Temples of the Gods

Ancient Greek Temples of the Mediterranean

Each Greek community had its own sacred sites and temples which were looked after by priests. The temple of Zeus at Nemea was constructed in c.

Inside was a cult statue of the god. There were no sculpted decorations on the exterior.

Temples on Mars - Gods & Kings (Official Video)

It is regarded as the last of the great Doric temples of the Classical tradition. Sacred sites and temples were set up for the large amount and variety of gods worshipped in ancient Greece. The most important, though, were the Olympian gods led by Zeus.

10 Most Spectacular Ancient Roman Temples

These gods were believed to reside on Mt. Olympos and would have been recognised across Greece. Greek temple architecture was well known in ancient times and has become rather famous today.

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Temples followed a similar plan and were almost all rectangular with a single row of columns lining their exterior sides. The two most popular styles of columns were the Doric and Ionic orders. The temple of Concordia, Agrigento, Sicily. The temple, in Doric style, was constructed between and BCE and had 6 columns on the facade and 13 along the sides.

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Paestum Paestum, an ancient Greek city located in Southern Italy, contains three well-preserved Greek temples. Erechtheum The Erechtheum, located on the north side of the Acropolis in Athens, is dedicated to the Greek hero Erichthonius. The temple has been destroyed and re-built multiple times.

I was destroyed in AD during a Jewish rebellion and restored five years later under Roman order. Temple of Poseidon The Temple of Poseidon is situated in Sounion , on the tip of the Attica peninsula, and is surrounded by sea.

The Cult of the Crocodile

This list of ancient Greek temples covers temples built by the Hellenic people from the 6th Each ancient Greek temple was dedicated to a specific god within the pantheon and was used in part as a storehouse for votive offerings. Unlike a. Meet the Greek gods and goddesses on their own territory at these ancient sites throughout Greece. Visit the best Greek temples and sacred.

The Sounion temple is my favourite. Surrounded by the sea, white over blue, amazing especially at sunset. How about the Temple of Aphaea on the Island of Aegina?

Perhaps the most beautifully preserved of all the ancient Greek Temples? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.