The Wages of Sin


Preliminary to a consideration of the text soliciting our special focus, we should reflect upon the material that prepares the way for its presentation. Consider the gist of the first six chapters of this inspired document:.

The Wages of Sin

There are three significant terms in the initial phrase of the text that must be explored. Sin is represented by various biblical expressions in both Testaments of the Bible. The word itself derives from original terms Hebrew, hata' ; Greek, hamartano , that portray the image of missing a mark or target cf. These words imply several things. There is a target or standard of spiritual and moral excellence at which one must aim. As fallible human beings, we frequently miss the standard , either purposely or through ignorance cf.

'The wages of sin is death' - the meaning and origin of this phrase

In either case, we sin, and sin condemns even if it is only one sin Jas. A rebellious temperament is the root of many a sin. Jeremiah once described the disposition of wayward Israel as follows: Sin is more than simply doing wrong. James expressed it in this fashion: David once petitioned the Lord: Several things may be said regarding this sobering text.

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First, the presumptuous sin appears to be in contrast to the hidden faults mentioned just previously. The former are sins committed in ignorance. Who could possibly keep up with the slips he makes unawares? These are sins nonetheless and require forgiveness.

The Roman Letter

Second, presumptuous sins are of a different sort. The original Hebrew term is undergirded by such ideas as the haughty attitude of one who is insolent and who scorns the sovereignty and authority of God cf. Brown, Driver, and Briggs , The conscience is not the final arbiter of right and wrong Prov.

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For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. For sin pays its wage--death; but God's free gift is eternal life in union with Christ Jesus our Lord. Holman Christian Standard Bible For the wages of sin is death.

It must be educated. Yet, in its proper place, it is a prized gift from God, and the Christian must guard against it becoming hardened cf. Here is an important point.

A clear conscience does not make a wrong act right, but a violated conscience can make a right act in its basic nature wrong for that individual. The Greek term opsonion is found only four times in the New Testament.

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The word suggests the idea of that which one has earned. Thus, morally it must be paid if justice is to prevail. It hints that there is a very high price tag attached to sin.

by J. Preston Eby

Before we concentrate on that, however, it is worth mentioning that the cost of rebellion against God has had even a broader range of consequence. Second, death signals that the spirit, or soul, has left the human body.

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The body apart from the spirit is dead Jas. All have sinned Rom. Hence, all will experience death Rom.

See The Divine View of Death. Spiritual death is the state of being separated from fellowship with God by virtue of a life of sin. Only by the process of the new birth can one be made alive again in the spiritual sense Jn.

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The second death is an eternal separation from God in that horrible abode known as hell. In referring to the judgment of the ungodly, Jesus depicted it in this fashion: The same state is called a death Rom. James spoke of the condemned soul who is rescued from death Jas. The first clause of Romans 6: There are five different words in the Greek Testament that reflect varying shades of meaning with respect to a gift. The word here used is charisma found seventeen times in the New Testament , the verbal form of which is charizomai found twenty-three times.

What's the meaning of the phrase 'The wages of sin is death'?

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