.

I Hate My Life: Actions to Take When You HATE Your Life

Best advice on here Louise. Time to work on that list. We might not be able to change everything, but we can work towards changing what we can, and that is how things become better. Thank you, for the inspiration. I just want to run, drive until I can feel better. I know what can help me, although it seems not to work. I kept looking outside of myself. Then you just made me realize it starts with me. I need to want it. I have to start with ME.

I have to divide and conquer. Then tomorrow, a little bit more…. My mother died in a car accident 4 years ago. She died when I was almost at the hospital. My grandparents died 6 and 5 years ago and had dementia. I took care of them because they raised me my siblings didnt care and left me alone. Ive been manipulated and used by my brother for years until i moved far away. My father could careless if I were dead never even sent a card on my birthday.

I spend most of my days at work just to be broke after bills. I have no choice but to live with my sister who lets her disrespectful bum boyfriend do whatever he wants makes me pay rent but he doesnt have to pay for anything. Im shaken up by a bad car accident i was in 5 months ago. As I write this i have a UTI but i cant even afford patient first right now. All I ask is Why? Now his seven and I love him just as much as I do her. I raise her child like his my own bymyself, I clean the mess she leaves behind in our apartment, I make dinner by myself.

Even though for four years she never told me that shit!!!! God that shit still makes me mad! But because for no reason at all I love her so damn much I stayed with her, now on top of everything else I have to worry about that. Dang… are you living my life. But I really think your living my life. I just hate my life. Im 32 and i feel like a failure. I suffer from depression and anxiety and just recently realizing lack of self worth.

I dated guys looking for love all my life an never found it. Just when i thought i did i got pregnant again for the 6th time. Im realizing that he is lazy an he hasnt had a job since we met. I have no car or license because in someone stole my license an rented a car at some shoddy place an crashed it. State farm is suing me for dollars.

I was in school but withdrew an now i cant go back until i pay the loans. Im finally starting to change an it feels like its too late. Ive ruined my credit, my education, my chances at finding a real man. I dont know where to begin in fixing it. Everyone thinks im happy because i smile thru the pain.

I used to wish i was dead but now i just wanna live an try to make it better. I just wish i knew where to start. Ive tried crowdfunding to raise money to start my own company but that only seems to work for big people who already have nice lives an money. Theres no help or sympathy for poverty stricken mothers who need a second chance.

I applied for section 8 rent in hopes of saving money but didnt get a ticket due to the fact that it was a lottery style drawing for recipients. I know a man who got a section 8 voucher who has no kids but i have 5, am on disability and working for minimum wage an stillcant get one. I feel like i need a blessing or a break but realize life doesnt work that way.

I might be doomed to live in poverty forever while i watch all my dreams die. I really hate my life. I feel guilty because my kids are awesome an depend on me. They deserve a better mom who can give them the life they deserve. Growing up isaw life as a fairy tale ending. Now i see the cold reality is i might die poor.

Why Am I Always Sick?

Always have to watch my back. I ruin my credit and use all my retirement savings to live. You know, I used to be scared of not having no one to call when my car broke down. So let me tell you what happend to me. I left abusive boyfriend. But start and never look back, just move forward and doors will open. I wish you good luck. What do you want to study at college? If you had good results search for scholarships.

Remember there is always more then one way to do something. Can you apply for government grants to go to college? Call your college of choice and ask for them to help you get started. A year or so after we married, she said we should start trying for a child. Despite me being reduced to tears, arguments and sadness, we had our son I loved my wife, and if this was the price then so be it.

Finally, after the second child, I was able to get the nerve to argue that I should get a vasectomy.

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used by 'chavs' to state that somethings is good. Chav: Ooooo- dat new tune from Timbaland is sick man innit- brrrap! to discribe the physcial withdrawls the body endures while not using heroin. The user feels what is similar to a very bad flu which includes extreme body pain, fever, "i need my junk fix, im sick, man. You're not feeling your best. Should you exercise when sick or sit this one out? How to make the call.

Of yes, and now we have a dog, too. It means I sit in an office on my own all day every day; at home or at weekends I try and play the good dad; I have no friends literally, no friends. Similar thing for me. I felt like my options were limited or zero when I was young. I wanted to leave my country but circumstances kept pulling me back like a whip around my neck. For the next 18 years your life is over and then you feel old. And no chance really of getting one, with no experience except raising my child and working in menial roles.

