Psychedelia Gothique

Psychedelia Gothique

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With sixteen journeys into terror including the odd detour into a different sort of madness Psychedelia Gothique adds a mind-altering dimension to the gothic tradition, opening the gates of perception, to demonstrate that fear is closer to the surface of our everyday reality than most of us ever suspect. All you need to do is shift your perceptions, just a little bit. In addition to award-nominated stories like "Fourth Person Singular" and "Memory Games," Psychedelia Gothique contains six never-before-published tales, including "Masks of Flesh" and "Touching the Screams.

Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Psychedelia Gothique , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.

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Nov 20, Mike Marsbergen rated it it was amazing Shelves: Sproule through the wonderful writing world of Wattpad. I've enjoyed his work, he's enjoyed mine. It's a great time to be alive. I have to say, this might be one of the best anthologies I've read. Up there with Stephen King's "Night Shift.

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The whole time I was reading this collection, I kept asking myself, "Why isn't this man more well-known? Nice Day for a Trip - Post-apocalyptic, weird-gonzo perfection Fourth Person Singular - Smartly written, unnerving horror for me, that says a lot! Labour Relations - Hilarious gonzo crime, quite capable of utterly destroying the fourth wall Lifestreams - Dreamlike, psychedelic, and weird. Metropenance - A scattered glimpse into the mind of a religious psychotic who's been given something else to dwell on Showdown in Kitschtown - Weird-gonzo fun about what those tacky ornaments are probably doing when you're not around Thompson making weird monkey love while Cannibal Corpse blasts in the background I'm not surprised this story was nominated for an Aurora Award Flushed - Just plain bizarre.

Short, snappy, and sweet Corrosive Agents - Love can be very toxic, given the right wrong? Exposure - One dreamy mindfuck after another Razorwings - As if Clive Barker dropped the poetry, and wrote a worthy successor to Cabal White on White - A masterfully blended blizzard of ideas which I don't wish to give away.

Bad Copies - This one does it all: Masks of Flesh - An alien invasion on acid.

Who's the real villain in all this? My personal favourite of the batch Original review posted here. Psychedlia Gothique by Dale L.

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They're still for sale if anyone's interested. Historical Accounts of Paranormal Subcultures. Sawyer — author of Flash Forward ; and over others. In the literary world, genre has always been a dirty word. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. With sixteen journeys into terror including the odd detour into a different sort of madness Psychedelia Gothique adds a mind-altering dimension to the gothic tradition, opening the gates of perception, to demonstrate that fear is closer to the surface of our everyday reality than most of us ever suspect.

Sproule is a collection of short stories spanning a number of years from his writing career. I really enjoyed this collection as a whole.

Sproule has a distinct knack for creeping into your psyche through clever use of setting and psychology in order to chill the reader. The stories are very skillfully created and written, offering a peep into a horrifying world, and then slamming the door on your face, forcing you to really think about what you just read while desperately wishing there was more.

While I understand the excitement and pride Sproule felt when his stories had been accepted for publication, the sentiments came off as boasting, and that actually really detracted from the overall book. The stories themselves are not psychedelic or even very Gothic for that matter — what they are are a selection of stories heavily rooted in psychological terror rather than your normal blood and guts horror. Sproule writes this style very well and each story left me wanting more, and not wanting to be ripped out of the world that he had just introduced me to.

Which really doubly rings contrite as a name for this genre already exists as urban fantasy. Its very hard to give a single rating to an anthology of stories to which I had such a range of responses. It didn't start on a good note, I'm not a fan of the high-brow, overly contrived style of stories like 'Nice Day for a Trip'. Even 'Fourth Person Singular', which I quite enjoyed, has these overtones that I find artificial and frankly unnecessary. And it kinda gets worse from there on out, a type of stilted horror that grates rather than frightens.

During 'Exposure' I was really wondering wha Its very hard to give a single rating to an anthology of stories to which I had such a range of responses. During 'Exposure' I was really wondering what on earth the point of the cinematic timeline even was, other than to convolute and obscure a potentially interesting narrative. It all changed for me around Razorwings. Not that Razorwings is in itself is anything amazingly different, its solid, engaging urban fantasy, but it read very differently to anything up until that point, and after that the stories just change.

Jun 28, R. This collection of short horror stories ranges from the traditional to the experimental in terms of writing styles. Not all of these entries will have universal appeal, but I loved the creative use of language on display. Sproule is one of those writers who achieves everything he sets out to and there are not many with the ability to realise their visions so effectively. All of the technical mastery in the world means nothing if you do not have great stories to tell and on this level Sproule par This collection of short horror stories ranges from the traditional to the experimental in terms of writing styles.

All of the technical mastery in the world means nothing if you do not have great stories to tell and on this level Sproule partially succeeds. My favourite was the second entry; a rather grim tale about a father subjecting his sons to awful torment. It was incredibly bleak, yet entertaining rather than depressing with the sense of atmosphere of a Stephen King story, but in some respects better written.

Sproule expertly maintains an element of suspense and mystery in this one and it has the potential to be expanded into a full blown novel. I have no problem recommending Psychedelia Gothique to intelligent fans of horror and those looking for something a bit different.

But here's the thing - I get the sense this is only the taste of what's to come. I eagerly await the next work of the author. Dec 04, Alexander Crommich rated it liked it. This made what were abrupt transitions particularly jarring. I usually got the sense that the bad stuff was happening simply because it did.

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There are a lot of readers that specifically seek out the kind of horror stories that lack explanations because they find the fear of the unknown particularly engaging. The best way I can put it: Some of the stories that were guilty of this: I consider myself a somewhat literate person, but there were quite a few instances where I had a choice of either grabbing a dictionary or forging ahead. I always chose to forge ahead, and as a result I could never quite form a mental image to accompany the text. Given a little more space, or simpler descriptions, I think the writing would have been more compelling and would have drawn me much deeper into the worlds than it did.

There were, however, some truly unsettling and engaging stories in this collection worth discussing. Do I really want to gain a rep as the Guru of Failure?

Psychedelia Gothique - Dale L. Sproule

My failures are a big part of the credentials I bring to the table. Because the useful and interesting part of this whole exercise is the climbing-back-up part. You may sit at our table. The Process of Writing. You might come up with a great idea, but by the time you gain the skills necessary to turn it into something useful and readily available, someone else will have done it first, and probably better.

Hard skills — from driving big trucks to brain surgery — are not easy to fake. Hundreds of thousands of us write on a daily basis, we are all taught how to write in grade school. Transversions and Everything After In the mids, Sally McBride and I dreamed up, published and edited a well-known and respected small press magazine called TransVersions: Literature of the Fantastic.

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Over the course of six years, we were fortunate to publish stories by new authors and established pros. Being one of the highest profile genre magazines publishing poetry, we received a wonderful offer from Governor-General Award winning poet and Canadian SF icon, Phyllis Gotlieb to become our poetry editor. Sawyer — author of Flash Forward ; and over others. Many of our contributors went on to great success Sallis and Sawyer were already well known , with books and stories being adapt…. The Trouble with Modern Media.

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