This is That: My Journey to the Holy Spirit

Spiritual Warfare: My Journey With The Holy Spirit

He will strengthen you in your weaknesses. When you do not know what to pray, the Holy Spirit Himself prays for you.

The Holy Spirit will give you the power to exercise your faith in Christ Jesus. Though the Holy Spirit dwells within your heart, a complete submission and attentiveness to His meek voice would lead to an explicit work of God in your lives.

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The presence of Holy Spirit in your life is known through the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The Holy Spirit also provides special abilities to Christians. They are wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, speaking in tongues, and interpretation of tongues. These are called the gifts of the Holy Spirit. When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

Father, I thank you for giving me the Holy Spirit to help me through my onward journey. May Your Spirit fill me and may I be a blessing to the world. But most of us reverse the scriptural order.

Are you just a friend of Jesus or his true disciple?

To condition the believer upon any feeling, or inward witness, is to frustrate the whole principal of faith, and to foster and keep alive the principle of selfishness and self-will. Such a procedure is as fatal as it is unscriptural. Believing is the one and only thing that pleases God. Let me share with you my personal story of how God showed me what entering into the fullness of the Spirit is. I was visiting some dear missionary friends of mine on their mission station several years ago now in West Africa.

My Journey With The Holy Spirit – Walking With God

Leading up to this time I had spent months seeking the fullness of the Spirit. I knew they had something I did not, they had the fullness of the Spirit. It exuded from them. It even seemed to bring a palpable peace to the very atmosphere around their station.

After lunch we all retired for a short siesta. During that short nap I had a very vivid dream. I was standing outside a hut. I tried the door but it would not open. Panic was setting in. I remember feeling excited and stupid all at the same time. I quickly put the key in the lock, the lock clicked open and I dashed in. The meaning seemed instantly clear to me.

The key was in my hand.

Create In Me A Clean Heart, O God, And Renew A Steadfast Spirit Within Me

Have you ever wondered if this is it? Is this true Christianity? Am I truly walking in the Spirit as God intended? Once, upon a time, Jamie and Kimberly were. I have recently uploaded my latest video which describes my Journey with the Holy Spirit from my earliest days in a Methodist Sunday School to.

I simply did not place the key to the lock, because I did not believe. I prayed and asked God to confirm this when I went to the prayer time. I decided I would not share the dream, but wait and see if the Lord would confirm by the words of my Spirit filled friends.

'The Holy Spirit Is In You' Bill Johnson

Sure enough, before we gathered in prayer, one of them said to me. I took this as the confirmation I was waiting for. They prayed over me and anointed me with oil. It was a beautiful time. It turned out to be for me a celebration of a new reality: It was time to walk by faith. He is already residing in us. We often do not recognize this because we have filled our lives with idols and junk and thereby stifled the Spirit of God.


He appropriated it to himself. Mine came after a prolonged period of wrestling with Scripture. Encountering the Holy Spirit. I continued watching Bridgeway sermons online. How to Be Present to Listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Six months later, we moved back to the city much closer to our dear home church.

We know practically nothing of His fellowship with us! We take God at his word by faith and prove it by experience! The Spirit of God is a gentleman He will only fill up what we have emptied for His sake. We are the roadblock, not Him.

My Journey with the Holy Spirit

What about you child of God? Where is the Key? The Key is in your hand…take it by faith, act on it by faith…. Not the other way around. God has promised the Holy Spirit to those who believe.

Holy Spirit

The problem is not that God is withholding, it is that you are withholding! Make room, cleanse your heart and engage by faith! Next time you pray, next time to teach, next time you preach- cleanse your heart, make room and reckon upon the promise of the Spirit of God. Raise up the mantel as Elisha did… raise that cloak up and strike the water!