The Codex Nuttall: A Picture Manuscript from Ancient Mexico (Dover Fine Art, History of Art)

The Codex Borgia

Charles Gibson has written an overview of such manuscripts, and with John B. Glass compiled a census.

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They list manuscripts for Central Mexico. Although these manuscripts were created for Spanish administrative purposes, they contain important information about the history and geography of indigenous polities. Colonial-era local-level Nahuatl language documentation is the foundational texts of the New Philology , which utilizes these texts to create scholarly works from the indigenous viewpoint. These are often are sometimes found as a single, documentary corpus, while such documentation can also be found scattered in legal documentation in individual lawsuits. There are a variety of documents, and include censuses such as The Book of Tributes c.

The Codex Nuttall: A Picture Manuscript from Ancient Mexico

Colonial-era indigenous elites also kept documentation of their properties and privileges, as part of their cacicazgos. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. University of California Press, General History of the Things of New Spain: Translated by Arthur J. O Anderson and Charles E Dibble. Monographs of the School of American Research University of Utah, The History of the Indies of New Spain.

The Aztecs and the atlatl

The Codex Nuttall: A Picture Manuscript from Ancient Mexico [Zelia Nuttall, Arthur G. Miller] on The Codex Nuttall (Dover Fine Art, History of Art) Paperback. The Codex Nuttall (Dover Fine Art, History of Art) [Zelia Nuttall, Arthur G. Miller] The Codex Borgia: A Full-Color Restoration of the Ancient Mexican Manuscript ( Dover . On the flip side, the pictures if studied carefully, are quite revealing and .

Translated by Doris Heyden. University of Oklahoma Press, Book of the Gods and Rites and the Ancient Calendar.

See a Problem?

Translated by Fernando Horcasitas and Doris Heyden. University of Texas Press , pp. University of Texas Press , The Mapping of New Spain: University of Chicago Press, Harvey, University of New Mexico Press, pp. The Classic Codex of Aus dem "Libro de Tributos" Col.

Birth Images in Mexica-Puebla Art. | Susan Milbrath -

University of Oklahoma Press Fontes rerum Mexicanarum 8. Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt University of California Press Households and Lands in Sixteenth-century Tepetlaoztoc.

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More According to the above-cited myth, after entering through the mouth commonly, howevfi: Selected Papers of the Cuerpo H umano e ldeolog ia , vol. EthnoLogical Sciences, PhiladeLphia, , pp. How bloody were the Maya? Search the Site type in white box:

University of Utah Press. Generally similar to such Mixtec manuscripts as the Codex Nuttall , the Codex Borgia is thought to have its origin ca. It is most probably a religious document that once belonged to a temple or sacred shrine.

One use of the Codex many have been to divine the future, for it includes ritual day calendars, material on aspects of the planet Venus, and a sort of numerological prognostic of the lives of wedded couples. Another section concerns various regions of the world and the supernatural characters and attributes of those regions.

Also described are the characteristics of a number of deities, while still other passages relate to installation ceremonies of rulers in pre-Columbian kingdoms.

  1. Bronco of 96.
  2. LabVIEW - Introdução | O Primeiro Contacto (Portuguese Edition)?
  3. Glory (The Old Florida Series).
  4. 7th Son: Deceit (Book Two in the 7th Son Trilogy);
  5. Browsers' Blog.
  6. Aztec Bibliography (Scott's Aztec collection as of January ) - Browsers' Bookstore;

Until the publication of this Dover edition, the Codex Borgia has been largely inaccessible to the general public. The priceless original is in the Vatican Library and previous photographic facsimiles are very rare or very expensive or both.

Moreover, the original Codex has been damaged over the centuries, resulting in the obscuration and loss of many images. In order to recapture the beauty and grandeur of the original, Gisele Diaz and Alan Rodgers have painstakingly restored the Codex by hand — a seven-year project — employing the most scrupulous research and restoration techniques. The result is 76 large full-color plates of vibrant, striking depictions of gods, kings, warriors, mythical creatures, and mysterious abstract designs — a vivid panorama that offers profound insights into pre-Columbian Mexican myth and ritual.