Back to the Garden of Eden

God is out Father. He is with us at all times.


Every parent and teacher needs to pray to God for the wisdom to know the difference between discipline and abuse, then seek to always discipline but to never abuse. Because we are spiritual beings. Before we developed the capacity for recursive thought and perceived duality — before we became able to experience ourselves as separate from everything and separate from God. Now let several hundred years pass and you will see that the Earth has healed the damage mankind has done to it. Glynn, you are repeatedly referring to different scenarios within different contexts and seem totally oblivious to the distinction between the two. This would be a love that cares for all of mankind, no matter where they come from, or what they believe.

People who do not feel God, are those who have either never opened their hearts or have specifically closed them. This is what is wrong, what is right is doing good to others, taking care of ourselves, and striving to always strengthen our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Yet there is a flaming sword, which separates us from our home with God, yet it need not be.

Understand, the expulsion out of the Garden of Eden was not a physical expulsion, but rather a spiritual one. What I mean by that is that one has but to look at the world and one will see that God created a perfect world. This very Earth we are on is the Garden of Eden. Use your imagination for only a minute and picture that all the people of Earth have been taken to Mars.

Now let several hundred years pass and you will see that the Earth has healed the damage mankind has done to it. God created the world to renew and replenish itself. If mankind quite polluting we would soon find that the Earth can repair the damage we have done.

Now with mankind living on Mars, what evil is on the Earth? The answer is none. The world is a perfect place. Without mankind on the Earth, there is no hate, viciousness, prejudice, cruelty, or chauvinism. Why is mankind so different? Because we are spiritual beings. As spiritual beings we have the one gift no other creature on Earth has; free will! Free will is necessary for us to be able to grow as spiritual beings.

Yet it is this aspect of free will that allows us to go against our nature. Just as animals followed their nature, it is because they do not have free will. Yet mankind too has a nature, it is just that we have a choice. We may follow our true nature or rebel against it. Our true nature is not one of animal instinct, but of spiritual elevation. This is because we are the children of God. However, we need to be aware that the flaming sword still stands between us and the Garden of Eden, yet it is a sword not held by some angel, but a sword that we, humanity holds in our hearts.

Before we deal with that, we need to mention one more point. Jesus constantly told his disciples that the Kingdom of God is at hand.

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We must want to return to God, to join the kingdom, to reenter the Garden of Eden. But to do so, we must put down the flaming sword. What is the flaming sword that keeps us from entering the Garden of Eden, that keeps the Kingdom of God at bay, that separates us from God?

The Fruit, The Tree, and The Serpent

It is the flaming sword of violence. The Flaming Sword of Violence. The first weapons that mankind designed and developed, other than picking things up to fight with such as stones, sticks, and the like, were swords. Weapons were developed so that the fire of temper could act out its aggressive tendency.

Let's get back to the Garden OF Eden!

Good, defensive people had to learn how to use weapons to defend against the fire of the malevolent savages. Swords were tempered in fire to make them stronger.


As mankind developed the working of metal, an understanding of fire and how to harden a blade for maximum cutting power was developed. Forging the metal of swords became an art of specialists who could create blades that could cleave a man into. Yet it was the attitude of the people holding the blades that kept the fire in the swords. For the warrior who genuinely fought to establish and support peace, the sword was not wielded in anger or hatred, but out of love for the people whom they protected.

While there have always been soldiers who had that kind of heart, many of those who sent soldiers to war, or soldiers who wanted to go to war, have hatred in their hearts and fight from the fire in their souls. Did Adam Ride a Unicorn? How Long Did Adam Live?

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Did Adam Swat Mosquitoes in Eden? Will Adam Be in Heaven? Did Adam See the Big Dipper? Did Adam See Dinosaurs? Did Adam Like Steak? Adam and the Gospel Adam and the Genesis Road. So He drove the man out; and at the east of the garden of Eden He stationed the cherubim and the flaming sword which turned every direction to guard the way to the tree of life. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account.

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The Development of Self Consciousness and Morality in Genesis 2-3

Bible-Science Guy Debunking evolutionism. Will Adam Ever Return to Eden? Questions to Ponder Suppose men today could live for hundreds of years. Would the typical man become progressively more wicked or more honorable? Would he grow in grace or evil? What do you think Adam missed most about the Garden of Eden? It is not just being sorry for your sin.

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As the story goes, a flaming sword stands between mankind and Eden. This sword has been depicted as that which keeps us from returning to the garden. In one sense we never be able to go back to the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve lived in a perfect environment. They were both innocent and completely without.

To repent literally means to have a change of mind toward God and toward sin. It means agreeing with God regarding the truth of your own sinfulness. Repentance means not excusing your sins or seeking to justify yourself, but admitting, like David in Psalm The jailer repented when he turned from sin to believe in Jesus Christ. While God desires that you to have a penitent, broken heart over your sins, no amount of emotion or lack thereof will make you right with God.

You should be sorry for your sins and ashamed of them. He was saved at that moment, and his whole family was saved the same way. So salvation is a gift that is granted by God at the moment a person turns to Jesus Christ in repentance and total trust.

Being saved by faith apart from works seems so easy, and it is. Godly living comes as the result of accepting Christ as Savior and Lord. Do not depend, then, on what you do, but on what Jesus did and promises to do for you. Must one who accepts Christ by faith have a change of heart? In order to have this change of heart you need to be born again. When Jesus talked to Nicodemus in John 3, He told him that the only way one could be saved that person had to be born again.

Being born again changes your heart and mind, making you a new creation in Christ 2 Corinthians 5: Your are to simply believe on Him.

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  6. Did Adam Ever Return to Eden? | Bible-Science Guy.

And even this ability to believe, to trust, to have faith, comes as a gift from Him. Salvation from start to finish is of the Lord, and not according to your own merit, abilities, or power. Glynn, you are repeatedly referring to different scenarios within different contexts and seem totally oblivious to the distinction between the two. I concede that born again bible believing christians use language in a way which is not necessarily distinguishable to someone less equipped biblically.

It is essential to understand that for the born again christian it was absolutely imperative to believe the Truth before being able to understand the Truth in the sense that we must be born again spiritually before we are able to comprehend spiritual concepts. The above comment provides information on how to be saved and the necessity for repentance in that process. This comment discusses the benefits of forgiveness in the natural or worldly context.

You seem to be continually confused between these different contexts and for that reason I have provided you with this background information which I sincerely hope you will be able to use effectively in your own life. Forgiveness is recommended to victims of criminal behaviours and other traumatic experiences as a therapeutic necessity to facilitate moving on from what is otherwise a very self limiting reaction to the trauma associated with the inappropriate behaviours they have experienced Such forgiveness does not in anyway bestow salvation or any other form of virtue or gifting upon the criminal or person being forgiven.

This act of forgiveness is distinct from the forgiveness required from God to enable the born again christian to receive the gift of salvation as described above. That repentance is essential for salvation is addressed very effectively in the comment above on what is required in order to be saved. You are commenting using your WordPress.

You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Pastor Bill Randles Blog. This entry was posted in Uncategorized. January 1, at 5: January 2, at 7: January 3, at January 3, at 2: January 6, at 1: Is the tree of life mentioned in Rev2;7 obtainable in this life or the world to come? January 6, at 2: January 6, at 9: January 19, at January 24, at 8: Glynn, I will attempt to address your persistent concerns about the relationship between repentance and forgiveness.

In fact, it takes blood to pay for sin, for Scripture says: I do hope that you are able to differentiate between the two NOW!!!! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public.