I was always so ambitious and my school teachers told me to aim high, but how? Young because I want to live life. Now is it too late? I just want to live life. I have been feeling like I hate my life for a little over a week now. I can feel myself being so depressed, so much now that I lay down and cry and I have no appetite.

I am so unhappy, and the messed up thing is that I am pregnant. I am 6 and a half months pregnant and I feel so depressed. The other day we were arguing and he even denied his child. It made me feel so bad that I have been thinking about it non stop since then. He supports me financially, but I feel so alone emotionally. Iam tired of feeling lonely all the time. The people upstairs from me are always having sex, like times a day everyday.

Why do I have to be so alone. I am feeling very lonely too. Why do I have to subject myself to this boring ass life, why does my life lack passion.

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Also he constantly accuses me that I will return to my ex who I had a 13 year relationship with. I am sick and tired of it. I will be on birth control forever after this. I will take good care of my child but I just want to have some fun and passion in my life again. I will try to eat for my child inside of me I know it has to remain healthy. I see no end to this depression until I have my child. I have been tied down in two major relationships most of my life, and this one just sucks. I just want to find that same passion that I had in my first relationship that lasted 13 years. I wish I never left it, I never stopped loving that man and he never stopped loving me.

Before I got pregnant I was so happy with my life, I was never depressed ever. Iam usually a very confident woman, and iam sexy too. After that I am confident that I will be fine. Currently counting down the days, feeling absolutely miserable. I really liked this post. It was very spot on to how I am feeling. I barely even see my dad anymore and he was once my best friend. He was always there to encourage me and now I have no one. The majority of my days are spent alone either in the car, or sitting at home with our cat. Every week is the same, and every weekend is the same.

I forget what it feels like to be excited, happy, passionate, enthusiastic, or motivated. I may only be in high school but I hate my life. My parents are super poor and living with my grandpa for about five years, which my grandma died a few years back While I was home, which still scars me. My brother is the favorite child and bullies me, and my little sister died six years ago. But honestly I was a mistake to be born, my dad almost always hated me it seems.

When I was born the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck and they were unsure if I was going to live. The next day I dropped four pounds and was living in pain. When I was two and three me and my family moved twice and started losing money. When I was six my mom got pregnant with a baby girl but lost her, and I was still abused.

When I was seven, a boys mom accused me of sexually assaulting him, though the boy almost raped me and told his mom that I refused so she spread the rumor, so we moved. When I was eight I got made fun of and I ran away from home for a week, and returned only because I beat up a child molester who tried to pick me up, so the cops returned me home and told my parents I needed boarding school. So I went to boarding school for five years taking abuse from others until my parents decided to take me back to public schools because it cost to much, and I was suspended for defending this little girl who was bloody and beaten up badly, so I knocked out the bully in a punch and I GOT SUSPENDED.

So I went on and life got worse, but I was never a bad kid I just was never treated right. Kid, I take my hat off. I wish to be so brave when I was a kid!

I Hate My Life

Start planning your future cause in a year or two you will be a free woman. Choose a job that you will be good at! With this amount of courage you can achieve great stuff once your independed. Remove your abusive parent out of your life as soon as you can, but be smart! I bet on you seceeding. I epathise with you and wish I could meet you. But i guess some people really are that unlucky. My mum also has cancer. Just to amplify the situation my parents constantly fight which makes my mum worse.

My mum is more understanding. My three older sisters are intermittent about it. I go to university in England soon and the added stress of final exams and the pressure is near killing me. Im currently sat alone downstairs at 1am needing to finish an essay for my English coursework. But feel i am unable to do so as im emotionally unstable having argued with my mum and then sobbing for what may have been the first time in months. If I may ask, how are you doing now?

I also have severe asthma stemming from very premature birth so I know how it feels to constantly be on medication. I hope you are doing well and preparing for university. HOW do I do that at I married my husband out of school at 18 and have been married for 40 years. He is brain damaged not o that others can see but he is a kind of psychopath since he cares only for himself — he has ruined my heart for his much yelling. For a third of our life he was the sole breadwinner and now that he has to do it he screams me to death everyday.

