An Oscar For Kitty

Oscar (therapy cat)

Animals Death Posted on Wed Jul 25, Comments "Teno wonders if the cat notices telltale scents or reads something into the behavior of the nurses who raised him. Sounds like confirmation bias to me. Of these "more than 25", were they all as described where the cat didn't leave the person's side until the person had died, or were some of them a case where he slept next to someone who died in the next few days?

Oscar, the death-predicting cat

If so, given the population, if he were randomly selecting a person to sleep next to, what are the odds for his hit rate? Many cultures believed that cats were the ones who managed the passing of the dead from this world to the next. So it's an interesting story. We've known cases where animals can tell when an earthquake was about to happen, or before the big tsunami, animals ran off to higher ground. I've got 6 cats and sometimes the way they try to tell me something hungry, play me with - i'm bored makes me feel dumb coz I ca't understand them.

I'll tell you one thing- I wouldn't let the cat come near me, true or not.

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I think patients would be best advised to keep some form of small pistol under their pillows. Just keep on moving right past me Oscar is still alive?

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Cats often can sense when their owners are sick or when another animal is sick. March 3, at 4: If there is something else outside this range, that would be a major scientific discovery that has eluded thousands of scientists and engineers for years. Views Read Edit View history. March 4, at 4: I leave you with this very tiny bit of sweetness from Big Hero 6 which now I must see based on this clip! Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the human body give off it's heat when one is dying?

I saw him in a documentary recently Thing is my wife had that documentary on video from long before we got married. If he's still alive he can't have long left. Seeing as my cat, Nina, used to come lay with me whenever I was sick in bed I believe this.

She would usually sleep in my mother's room but if I was sick or not feeling well she would come in and lie by my head and purr. She seemed to know when things were amiss with one of the family members, she even attacked my mother once when she was going to beat me for something bad I'd done Sharruma, it must be a different Oscar, because this one is described as being 2 years old in the article.

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An Oscar For Kitty [Jaffe Murray] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Oscar is a therapy cat living in the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, Rhode Island, U.S. since He came to public attention in.

I think you'll find that is an urban myth. That would include sound waves, radio waves, visible, infrared and ultraviolet light as well as X-rays. So if Oscar can detect anything, so can humans.

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If there is something else outside this range, that would be a major scientific discovery that has eluded thousands of scientists and engineers for years. This of course assumes dead people emit some different kind of electromagnetic waves when they are close to death, which seems unlikely. I like his stoic arrogant look. What the hell is a cat doing in a medical facility?? Cuts costs I suppose. Couple of things regarding Oscar Megan as you are well aware Dogs and other animals have long been established as "good" etc.

The answer Megan is yes. Cats and all animals do not engage in the "vibes" humans put out ie: The point is that they are therefore emotionally "unencumbered and are therefore more in touch with things and vibes that we as humans do not pick up on. What do these movies have in common? The answer my friends is cats. Their time has come. Goes To… BC says: February 26, at February 27, at 8: February 27, at 9: February 27, at February 27, at 1: February 28, at 9: February 28, at February 27, at 4: February 27, at 2: February 27, at 7: February 27, at 3: This could easily become part of the annual Cat Fanciers Association Awards!

March 3, at 1: February 27, at 5: February 27, at 6: Those Disney movies have some great kitties in them! The Feline Foundation says: Based on this article, Tamar, I got some movie watching to do! March 2, at March 3, at 2: March 3, at 4: March 4, at 4: It seemed to staff as if Oscar were trying to comfort and provide company to people as they died.

Joan Teno, a physician at Steere House, clarified that "it's not that the cat is consistently there first. But the cat always does manage to make an appearance, and it always seems to be in the last two hours. After Oscar accurately predicted 25 deaths, staff started calling family members of residents as soon as they discovered him sleeping next to someone in order to notify them and give them an opportunity to say goodbye before the impending death.

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Oscar made international headlines in after the New England Journal of Medicine published an article about him by Steere House geriatrician David Dosa. Teno and Dosa hypothesized that Oscar is responding to the smell of chemicals released when someone dies [6] or some other odor emitted during death.

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CBS News consulted several animal specialists who had various hypotheses, such as that Oscar may be smelling some chemical that's released just before death and his attendance in rooms with that odor may be a learned behavior or that he's picking up on the stillness and lack of movement in the room rather than a smell. Some have argued that Oscar does not have an ability to predict death, and that this is a case of confirmation bias. As of [update] , it is believed that Oscar has accurately predicted deaths.

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