There is no tenderness in his soul except for animals weirdly. I type invoices and statements and letters and why should i do this hateful work. I have rheumatoid arthritis and I can no longer cope. I live on a plot in South Africa where we live behind our own bars. I cannot do anything in this awful house because he sees everything as HIS.

They grew up under the table where I worked and I taught them values. But those values helped me nothing. I will die in a foreign scenario, never having been happy at all but for the birth of my sons. Please take time to reflect ….. I am an addict, and I go to meetings.

Dear ZeeZee, your husband is a deadbeat, your sons are old enough to take for themselves as I understood , just take the money and valuables you need you have a right to half and leave. You can still find peace or a new man. Just gather the courage to leave. I am on medication for bipolar disorder and anxiety. I can never find the good in anything in life. Basically I just exist. I have no one to hang out with.

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Can I know your age? Is bipolar disorder is curable? This is just a big labour camp people, and we are all just prisoners here. The only guys benefiting from we working our ass off are the guys that sit up there and control this game.. I am an introvert myself, just like the above person I locked inside my room ages ago.

But I was reading this whole time.. Now I am waiting for people to wake up and retaliate. I volunteered to work on Christmas and boxing day because I hate being at home. I always feel like a failure. Like Im failing at being a female adult. Im never going to lose hope that one day things will get better.

I tried to hide my misery but i think i gave up on that. The sadness is starting to show on my face. Messed up my life with substance abuse. Maybe try crying I have been able to a couple times, but basically just puffs of water come out, and I go back to being depressed. The system is designed to squeeze every drop of work and love and energy out of us and then leave us with nothing. Bernie understands that too, but the rich own everything including the once golden American dream. That got stolen too. We all have to organize and stick together in affinity groups and FIGHT BACK to make a liveable world, where ordinary people like ALL of us can get our needs met and care for a dying planet too, before it is too late for the Earth herself.

The abuse is ubiquitous and everyone alive, human and carrying a beating heart…is getting skinned alive. Look for ways to connect with other like-minded people and then never look back. Love to you and every hurting betrayed creature anywhere in the world. Teach yourselves different ways to make another world. It can be done. Richard Woolf, Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader are three excellent people to learn from about this stuff and much more.

And no one else can or will do it except all of us here and everywhere. I just feel like no one really cares about me like when im sad I go to my room to cry then I here my parents having fun and laughing witch makes me feel like no one actually cares about me. I feel so alone everyday trying to forget about it but I cant anymore. I could not agree more! Ok, maybe not because I just dont know where to seek for help in this kind of matter since I live in Malaysia.

Myself being an introvert doesnt actually make me felt down in the first place because maybe, just maybe I am unique in my own terms. Even my parents, despite already know my situation, could not solve the matter and instead force me to conform it. I dont blame them though, but thats how I got totally out of my mind.

They probably never understand the whole picture since they assume it as normal, but look, in my own perspective, it can harm myself at a long term if I didnt address this seriously. As they tend to be ignorant at all times, how would I seek help? Thats how I got depressed and severe anxiety, and I just wish I could escape the whole ordeal.

Oh the world should be a better place to live if no one determines or judging how we should live orwhat to do to fulfill their expectations. I am 20 years old but my attitude is like a kids. My friends called me kid. I am very much fed up with it. Well for a Good man like me that really hates being Single and alone right now which i am very much hoping to meet a Good woman to share my life with, it really Sucks Not to have a love life today.

I read this post and was amazed that everybody is going through something,we are not alone the best thing to do is love yourself and be positive and be happy. Why do i hate my life? The same day i moved out his mom told me infront of my parents that she had went to her therapist that day and told her if i didnt leave she was planning on murdering me, chopping my body into piece where no one could find me.

I dont have a car or friends. Actually, maybe you are not realizing how lucky you are. You have just gotten away from a life with a woman who would torture you your whole life, and her probably norman bates type son. N I have no job or license. Its really tough I keep positive. Yes money is nice to have but its besides that to keep people happy n to keep em going I never had anyone give me confidence or the encouragement to do anything productive with my life I always was veribally abused badly.

My dad died 5 years ago and though we had a horrible relationship, I could always count on that safety net when shit fell through. I was with a guy who was having a very hard time making his life right. And together, we changed it all. Left everything but my kids behind. But now, I have no family except for my kids, no friends, no job.